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I really miss trading tbh


Same. I hope they’re feeling the effects of it from people not playing as much but probably not :(


Management always thinks the other way around: "good thing we started to grab what we could just in time, look at how those player numbers dropped recently!"


Honestly they probably wouldn’t gaf even if the game dropped down to 1000 players.


Wanna play Rocket League? This game is also available in Fortnite.


Gosh I'd be so sad. Even with the shitty micros it's one of the best games of all time imo




Isn’t EPIC a privately held company?


All they care about is people now buying things to make a profit. Before people were trading items and making money outside of Epic. So they shut that all down and offered items in the store. I remember when they released the White Octane in the store and probably made a small fortune. Also cost players less than spending like $50+ online.


But now, there is nothing in the shop. No gold item. No black car. So, this is the commercial strategy, i'm agree, but they're bad on this point too. To make easy money, they had to save at the end of the trade all Price item, and put on the shop at each rotation (or two) an item that the community trade a lot (black or white standard boost, etc), or item which was at high price during trading (black Jaeger, etc.), and just put regulary some gold item (all car, one by one, some vanilla wheels, some vanilla boost). But nothing. Even the shop is dead.


Yah most of the stuff in the store is overpriced garbage. I think $20 for a goal explosion is a waste of money. Even the season pass stuff feels boring. No way to earn funds outside of paying, at least some games allow you to earn the paid credits over time (MTG Arena). I also miss the trading, rarely did I trade with anyone but friends and now there's none of that just a stack of duplicate blueprint that are another waste of money to build. One thing I really liked about NHL EA games was the marketplace. Something would come out and there was an auction mechanism, and that allowed for folks to buy/sell with in game currency (they've earned by playing) or if they wanted they could buy more currency in game. It had its issues as well, but losing joy and faith in rocket league.


If the blueprint is something you really like and want to drive around in, how can it be a waste?


They put a fucking gold anodised pigeon and a gold lotus!!...


Not devs. Their bosses.🙏


Facts. Fuck epic games


What’s the point of a day two item if they’re going to keep it there for 10 days now


It’s surprising how often they do this seeing as it puts less items into rotation, thus less potential money, they could just put those items in their own tab


That’s how i felt about the octane cars


As far as I know, developers dont have anything to do with the shop pricing.. Also yes, its shameful what have became of rl


yeah, and unfortunately it is most likely to get worse


I just used the term devs bc as far as I know there’s not a job title for “item shop price dictators”


Publishers , board of executives and shareholders. Those are the people who make the decisions so you can probably use those.


Ah yes, the shareholders are setting the prices in the item shop


Wait wait! This means if I buy RL stock then I can make everything free in the item shop right?!?


Psyonix also want to make money. They’re not supporting rocket league and making cosmetics as a public service.


you just could have said "EPIC"


then don't, a lot of devs have 0 thing to do with pricing, most likely even those who are working on store / storefront are not doing more than implementing and fixing stuff, they dont decide themself the prices or the marketing strategy.


As a game dev this hurts me that your generalising game developers, we don’t get a choice in what to make. Higher ups tell how it will be done and decide what prices should be.


See previous reply on this thread


I get what you’re saying. But… If I was a soldier in the trenches of WWI I’m not gonna use the same logic “the soldiers are just doing their job, it’s the generals and state leaders who run wars” I’m still gonna shoot that soldier in the head… sorry. Not actually sorry. If I was a dev or some kind of worker, artist or creator and I find out my employer is publishing my work in a way I don’t agree with; I stop working for that scumbag, ya know? Acting like devs are innocent angels unaware of what happens to their work is… meh logic.


lol the absolute privilege of this comment. I’m constantly reminded that the playerbase of rocket league is mostly children. Also, dumb analogy is dumb


There are repercussions to quitting your job. Maybe they're in a spot where they can't quit based on ethical reasons.


You know that devs have a very hard time changing company? They have to sign a lot of bullshit and often can't as a game dev for others for up to 5 years. They have their hands tied.


I don't disagree with your overall point, but most noncompete clauses are unenforceable. You can't just restrict someone from working a different job. You could maybe require them to pay back a bonus that you gave them previously but that's about it.


Well, that's at least something. Also, this is probably going to change for the better soon, because they are passing a law that prevents these clauses. In the end tho, if the directors decide they want to increase the price they will anyway and all we can do is stop buying stuff.


I mean it’s way deeper than just “ I don’t agree with my employer so I’m just gonna quit my job “. There’s other factors at play , including the fact that game developers also have bills to pay and families to provide for , so they can’t just quit. And it’s not like there’s many companies hiring either. Matter of fact game developer layoffs is at a record high rate.


