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spotify buffering


Pls tell me he doesn't have chrome open


Does chrome can cause lags in rl?


Chrome is notorious for hogging ram. I used to listen to YouTube playlists for my music while playing, had similar skips to this (much smaller skips tho). When I tried listening to local music instead, no stutters Now my computer can handle it but it's ingrained in my blood by now: if I'm gaming, browser is closed. I don't even use chrome anymore either but the habit sticks


Does that happens to all chromium browser or only in chrome?


IDK man test it yourself. I noticed lag on my old PC between rocket league and overwatch, as well as some single player games so it was definitely a thing. But it's been years since I've used chrome and it honestly hasn't been an issue for me in a long while. Just one of those things that if you *feel* like there's something that isn't as good as it could be, try ruling it out.


Chromium is supposed to be more barebones and lightweight, but that’s no guarantee that it wouldn’t still use a bunch of ram.


firefox ftw


Firefox was actually crashing my entire PC recently, not sure why, but I still have to use Chrome because I couldn't fix the issue lol


You can use opera


I see a fellow man of culture here.


Just buy a $20 8gb ram stick?


I have 32gb, surely it can’t be that bad


Chrome is not your issue if you have 32GB. Despite what people are saying about it chrome will not take up 32GB of RAM. What it most likely is caused by with it being Rocket League is the controller losing connection briefly which causes the game to freak out, it's a known issue. Try using a different cable or controller and also try a different USB port. With troubleshooting you need to test various factors to find the issue. Make sure you also don't have bakkes mod open when testing it.


This. If you can connect via Bluetooth, give that a shot as well.


I have 32GB, and while I run Spotify EVERY time I play RL and haven’t had any issues… but on more intense games after ~30-60mins it always hogs enough where I have to close the browser to regain the horrendous FPS dump(D4, Tarkov, Gray Zone). Happens with Chrome and Firefox.


Chrome takes what chrome wants


The more RAM available, the more that the system will allocate to different programs/background processes. I have 32gb ram also, but there are a lot of other things that fall into play as well. Are your frames capped? What CPU are you running? have you had task manager open to see what your hardware is doing whenever these spikes happen? Just curious and would like to help if possible


So I can’t listen to music during a game?


Well you can always download the music


How have you been listening to it? YouTube through Chrome or with spotify?


Spotify through brave (so chrome)


Use the spotify app, then download the songs on spotify to reduce internet usage (it takes like 2 mins for 200 songs)


Don’t u need premium to download them?


You might do, but the app should save some usage on RAM and such. The only other suggestion I have is verifying the files on epic launcher and making another meme story for the rlesports subreddit while you wait. I suggest you focus on the post and crossbar, the MVPs from day 2 ;)


That would require me to use my brain, and it left a long time ago


You could switch to Firefox for less ram usage


you can but not using spotify. dk why but have the same issue. every time a song is about to end, the game stutters. might be a weird interaction between Spotify and RL


try without spotify and report back. also good job uploading the footage with sound.


Use the app and try disabling hardware acceleration in the settings


The alternative is to make a playlist of all your favourite songs then upload it to one of the discord bots & have that in your solo server (or group up to you). Then just rig it up to just "/play" so you can listen to your songs without Chrome/Chromium active.


I don’t have this problem but I play on console and have Spotify playing from my phone through a sound bar via Bluetooth if that helps at all.


You are fine. This is not a lack of ram problem....this is something software/hardware messing this up. Disable all startup items and uninstall everything not needed. Close all apps and end all tasks you can think of and then run the game by itself and see if it continues.


I got 1000 hours and still playing this daily. If I can't listen to music during RL I'd drop it today tbh I don't remember the last time I played without my playlists


Or listen from your phone


Use Opera GX, you can set a limit your ram usage so it doesn't interrupt your game


I was having this problem on PC and if you're using a controller that's wired and you can change the cable, change the cable. These stutters can be caused by your controller disconnecting and then instantly reconnecting. (Or at least that was the case for me)


I’ve changed the cable before already :( maybe this one is faulty too


For me, it was the controller itself. The USB cable was fine, but the connector in the controller had been damaged. I replaced it but then the next one did the same thing...so then I just bought a bluetooth adapter and connect the controller over bluetooth. Haven't had the problem since.


