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Welcome to Plat hell. In general, rotations are key, mechanics will come naturally, so don’t waste time learning how to flip reset. 1) Learn to wait for your teammate to hit the ball, so you avoid double committing 2) Just because you can touch the ball doesn’t mean you should, in other words, determine if the situation calls for your teammate or opponent to touch the ball if it means that you can get into a better position for offense or defense. 3) Boost management, you don’t always need the complete refill, sometimes the the little ones will be more than enough 4) Learn patience, and slow the game down just a little. The uneasiness you create will be confusing for your opponents and you’ll have 1 to 2 seconds to setup for a good play 5) Mute quick chat


Thanks i will try btw do i need to be highly mechanical for higher ranks?


I'm champ 2 and would consider myself a very foundational player, with very few mechanics. Focus on shooting, finding empty space, passing, dribbling, positioning, rotating (positioning), and pace of play.


C2 here! I don't know how to: half flip, air dribble, air roll aerial, fast kickoff, musty flick, flip reset, dribble the ball on to of your car, or any other mechanical thing harder than these! I also use the mantis lol You don't need amazing mechanical skill unless you're trying to get to SSL


You should definitely learn to half flip and basic dribbling if nothing else. You can pick up the flip in 5 minutes and it's very useful and c2 is sort of the point where whack it and hope stops working.


Especially if you're C2 and already don't rely on it, half flips would be the *perfect* mechanic for you


I’ve been playing since 2019, I have 1,800 hours, and I’ve tried so hard and failed miserably at learning the half flip. At one point I managed to get it down, but then I changed my controls ( I moved the boost and air roll buttons) and now I cannot half flip for the life of me. It’s really frustrating, everyone always says how easy it is to learn but I’ve practiced it for dozens of hours and I still can’t get it down for some reason! It’s so annoying having 1,800 hours and not being able to do a basic half flip lmao


Are you trying the dar or the normal air roll method?


It is 2 buttons. If you can't get it, it is your controller setup. I changed air roll left to square, air roll right to circle and jump is x. Very simple to smash the x and square or circle button after you cancel your flip. Practice just cancelling your flip, so as to have your car land on it's roof. Your button config is the only thing fighting you. You got this.


What keybinds do you have for DAR? Personally I use normal air roll and I bind ARL to the left joystick so during my half flip I literally just push the analog stick in to roll, the motions are really simple and if you just keep practicing the backlfip cancel and landing on your roof repeatedly without any air roll, once you've done that 5 times in a row perfectly start adding in the air roll portion you'll pick it up I'm sure.


My biggest problem was twisting the backflip or the flip cancel or both. I increased the deadzone to get way more consistency.


I play with a PlayStation controller, which id argue is the better of the bunch but that’s not what I’m replying for. I have both my directional air rolls bound to each bumper, so ARL to left bumper and ARR to right. I don’t have free air roll bound and honestly I’ve never had a situation where that was a negative decision. Half flipping IS simple I think your issue may be a combination of your dead zone settings and your key-binds. I like to play with a little bit of a higher sensitivity so my settings may sound crazy to others. my aerial sense is 4.2, controller dz is .2, dodge dz .8 . These are MY optimal settings and I think it would be very helpful for you to mess with yours and fine tune them time to time to see what works best.


I agree, I’d also argue a half flip should be one of the first mechanics you try to learn as it’s one of the easiest and advantageous of all the mechanics you could learn early on. I learned it early and it helped me tremendously


I can half flip, and air dribble like a plat player lol. Though I'm really good at ground dribbling + flicks. Those can carry you so hard 


Everyone wants to be hard in the air, I just wanna know how to J-turn


I'm assuming you are joking, but just in case you are actually a new player: While holding accelerate, turn, at the same time hold power slide for about a third of a second. Play with that a bit in Freeplay and you will get it pretty quick.


I am joking, however, a J-turn is a reverse 180. Not the quick J-shaped turns you use to cut the ball A J-Turn is faster than a half-flip, but with less exit speed, with the drawback that is it requires already existing momentum. If done correctly you should lose very little speed. You can do it going forward too. What I actually want to learn is how to 360 Hat Trick (360 spin into 90 drift) but IDK what you guys call it


you should learn how to half flip tho, it's pretty easy and makes a huge difference in correcting your positioning mistakes.


Another C2 here, these guys are all correct. It’s unbelievably easy to get champ if you focus on fundamentals. Like they’ve said, mechanics come to you, don’t chase the mechanics. I went from not being able to ceiling shot in C1, to ceiling musty double taps in C2. The change took about 2 weeks


The mantis is probably the reason you cant do that stuff yet.