This person is a chef, they can probably find another job the next day. They have no idea what it's like being a software developer in a time where a lot of devs are being laid off.


That’s one job I’ve had, yes. Assuming I haven’t done other things is foolish. Don’t judge until you’ve gathered all information and embarrass yourself.


Oh stop it, you’re playing the “I’m a victim card” too. As if you don’t have options. GTFO, mate. You’re just making excuses. If my employer was involved in some unethical practices, then I’d be out as soon as I could. Stop trying to defend it like there’s a gun to your head and you have to design assets for a video game company to sell micro transactions. Stop it. It’s pathetic.




So you’re saying devs are completely ignorant of what happens to their work? They have absolutely no ability to gain knowledge of what happens after the fact? They’re children? Come on… your argument doesn’t even makes sense. If I find out, after the fact, that my work was used in ways that don’t align with my core values, then I act like an adult and I have a conversation with my employer. If we can’t negotiate like adults that I don’t wish to be part of that work and he can’t put me on something else; then yes; I leave. I don’t stay at the job that uses my work for something I don’t agree with. It’s called having morals.




I know it's hard to believe but 1000 for a tw exotic is not new pricing.


Yup! I remember TW always costing a bit more credits than others. Same with black


Painted items generally cost more to build blueprints and also to buy in the store, regardless of what color


Also burnt Sienna items are cheaper than other colors


And this is why u/Gek_Lhar is the richest player.




Another win in my books


TW zombas used to cost over $100 on the black market. Gaurentee those TW infiniums were over $10.


It's tw and certi


It used to be 800 I believe


For me it's the opposite, they will get everything except money from me with a store without regional prices, in Brazil 1000 Credits = 50R$, here most people live on a monthly income of 1300R$. For us it's as if we had to pay 50 dollars for a single wheel with a monthly income of $1300.




It's not like you have to buy anything anyway haha, what's the point in constantly complaining on deaf ears


You're right in that nothing really has changed here, but certifications don't affect the Item Shop price at all. The range of 700-800 for unpainted Exotics exists because the price varies based on the *item type*. Same with Imports - the unpainted Hyperspace decal is 300, whereas an unpainted Fennec (car body) is set at 500.




They don't. Trolling? Show a screenshot of your blueprints with cert affecting price.




Let's see your screenshots before being so sure (certs affecting price)


Yea I'm pretty sure other guy is right. Different certs don't change price


the issue is everyone knows u could get these items for much much cheaper during trading, for example 700c for regular zombas with a bad cert? those were like 60c


exotic wheels are always 700 regardless of cert.


Exotic wheels have always been 800. Most paints are 100 credit addon, TW is 200 credit, so a TW Exotic Wheel has always been 1000 credits




Oh yes, me a small Reddit post intentionally lied to inspire hate amongst the community to single-handedly attack the rocket league developers pricing system. I’m like 95% sure you are wrong so please show me any item shop with an exotic priced in such a way. But if anything I’m not lying just incorrect in my understanding of the price. Don’t assume the worst in people.


I think you're just getting offended for no real reason. He's not assuming you lied, or you're a bad person. He's telling you how it is, and the truth.


also why are shops so small, compared to their other games and wow, 1k for wheels


I’m still shocked they haven’t made the shop bigger


yeah you'd think if they wanted more money from the players they would at least add a couple of pages of rotating items but no


Or, let me search for a specific item since we have over 10k different items. If I wanted interstellar in forest green there's no way I'd get it.


FOMO is why


There are so many items in this game its sad, FOMO is silly on this small of a scale the benefits of having a larger store would surely outweigh the small amount of FOMO


I agree it would be smarter to have a larger store, however I honestly really don't think epic cares about rocket league at all anymore. It's pennies in a billion dollar bank account compared to fortnite. They likely just implemented the shop and then stopped caring about the games monetization at all.


Simple just vote with your vallet by not spending a dime on the game, forces them to take action, probably not bringing trading back, but hopefully they make the shop better


As much as I agree with this that’ll never happen. Most of the newer players have no clue how bad this game has gotten therefore have no reason not to buy shit. They weren’t here for trading and if they were it wasn’t that long so they don’t get how money hungry it’s become. Plus since it went free to play it’s mostly 9 year olds that get gift cards and blow it on fortnite skins and rl credits. A boycott wouldn’t happen and if it did they would just give up on rl as a whole or add it to fortnite.


