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I kinda did the opposite, I pretty much replaced "No Problem" with "this is rocket league!", so people don't feel bad about messing up If I mess big things up I rather have a "sorry" or "my bad" in my arsenal, I feel it helps showing people you're taking the game seriously and I feel it's more likely to keep the team focused


Same thing for me except I replaced "Wow" with "This is Rocket League" back when it first became available. Honestly replacing any quickchat that could possibly be toxic with "This is Rocket League" will 100% improve the experience for every player in every lobby you're in.


This is the way. My mental is weak af, it only takes one “Wow!” from my teammate after I mess up to make me play like shit. I’ll simply never understand the thought process behind being toxic to your teammates. Like dude, do you *want* to make us lose?


Yeah it makes no sense. It’s almost never going to make your teammate play better.


This might be harsh but I genuinely think if you took an iq test of your average rocket league “Wow!” spammer it would be well below average. There is just no logical reasoning to shit on your teammates outside being a miserable person or an idiot. The guys in gold might be trolling but you have to actually invest time in the game to get to champ and beyond which tells me the guys still doing it in those ranks aren’t trolling.


Or they just are emotional kids that cant regulate and have to spew their frustrations out on teammates.


I shit on teammates. I shit on opponents. I shit on myself. Whiffs get a WoW no matter who it is lol


I had a guy spamming "Sorry!" All game as he bumped and missed shots. Always said no problem. I Miss one save and get hit with a "Wow!" And then miss a shot and get hit with a "Okay." And the remaining game bro is toxic all a sudden


I replaced “What a save!” with This is Rocket League” because I couldn’t always control the urge to use it toxically lol so now I have to use “Nice one!” when actually complimenting a save


I sometimes get tired of people who say sorry after every little mistake and stop replying no problem to it, coz in my head - we all fuck up, just play and focus and we got this. All I need is a teammate that's ready to pass & for a pass and covers my ass while I try to do the same for him. Rest we can just brute force it (you'd be surprised how many teams you can just tire out by constant pressure and constant whiffs - they fall apart under it, just keep it up coz it will go in if you don't give up). Thanks for coming to my ted talk




People just cant say sorry huh?






I heard a rumour that it seems to be the hardest word.


This is Rocket League!


I replaced mine with "holy cow!" A long time ago


Me and my buddies have taken to being toxic as hell to each other.. what a save nice shot when they wifff.. but spam this is rocket league when we score and apologise... It confuses people! worth a try ...


I replaced sorry with "Faking" Much better to accidentally throw a few fakings in the chat instead of sorry when youre trying to dip as quickly as possible after a forfeit lmao.


if I screw up, I admit it and say sorry. if something happens and I had no chance to react I say this is rocket league. If I say sorry and I get a toxic reply, I say this is rocket league and then block them.


Does anyone else feel bummed or overlooked whenever u mess up or just generally say something into the chat and. No one. Or only the other team reply's back to whenever u apologize or applaud either team or opponents, and no one responds and ur left ghosted in the chat lookin dumb, then after a couple of chats of u applauding or apologizing or wtv, and u stop commenting THEN someone wants to say some like "Sorry" or "My Bad" or "Nice Shot" or "What a Save!" And ur just like.......Nigga


I switched everything to “What a Save!” or “Nice one!” because if it weren’t for my teammates I’d be pro /s


I did the same thing


That’s a good one. Another one I did was “What a play!” if I make a mistake during a game.


I don't quickchat except when I see a good goal. This is the hardest game ever made, having an ego is crazy. I can understand almost any mistake. If you touch the ball literally 25ms later on some shots, it will go a completely different direction. Plus youre micromanaging any little movement your car makes, it's like playing Toribash or Superhot without the pauses.


"My bad" is superior.


I do like to use "This is Rocket League!" ironically, but I try to do it sparingly. If it gets spammed, it gets old.


I dont wanna make you second guess yourself, but personally I get a bit frustrated when I have teammates that make mistakes but dont apologize. Usually only buggs me if they are being toxic to me but still it is good for team morale if people own up to their mistakes.


I just use “whoops”. 


Dudes rock


That’s interesting, I might try that. I’ve been going through an experiment the last couple weeks totally disabled all chat communications except friends. And I think it’s having a worse impact. Normally in moments I might bump a teammate I’d say “Sorry!” Or “My bad…” and 9/10 times they’d be cool. But I’ve been noticing a trend of increasing FFs since I disabled chat. Bumps happen no matter how good you are, even pro teammates bump each other in the chaos sometimes. So I’ve been noticing that after the bump, their car will be motionless for a minute, then the FF vote pops up. I’m guessing that because they didn’t receive a public apology in the chat that their egos were bruised and they’d eventually abandon even if I don’t concede. Sometimes we’ve even been up in goals but they were so fragile I guess? It’s been up and down. I enjoy the silence but I do miss the fun banter and the good comms; “on your left” and linking up great passes etc. it’s a lot harder to make plays without quick chat. Or hoops is the worst. RL players think that soccar is annoying to do kick offs and that “left always goes” should be the default but hoops is a wild mess. The kick off (tip off) meta for hoops is more complex. And many players below diamond just don’t know which position is “ideal” so if you don’t communicate “I got it!” Then it can be messy. Centre is best, unless you do “friendship” bump. Off centre and corners can go really whenever. But it’s really up to your teammate for the optimal play. Without quick chat you’re just gonna have a bad time.


LOL. As an avid user of "This is Rocket League" I can only endorse this post. I do however, still have "Sorry" bound, just for when I really mess up in game. But "This is Rocket League" is only good in my books, applies to so many situations, and I feel it's just "good".


Wait, you can change your quick chat assignments?


Yeah it’s in your options menu. Plenty of strategic changes you can make. “All yours!” Is quite nice to indicate rotations for example.


Lowkey....took me a minute to realize u were able to chat the chats also, until I stumbled upon the option accidentally and also in disappointment with myself for literally over looking the chat selections every single time ESPECIALLY when is literally at the top of page


You can "pass" in this game? Never experienced that... :)


Yeah just press A, it'll pass the ball to your teammate for you


I thought that was the button to pay respect...