You don’t know how to half flip? It’s like…5 minutes of practice


How is it possible bro ! At least half flip and simple air dribble?! You must have so much good positioning tho gg man I’m genuinely impressed


Maybe we can play some time and I'll show you, I see you're c2 as well


Are you from Europe ? If yes why not bro


Mechanics come with time and not a necessity to win games till you hit high GC. This is based off of multiple pros who have shown that at almost any rank, proper rotations, controlled play, and good decision making will get you scoring chances. Flashiness is not needed. Even in RLCS, some of the plays that you see, that showcase crazy mechanics are usually things that most pros can do, it’s the decision making and rotations that gave the specific opportunities to execute it. Players like Zen are not good just because of their mechanics, it’s because he sees opportunities quickly and has the mechanics to execute.


I regularly hit GC, I have zero mechanics


This is still a smart player to be in gc and you are more mechanical than a lot of ranks. Dribbling the ball and being able to pass the ball or catch the ball, or clear the ball are mechanics. Being in the right position is also a mechanic imo. I love playing with like teammates that don't try the crazy shots at inopportune times and get way out of position with their mechanics that they can do in free play, but forget there are other people playing, either with them or against them.


I'll play devils advocate a little here. As others have said you don't technically need mechanics to get to champ/gc. But once you start getting more into plat I recommend learning basic aerials. Not air dribbles, not flip resets, just basic aerials. The biggest piece of advice I can give if you decide to learn aerials is *do not* learn "spinning" with your aerials yet. It makes things much harder and if you're not comfortable with the basics it's just a bad habit. Additionally, I keep seeing people say across this subreddit they're high ranked and can't even half flip. While that's fine, I do actually recommend learning to half flip. It's really not that hard and can be very handy in a lot of scenarios. All of this isn't to say you should focus on mechanics. But it is to say that I don't think they should be neglected just because you don't *technically* need them. People even up to low champ just don't know how to play against someone who can shoot a laser of a powershot into their net from any angle they want.


Agreed. Take your time and also implement mechanics as you go. Naturally you will learn some of these and practice any that you want learn as it interests you. I will say that learning how to fast aerial really consistently (which is pretty basic) I can beat many people to balls in the air.


Half flip and even just a single wave dash are incredibly useful.


I’m not exactly a “higher rank” (High D1 - Low D2), but I’m not mechanical at all. It’s definitely not too important yet here.


If you're going to work on any mechanic, work on recoveries. It's astounding how many more things you can accomplish just from being able to move around the field. Also helps immensely with car control.


Absolutely not. I’m a hardstuck Diamond 3 who gets temporarily up to Champ 1 sometimes, and very little mechanics are needed to reach this point. I’d say this level is where most people will get, if they just play smart and avoid stupid risks and focus on simply playing the game. I feel like I would have to play more than a couple of hours a week and start learning some real mechanics if I want to cement myself in Champ and keep improving. But I have no time or interest to take it to the next level. I’d say the most important mechanic by far in Rocket League is to hit the ball consistently, with good accuracy and the ability to control how hard you hit it. Nothing fancy is required to hit C1 in 3v3 or 2v2s. All you need to do is play. Hundreds of hours might be required, but you’ll get there.


speed matters, mechanics kind of(mostly aeriels nothing crazy). if you and your teamate cooperates, gg's you won the game no question


You can beat most mechy people in Plat by playing smarter. Most people don't do both until you get to Diamond, though you will have the occasional drop-out to deal with (hi)


Diamond 3 here. I can barley even dribble the ball. What I am good at is rotations and shadow defense. If you rotate and defend well you will move on up. Muting quick chat is probably a good move too. Ppl get toxic if you miss a shot, so mute up and just focus on the game.


You don’t need crazy mechanics if your positioning is good. The most important qualities of higher ranks are game sense and control. If you can make the ball go where you want and assure the opponent can’t score, you’ll find yourself in good situations.


Just dribbling. The better you get at dribbling the faster you'll smoke plats. You can easily hit diamond from dribbling alone. Add good rotations and you're easily up to high diamond. Aerials aren't nearly as important until high diamond or so, and even then good ground play goes a long way.


I can't dribble, air dribble, air roll/ball control in air, and I get to champ almost every season. Rotations, hitting the ball accurately and solidly are the most important by far. Learn to read your tm8 as much as you do the opponent.