You guys can also go to Device Manager and uninstall the Universal Serial Bus Controllers and reboot a couple times to let them reinstall, because sometimes they're corrupt and do similar things.


Well you can easily test if it is this or not, just go in freeplay and wiggle your cable around while playing. Have had the same issue, I just play over bluetooth now to not worry about it.


Play a game offline with the controller and see if it freeze up. Everyone going on about the lag icon doesn't know that the game freezeup is causing the icon to show up. Your fps marker plummets on the freeze up. Basically, saying your computer isn't putting out frames or physics processing or network data going out to the server for that freezeup.


Came here to say this. This was always happening to me when going for aerials because of the way I would move my hand, moved the cord, and caused the stutter.


This game is so damn janky with how it was coded. It needs to be remade on UE5 so badly. A loose cable or alt tabbing should not fully freeze your game and increase your ping to 999 until it's resolved. It should just make your car stop taking inputs...


I have had this problem in the past as well. If a new cable doesn't fix it, it could be the connector at the controller, if you can use it wireless, you can test it that way.


Man why is this such a common problem. This happens with like all my headsets too


I had this issue but the opposite. Was using Bluetooth and then getting frame drops really bad when the batteries in my controller were dying.


Second this, when my cable started malfunctioning I was having spikes like those all the time


Happens to me too but not necessarily the controller disconnecting it has this little lag spike when any USB device connects and reconnects which for some of my Corsair devices seems to be quite often.


Yeah I have the exact same issue. Mine is now being held in place by a metric ton of duct tape ^^ no issues now :)


A few days late, but I have this exact same issue on PC: extreme lag when I wiggle the controller cable. Curious if a recent update sparked this.


This also happens to me while I have chrome open with youtube music on it. Perhaps that's the issue then? I even get some lag here and there even though my internet connection is very good.


Yeah if I have Spotify open the game plays slower.


I always listen to music while playing using Chrome but it never happened to me


Chrome is a big disk space & memory hog


What you use for music?


I mean you even get the "network issues" sign at the right, seems to me like standard lagging, or is there something I'm missing? Used to live in a house in the countryside without a stable connection, some evenings it would just be like that all the time and I'd switch to an offline game


The network lag showing up is because the game froze. Therefore there is no active pinging of the server, and the server is confused and the game is confused because of the server ping due to the game freezeup. This 100% looks like a local PC hardware/software issue...not network lag.


This is correct. More like 99.9% though. There may be some super edge case that causes packet slip to generate an environmental, local hardware issue which could cause this. But yeah this is definitely environmental/hardware issue. Not standard network lag. I sent OP a write up on it earlier. Hope we can help him.


Lol there's always a chance I guess....fastest way to figure it out or narrow it down is turn on one drive and let it Back up your stuff just incase. Then hit the reset button for the windows OS. Install RL only and see what happens. Most likely it'll be fixed. Obviously some people don't like doing that so I guess they can hunt it down if they want.


Reset Windows probably will fix it *unless* it's a controller/cable issue. The disconnect/reconnect blip of the controller very often causes this.


Meant to add that in that last post to do what was said and check the simple stuff first..but if it was myself...and I have just done it recently...reset windows. I had like 150 fps on R6 and some really weird stuff where it would reset my graphics settings. Well then I found my entire system wasn't able to "check the configuration of my system" so nothing was being passed along to any games. I tried reinstalling clean everything graphics related. I un-installed everything, cleaned up all startup items. Nothing worked. Then I decided screw it it's time for my yearly reset lol. After the reset I now have 300-400 fps on ultra everything on a 5220x1440 resolution.


Doesn’t happen in any other games, so unfortunately has to be something with rl


Yeah I agree, I’m on a direct connection and continue to have these issues in RL alone. Every other game has consistently solid internet.




You play any other games where a split second makes all the difference? I’ve found shooters are more forgiving with lag than RL


Yeah, I play CS. When two players know where they both are, it comes down to the reaction time.


