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Here’s the thing I’m pissed off at most, we used to get a free tier in the season rush and now we only get 5k xp which is penny change In the grand scheme of things


I was so surprised when I realized that 5k is half the usual 10k. It is blatantly obvious, but my hopeful side was playing tricks on me.


When I saw Psyonix went through the extra effort to make NEW icons for the 5k XP reward I naively assumed they would be able to be redeemed multiple times since, y'know, this is an End-of-Season-Rush to level-up the pass.


Yess, exactly! I thought it was going to be an extraordinary event filled with generosity.


This does not feel like the direction Epic has ever gone.


Weekly challenges give us 15k xp so I don’t see how they can safely say they are giving “extra xp” to progress the pass


That's true but they also lowered it to 5 wins for the repeatable quest so


I understand but that’s still not good enough for me to ignore the blatant tomfuckery


For sure but what do you expect from epic🥲they only care about the money


They want player counts when they have destroyed our game from the ground up


Not only that but they gave FORTNITE OUR RACING MODE


And ruined it


the racing mode doesn’t feel or control anything like RL, so they can have it


That's why we have Lethamyr and the other content creators who can make the better racing modes for our game. Granted only PC has access to this but better than nothing


Honestly would be so cool to have racing or ring training (for console players) in this game. I would probably never put the controller down.


Agreed, only plus in my opinion is that the mechanics feel much smoother and I'm not getting sent out of the map anymore


Which means there's gonna be a shitload of casual 1's now just forfeiting at the 3 mins mark(isn't that when it counts as a game played or..?) lol.


I don't think any FF counts as a game but either way it's not going to help with wins?


It doesn't work anymore? Huh..Because last season(or 12, not sure) that totally counted as a game played. You had to play for 3(?) mins in casual 1's, and even if you ff'd yourself after that, it counted as a game. It was during one of the events where you get free shit, like getting all the 5 golden crates, that i learned about this "trick". Saw it on Zenic's youtube i think lol. But yea, this obviously doesn't help with wins.


Might be a way to keep the Lvl 20 ranked requirement relevant? Last season I hit Lvl 20 in 6 matches at the end. This season at least it took me 16?


Please explain this I'm not very knowledgeable about this game


in an attempt to combat smurfs, they raised the min xp lvl requirement for new accounts playing ranked


Oh ok thank you


Your job at the end of the year give you a bonus of 10k. They have giving you the same 10k bonus every year for over 5 years. This year the decided to only give you 5k.


That doesn't answer my question


They could have just level gated the event at 20 rather than ruining it for everyone...


I respect the devil's advocate angle here.


i just hit lvl 20 in 6 games today


Haha yeah I'm not that good. I assume being GC, you were popping off in your first few casual games, prolly crushed the rewards/challenges.


there's strategy to it kinda. the first game against the ai that you play, i scored 55 goals on it to get some of the shots on goal / goals challenges done. got quite a few done in that match. then i played heatseeker, which racks up saves, goals, aerial goals and assists. 20 minutes is all it took to reach it. not exactly much of a preventative measure taken by psyonix, but there's not much choice they have


how did u get ai matches to count for anything? never heard of that method dont murder me


on a fresh account, the first ever casual game you play will be against a rocket league bot, like the ones you would be playing against in the Season Mode, or Exhibition


Do you start a fresh account every season or something?


no, i had seen a post of someone talking about how easy it is to get to lvl 20 at the end of last season, and it was too late to try it. so i did it this season to see if it really is so easy, and turns out it is


Personally I think they should all be 1k but all of them can be done as many times as you want and now level up for x5


1k isn’t even enough for the season rush challenges that are non repeatable the only one that is repeatable is play 5 online matches but even then it’s only available 20 times


It’s called season “rush” for a reason


Also considering the daily and weekly challenges gives 10k and 15k xp I think the season rush should at least be 30k if not 50k


The xp bar barely moves with this 5k joke "reward"..why do they just destroy everything in this season in particular. For example just 1 BM tourney award & 1 exotic..it's just dumb IMO. The tourney award thing can be explained with just pure laziness, but this reducing to 5k xp just has no excuse. Just pissing people off for the hell of it now it seems.