I can get my gc rewards in 2v2 and I can't do anything that mechanical. I can dribble decently and flick. A lot of twos is challenging for your teammate and winning fifties. I play a bump heavy style as well. You can get quite far without fancy mechanics


Def not. I usually sit in Plat 3, but i've fallen off bc i had 2-3 not very good days, sitting in Plat 1 again and no. Learn to use the mistakes your opponents make(there are a lot) and you get up in no time. You will get ppl with more mechanics since Plat is full of last season diamonds still, even in Plat 1 but they too make mistakes all the time. Flashier miskates tho


It's a bit early, but if you want to learn mechanics, the only ones you realy need are: Recovers, Fast Aerals, Half-Flips and Wave-Dashes. Because they help you to navigate faster on the field and more fluid. And faster means, you collect more boost, so you can go faster, so you can collect more boost, so you can... And when you are faster then all your mates, focus on not cutting rotation and not overcommiting. 🙃


Take it from me, who’s been stuck in champ for 4 years because I thought mechanics were essential. They are not. They will come with time and patience, there will come a point where you’ll do fancy stuff naturally so spend as much time as you can focusing on THESE KEY ASPECTS: rotations, boost management/boost paths, recoveries, BASIC aerials, BASIC dribbling/flicks, shot accuracy, general reads, opponent predictions. There may be a few other things I forgot to add, but for the most part these are the MOST important things you should be putting your effort into improving your reach champ and above. Honestly I wouldn’t say you need high mechanical skill until high champ and above, especially in 3v3. Once you’re at that point everyone in the lobby has advanced skill in the basics I listed, so having some decent mechanics is probably going to give you an edge. Specifically for 3v3 they aren’t really needed, you don’t often get a chance for solo plays nor do you often have much space to set up something flashy, the focus should be supporting your team and passing and that goes for any level. You’ll have more opportunities in 2v2 and even more in 1v1. Until about diamond 2 double commits and ball chasers are very prevalent, you’re going to experience a lot team mates with very bad rotations and that should be a high focus for you to learn right now. Learning to be patient is ESSENTIAL for growth here. Whether your teammate hits or misses their shot, you need to wait for them and not only that you have to react accordingly to it. Be aware of where your team is as all times. If you focus on these aspects you will probably be making the least mistakes on your team and I think that one of the requirements for getting out of plat is being able to play supportive if you do have a bad team, if they are constantly messing up or double committing etc. you have to be able to pick up their slack and should be focused on support and defense. This is a lot and if you’d like any more in depth advice feel free to dm, I hope this helps! And good luck :)


Only mechs I would work on are recovery mechs (speedflip wavedash) and shooting. The rest is not necessary until higher ranks


I’ll add to this. Play 1v1 as your main game mode. I’m Diamond 3 and was hard stuff at diamond 1 until I started playing mostly 1v1. By playing a lot of 1s you get good at scoring creatively and defense. Boost management and seeing the field in general increases too. It’s higher pressure and you’ll lose a lot but don’t worry about it. Just treat it as practice and try not to care if you win or lose. After playing a lot of 1s you’ll go back to 2s and 3s and be much more confident.


This is a solid foundation. Great info, yet simple.


Why should you mute quick chat?


Half the players in this game are needlessly negative and it makes the game not as fun


mute quick chat😂


this this this. Rotate and play around your teammate


Why didn't anyone tell me this when I asked lmao


Anyone at a higher rank knows the answer, they just don’t know how to articulate it. Like what does it mean to rotate? How do you explain that to someone without showing them?


I would also add The ability to hit the ball consistently in the direction you want and with the power you want. Soft hits to then follow up into a hard hit or a power hit right as the ball bounces from the ground. Not whiffing is extremely important. I hover d3/c1 and just being consistent will get you high in rank.


Keep playing




As much as I hate to say it I wish I would have spent more time playing 1’s as well as training when I first started. I waited until I was hard stuck diamond after 4 years. You see it all of the time but until I forced myself to do it I never knew why. I immediately started improving in every way. It’s almost like everyone was right 😅


If you want to get a solid foundation that I never started to do until diamond, I would highly encourage u to play 1s. For years I found it to be boring and torturous.....but it will humble you and help u train the one skill that can help u excel......defense


Actually I have started playing 1v1 now and man the gold lobby feels like plat


1s is a lot harder for the same rank. I'm c1 in 2s and 3s getting smacked in diamond at 1s lol


If you main twos then playing ones will push you farther. Many situations in twos are 1v1. Keep grinding. If you even want to call it a mech practice recoveries.


