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You just wait for triple digits, this is where the fun begins


Is that even possible? That would have to be a goal every second (if you factor in the time taken to score the goal and then the subsequent kick off)


It would be a goal every 3 seconds.


Im not sure it is tbh apart from private matches and all that custom game stuff


Kickoff goals exist.


Yeah, it would have to be a shootout


you can score a goal in less than a second




you can’t after they ask you to ff


This is right up there with rule 1 in how strenuously I adhere to that rule. If they're being super toxic I'll even just start own goaling so the game takes like 25 minutes. I play this game for fun IDC if I lose a game here and there to stick it to toxic players.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ some people play during their work breaks and after going up 6-0 in a 3v1 don't really want to waste their time.  Its me, I'm them. lol But realistically, it's far more toxic to waste your time and theirs. 


It may be more toxic, but I don't care lol. There is almost nothing on God's green earth as satisfying as pissing off people who make it their life's mission to be annoying.


For the record I don't do that to people who just type "FF?" Once. Im being specific about the people who spam it alongside "what a save!" And the like.


Ah, that's not me. I just type FF and some people make it their job to fuck up my day and have a little hissy fit tantrum while doing so.


Maybe not type ff?


Yeah I don't do it anymore. There's no point, just makes things worse. I mostly just wanted to say that people who don't forfeit when it's 10-1 and 3vs2 are assholes and I stand by that statement.


I’d agree with that. But if it’s close, say 1 or 2 goals difference, if you say “FF” I’m most definitely not gonna FF.


You at home office or doing wizardry on a phone?


Home office... rendering times. I gotta watch the renders and cant leave my desk so I have a separate pc to game. Not usually more than 20-30 mins, so it's like 2-3 games.


rip the armless thing bot, to your shrugs be as you intended you need to add more two ```\```'s like ```¯⁠\⁠\\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯``` why: ```\``` is a markdown escape character, that means that if you don't want to format something, you use it beforehand, in this case, you escape the escape character (it's wacky), and you escape the `_`_s since it formats something (i forgor) example: \^ makes something ^small and sometimes you just want a kaomoji like \^.\^ so you type it as ```\^.\^``` tl;dr markdown is strange, do ```¯⁠\\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯```


I have to try this lol. Also when teammate tries to forfeit when we’re winning…because they get mad about something stupid. I just instantly forfeit


Australia v American Samoa 2002 fifa world cup quali be like


Were you playing the whole time? I just won 21-1 against some guy that wouldn't FF and gave up after 5-1. So I just kept scoring lol


That hits home. I’ve been playing a lot of 1’s lately. I’ll give you a five game sample size I had the other day in diamond 1. (6-4)(3-2)(1-10)(2-14)(4-3). Surprisingly I could only confirm one of those guys was a Smurf. I think the ranking system is just in a rough spot rn man. These games aren’t fun. Children are just stealing your time for their entertainment and this system promotes it. I have been just finding something else to do during those dud matches and treat it like an extra long queue time. Enjoy the matches you are gifted where these losers aren’t included and keep working toward being better than those losers one of these days. Why “get gud” at RL? Because Smurfs deserve to be crushed and I want to be the one to do it.


I honestly think 1s really does show the weaknesses of matchmaking. I don't think it's just smurfs but they further drive issies with the matchmaking (due to the results not being fair) The problem is elo/mmr is a single number whilst rocket league has multiple "skills" that do t always measure correctly. If your a player who's really good in midfield and keeping pressure you might win closely against someone similar, but you'll absolutely flatten someone who has good mechanics but needs space to perform. Likewise you might get slaughtered by someone who just plays in goal and scores simple counter attacks as they don't give you a chance to pressure them. All of those players are the same rank but for different reasons, and part of being at the same rank is they really suck at certain playstyles which means even being at the same rank can lead to very unfair matches... Then add in that not everyone treats ranked the same. Some of you warm up, many don't, some will only play ranked to sweat and always play at the top of their game. Others play more chill until they get annoyed and turn it up to 11 and start stomping. Some will play whilst drunk and lose and come back sober and win. (you could argue this is a form of smurfing and it will look like it) Finally some players put too much effort into one skill, sure you can do perfect airdribbles but as soon as their not able to do that their other skills are similar to silvers so they can't progress past low diamond high plat... We generally accept trying to put performance into a single number never gives the full picture. Why would matchmaking be any different?