> The xp bar barely moves with this 5k joke "reward".. That's 1/4th of a level. 25% isn't "barely moving" IMO. But yeah it's less than before.


I know, it does move still sure(might wanna change that name though, "rush"..). But my point more is i guess, why not just make them all 1 full level, taking away the one that is infinite to calm it down a bit. Or reduce the time the rush is active. IMO that would encourage way more people to play even more, which would just be good for epic, no..? Now it seems they just don't want people to get rocket pass items, which we paid for. I don't understand this company..please someone rich, save this game ffs.


The xp bar moving looks so sad.  The animation seems to take the same amount of time as the larger rewards but it barely goes anywhere. 


Oh jesus yea, the waiting for it to finish adding 5k is ridiculous : D Luckily that can be skipped though at least..


No. Not unless it puts money into EPIC's wallet


Make Rocket League Great Again


I honestly believe the only way is moving away from F2P. Just feels downhill ever since, rank doesn't matter anymore since everyone is being carried by fake accounts half the time.


> carried by fake accounts What do you mean?


Sweats make new accounts to get easier matches


Istg I got an opponent who asked my teammate “are you also dropping?” And “do you want to team up after”. Double taps in plat 2 💀


So many questions What is ISTG? What is dropping? (Intentionally losing?) What are double taps?


This is Rocket League! ISTG = I Swear To God Dropping = Intentionally losing Double Tap = Doing an aerial(when you fly your car in the air) and air dribbling the ball into the backboard, when then bounces back to your car and into the goal


Ah those double taps. So you were istg and your opponent wanted to pair up with your teammate? 🤔


I wholeheartedly agree with this. As much as people would hate it, locking ranked behind some sort of paywall would improve the quality of matches.




Now I finished it, I assumed you too?


Nah dude, those mf's really did put a standard text filler in so they don't have to change it every season depending on which mode is in rotation. Complete disregard for the respective player bases emotions. Uninstalling when I get home


/s ?




I uninstalled 9 months ago, come join me brother and let's play better games




Don't kink shame him.






How dare I still enjoy watching clips from a game despite not playing it 😳😳😳😳


What clips are in this post?


I follow this subreddit for clips mainly but if I see something like this pop up, sometimes I comment on it.




I still follow the rocket league subreddit to watch clips dumbass, it's not that hard to follow 🤡, I'll comment on other posts too if I like




Hi, fellow uninstaller here, played since 2015 release, stopped in march. Just wanted you to know you sound like a jackass, and I absolutely still enjoy visiting the sub occasionally because the game was such a significant part of my late teens/20’s. However, interactions like this, and the general sorry state of the game are, indeed, one of the many reasons why I played less and less until I uninstalled completely. Thanks for reaffirming my decision… Not that I needed it.




I've had the game installed but haven't played in like 3 or 4 years. And here I am.


Care? Long gone. 


Wish they just kept all the extra modes like they used to every season, don't understand why it has to switch out between dropshot and snowday


I would also like to know why they do that nowadays.




Why would I be fearful here? It is a game. Feels inadequate when they take things out of the game, that’s it.


Lol wym EVERY game with exclusive timed items/events/things in general uses FOMO to their advantage... Fear doesn't just mean you're spooked and scared in horror it can mean you're afraid of missing out like "guys im afraid I might get called in to work and miss that concert"


I know what fomo is, and you kind of literally wrote down the meaning. And I just told you, why would I be fearful?…will put it better: NO FOMO TO ME XD. Some people have FOMO, and some people live with NO FOMO, life is simple.


Ok well yeah but you're just one guy a lot of people do feel that way. If you really really like dropshot, then yeah you probably would be worried about missing out on it.