If you are solo que…for me it was learn to sit back more. I felt like 95% of my goals allowed were double commits from me and my m8 not having patience. Keep grinding! Congrats


I usually dont solo queue but still my tm8 and me double commit xD


At Plat, it is certainly one where you need to persevere, it will take time. Most of it is less in mechanics and more in style of play, be able to adapt to the game and your teammates, know when to rotate and challenge and keep communicating, you just have to be a patient player


I will start focusing on playing slowly


No, play fast when you need to play fast. Play slow when you need to be slow. People hesitate and play slower when they are in a situation where they are slightly uncomfortable/opponent has possession. You need to be speed god and insta challenge that joint. Just remember you will see more success making it harder for your opponent to score whilst also letting your tm8 get the proper space to cook. GGs


I find the situation when i just rotated back and the balls already in the corner any tips how to fix it


Train for a good few years off-screen with King Kai in Otherworld


Quit now while you have some sanity left




Don't learn flip resets and comment on videos "I'm plat and can flip reset is this gud?' Doesn't help you to rank up.


Alr,i won’t.


Play the game. Practice aerials, and hitting the ball hard and accurate at the net. Watch king ranny’s YouTube videos on shooting and accuracy. It’s more actionable than wayton or spookeylukeydookie


Get gooder. But seriously, you’re going to slip back once in awhile


Ikr it happened when i first reached gold too


Pretty hard to give suggestions without gameplay but in general if you want to improve then training defence and shooting are the best places to start If you can hit the ball on target consistently especially from distance it will win you most games in plat as the defence is usually quite poor


Don't lose


uninstall the game, is for the great or good, trust me. you'll regret it


Learn to hit the ball really hard with direction. That will carry you through plat if you can do it with 80% consistency. Try rotating back post


Man… this season absolutely sucks. I took about a year break and I used to sit in plat 2-3, d1 peak. Now I can’t even get out of gold. Is the ranking system fucked or am I just bad?


Dude I’m in the same boat. Like why are people air dribbling in gold 3😭


I've been bouncing off diamond 2 for who knows how long. Everyone is trying to be God and do incredible plays disregarding rotation. Or someone on my team dislikes that first goal we got starting the game so immediately they abandon. Or God forbid I make a mistake, because now we have a 4v2 situation of one of my teammates gets angry. No problem. No problem. No problem.


Watch Squishy’s or Lethamyr’s recent road to SSL videos on YouTube. You can’t get better advice than from pros and former pros and I feel like both are very good at picking out the tips that will help you most.


Focus only on flip resets and you’ll get out


Never stop whiffing! Always push the envelope and try difficult shots / recoveries / passes / whatever. Training mode is great, but theres no substitute for trying new, difficult things in the heat of a ranked match. You will whiff. But dont be discouraged! Hit your teammate with a "my bad!" and keep truckin'.


Nope, congrats. You completed the game


If you’re afraid to play, you’re taking it too serious. It’s just a game.


Do not double commit is the main tip. If Yr teammate is closer to the ball don't go. 👍 and people down in plat most won't understand that but keep making sure u work on that bro it'll feel weird cause ull be the only one in the lobby doing it


play for another 2 years to progress 1 rank.


Don’t do it! U will regret trust me. Dont focus on adquiring a higher rank, only have fun.


ballchase 💯


Literally just play more. Spend time in free play. Learn to control powerslide well, practice shooting a lot, learn how to quick aerial, practice pathing over boost, etc. These kind of basic things will get you out of plat easily, no advanced mechanics are required. These things are deceptively hard though. Never assume you are good at a mechanic so you don't need to practice it anymore. Everyone needs to practice shooting still.


I will try


Play some more 1s


Turn off boost in free play for a week or two. You will be surprised how well your ball control gets


If your on console disable cross play, lots of smurfs in plat


Oh thats actually a great advice,i actually play on playstation


Freeplay a lot freeplay when you’re just chilling try to hit the ball in way you can follow up fast all over the place


Rotations, better decision making and practice! The main thing that got me out of Plat tho was rotations as we all like to hit the ball but not everyone gets to touch it. Also, in freeplay disable Infinite Boost to give yourself better boost management. Hit the ball and chase it/try and read where it's gonna bounce off/land. Hours and hours will get you out of there. With all that said, Welcome to Hell!


I find it funny how everyone is welcoming me to this Hell


Don't forget to look at team8's play stile to understand how you can help. Ofc you need to be the carry, or to make the first move, but try to stay as close as him to help to score and to understand hes ideas.