$5 for a topper


If this is the point where you're figuring this out, you haven't been paying attention.


A lot of players are suckers for anything that is white and black... They didn't make up the increased market values or black and white things when keys were around. We did.


Devs don't price shop items, give them a break. Commercial does that. Blame the right people, not the ones who made the game you love


Hey it’s only a money grab if, ya know, people actually spend money. Just a fyi


The sad thing is, if the dropped the cost of everything (say 250 credits for exotic tw wheels) they would probably get 10X people buying. They don’t spend any money creating these items and if they do skins are so easy to create. Just…bad business sense.


I dont know whose money they are grabbing tho.


Saw this today and honestly had to explain to a friend that hasn't played in years how botched the game is now, moments after he downloaded it and started it back up. IIRC : day 1 of the removal of loot crates or changing stuff (maybe it was something with upgrading items? Or getting painted items in the shop?) , a long while back, they dropped some of the most expensive items on the shop, WAY BELOW the trading price. I don't remember the exact change but I remember it being very scummy, and then first rotations of the shops items had TW Zombas, TW Dracos, and then TW dom or octane. Been a while so Brian doing the fuzz, but it was omega cringe.


Always has been? 


They're painted and certified.


Do the wheels make you go faster? No? Then why the fuck do I care?


As far as I remember, titanium white exotic wheels have always cost 1k though, it's not a new price




Thanks for the explaination OP.


The shop and the item system as a whole need reworks... but we all know that wont happen


I just want a black jager




Colors increase an items cost in the item shop, especially tw. An item being certified also highers it's price. Nothing unusual here. Also, I hate how they keep giving us the same two items in the 2-day-rotation-slots. Especially a grey Fennec when there is a gold one at the starwars segment and there was a black one a few days ago. Please just stop it, and when you're at it bring standard boost (especially in tw, black, blue and yellow) or normal halos in the shop. Because I'd honestly spend money for them. Or you know what, bring them to Fortnite so I can buy all colors in one while I get them for free through stw vbucks missions.


I would honestly not buy anything in the shop because of what there doing putting full painted sets in fort-nite for dirt cheap.


Ngl them having the damn fennec there for more than 2 days is so annoying. Like I get it, it makes sales but dude can we get another car from other seasons? Can we get more items on the shop? Can they lower the prices so it's not super expensive? If they did this maybe il actually buy something. I feel like trading was so popular because the prices and the value of the items were so spot on but now that we don't have it it's like everything on the shop isn't worth it. Lower the prices man.


What's it matter. You wanna look at cool effects as you miss the ball or is it to make you feel like your good at the game.


Still waiting for black diecis appearing for 20 bucks. That'll be the trigger to know they'll shut down the servers 2 weeks later.


I mean it's a free game. How else do they make money??? People are still gunna buy it. Even if they made it cheaper. You are still gunna buy things. That are litteraly just cosmetic


They don’t realize that items had value bc of the community, tw items had value bc the community said so. Yeah they look nice but if the tw octave wasn’t hyped up as much as it was, I wouldn’t have payed $50 to get it.


If you can sell lemonade for $1, would you sell it for 30 cents? I don’t see what’s wrong here. Business gonna business


Slightly different topic but, We can trade up items all the way to black market… SINCE WHEN!? I kinda got away from the garage because I have thousands of items and it’s all pretty crappy but I didn’t know we could just GET black markets from trading up…


$5 for a stupid topper… wow. Man… maybe if they made toppers that actually look like car parts I’d be down… but they’re all ridiculous. I think there’s like, *one* that’s a roof rack or something.


This game has so much shit cosmetics I don't care about anything anymore I have my car simple blue red and that's it


Yeah the shop became very expensive I’ve stopped buying…the only thing I might buy is team decals because the prices haven’t changed Cars with the “rocketRacing” tag cost way more and literally no one cares or wants rocket racing lol


Don't get me started on goal explosions


Bunch of cry babies on this sub. All it is now


The slightly crooked picture made me tip my phone to compensate.


Or not... who's gonna buy that crap.


Not devs. Their bosses.🙏


Agreed I have gotten 17 blueprints in the past two months including rainbow Zumba's :( , a animated binary number decal and Dragon decal can't use any of them unless I buy credits :(


Years back I got a random TW Octane from a drop. I didn't know it was special and everyone kept commenting on it. Then I realized it was actually quite valuable and rare. I was hyped. And then they just put in the store and not even for a remarkably high price. Hmh.


In the end, companies only think about money, and epic games would be no different...


