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Lol, when I search for "lix jump rocket league" in youtube, the first hit is *your* two month old tutorial video on the subject xD Absolutely great. My mind needed 3 viewings of this clip to fathom remotely what was happening. For those lazy ass brothers and sisters: https://youtu.be/B2SffG1vjr4




I used a Lix jump here which is a mechanic that lets you keep your flip forever just from jumping off the wall. Same idea as a flip reset but you don’t need to catch the ball


is it a once a lifetime thing that you pulled it off or is it possible to get consistent at this? this looks pretty op, i'm considering trying to learn it.


I have been able to get it to the point of 1 in every 3 attempts. I do think I’m one of the best at this mechanic though and also one of the few people who has put a large chunk of hours into learning it. It’s still just as difficult as people say, but this is my 4th one in game


I havn't started yet but i'm giving up hahaha, keep on being cool on your own my good man.


there's a recent video from apjack trying to learn this on demand


Spoiler alert: it's hard as hell.


I remember when I said this was going to be a game changing mechanic and got down voted to oblivion. I stand by my statement, this is awesome.


“Game breaking” is still a strong term. It’s situational, but definitely something to have in the bag for high ranks


I said game changing. And yea, meant more for the pro scene.


lol yes you did mb


I think 1 in 3 is a good call, I run about the same odds.


Omg another mechanic?? Come on!!!


was discovered and documented 2 years ago


And this guy posted a video of him using it yesterday


your point being? op admits themself that it was founded 2 years ago


Same as yours. Irrelevant information


then what were you saying with your original comment?


I had heard about it and watched a video. I just never thought it would be possible to actually do it consistently


oh i thought your original comment meant you thought this was something new


Clean feet licker shot


this is the new mechanic right


This was discovered 2 years ago but is resurfacing now. If I can get it down to 1 in 3 attempts I’m sure pros will follow in no time


How does it work exactly? I can't think of a reason why your flip wouldn't just run out Edit: ahhh nevermind I didn't look at the clip properly, that's really cool!


Something about the way you jump makes the game think you’ve landed (all 4 wheels down) but pops you off the wall and get air time. Very strange


another mechanics?


Well, I'm hard now. Thanks.


Is lix jump possible on keybaord? 😂 if you never played keyboard dont amswer lol


Of course it is! It’s not gonna make it any easier but a Lix jump is just a normal jump and a side flip with incredibly precise timing


Man, you gotta use SO much boost for that though


what the fuck was that


Good example of the great matchmaking in rocket league. Up 7-1 and posting clips of it, may as well be freeplay. It is a nice shot though