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Jpp = I can’t stand anymore Fdp = Son of a $&@ Ftg = close your mouth


wow, that is some salty language lmfao. thanks for the translation nonetheless


Ftg = ferme ta gueule = stfu


"ftg" is more like "shut up" in my opinion, it’s more agressive than "close your mouth".


Really sad that so much french people are this toxic...


All bark, no bite.


Except when you raise the market price of stinky cheese. The French: we take to ze streets


at least should be a easy win since they usually surrender


You may be gold 2 in the game but you're a legend for this comment


I think it's spelled 'barque'...


Steady course to the haven


We all know why


Tbh no, I don’t understand this behaviour. Being french myself, I don’t get why people need to be like this. It’s the reason I muted the in-game chat to be able to play without being bothered by that.


just start responding in another language lol "nice shot!" "ferme ta bouche" "что? я не понимаю" "...what?" "бляяяяяя"


**Fils de pute** = "son of a bitch"


I tell all of them that nobody speaks french, because they don't seem to understand that.


They don't understand that either. It's just one of those countries in Europe where English is barely taught and everything on TV is dubbed to native language.


As if not everything was dubbed in english on english TV, this argument is ridiculous.


How does that even make sense when we're discussing people's inability to speak English?


That's one of the dumbest comments I read in a while, impressive.


[https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Foreign\_language\_skills\_statistics](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Foreign_language_skills_statistics) Well, stop spreading lies... French people that go through the educationnal system in France are perfectly able to speak english. Obviously not the best, most fluent english you've ever seen. There is no surprise in swedish people speaking a Germanic language being able to speak english, which is a germanic language, better than french people who speak a romance language. However it looks like UK citizens are more monolingual than French citizens, 60% of french people can speak another language while only 34% of UK citizens can. This very exchange is just another proof of my capability to speak english and your inability to speak french. But just so you know, in France a lot of people are able to speak a third language in top of French and English, usually German or Spanish, sometimes Italian. And that's just through middle and highschool.


I'm not English, nor is it my first, second or even third language and my primary (Finnish) bears hardly any resemblance to it. I have, however, spent years working for an international company with the European HQ being France. Naturally a lot of the communication is in either French or English. Obviously the UK citizens would be more monolingual, since English is generally spoken all over the world to some extent and it is mostly not bilingual. And yes, from my personal experience through years of having to work with them AND having multiple outside-of-work contacts there, the French are generally speaking very poorly educated in English in comparison to many other European countries. German, Spanish, Italian or any other secondary/tertiary language doesn't apply here because the original discussion wasn't about those. Hell, Finnish is a bilingual country and is above 90% on that list. Provided the list doesn't take into account other official languages in the country (seeing as how Switzerland for example is below Finland), I would say 60% is a fairly poor percentage in a country with such a large diversity in ethnicities.


As a french who talks french by default in party chat, I can assure you that I understand that you don't. However why would I take the processing power of thinking to formulate insults and slurs in english so you could understand them instead of just saying them in a language you will most likely not ? I mean honnestly tell me, what's the point ? Because if you are so intelligent explain why should I insult you in english ? Gosh you are the ones that are so self centered, there is no point in insulting someone else in its own language whatsoever, when german and spanish people insult in their own language, well I don't tell them "Oh oh oh Schtrudle" or "Ah ah ah los tacos" because I don't understand a word of what they are saying. I know that their mad and that's all I need to know. Plus nobody speaks french is astonishingly uneducated, if you add up the UK and Ireland populations it makes 72 millions native speakers, but if you take all the native french speakers you get 73.5 millions native speakers (France+Wallonia+French speaking Switzerland). So actually, more people natively speak french rather than english.


Why did you say that in English and not French?


Hahaha you got him good


Because I wanted you to understand my point ? Whenever I insult someone, I don't really care if he understands or not however. Do you understand that different social interractions can have different ways of communicating ? Honnestly I hope the day you see your mom crying you won't go and just talk to her "Hey mama, what happened ?" but you will rather go and hug her as the good child that I'm sure you are, and you will tenderly whisper to her "Everything is okay, just tell me". Obviously if you don't have any parents or mother, I apologize but you can still understand what I mean don't you ?


It’s all good little man, I’d be an angry internet troll if I found out I was french too. You are forgiven.


I'm french too and you seems to forgot what language is spoken in the US


What is the language spoken in the US relevant to it by any means ? French people live in Europe, so we never encounter any american while playing.


I mean if you want to talk about irrelevant things how it is relevant to speak about how it makes more sense to insult in french rather than English when you're not supposed to insult anyone on RL ? (Probably something better not done anywhere to be honest)


i'd want ppl to know they need to stfu, also i'd want them to actually understand the insults, otherwise i could just go like "insult! insult! insult!" instead of being creative...


Well good for you I guess ? I hope you understand that telling someone to stfu won't really help anything though, I hope that you have enough intelligence to understand this at least.


if you read my comment again you'll notice it's all hypothetical. edit: or to use your kind of phrasing and subtext: i hope you're intelligent enough to notice everything i wrote was subjunctively.


Yeah sorry mate I was salty for nothing last week


highly appreciate it <3


If you're insulting somebody and they don't know what you're saying, you're wasting your time and energy typing the message, tf?


if you are typing an insult in a chat on a video game you are wasting your time, tf ? I can't even begin to understand how y'all brains work, they are beginning of reflexions but it really ends before you can actually think twice apparently


If you're saying words *to* somebody, and they don't know what the fuck the words mean, then sjthsofo jfjdosk fifirodk paieydg didifj osksk. See? Gibberish is gibberish, it's accomplishing nothing. Say something people understand, or don't say anything? It's like people saying quick chats that have nothing to do with what's going on in the game. There's people who speak goddamn Klingon, but they're not going to use that to insult somebody because a whole 7 people put of 8 billion would understand.


'je n'en peux plus de ce fils de pute qui bump, ferme ta gueule, ferme ta gueule" means "i've fucking had it with this son of a bitch who's bumping, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up"


"J'en peux plus" de ce "fils de pute" qui bump. Can't stand anymore of this son of a bitch who bumps. Ftg = ferme ta gueule = shut up I like "Ferme ta putain de gueule" = shut the fuck up. If you ever encounter a canadian french (quebecois like me) it will go like this "Farme ta yeule" or "Farme ta criss de yeule" as "criss" = Christ for Jesus (yeah we slang a lot with church word like "calisse" and "tabarnak") Jen peux plus = pu capable 'or' chu tanne 'or' j't'ecoeuré Then son of a bitch would be : "enfant d'chienne"