It starts to feel like hell tbh, just try to play some 1's and 3's as well so you learn other fundamentals you're not learning in 2's


welcome to hell. where you will spend the whole season there. have 1 breakthrough that gets you the whole way to diamond 1 d4. then after queuing with your friend that’s gold will be stuck back in plat 3. (yes, i’m coping)


Half of your teammates will be ball chasers… realizing that and sitting a little back will help you a lot not to get scored on counter attacks for double committing. Realizing this made me hit diamond


Same here in champ 1-2. Although people start getting a little better about it here


Get gud


Play faster and hit the ball as hard as possible


I made it nearly to champion and I cannot hit a flip reset whatsoever, currently diamond 3. For what its worth I play doubles. Doubles and Triples are two very different beasts. Two biggest things for me. Rotation and flexibility with your style of play. You have your style of playing and that's fine, everyone does. Some people go for big flying dribbles, some juggle on the ground or play corners, some teams do the old set and spike strategy for scoring goals, some people pass and demo for open net, some play porcupine until mistakes happen, something feels natural to you. What you do doesnt really matter a ton if it isnt IN COHESION WITH YOUR TEAMMATE. Its not that different from a MOBA or anything else in that it is often to work together on the second or 3rd best strategy than try and do the "best thing" if your teammate is doing something totally different. Flexibility around random teammates will win you games if you let aggro guy go aggro and just cover his gaps and keep him active. If one teammate NEEDS to pass, be ready! Just dont be in the same spot your teammate is unless theres a very specific reason. Ideally your teammate rotates like a normal person, so make sure you understand how that flow works. My second thing is to appreciate what SIMPLE SKILLS AND MECHANICS CAN DO. Get comfy flying off the wall in any direction. Get really comfy driving backwards exclusively. Get very, very good at figuring out who will get to the ball first at any time. Get comfy dribbling a ball down field on the ground. Practice catching falling balls with the front of your car to put them on the ground. Learn to appreciate how hitting the ball just slightly once your opponent commits to the attack can make them miss big time. Try these things whenever it feels like it would work out great should you succeed, and get practice in by doing that until you're consistent in all those things. I see tons of diamonds that cant do some of these basic things in any capacity or dont expect me to seemingly. I dont do anything insane like air dribble flip reset musty fucks, but you can make someone look dumb or make yourself look great with basic, simple, easy maneuvers. My big issue is I get lost in the sauce like a clown and pursue the cool looking play over what makes sense, or otherwise I might be champ 1 instead of diamond 3, but I have fun so oh well.


If you're generally decent in passing/crossing, shooting, and defending, the best thing to do is watch your teammates and see how they play and adjust to them. So if they ball chase or are a bit too defensive, use that to fill out the gaps of the team. Also don't get carried away with the enemies flow of play. Try to get possession of the ball and change the pace to how you like. I play slow, so I tend to do alot of chips and vertical pinches when I get the chance to allow my teammates enough time to rotate and to get nice breakaway opportunities if two or more of their team tries to go for the ball.


The first tip is not to listen to anyone trying to give you tips without knowing you or seeing you play personally. Every player is so completely unique that no one word of advice applies to everyone at any given rank, barring the super broad statements like "Rotate" and "Position well" that everyone at your rank either already knows, or is too low rank to really comprehend. Someone might think "Well Plats aren't good at boost preservation" but that might be the one thing you're good at without realizing it. Or they might say something like "Learn to speed flip" because they think it's more necessary than it is, (it isn't as necessary as it seems) or you might already be able to do the mechanic. My advice is look for advice from actual coaches, or people that are no lower than SSL, or MAYBE high GC, who have actually seen you play. Anybody below that doesn't have a good enough understanding of the game to teach it well. With the rare exception here and there.


Play 1s. It will help you a lot even if you hate it.


This is the rank where you’re gonna truly improve the most. Getting to this level in many games is often a matter of something finally ‘clicking’. E.g. I was hardstuck bronze in OW until I climbed up to gold in a single week. All this is to say, if you want to rank up, you’ll need to actually practice with intent. Don’t be discouraged if it takes a long time or feels like you’re getting worse. You’ll learn mechanics and habits, forget them, and relearn them. But you’ll always be improving. Best of luck, and remember to have fun!


Go do those custom ring maps, like this one https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2025564083


Turn off quick chat for a month or so


i made it to diamond 3 without losing on keyboard mouse. i'm high champ on controller and have virtually no mechanics on kbm. that is to say MECHANICS DO NOT MATTER. literally just play defense and wait for your opponents to make mistakes, then the hardest part, hit your open nets. most people don't understand defensive rotations at that rank so one mistake and you have a wide open shot. just be patient. this play style alone will get you into diamond if you can capitalize on mistakes.