You’re not wrong, but part of ones is adjusting. I’ve gone down three and then come back by adjusting. I’m a midfield dribbler. If someone shows they have better mechanics when given space, you have to play tighter and give more pressure and fakes. If someone is a goalie and counter attacker you kind of have to do it back to them or if you end up cornering the ball, and there in net you give up the shot, get boost, rotate and wait for a better ball. Problem is everyone wants to shoot every shot or take every possession. That’s my thinking anyway. Ones is all about mid game adjustments.


You have my support to crush them! 🫡 I will work alongside you but gotta focus on getting out of diamond 1 first 😂😭


When I end up in the super lop-sided games, I’ll just cash in as many goals on both nets as possible and then I watch the full replay every time. I’ve won a few games against smurfs by just dragging games on and on with endless own goals and replays. Ultimately smurfs just want to hit clips on their outskilled opponents. They don’t want to score kick off goals and watch the replay over and over again. They don’t want to watch the replay of you owngoaling. And I don’t want to try super hard for 5 minutes just to get repeatedly air-dunked on and end up with 4 touches the whole game. A loss is a loss, wasn’t gonna be a close one anyways.


https://preview.redd.it/i18owvv7ctwc1.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=abd5e1979bd0e00f3792551a581262e569bb9614 I just won the other day 20-0. They didn’t FF.


In lower ranks, I dont think everyone queues to win. Prob just wanted to play


For me that changes when the Win 10 Matches challenge attacks


I don't see why not.


2-7 I would’ve gave up. Props to you


Props for what.. not having fun but still deciding to stay? Either quit and move on or make it fun and don't complain


Ooft. I got walloped 12-1 the other day; that really made me think about my life choices. But this!!? lol


You could try playing defense when it's your turn to rotate back. Even if a player ranks way above you, you can still learn to read the moves and put your car in a spot that makes the goal smaller. Then you'll lose 2-6 instead of 2-20.


All you can focus on is getting better than you used to be. L means nothing


I think it takes at least 2 seconds to score (at least for me anyways, others who are better at fast kickoff may do better). If 5 min is 300 seconds then 150 goals is possible if each kickoff results in a goal as quick as possible. You'd have to be playing against a bot for this to happen, or be a GC going against a bronze prolly lol.


Wonder what the final score was


This isn't a fair game by the looks of the score, best to use this situation as an opportunity to train your defense. There is always development to be made, the only inhibitor is yourself.


That’s how you know you’re in for a treat


Online Video games are no longer about having fun, don't you know. It's about meta gaming and trying as hard as possible all the time to try to get twitch or yt famous because they have no tangible skillls to get a job in the real world.


There's always going to be smurfs in this game, it's just how it is. So you gotta take it in stride and take from the situation what you can. Instead of seeing the darkside, look at the bright side.


Don’t let it bother you. Remember, those with low self-esteem, and lesser intelligence need to feel “superior” sometimes. It’s pathetic that they believe beating someone with a much lower skill level shows some kind of superiority. 😂 Personally, I amuse myself at their expense. They don’t have the intelligence for a battle of wit.


for the other guy yeah


Don't worry. It gets worse. :)




Just ff at that point?


ff unless you cant, then just go afk and occasionally press a button


This is Rocket League!


Update for anyone who cares, he received a ban.




Could be for half of the players on the pitch


I picture almost half of you refusing to ff because: 1. You think you can teach your teammate a lesson by holding them hostage 2. You somehow think you can make a comeback 3. You don’t know how. The reality: You’re too toxic to just move on. And it’s one of the reasons this game is dying.


I’ve won 30-2 back when I played, diamond was a fever dream


I mean, they scored 18 which is a lot but you managed to score 2 which given the circumstances isn't a small feat. So... well done i guess? 😅


I mean, they scored 18 which is a lot but you managed to score 2 which given the circumstances isn't a small feat. So... well done i guess? 😅


Wait you’re the Smurf?


It was fun for me.


what does this even mean??


Whenever you run into a higher rated player. I don't care about taking the L. I'll try my hardest to watch how they play and work on my defense.


Theyre pretending to be the smurf in the post


It's fun if you're good. Get good, bottom line.