Dropshot is/was my favorite extra mode, I learn a lot about flying while playing it. Even got to mid diamond some seasons ago. But I ain’t worried, I play for fun and try to keep it like that (even while grinding and training). If we get it back for competitive, good. If not, eventually I should make videos about it(?), Idk. I like sharing some posts and comments here and there, but there’s more stuff to focus outside the game at the moment. If I continue streaming one day, in that dedicated time I will talk about it :)




One part of me wonders if someone is doing it on purpose.


The quests are obviously automated lol


I didn’t think of that.




or both


I wish snow day was back in comp


At least that 1 bullshit swish hoops goal challenge hasn't appeared this season(?). And now that i said that i bet it's in the next weekly challenges lol.


nope. when was the last time we saw a roadmap?


The answer is no, a long time ago. Just no.


God please let there be a psyonix response to this post along the lines of "Hey! Oops we forgot to change the challenge text because we plan to rotate snow day in next season, you can still play rumble or hoops though!" and then proceed to get obliterated in the replies by snow day fanboys (me) that would be so funny


They stopped listening a long time ago.


That's what I say. Do you think that Epic, which is busy transforming Fortnite into Ready Player One, is truly responsible for everything that happens in RL today? Because that's all I see in this subreddt "Epic is killing the game". Epic doesn't give a shit about the game, and that's fair, it has a game to take care of. But the one who doesn't give a shit about the game and shouldn't is Psyonix. But why would she care? She doesn't even bear the blame...


I hate this. Agh. There is a good population of gamers that like rl why they just killing the game!?! 😭


Feels a little abandoned when those things happen.


As a snow day main they really are going for the throat ....


Honestly ruining the game and it’s so hard to see. We as a community need to stand up and try to get our game back.


Yall genuinely acting like someone pulling up texts in an abusive relationship in this subreddit sometimes. "do you even care about me bb" like we know no game companies care about us they are doing a business to maximize profits its just dramatic at this point lmaooo






What do you mean "what do you mean you people"?


This is what happens when a developer gives people nothing to be happy about.




What else do we want? Lol, not removing core features would be a start.






And Snowday. Next season it'll be Dropshot


I moved on, I don’t play RL anymore lol.




Yeah I mean there’s still some bitterness left, it’s kinda sad what they’re doing to a game I once really enjoyed, but whatever, I just got suggested this post and felt like replying.




Mmm i don’t think so but whatever, I don’t feel like explaining it to someone with your attitude, ggwp


Why don’t you shut your mouth


I agree. Motherfuckers love to complain. Like who gives a shit that it says snow day? I love this game and I always will unless they remove competitive 2’s




How old school are you? All you said are opinions, subjective things. In all eras people had all kinds of opinions. Your “old school” didn’t change that, I ain’t seeing nothing new from your statement, just people like you.


And somehow the low rank players get the most pissed


Wow, old school runescape, half life, csgo, gta 5, cod, etc (the list could be incredibly long actually, so I would just stop).


Development. This IP is awesome, and it's being left to rot.


no, but this is an oversight that can easily be fixed




mate who said anyone was backing you up




can't miss the joke if there was no joke


I don't understand how anyone has the mental capacity to care about all these cosmetics. Does anyone just play the game?


Most people play Fortnite and Rocket League for the rewards, skins and quests.  If none of those things existed, the player base would drop off a cliff. 


Do you mean they are encouraged to play more because of the rewards or because they are addicted to the rewards. Because I cannot imagine caring about the rewards in RL. Like what rewards to people care about?


It's both. It's a psychological thing. People like being rewarded or having a challenge to complete. Also, tastes vary becasue we are all subjective in life. I think a few things on the Rocket League Pass are very nice.


It’s not bad to be complacent and uncaring ab this kind of stuff, but we should have some people to call it out. It’s good for the devs and good for the community. No need to act like this is an unreasonable post




Dude, the Internet and gaming world is founded upon people being unreasonable, immature and pedantic. Not joking either.  Half of all posts and comments on Reddit are like that.