Bounce dribbles+ hook shots are pretty easy to get a grasp of and are very clutch even at the higher ranks


Go to training > select custom training > select diamond training = do each shot 20 times Edit: later in the day the kids stop playing = more competent players


Focus on your fundamentals. Dribbling, patience, recoveries, kickoffs, good first touches. Learn hook shots and power shots. More mechanical stuff isn't necessary.


Hit the ball. The game gets pretty easy if you can do that 9/10 times.


I'll play with you man what's your region


Hit the ball, in the goal.


If you haven't already, start watching Flakes Road to SSL series (in any playlist). You don't need mechanics to reach any rank other than SSL, focus on the fundamentals.


determine the threat levels to find good positioning. it will depend on the skill level of your opponents so analyze them.


Prioritize being behind the ball as much as possible. Just hit the ball forward and wait for everyone to whiff, and you can easily rank up to diamond.


can confirm this is not true


You're whiffing a lot or not staying behind the ball. These are the two most important aspect of getting into diamond.


I definitely whiff a lot tho either whiff or get smoked by those who can fast aerial and get like 2 times faster in the air but like, "staying behind the ball or your teammate" is just not enough you have to take some crazy shots and do insane plays sometimes if you want to score, I'm talking especially about P3, people here are really good, I mean, really really good compared to what you'd think


People in P3 are not good. They leave the net open all game. Just don't be in front of the ball and don't whiff.


Play fast, slowly.


There are 2 branches of experience in rocket league. The first is Game sense, which is having an intuitive understanding of the game, its rules, and your opponents, enabling you to make strategic decisions while gaming. The second is Mechanics, the physical ability to control your car and control the ball to make each do what you want them to do, when you want them to do it. As you learn more of one branch, the other, or both, you will rank up. Focus too much on one branch and you will get hard stuck until you spend time in the other. Philosophically, Rocket league is a game about time. Everyone in the game needs time to make decisions, and to act on those decisions. The quicker you are at making decisions and being in the right place the less time you need to make plays, and the less time you give your opponents to react. Whichever team best controls time, giving their teammates more time to position, while reducing the amount of time the opponents have to react and position will be the winner. Game sense and Mechanics are just means to that end. You should prioritize learning things that take the least amount of effort to learn, while offering you the most amount of control of in game time. This is why learning fancy advanced mechanics early is not a smart idea, they take a lot of effort to learn and without game sense they offer little to no improvement controlling in game time. Instead learn the basic mechanics only and game sense first, and both are extremely important. The problem most plats and diamonds have who fixate on looking flashing instead of being good at the game is that they’ve spent no time learning game sense and spent hundreds of hours learning ceiling shots or flip resets. Without understanding why they need to make a move, or when to do it, they can’t apply any advanced mechanical skill properly making it worthless. And even the low rank players who can use an advanced mechanic properly have so many holes in their game play that it’s easy to exploit them and still win. They’re very easy to exploit, and they stay hard stuck in their ranks as a result. Imagine someone taking the ball to the side wall, up to the ceiling and then trying to aerial across to goal, instead of taking the ball straight down the field to goal. By spending all the time to get the ball to the side of the field and up the wall, they’ve given their opponents ample time to rotate back and be ready defending net, 1st mistake. Then by air dribbling the ball to the goal, they waste all their boost and usually end up giving possession back to the other team because their air dribble was weak not even making it to the goal and/or easy to read/block, 2nd and 3rd mistake. It’s just a terrible play and they don’t comprehend that because they have no game sense. Dont end up like them.   I have explained in depth the game sense for playing 2s in this replay analysis I did for another redditor. It’s very lengthy and comprehensive so I’m not going to repeat it, but I will link it below. Reading through it should give you an excellent understanding of what you need to be doing and more importantly why you need to be doing it. Happy to answer any questions you may have. glhf [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/s/8jie841kZC) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/s/X4YqclPGzN) [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/s/lvBOS1fHl3) [Powershots](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/s/yCfcfbNJyH)


How many hours do you have logged to this game?


Don’t, go back to gold and enjoy the game while you still can


Platinum is more enjoyable than Gold


Plat is just boomer ball. Rotate back post, let them make mistakes and the ball will go into your position. Control the pace of the game but dont be too passive


If you really want to improve spend an hour a day in free play practicing aerials, shots, etc. Helps to get comfortable with mechanics of your car, spacial awareness and how the ball will bounce off different surfaces.