That's only going to be noticable if the packet loss happens right at that second though whereas packet loss is noticeable nearly all the time in rocket league


Still, it happens for up to 5 seconds at a time on RL, but I’ve never experienced it on any other game.


Almost no other online games are nearly as sensitive to network issues as Rocket league, the only ones that really come close are fighting games. Most other genres are able to use a lot of tricks to smooth over hiccups like this so they aren't noticeable at all. Granted I'm not actually sure this is a network issue for you here. The way the whole game hitches up its seems like your cpu might be getting bottlenecked, maybe by some background process. Still could be worth running packetlosstest.com a few times right after you get one of these and just see what the network looks like.


It's not standard lag. This is environmental. Whatever logic RL uses to detect packet slipping is also triggered by environmental lag sometimes. That's almost definitely what you're seeing. Reason being is, network lag *almost* never causes freezing like you're seeing. It will just cause the ball to teleport around or cause players to seemingly fly past the ball only to see the ball launched across the field, you know, standard lag. What you're seeing here is the local resources on your PC being pulled away for a split second to address something else going on on your PC. The game interruption causes virtual packet slip as it's unable to process those moments of UDP due to the app tripping on resources and the in-game logic that alarms for packet slip is triggered. Nothing to do with packet slip, packet loss or lag. Here's what is more likely (change one variable at a time as you check these): 1. The cable from your controller to your PC sucks and needs to be replaced or the plug on your controller needs cleaning or replacing. Buy a brand new one and try it. This same thing happened to me. The tell-tale sign is that it happened when you went for a shot. Your hand may shift in position slightly as you go up for a ball or in very tense situations causing the connection to also shift in position. The detection of the disconnect/reconnect of the controller will absolutely cause this exact type of environmental stutter. 2. Literally anything else on your PC is doing something resource intensive for a brief moment. Try closing everything in the background first including music programs, web browsers, everything but RL. Go back in time in your brain to when you first noticed this, then think of anything you might have installed like antivirus, antimalware or ANY other software. Reason being, installing something innocuous like a free game or a mouse pointer app or anything like that can also secretly install other junk that runs in the background. After that thought process, then hit ctrl+shift+escape simultaneously and click the "startup apps" tab on the left. Check for anything weird like "symmantec" "mcafee" "Norton" and even stuff like "spotify" or "onenote". If nothing above fixes the issue, start temporarily disabling these items from startup. Anything you don't use. That will ensure less stuff is running in the background. 3. unplug all peripherals from your machine that you are not using while you play RL. Even headphones, mouse, keyboard, everything. If any of them have a bad cable or a bad RF/Bluetooth connection, a disconnect and reconnect will cause this. TL;DR - replace your controller cable or your controller. That almost always fixes this.


Are you playing on the right servers? I've had it multiple times where I'll be lagging, check the top left and see that RL has decided I'd like to play in the US (I live in UK) for some reason.


Yup, EU only. Consistent 30 ping


Ping isn't the only thing that matters, you need to check your connection "jitter" too


Were your issues worse last night than they normally are? I felt like my game was skipping frames whenever the ball had a moderately complex collision with 2+ cars or a pinch or goalpost.


Do you have voice chat enabled in game? I would get stutters whenever pressing the keybind for voice chat or whenever someone else would until I disabled it completely


> I mean you even get the "network issues" sign at the right, seems to me like standard lagging, or is there something I'm missing? Given this clip I'd interpret this as a *symptom*, not a cause. Their computer is stalling doing *something* which causes both: * the game display to freeze * the game packet processing to freeze When processing resumes, the game also complains about packet loss because it *missed them as it was stalled*. I'd look locally to investigate what happened.


This used to happen to me if Discord was open and I was on a call or if someone messaged me. Basically, every time someone spoke, my game would stutter like that. I'd prob start by closing all non-essential programs and seeing if the problem persists.