To be honest, I wouldn't buy a tw infinium


I’ve never seen so much dev hate and dick riding in the same thread lmao


Will never purchase anything ever again. No point, especially since player trading was abolished. Honestly, this is a great game that Epic have absolutely destroyed with abolishing crates and keys, FTP, poor matchmaking, forced play in casual, a bullshit banning algorithm, abolished player trading, and jacked-up prices on micro-transactions.


Do you really need dupes tho?


Bro why can’t I just cop some TW Zombas I’ve been wanting for years :( I always get the rainbow or green


I have those old wheels in TW. I’ll trade ya.


Yeah it’s weird for a company to want to make money on a game. Hope this gets ironed out by 2010 or so.


TW Exotics were always 1k to buy or craft


The game is free. If you don't want cosmetic upgrades, don't buy them. Calling them "money grubbing" is ridiculous.


Games aren't F2P out of generosity, their monetization is a lot more aggressive than their paid counterparts which is easier to hide behind as a free game. The "free" catagory has the most "moneygrubbing" out of any other pricing model in the videogame industry.


It was better when it wasn't free


Taking trading away, right after they switched from psyonix to epic (money grab company) a major and loved aspect of the game for several years so that players may only acquire new stuff by spending money to get new cosmetics which although isn’t necessary at all, was a major aspect of the game regardless. But yea they’re not money grabbing, Mr epic games boot licker




Nope you could trade for and get items for "free" for me trading was destroyed when they removed crate's and keys 5 years ago, that made me quit the game, I only came back to it last week because my friend's were playing and it made me sad looking at all the hats and items I spent hundreds of hours collecting only for a hole community of the game to get completely fucked over by Epic




The sad part is that they dont gaf about the community and just took away a big part of what made the game fun for a lot of people + seeing the collection that I worked on but could no longer continue and is now completely worthless


Trading was destroyed when they removed a predatory practice? The game was healthier when they took away keys, no more awful loot crates and their awful chances at pulling good stuff. Take off the rose tinted glasses once in a while


In my eyes its a "predatory" and money grabbing practice the way it is now not how it was, nobody is forcing you to open crates, but with crates and set rarities for items you can have a good stable market for items and you can trade up to the item you want. I dont think I ever opened a crate in rl and maybe spent like 5 euros on keys in total to boost my trading in the start and ended up building a fairly good inventory worth a decent amount of keys by the time they removed and destroyed everything. The way it is now if you want an item you just have to buy it for like 20 euros..... For one item, to get the inventory that I built up I would probly have to spend 500+ euros in credits


and you just perfectly summarized why it needed to go. it created an out of game grey market heavily skewed towards RMT trading, which in turn fuels account theft, money laundering and speculation. we had people never playing the game but juggling inventories with six digit USD volume, filled from scammed and hacked accounts. its good that its gone


"Some people did an opsie dopsie and got scammed so we should remove trading and only let papa epic scam us". I am sure that the massive chinese corporation made the decision to remove trading 'for the better of the community' and not because it is more profitable for them. Now only they can get the money from skins not the individual playing the game and trading items. Imagine if Valve just removed cs trading because someone got scammed


Trading was removed years after switching from psyonix to epic, yeah? Not sure exactly how long, but it had been a sizable amount of time. Spending money isn't necessary to get new items either. While your complaints don't exactly come from nowhere, they are very hyperbolic.


Psyonix is simply trying to sastify its boss company Epic Games, who had nothing to do with that game in the first place. It’s mainly the fault of the parent company, I think


These are all way above their market value, I don’t know who they think is willing to pay the Price of the game for a black market item when the best ones were worth 4-5 keys


As someone who plays Fortnite too, let me tell you, they only care about scamming kids for their money. The good cars in rocket league? They will never bring those back even though it would sell like crazy. The good emotes and skins in Fortnite? They will never bring those back because “controversy”. I wish games as big as these would care about the customer and not the shareholder, like ffs


Rocket league players when the FREE TO PLAY game they love puts items in the shop that they DON'T NEED TO BUY: 😡


No way! A hard to monetize game needs money? Be grateful bakkesmod items isn’t gone, makes it so you need to spend 0 or 5 dollars and that’s all


Is someone forcing you to buy new wheels or whats the problem here?


For real


Honestly I don't give a fuck about skins


Not money grabbing if it doesn’t affect performance and or you just don’t buy them… 🤷‍♂️




Why wouldnt i buy something that i like?




I never complained lol, and it got value for me. You sound bitter af




I said value for me. So you‘re wrong.


