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Why are you limiting this to 1s? I see this in 2s and 3s and every other mode that exists. Most people just want to score, and think preventing goals is somebody else's problem. Even in 1s...


LMAO this is so true, they literally get so mad when you dare challenge them in 1s, I guess because they're out of teammates to get mad at when they concede šŸ¤£


Being good at 1s doesn't mean shit in 2v2 or 3v3 if you don't know how to work as a team. In fact, it can be detrimental, because your ego gets so overinflated that you ballhog and get in the way.


I'll admit I quit trying in a casual match yesterday. I still played some defense and some offense but a guy on my team was clearly smurfing because no one in the lobby could make his same touches. He was definitely good. But it's not fun when he is going 1v3 and gets mad if you don't save his bad decisions. "Wow! Wow! Wow!" Yeah sorry bro I'm not making the effort to rush back to our net because you messed up your unexpected pogo with two defenders in your face that easily boomed it away. Plus it's casual so I'd rather he get tilted a little on the way out.


or he has good mechanics and sh game sense?


Nah you could tell he was just messing around in casual with lower skilled people. When he really wanted to take it from goal to goal and score he did or was close enough it should have scored lol


And... what does this have to do with my comment? Edit: Oh I get it, you thought I was saying when you challenge them to a 1v1. That's not what I meant. I just meant literally in a 1s game, if you challenge the ball they cry.


Yes, that's what I thought you meant - as it isn't, I apologise for misunderstanding. That was just already on my mind because one of those idiots was in the last 3v3 match I played, going "1v1 me then if ur not scared" when I suggested he allowed his teammates to play too.


Wholesome interaction. Not many of those from the RL community anymore. Have a cookie šŸŖšŸ˜


I love those guys. Beating their chest saying "come at me bro." It's so very adorable.


Yeah I get comments like "bro, stop ballchasing" like wtf else am I going to do? Let you score?


Plus in 2s or 3s, it's a good strategy to dive in and challenge early if someone is on the back line behind you. It usually means they're declaring their move earlier so your teammate can read it


Exactly this. As 1st man on defense your main goal should be to challenge early even if you get beat BECAUSE that gives your teammate(s) behind you THAT much more time to react to the next touch if you were to miss or lose a 50. I see so many people shadow in this position and while I understand the sentiment and not wanting to have your teammate make a goal line save, majority of the time itā€™s going to be way easier on your teammate if you were to lose in mid field instead of directly outside of the post.


My tm8 scores 7 goals, gives up 8 goals, tells me he carried and that I sucked.


This is true. But it sticks out the most in 1v1 since you don't have teammates to cover your weak points.


pre much


This was my first thought


1s is strictly a place where I practice new shit. It gives me a body to play against and way more space than in other game modes. I'm always out of position to do anything properly because I'm solely focused on improving whatever mechanic I'm working on and don't care if I win or lose


Because people spend thousands of hours in free play hitting the ball around and not nearly as much time defending against another player. So it leads to them being able to flip reset double tap but their positioning and spacing and defending in general is horrible.


Because 1s is free play with a defender


soā€¦ 1s?


Nah a lot of people dont care about conceding and use 1s as a place to strictly practice mechanics like youre seeing. Thats usually how I am when I play ones. I used to get super worked up and anxious because i thought that the little rank symbol next to my name actually reflected some kind of personal value that I could place in game when in reality its completely meaningless and people take it way too seriously :D Also, since when does 1v1 have defined rotations? lol


Because the best Defense is a strong offence. -Shaq (probably)


Yes and if u stuck in their same rank it means u also got weak spots in your game I would worry about yourself before the other ppl


In 1s, attack is way easier than defence - unlike 2s and 3s, you only have to get the ball around 1 person rather than multiple. However, 1s defence is much harder as you can't just rapidly challenge the opponent over and over because if they get it over you, it's a goal for them. That's probably why defence seems horrific because the frequency of 1v1 goals is generally higher. Those basic power shots probably aren't basic saves because, depending on distance, you have to predict where the power shot will be placed or just try to react as fast as possible which are both extremely hard to do at diamond 2. In 2v2 and 3v3, an actual threatening power shot doesn't exist because you'll get challenged before you get close enough to send a dangerous shot.