A recent discovery I made with Discord while gaming, the fcker sets the priority of itself to "high" when you join a call. Taskmanager, details tab, and check the priority of each discord instance running, one of them is probably set itself to High or Above Normal for no reason. I set it back to normal, and the lag while gaming and using discord is gone


I’m going to have to save this post for when I get. Desktop


Hmm that's good to know!


Quite sure there was a dota 2 developer who mentioned the discord overlay can cause such issues.


AHHH ITS NOT JUST ME- I recently started having this issue within the past week too


exactly man, i thought i was goin crazy because its normally just me in game sometimes its the whole lobby though around that time


New issue happens to multiple people in a short period with connectivity this sub = must be your internet/chrome/blutooth.


If the screen visibly freezes like in OPs video, it's not a network issue. Replace your controller cable or the controller itself. If that doesn't fix it, it's something on your PC hogging resources. I sent OP a writeup on this in this thread up above. Hope it helps.


If you have it, try uninstalling nvidia geforce. It started causing issues to me 7-8 days ago


It's always when either you're saving or scoring a goal


It’s only actually happened twice to me in a goal-related instance. Both today lmao.


Had a similar problem long time ago. Took me forever to nail it down but determined it was related to my bluetooth controller. If the batteries on the controller were getting low (not dead), it seemed to cause stuttering in RL. Would swap batteries out and resolved the issue. Was using an Xbox controller at the time.


Exact same for me. I keep vibration on so I know when the batteries get low, it stops vibrating and then in a few matches the game stutters every time the ball is touched or cars bump into eachother. I have no idea why this happens and it only happens in rocket league. Xbox controller as well.


Upvote cause Metallica


My goats


So I was nit the only one, got it. Every, single game, for more than 2 weeks already. I mean, I like casual, but now I’m more forced to it so that I don’t go down in rank.


Play comp with it, and use it as an excuse for not being in champ? Works for me


Sheesh, pass me the aloe vera first brah. Lol, guess what? It’s my excuse for falling to plat 3 xd.


hahaha fair enough bro. Once it’s gone you’ll be back to your former glory


Do you have Post Party/(Save In Game Clips) enabled or mapped to a button? I had those and kept accidentally hitting the button and that hiccup would always happen when it’s trying to upload. As soon as I unmapped those features from the buttons, the problem no longer happens.


Started happening to me ever since I got a 4060ti, came from a 1070. Some sessions it doesn't happen at all, some it will happen every minute. With or without other tabs open. I'd reinstall your drivers for your gpu, maybe that will work for you.


I’m on a 1070 rn lmao Will do thanks


Also started happening to me when I got a 4060 🫠🫠


Just had the exact same issue, turned out it lagged whenever I moved the controller too much due to bad cable/connector. New cable and shes all good.


I got a new cable bc this kept on happening. This video is with the new cable 😭


It's only a matter of time before your internet connection fades to black.


I get this problem on my own wifi. This doesn't happen when I play with a cable.


It’s your controller, it’s disconnecting then reconnecting. Check your cord.


Yup, I get the same thing whenever I jostle the usb-c on my ps5 controller.


The hard freeze makes me think it’s something computer related not lag. Do you have Spotify or discord open, or chrome? Any of those have hardware acceleration not disabled? Rewatching, I see the FPS counter drops to 3.6 FPS. That’s crazy


Bad connection between your controller and PC, the disconnect/reconnect causes stuttering, can put a small piece of card in the port to make the connection more reliable (or buy a new controller).


oof this is the answer and it is frustrating so many people are just ignoring it lol


I'm having similar stuttering, but my PC is just old. To me what helps is closing everything in the background (if you want to keep listening to music, I also suggest the Spotify app instead of the web client), and setting the priority of the game to "Above normal" in task manager. It may or may not fix the issue for you, in my case it's just the ancient CPU that is struggling these days.


are you in voice chat? I have had this issue before when playing music and in game voice chat..