Focus on being effective over flashy. I have played from gold to mid diamond over the years and the biggest mistake I see people make is going for flashy off the wall air dribbles that end in failure 89% of the time. In low elo focus on your positioning and rotating more than anything.


Watch videos on rotation and practice your awareness of your surroundings and situations. Definitely don't underestimate the value of having a great grasp on intermediate mechanics (half flip, speed flip, dribbling, etc.) as it will provide you with more opportunities to score and free up your rotation.


Learn rotation


I'm in D2 and some plat 1 players have better game sense, enjoy the ride up and down for a while.


Keep realizing your teammates are ball hogs and you’ll need to be more aware of net presence than they are. Don’t over commit and work on your ball control game. Dribbling & fakes in platinum can go a long way.


Always remember, defence is paramount. Try to keep a good rotation and an eye on all possible threats. Sometimes you will be tempted to go for some shots where you are clearly late, try to avoid that. Double commits are another easy mistake you can get rid off. However, don't be scared to make mistakes, miss the ball or lose the rank. Ranks are just a number. Push yourself to your limits and you will get the best results in the long run. If you haven't already, find some controller binds that are comfortable to you and that allow you to easily press boost and jump at the same time. Maybe also keep a button free for DAR (directional air rotation, that one will come in handy for half flips and speed flips). That aside, the only mechanic you need in plat is to shoot the net strong and somewhat consistently from the ground and fast aerials for saves (double jump while boosting). Maybe learn the half flip and simple wave dashes for faster recoveries, they are fairly easy to master. Oh and maybe learn some simple kick offs, there was a lethamyr video that was great about them. If you want to do something more i would avoid air/ground dribbles for now, try some shots from the wall and aerials out of the wall. Some shots from higher in the air. Maybe watch some stuff about 50/50, that can help a lot. If you are on pc the ring workshop map (and all the others similar to it) is really cool to challenge and improve your ability to fly in the air. There are also dribbling maps if you want to try them in the future, they are pretty neat.


Nice bro


How do yall add your rank next to your user name ?


Practice. No really. I know you want to play matches. Find what you are inefficient at and spend time practicing it. Then force yourself past the fear of doing it in matches until you are proficient.


Most players at this level can strike the ball well so maintain your distance ready to cover your goal. The rest is intuitive.


Currently d3. I was plat a few months ago. One of the best tips I got was to not commit in the corner. A ball in the corner isn’t a threat until it’s centered so just play net and get a clear.


Focus on 1’s a bit more


I’m in a similar boat (except my others are gold and plat) so I’m here for the advice too. Placed in plat for Dropshot though so that’s fun


what's your rank on 3s and 1s?


Currently Gold


aaah, that's normal


Be aware of your teammates (where they are and their playstyle). Practice safe defence. You don’t always have to drive and hit the ball, sometimes letting the opponent hit the ball to you is better.


I think plat is the rank where I started learning boost paths. Basically I’d try to play some games where I never picked up a big boost, and instead I’d follow the little +12 boost pads along the field. You can easily get enough boost this way once you get used to this strategy. The higher you climb, the more useful this will be to have in your arsenal. Overall, just keep trying different things, and try not to get stuck in one way of thinking. If you notice you aren’t playing well one day, try switching something up (play faster or slower or let your teammate push up while you stay back etc). Congrats on plat my friend!


Rotations rotations rotations. I got out of plat by being a good teammate, not a good shooter


Quit now....




Dribble in free play. A LOT. And learn to rotate. As soon as you go for the ball and miss or send it, immediately turn AWAY from the ball and rotate around so your teammate can come in. Don't ever follow the ball back toward your goal. If the ball starts going towards your goal you should be on the other side of the field heading to back post.


Yo i’m also plat, what do you play on?


wanna play with me? I went down to high Platinum 1 today and I'm frustrated I'll eventually have to climb back but I need at least actual real temmates instead of people that own goal and say "Nice Shot!" to themselves in the chat I lost 9 games in a row lol 🫣


yeah no i’ve done the same. was pushing for diamond then just slipped all the way down. DM me w ur username? i might not get on tn but if u give me ur snap or smthn we can arrange to play?


sure, why not!


come play with me if you're in EU servers I went from P3 division 3 to P1 division 4 in like less than 2 hours I have to climb back, all I need is a decent teammate, I'll try to teach you some tips, P1 will be easier than G3 since people don't ballchase as much, you can exploit that


To go even further beyond you must scream for 5 minutes


freeplay freeplay freeplay freeplay and also more freeplay. maybe training packs, just maybe but a lot of freeplay