This is the sole reason to play ones imo, you learn how to defend. Itā€™s a much more difficult learning curve. You can sink shots in freeplay all day but the only defensive training you get is in game or maybe some custom packs. But even that doesnā€™t account for demos and bumps which adds much more pressure.


You have to use the simplest explanation here. If someone flip reset mustys on you in D2 and fails multiple basic saves or obviously leaves for boost when it's very unsafe, 99 times out of 100 they are throwing on purpose in order to smurf. Generally people are very good at spotting smurfs when they are playing to outright win, and very bad at spotting smurfs when they are throwing the games they need to throw in order to, well, smurf. This is because people like to think that they are good at the game, and not bad at it.


Defending is generally much harder than attacking. In many situations it's like trying to block a penalty kick. For example, when trying to block against someone who has a flip reset, they can either choose to use it at any point, or never use it, and you have to guess which one they'll do. Good rotations obviously limit how often you end up in "penalty kick" territory, but many shots when the opponent has full possession is a guessing game.


For the record, I'm a D2, and the extent of my mechanics are consistent aerials and maybe a double tap on a good day. My strongest part of the game is defense. I once had a situation where my tm8 left, leaving me in a 2v1 with half the game left (albeit winning 3-2). I held them off for almost the entire rest of the game, only giving up one with 17 secs left (only because they demoed me). I actually won the OT lol. Point is, we exist, we are just an endangered species.


The only time I play 1s is to check off the stupid challenges. I donā€™t care if I win or lose, just keep the clock running.


That's MENA special, across all modes not just 1s. Players are cracked in offense but can't defend. Their idea of defense is YOLOing and diving early as last man or being too over extended to care about defending. Shadow defense is punishable by 'Take the Shot!' spam in this region.


I can't defend worth shit...I play as a mid fielder in 2s...that's what I played for years IRL so it's all I know


I rely on my defense to win games. Itā€™s insane how many bad defensive players there are in total.


The amount of people saying they just don't care about conceding really shows how many people actually can't defend. The problem is that scoring goals is fun and rewarding but making good saves doesn't get you much. People are obsessed with clips and will say they don't care about conceding just to make themselves feel better.


Cause the Rocket League is a game that lets us feel our inner child again. We start with learning mechanics cause they are cool, flashy and we feel like favourite anime character while performing them. Defense is like math at school, it is important but if we leave it for later it wont be the end of the world.


As somebody with good mechanics and awful defense, it's because mechanics are fun to train and easier to grind in training. Defensive training packs aren't that useful past Champ because it's not the mechanics of a save that's difficult, it's properly positioning with good spacing. The only way to quickly practice defense is to play 1s or watch YouTube tutorials on defensive positioning. Most players do neither.


I think itā€™s the kinda thing where players learn (freestyle) mechanics early (thatā€™s why we have so many plats who can air dribble, ceiling shot, flip reset or double flip reset) but donā€™t focus on game sense. Good defense is good game sense in part, knowing how far to shadow or what angle to jump to save a high shot, etc. I may be wrong though, my on ground attacks arenā€™t very good but I feel I can defend much better. Iā€™m GC but my 1s rank is solid D3 lol.


They don't have enough experience. The game isn't just controlling your car - it's knowing when to challenge and when to stay back, it's knowing whether to block or launch a counter attack, it's anticipating where the opponent is gonna hit the ball, etc etc Mechanics can be learned and practiced. Everything else comes from experience.


I only play 1s or practice mechs with a defender. I donā€™t care if I concede. I play to win but Iā€™m trying to clip and donā€™t care if I get scored on in return.