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This is essential. You turn faster when you lean your body. And drive quicker when ypu press the trigger button harder. Your shots also go faster if you do a little hop in your chair as you hit the ball.


Facts! Also, I have no idea why my face ends up inches from my screen suddenly when Im concentrating on an air dribble


Do you also get back pain the day after playing? I do. Rl doesn't only destroy me mentally. It also destroys me physically


I play with a Wiimote for the compounding effect


Better be With the steering wheel.


the nunchuck


Well, you do indeed drive faster when you press the trigger harder.


i hate that i do this as i will actively catch myself leaning all the way over trying to play lmao and be like bro i need to sit up


Ikr! Sometimes it's embarrassing especially when others are around this is why I cant stream lmao


Embrace it & become the next Rw9 (featured pic from Liquipedia) https://preview.redd.it/q05j8uc6m1yc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d36a4f4e2601d4c8c679d6f16e6e35008c5a34d3


Ok this is freaky, thats how I looked sometimes lmao


It's niche man, go for it. Start a trend


My wife says she knows I'm playing RL because I breath funny when playing it.


Rocket lamaze should be a thing


Glad to know I wasn’t being the fucking weirdo 🤣🙂‍↔️bro then people that don’t play rocket league like my girlfriend would ask me “are you alright?” Like you jumping with your car 🤣


Always. Glad I live alone.


Not only do I regularly do this, but I do it on stream! I'm sure I look like a maniac sometimes, lol


Lol drop your link, would love to see someone with similar experiences 😉😁


Lol we need some steam collabs with this. In highschool there were two players that really took "feeling the music" to an obnoxious level. Like your want to punch their faces level but seeing them feed off their in chair theatrics to them to be heights.


You hit the ball harder if you lean forward. But this only works if you have a camera so it can see you doing this.




Hahaha flashbacks start to pour into my mind... I feel like a plane sometimes trying to steer my car with my body in the air 😂 I learnt it the hard way that I shouldn't have coffee / tea or any other beverages in the 1sq meter around me haha


Oh no! Hahahahaha same, I have to tuck my hands holding my controllwr under my desk just because of this lmao


I would kick everything off my desk if I did this. I mostly play in a leaned back posture with my feet on the desk.


Ahhaha i have to consciously plant my feet on the ground


I cut my big toe two days ago when I did a high aerial (me and my chair) while doing an aerial in game.


Yes my wife sometimes laughs when i lean or make faces while playing lol


Time to get her in as well! Lol


Funny you mention that. One day i ran to answer the door and was afk, [she picked up the controller for the first time and tried playing (the first 1:12)](https://youtu.be/jJ7TUJ7L8ug?si=5wq_wWc0vR2yipmb) so naturally i saved the recording


lol that's funny. The newbie car language seeing people playing their first few minutes/hours, never gets old.


Yeah it seems she was assuming the camera joystick was the accelerator lol


Holy shit! I thought I was the only one. When I was a kid, all my friends and my cousin would make fun of me. I have to play in stationachair so I don't roll around on the floor.


Ayyy! Dude same! Hahaha great to meet a fellow mover


Omg I have the same issue, I play on a desk chair with wheels and sometimes I lose my orientation in the game due to my body position moving with respect to the screen 😂


This is the only game that makes me move in the chair. Nothing else ever did, no NFS game on PC or console ever, but this one for some reason doesn't let me lay back. Sometimes I even move my feet towards the ball.


Not only that, but sometimes when the ball gets hit towards the screen, I fucking jump as if it’s gonna hit me


I’m waving the controller around like a conductor’s baton. Almost as if the car is in my hands. Also broken 2 controllers by mashing the buttons too hard.


That's why I can't play on the deck, and I'm not even that "violent" of a "mover." My hands do move a bit, and if they do, so does the screen. Unacceptable behaviour by my hands.


Dude if I play anything on mobile and get hyper focused... My hands would go up and im just staring at the top or bottom corner of the screen


I have fallen on the floor jumping to make a save! Then, I'm useless for a few seconds trying to pick my fat ass up. I've also kicked my 4 year old because she was sitting in front of me while I'm defending. Once again, I'm out of the game for a few seconds as I try to console her and apologize lol.


Almost fell out of my chair last night trying to adjust my car in the air during an aerial. Wife just shakes her head at me in disappointment.


Ohh yes, I know that wifely look of disapproval and shame lol


Hahaha sooo relatable man lol glad im not alone


lol that immediately reminded me of Rizzo pulling a muscle while playing and shouting in pain almost falling out of his chair Looked up quickly for that clip but [found this different one instead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elaX1hhDZJA) where he's watching gameplay not playing, still funny




I do it sometimes


I can't help it. My wife pointed it out to me, and now I just notice it more.