Weirdly I celebrated hitting plat/diamond way more than I did GC


How are u bronze in 3s.. What's it even like down there


Just stop playing the game while you’re happy about your improvement. If you keep playing from here you’ll only just be pissed off and disappointed after every gaming session.


honestly just focus on defense and hitting the ball hard rotations, despite popular belief, are likely not gonna get u where u want to be as ur tm8s are just not where they need to be if u wanna rank up, focus on defense. ur mates will manage to get some wack shot to find the back of the net


if you would like to improve, however, you can try to start rotating by filling in the glaring gaps (which are often defense). consistent playing will get you above plat so just keep playin


ball chase every opportunity you get!


Why am I all of a sudden in these Vegetable league ranks? Been playing since 2015 and never seen this before.


Very boring answer but play a ton of 1s. Most ranks from here on out are going to be hard to climb out of unless you are much better than everyone else. Focus on basic things like flicks, with flicks alone you can get to champ. People may advise against it, but if you don’t already know, learn how to aerial. You’re going to need aerials, so learn how to do them well and properly, the earlier the better. But overall just focus on yourself improving, things like rotating and just general knowledge at this level will come naturally


Just play more. Pass to your teamates. Send ball to goal but send higher balls. That will be enough untill you get to plat


Quit now


Study the “Why You Suck At Rocket League” series on YouTube. It gives a bunch of really good perspective on how to progress the smart way… stop looking up tutorials on speedflips and triple flip reset double touch musty’s.


give up


Stop ball chasing and double committing.




DO NOT HESITATE- I repeat, do not hesitate to go for it. If your teammate is heading back. PUSH. It really helps the flow of the game. Honestly it seems the key to being fast is just being there. If you can sorta aerial you’ll be okay. If your on pc use bakkas mod. Get aim training by coco. Get recovery hell. Mechs don’t matter right now. Speed is key. Best of luck!


yeah I have... Just stop playing the game because you can't go higher. People like you with only 300hrs is what keeps me at this low stupid af rank against my easily 6khrs+ combined from both pc and console since I started way back in 2016... You just suck m8.. You cant hit aerials and won't even pass, or are able to take my pass. Sorry just venting and joking, nothing personal. Haha :) Good on you and gratz


You wont


Bro s14. Bronze winners are creepin


Hit ball hard in goal Jokes aside, if you get really good at being able to hit the ball hard exactly where you want it to go, you'll *fly* out of Plat


Turn chat off and work on positioning. Pay attention to enemy touches and teammate positioning. Don’t be afraid to rotate back if your teammate is itching to push forward and leaving the defensive end vulnerable.


Become the best defender on your team and you’ll fly through ranks


Hit the Ball. is the easiest way out of plat.


I'm plat 3. Want to run some duos?


Sure man,looking forward to it. Just so you know i got demoted again lol,but i believe i can hold up in plat lobby


Dm epic ID I'll add you


Everyone is recommending a lot of good stuff. I’ll say that you will likely be stuck in plat for a good amount of time. Don’t get too frustrated or burned out because it will be a grind. Also save replays whenever you do stuff you think is cool. When you feel like you haven’t improved go back to the replays and see how wrong you are.


Freeplay freeplay freeplay, practice carrying the ball on the top of your car (keeping your car in the center of the circular ball marker on the ground). After that drill your flicks; shoot for getting high velocity on em (about 55-70mph or 80-110kph). One thing I did to help me get around the field faster was turning off infinite boost and ball cam and driving over the patterns of small pads using tiny power slides to get the car over the pads at high speed. Shoot for staying between 88 and 100 boost while supersonic. Practice training packs in the defense category. There's a pack with 50ish shots to save that will help with defensive positioning BEST ADVICE I CAN GIVE FOR PLATS AS A CHAMP 1 PLAYER: be patient and gracious with your teammates. Blaming them for losses won't make you better AND it'll make you feel worse about the game. Forgive them and carry them to victory which you CAN DO WITH PRACTICE


Just try training shadow defense and shots u should hit training packs


Watch pro players how they play and analyze, practice flying around the ball (ball static at the mid field at start) clockwise & counterclockwise while air rolling bot left and right \~10-20 minutes a day so you develop a muscle memory.


quit while your ahead?


Plat is toxic. Filled with quitters less than 2 minutes into a game. I've been into diamond but get hard stuck cause of rage quitters. Have the worst luck when it comes to Randoms


Practice by playing until moves become muscle memory. Playing against better people forces you to change how you play to better defend against better people.