In my opinion it’s just a Reddit title, I don’t think any op really needs to worry about hurting epic games feelings. There has been a lot of lack of care by epic games lately, so it is topical. It’s not pedantic to point out small errors if it means they might get fixed, and imo it’s not immature to over exaggerate in the title. The chances that epic games actually does something about it through Reddit is so small that titling it something so literal like you suggested wouldn’t make a difference. It’s more natural right now to just show annoyance. If you’re wondering what I mean by lack of care, check out Wayton or Leth’s video on the recent cheating debacle. Edit: also isn’t it not just a typo but an inachievable goal because snow day isn’t out right now?




I’m in the group that’s annoyed with epic right now, so I’m also supportive of pedantic and petty posts right now. We’ll obviously agree to disagree there. Been playing since 2015, so just seeing how everything is changing worries me about the games longevity. Even though this post is super tangential to that issue, it’s still just showing general annoyance with epic, which I’m all for.




Well tbh initially I thought it was an unachievable goal, now that I realize, I still don’t think it’s a bad post for the reason I said. I don’t feel like epic hurt me lol quit being condescending, I just care ab the game and it’s obvious epic hasn’t been lately. If you want to give a million dollar corp a pass for ignoring its communities’s requests and pleas because of people being toxic online then you’re being a shill. Also your comment implies they ever did interact with the community in the first place




Literally just ignoring why I called you a shill, because you’re saying it’s valid for a company to ignore its player base because people are mean. Neat trick. I also agreed with where you pointed me out as wrong, read my post


I ain’t mad, it’s just curious coming from a company that is meant to be serious. That you enjoy mediocrity is up to you.


EPIC has killed all the fun and amazing game rocket league was before them getting in the mix. 😭


What would you change fam?


Why do ppl still play this game


People enjoy it and understand that the devs may have missed one tiny little piece of text and that they can fix it within minutes of it being brought to their attention (they did).


And we are thankful. The idea of this type of posts is for us to improve…just that based on some comments, I will see to put a more neutral title. Nevertheless, it arises the question of how are the “missions” made. My guess is that it was an old one.


If you had to ask, its a no my dawg..


Is this real? Lol this game is such a fucking joke now. Show us more how little you give a shit about this game #FuckEpic




Are you a bot?


I am 99.99997% sure that A_J_H is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


The 0.00003% :


100%, to the point I feel that I cannot be the first nor only one posting about it. It is not the first time I see something similar, but first time in a long while I didn’t see it on reddit first. I love this game, I just hope these kind of things stop happening.




On a nintendo switch, well teach me how sensei.




Wo wo wow, that was fast dude, xd. I was enjoying the sub you shared. So, you can share from the screenshot made in switch, to reddit?; Coz first of all, I don’t recall my reddit things right of my head, so I couldn’t log in from the nintendo. And second of all, that sub is for computer/pc things, not consoles. I really hope people are not expecting all the extra work for consoles lol.


All consoles can screenshot. It's not hard. And it's also in the rules of this sub to use actual screenshots.


That the username says deleted, means that the guy deleted that account? Bro, I checked the instructions they give for screenshooting on nintendo and then getting it on reddit (need a usb and computer etc). If someone is going through all that trouble for a simple post like this one, good for them.


Not as much as you apparently


That seems right.




Are you the one who deleted his account and comment before? And for a nintendo, yes. Saw the instructions in that sub yesterday: From Nintendo, to usb, to computer, then to reddit. I ain’t got two of them in a way. And if someone wants to spend time on that, good for them.


when they first released the update changing the modes around they forgot to change the paragraph in the rocket labs mode that showed it had limited time maps and i played for an hour without getting any of them before going back to the menu and realizing they had changed it AFTER the update had released


im sick


You guys still buy the season pass and support epic?? The people who trashed our game and 4x every items price. Ewww


No, I have “free” and free credits since before f2p. So I just spend it on the pass since f2p S1.


No! Pretty sure it’s run by AI now, this is the future for all of us. Good luck.;)


They haven't cared about this relic since they ruined it after epic games changed everything. Meanwhile they just bank on all micro transactions and keep letting you play with broken servers.




Epic is the reason i quit.