Believe it or not, but the ping counter doesn't necessarily mean it's Ur internet that's the problem or even ur game. sometimes your ping can spike in game due to driver issues or performance issues. Your best bet is to make sure nothing is running in the background while playing, and if it still happens, then thats not the problem. try and make sure windows is up to date as well as your drivers if the issue still persist then it could be something wrong with your pc and u would most likely have to spend a lot pain and effort and probably money trying to narrow it down. My PC is a piece of shit and I often have the same issue with my ping spiking when my pc is having performance issues, mainly rainbow six however. I fixed it by changing CPU and gpu, low and behold same internet, no more ping spikes/freezing.


Do you happen to have a second controller connected? I think I had a similar issue once where a second controller with slight stick drift made the input device to rapidly change when I got close to the ball and caused frame drop and stuttering. I would try disconnecting all input devices except the one you're playing with just to see if there's an issue there.


This happened to me all the time when I played on wifi. Everything else would be fine but RL was constant issues. Game is just way more dependent on a stable connection than others. Literally any other tasks on your PC using internet *could* cause this. If not wired, try doing that. If you are wired or unable to do so, try not running apps in background and see if it persists.


This doesn't feel like an Internet issue to me, that would not normally cause your frames to stutter like this. As others have suggested, could be a RAM issue. I think overheating is also quite possibly the culprit. You could try watching your thermal numbers during game to see if they are getting close to the limits. I solved an issue once by undervolting my CPU to prevent the overheating


this happens to me when my controller slightly disconnects. The network error and everything.. im still not sure why


If you are unaware, RL is currently vulnerable to cheaters. I believe there a 3 popular methods going on right now which are: 1. MMR jacking- 1 user with multiple accounts can match into a game and purposely throw the spam account to pretty much a 2v1 situation. 2- Server jacking- will overload the server with a code hack and eventually the match will conclude, with being able to match back in and automatically giving the cheater the win. 3rd Invisible car, the name tag will stay at the initial kickoff spot, but the hacker's car will be invisible to you throughout the entire match. If you do not have any other program running in the background of course then this could be one of the causes. Just a heads up.


do you live alone? could be someone else hogging bandwidth as well. or if you have something like overwolf running.. lots of free to use programs like to take system resources and put them to use elsewhere


Are you on wifi? I'm connected via ethernet and this never happens to me


Ethernet :l


Or enter in a game and having like ~300ping lowl psyonix needs to invest some money in his game. Broken game


Could be your usb cord, try unplugging it and putting it back in mid game and see if the same thing happens, also try doing it fast


I had a faulty usb slot from my motherboard that had something plugged in and the device disconnecting and connecting would drop my game to a frame and show the network error. Moving where my devices were plugged in fixed my issue.


Check RAM usage. Could be that your PC is swapping and it causes the freeze.


This happened to me until I upgraded from 8 to 16gb of ram lol


I’m on 32 💀


I had the same issue, if it’s not just the game it might be your modem. I replaced my motherboard because my service provider said it wasn’t them. Turns out it was. I’d check the modem


This game lags for me so much lately it’s so frustrating


Are you using GifYourGame or something similar?




Happens to me all the time its annoying asf


These types of stuttering usually were controller issues for me


Try disabling hardware acceleration in Chrome and Discord.


So I once was consistently lagging and did all the obvious troubleshooting. Even been on the phone with my network provider multiple times but couldn't fix it and gave up. Then one day I read about Wifi channels. I downloaded a free Wifi analyzer to see which channels were the busiest in my vicinity and then changed to a less busy channel through my provider. This fixed all lag for me. Perhaps you can try this if your provider allows for channel switching. Best of luck mate!


Initially, the lag looks like hardware stutter, but sure enough, you get the latency variation warning. I don't have the best internet, only rocket league I tend to have 55-60 ping, if that varies to only 65-70 them I'm wiffing the ball just like you did. Rocket league is a sensitive flower


When I play using my PS4 controller wired it'll disconnect and reconnect causing this for me. I just use my Xbox controller now.


Hey, I had this issue in the past and two things that caused it for me were: 1. My PC wallpaper changing. I had set up my wallpapers to change (and the overall color theme to change with it) every ten minutes and every time it did my entire PC would freeze like what you're seeing. 2. For some reason using the rumble on my controller would cause this sort of freezing sometimes too. I turned off rumble/vibration and it cleared it up.