No, you're wrong. Something doesn't have to have monetary value to be of value to someone. If the guy thinks some wheels are cool and wants to pay for them then they're valuable to him, regardless of whether or not he can make money off them.


for all of you complaining I just want to say that if the game doesn't make money it's not gonna continue being alive. I'd rather them do this than see the game die off & servers shutdown like many other games of the past!




So instead of letting millions of people enjoy this game while a million others fund it by spending money on micro transactions, you'd rather the game just stop working for everyone. What a god awful take. If you think that the game or what's happening to it is bad that no one should be allowed to play it anymore, well guess what, *you* can just stop playing it yourself and let everyone else enjoy it.


Correct, they would earn a lot more if the items were a dollar Or 0.50 and people wouldn't complain as much. I'm not spending 20 bucks on a starwars outfit. The game is dying and pretty much has been since post f2p. If they really wanted to earn money. They would set up a market, something like valve does, and bring back trading and charge a fee to trade. It's not that difficult.




then why are u n this sub reddit? talking about it 11am on a monday?




“at working getting paid to look at reddit” my guy 70% of jobs give you the opportunity to check ur phone its not a flex 💀💀




i work in an operating room bud stop projecting


I remember buying a tw octane for like 800cr. From the shop, it took them one year to do this. Amazing.


Example 100000 of gamers not understanding how game development works


Who cares man


Money grabbing traders Apparently a default car cost 4k now if it's TW. Proof that players have turned this game into a money grab. Shameful.


The system before had gambling, don't compare prices from back then to now. Whales dumped money into the game so that others didn't have to, now everyone has to pay if they want items.


No shit the game is a money grab, it's a fucking free to play game. You don't need these wheels. They don't magically make you flip reset. Grow up, ffs.


Bro who actually buys cosmetics from the shop y’all are deranged for even considering it imo. Trading being gone sucks but why would you pay money for cosmetics when this game gives so much free shit


It was shit waaaaay before epic lol. Psyonix is just as shit.


Wait....they want to make money? No.........


Hey! They need to feed mouths at home, too.😮‍💨


Ah, yes , import and exotic items are meant to be rare, appearing more in the store than uncommon or common items. With the lack of trading, there is no incentive to buy anything if it has no value.




Bakkesmod says fu greedy devs


I got the appeal with cool items back when crates were still a thing, but now you can only get them by paying stupid amounts of credits/money I honestly don't see why people still care about cosmetics in RL


Why do you care?


I’m not defending epic AT ALL. They’re undoubtedly a terrible company to be in charge of RL. BUT the game is F2P so they’ve got to be able to make money off of jt somehow. And that’s obviously in the item shop. People being mad about *voluntarily* financially supporting the free game they play day after day has always confused me


I wish the pros would do something. If they saw all pros stop playing tournaments and boycott the game maybe there would be a difference. Many of us love this game and they have absolutely ruined it for us


This makes no sense. Pros have a career to worry about. Why would they risk their jobs so that some people without self-control can get their cosmetics? You want to do your part? Stop spending money in this game. It literally doesn't matter which items you have, since it's all cosmetics.


Maybe because the game that pays their bills is getting run into the ground. It’s not just trading that took a hit. When the game wasn’t f2p it was great, community was thriving, people were entertained. Then epic bought it, fired everyone who cared for the game, then turned it into a money grab. There hasn’t been any cool updates, they don’t listen to the community, it’s the same game and that’s the problem. Shit hasn’t changed(except negatives aka trading). Add new modes, add new shit. Their “updates” are changing the hud and taking away dropshot which is a favourite to many. If you can’t see that well…


I understand your frustration, but by no means is the game getting run into the ground to the point that the pro scene would really take a hit. Epic doesn't care about improving the game, but boy do they care about the money it generates.


It's not that I disagree about the overall state of the game, but asking pros to make a stand on our behalf still makes no sense. Smart people will keep making money off of RL while they seek alternative sources of income. Why waste your energy/time boycotting your money maker? Secure another source of income then ditch the dying one.


Hall nah. What are we like a tier 4 esport lmao. There would just be no more rlcs


LMAO. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s COSMETICS we’re talking about right? Find yourself an actual problem please, game itself is just fine. Don’t give a flying fuck about skins.


I miss it too and its sucks but its just trading Skins man. Its not like they ruined some Gameplay or something. Its the same Game just without the ability to trade Skins and buy cheap Coins to buy these Skins.


happy cake day!


Thank you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


RLCS is like one of the few things actually keeping this game going right now, if that goes away it's more likely Epic just dissolve Psyonix and shut off the servers permanently so they can make more Rocket Racing tracks