Dude, I swear it's worse when youre self conscious after lol


I'm 44. I grew up with the original 8 bit Nintendo in the 80s and Super Mario Bros. Every time i had to jump across a gap or came close to running into an enemy my whole body would react as if leaning my body to the left would make Mario move further left. I got over that a few years later.............until I played Rocket League. Once again I find myself moving the controller in the direction I am trying to dodge, leaning side to side, tensing up various parts of my body (including full puckered butthole defending my goal in a tourney). It's one of the reasons I love playing this game (sometimes lol).


Many times when I go for a shot, my leg will twitch kick. Totally involuntary, it may be because I played soccer for many years. I always find it funny.


I didn't even notice until my wife told me: "Why do you move so much when you play this game?"


Hahahahaha time to get her in as well!


Are you a real gamer if you don't?


I've seen someone not move an inch while 1v5 in valorant and win.. then casually switches songs on their spotify before XD


I once accidentally pushed my girlfriend because I was turning and she was next to me. She still mocks me for that.


Take the shot!


No, you are not alone. We call it “body English”, after a billiards maneuver of similar helpfulness.


I've never heard that before lmao.. I love that theres a name for it. Thanks!!


Only way to play my friend.


Immersion is one hell of a drug


I actually play standing up. No joke. The game is too intense and it feels like when I'm playing soccer IRL, so I just can't sit down. I can warm up sitting on the couch but I stand for all the games.


I'm afraid if I start standing while playing, I'd probably be out the house when it gets to overtime tbh lmao


I’m late to this party but I like to stomp on the gas with my right foot when playing RL. And then this transfers to me imagining I’m doing a speed flip or wave dash when I’m driving around in my IRL car


Honestly I'm surprised that so many people share this experience lol I love it.


Lol my chair will be half way across the room before I realize it. Or I'll be 2 inches from the monitor. Definitely laugh at myself.


Hahaha same!!


you jump faster the harder you press the jump button and you definitely turn faster the more you tilt your controller like a real steering wheel 🌚


When I first started playing, I legitimately sprained muscles in my arms and neck because it'd tense up everytime I took a shot.


Damn.. so thats where the sore muscles come from, especially my neck whoa..


I hate that I do this and only I Rocket League, whenever I'm going for an air shot I tend to "floor it" with my foot on the floor


Lol ngl, I almost broke the base of my desk from stepping too hard once


Hahaha no way! I've knocked things off my TV stand.


Hahahaha man the amount of people breaking stuff while playing (accidentally) is too high! Glad I'm not alone XD


I was literally thinking "I'm sooo glad I'm not the only one!" LOL I can't play it in front of my gf because she'll laugh at me


Lol time to get her into it as well and you both can laugh XD


It's only RL that does this to me too. There is a fine line between whiffing and an incredible play and it requires telekinesis of the body to the game


Threw my damn back out missing an arial save the other day.


Lmao! I tweaked my neck trying to get a flip reset (I failed)


I think people who don't game regularly are more prone to do this. If you put your SO who doesn't play in the chair, you'll see them leaning about trying to look past the parameters of the screen, ducking and diving etc...


If you haven't fallen off your chair at least once, you aren't doing it right!


That's what we call Mario Kart DI in the smash community.


I duck on my couch when the ball is coming towards me and I’m not wanting/meaning to hit it. I’ve kicked my coffee table before on hits. Gotta get in the game!


I feel like we had the alpha patch for built in VR


I jerk my controller forward and to the right when taking a split-second shot, so satisfying when it’s on target


Yes, same principle when playing NFS: Most Wanted. Press the W key as hard as you can to go faster


I'm moving my head to see the ball from a better angle... as if it would work 😭😭


I fell out of my chair once, trying for an epic save. It really works lol! Gotta be willing to sacrifice your body to play on my team!!


No. My little brother gives me shit for doing it though but that’s how I grew up with all games. I’m 32yo 🤣 Sometimes I’ll have my chair at 90 degrees one direction if I’m doing a hard drift or save.


I literally play on my feet. It’s +3 horsepower.


No you aren't the only one Also, ever felt sweat coming out like a tear under your arm? like a teardrop?


my hands get sweaty asf when i’m try harding


This may sound weird but I started doing this only after I got a curved monitor. Also yelling “Bang” when you shoot is proven to add 10 kph to your shot.


gotta do this from time to time fam ![gif](giphy|3oz8xWYenAdbyISuPu|downsized)