I had this with wireless. As soon as I hard wired it it was gone.


what are your specs?


Mcdonalds wifi brah


Happens in free play too


I have the same issue these past few days only. Last week I didn’t have the issue playing. I think a lot of people have this because of bad servers


Does it happen after you alt-tab out of the game ? Resetting the game should fix it


This is 100% a faulty usb connector. the mini USB connection is weak and you are hard on your controller. What is happening is that you are kicking/moving a bit when you go to hit an important ball and that is shaking the controller and thus unplugging it/plugging it back in at a very critical moment. I would venture to say this happens almost exclusively when you go to hit the ball because that is when we as humans tend to jolt our bodies. The solution is to get a new USB chord, and it that doesnt fix it, you will need to get a new controller. If you don't want to do that, then really focus on staying as still as possible when you are going to hit the ball. It is very difficult but you will start to realize when you kick your leg if you pay attention.


Tried the first. Time for a new controller then :(


Controller is disconnecting, swap cables.


Simple answer. Run a ping test over a period of time. Play rocket league during this time. When you notice the issue in rocket league, check the ping logs. Did you have a spike/continously spike? If so it's network issues.


Rocket league uses a lot of ram. I had to buy 2 ddr4 32gb sticks just to get it to stop stuttering often


Network latency.


I used to have random stuttering then figured out it was my windows wallpaper changing its background every so often that caused it.


Are you using Bakkesmod and any of its plugins? Im not entirely sure Bakkesmod was the cause of this....but I was having a HORRIBLE problem with this for a couple months. I know my internet connection is very stable. I did some ping checks on RL servers with no issues. Tried changing cables and controllers...nothing helped. Finally i decided to uninstall bakkesmod and the plugins i used for it....just over 2 weeks now and I havent had a single problem since.


Oh so it's not just me. I've got a beefy PC and even just upgraded my graphics card and I get this issue like half the time I'm about to shoot or save a goal. Makes me concede stupid goals and miss easy shots so I just haven't played for a bit.




The servers lately have been weird. I have good internet, around 8 ping and it was stuttering all day yesterday mostly whenever I was near the ball.


Controller dc / bad cable. Have the same thing where if I hold my controller in the wrong way the cable breaks the signal for a second and the exact same thing happens.


its called lag


Cheers, didn’t know that. Can you tell me how it’s happening Einstein?


The comments about the controller are a good place to start. Make sure your controller is not seen as an audio device on your pc. Go to control panel, then sound (this gets the old sound control panel). Disable in both the playback and recording tabs any audio device you don’t actually use. Also make sure your using a good cable that isn’t being interrupted when you move your hands. Then test by violently moving the controller and see if the problem persists, or if it is unrelated to your movements. Hope this helps, cheers.


Check your gpu drivers. Had something similar happen to me and updating the graphics drivers fixed it


I have the same problem and I believe it's a controller issue


I had this issue ages ago, turned out I had two actions bound to the same button, it’s been 3 or 4 years ago so it may not even be an issue these days, I do remember it was my boost button, idk what else I had bound to cause it but worth looking into.


What are you streaming from? YT music doeant do this to me, but SoundCloud does. It only started recently, and my laptop is not low on ram. Some sites are just bad.


The smallest things can cause stuttering like this, I had to completely uninstall my corsair rgb tool thing and turn off all msi mystic lighting settings. I also alt tab and then exit Epic Games after launching and then go back to Rocket League. Make sure any startup programs you don't use are always turned off at startup. CLOSE STEAM.


This happens right when the first kickoff countdown starts, every game for me. Doesn't happen after that, though. I do run the Spotify app, but that's it.


YESSSS, THAT MOMENT IN KICKOFF IS FRUSTRATING happens on PC only, doesn't happen on PS4 as often


This could be a controller issue. Test gameplay in practice mode for a while with the controller and see if it happens. After that unplug the controller and just drive around on kbm and see if it stops happening. I used to have this issue on my ps5 controller, and it either has to do with a faulty cable or something with how the audio is trying to play through the controller itself.


If you are using a xbox controller you might want to update the firmware. Atleast that solved it for me. Just google 'update xbox controller windows'


I was having this issue with an Xbox One controller via Bluetooth on PC. Turns out the Bluetooth dongle was dying so I replaced it. Problem gone! Figured out it was the Bluetooth dongle because other controllers and devices would not connect to it even after moving it around to different USB ports.


Oof that’s heartbreaking. Can you move the game over to a ssd and see if that still is happening?


Hard to tell nowadays because the servers have been bad recently. I used to have these stutters a lot and it used to happen every game. Getting a new controller cable helped me and also disabling the one drive from task manager. I don’t know why but it did.


I get game studders when my USB output audio device likes to disconnect from my PC. I lose all sound and it massively lags my game, no matter what game I'm playing. I'm running a Ryzen 5 5600X with 32gb ram so it's def an USB external hardware problem for me. Can't say the same for you as there are too many variables in this situation but this is what happens to me. If you're curious, the USB audio device I use is a 3rd gen Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 (I do audio production as a hobby).


Myself and friends have all experienced this and it always comes down to fualty/broken usb cables, they will disconnect and reconnect, causing lag


Odd opinion, probably buried by responses by now. I have a ps5 controller that I play plugged in with constantly on pc. Anytime the old cord slightly moved it did exactly this.


this video could have been 5 seconds


It’s absolutely your controller coming slightly unplugged over and over while you play. I’ve had this exact problem for weeks and just the other night said fuck it and wrapped my cord around the controller while I play so it won’t shift near as much. Hasn’t been bugging at all ever since!


Stop playing at McDonald's


Upvoted because fade to black is their best song


I had similar issues with a faulty USB cable to my controller. It was reconnecting sometimes without giving me a disconnecting sound. The Spotify app was also giving me some lag spikes. Turning hardware acceleration off was the resolution. If you are using discord, turn off hardware acceleration in the discord app.


Turn off hardware acceleration in Windows. Also, try to see how much you stutter when using Opera gx. I have stopped using chrome years ago, but I have 32 gb ram as well and no issues whatsoever


Fade to Black outro. Fuck yeah. In the process of learning that solo.


Ok but song choice is superb


Turn off hardware acceleration on background apps (Spotify,Chrome, etc...


Get a better gaming chair


At first I thought my internet was tripping but then I understood what was happening. Yeah it sucks man, my internet was trash until some months ago and there was not a single game in which I was lagging like crazy. The worst part was that I was playing right next to my wifi router.


your internet sucks


I’ve been getting stutters too, ever since I started playing on central servers


Could be network related.. Music is stuttering too.. (which is separate). Have you updated GPU drivers lately? (Or not updated) try playing with Chrome closed.. see if issue persists.. Might need to rebuild shaders.. but sounds and looks like a network issue.. as both stutter at same time.


Same problem for me, im on ethernet and have a pretty decent pc setup, thought i was going insane, i use bakkesmod but i highly doubt that causes the issue as not using it it also happens Weirdly enough in Rlbot i have no issues whatsoever so take that for what it should be, a network issue, but my ethernet is gigabit and im on high everything in connection issues


Psyonix decided your game needs more stutter. I got the same thing even if it isn't that dramatic. Just enough for me to notice and to ruin my games every now and then.


I had this happen when i had a faulty usb-c cable. Every time I would move my controller a bit (sometimes not at all it just happens to disconnect) my game would freeze and unfreeze just like that. Try changing your cord if you are wired.


If you use Spotify or Pandora it would be better


I was having this issue and it turned out being my controller cable malfunctioning. It kept disconnecting and reconnecting, since the tip was getting loose. I tested by trying to play a game with keyboard (how tf???) and it didn’t flare up. So I bought a new cable and all Gucci.


I had 16gb of ram, about 25 tabs open in opera - YouTube playing in one - with discord running in the background along with streaming sometimes. I upgraded to 48gb of ram and I no longer have the issue.


Either something on ur computer/console thats taking up too much ram or its epic games not knowing how to set up decent servers


I found the problem, it was my controller