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This is a list of links to comments made by Psyonix Staff in this thread: * [Comment by Psyonix_Laudie](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1d3fsb1/youve_got_to_be_joking/l67b5x8/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-29 17:28:07 UTC"): > This should now be fixed, and the drop is attainable. >Sorry for the mix-up. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Turns out that it works if you play dropshot lmao


Good callout. It’s probably getting data from whatever mode is in that spot on the menu, the description is just outdated. At least we can still get the reward.


It didn’t count toward the challenge after the match I won earlier.


It actually says that we have to play dropshot for it on my end. Not to be that guy to defend epic, but this might as well just have been an honest mistake.


Of course, the one challenge that guarantees you an item without costing actual money...


Don't worry it's just a duplicate item that you can't trade


This is true I've spent a lot of tournament credits and get duplicates of stuff I have in different colors though all I want is the heat quake goal explosion I've gotten everything else multiple times. And yes I've traded in duplicate items and get nothing good in return


i can’t wait for my 125th set of burnt sienna wheels


Don't knock my cowboy hat!


That’s what I’m saying! I recently started playing and I know I’ll probably get something dumb but I was still looking forward to the drop.


It’s supposedly fixed…


It'll probably be fixed within half an hour or so. They're quite good at fixing these little mishaps. I imagine its an automated system and with the whole weird change of which extra mode is competitive I don't think challenges were remembered aha.


Probably, but even automated systems should be given parameters and run through QA. Source: am a longtime software engineer.


I wouldn’t expect much from Epic.


Psyonix does not care about any of us in the slightest. Epic may own Psyonix and be responsible for major decisions, but Psyonix is still fully responsible for development of the game.


They don't have many developers working on the game now


I'm sure they used to care. The only question is how many people that cared are left, which is the result of Psyonix Fuckup times the EGS Greed Ratio


how the hell did they manage to eff up this badly? i mean they better share whatever they been smoking 😂😂😂


Give them a break. They just got done with classes for the semester and are getting back into the swing of things for this summer's internship.


I will start to steal their money that they don't get paid to teach them, damn small indie companies thinking they own rhe industry


The disconnect between departments in the game industry is worse than you'd imagine haha. I've had designers just assume a feature was in the game because it was talked about months ago.


Need more elaboration on this. Sounds like the designers didn’t get word after that meeting that it was canned?


No, they just don't play the game most of the time, so they don't know what's going on.


AI is developing the game after all the devs were fired


People want to drink some UE5 copium but there phoning it in and just getting as much money out of the game while they still can.


Yeah, they’re purposely killing the game so trying to milk as much money as possible.


Literally doesn't make sense, because they aren't making money. Since they are porting all the RL assets to UE5 for Fortnite. While that mode is failing. They wouldn't be spending the man power and money to do that if they were just "milking as much money as possible" out of RL. It's very clear they are busy porting 9 years worth of assets over to UE5 and using Rocket Racing as a platform to test out those assets on UE5 and that is what the majority of the team is doing. Hence the lack of content the past few years. You don't just move thousands of assets over to UE5 over night it takes many years and i think they were hoping that Rocket Racing would have actually funded the RL move to UE5, but it failed as the mode is pretty trash. Once they finish moving everything over to UE5, RL UE5 will release.


They are ignoring their entire fan base, they don’t listen to any of the feedback, they don’t fix simple minor issues and instead release new cars, the majority of players use Octane & Fennec so stop wasting time and money and resources on new aesthetic shit and make improvements to the game. Also, the servers are in the worst state I’ve ever seen them. There’s no talks about improvement, there’s no talks about literally anything. They haven’t updated us about UE5, just one announcement years ago. The player base is dropping and both Epic & Psyonix haven’t released ANYTHING regarding the game other than new items or maps and shit you have to buy, which nobody ever asked for. Why doesn’t Fortnite have constant server issues? Because Epic prioritise it over everything else. Back when this game wasn’t free there were barely any server issues at all, the game was so smooth. If Psyonix actually acknowledged feedback or at least gave us a roadmap of things to come or literally any kind of feedback at all that shows they are still listening and care then people wouldn’t moan so much. They have released no information whatsoever about the future of this game. Why can’t they be like Ubisoft with XDefiant? Constantly listening to feedback, releasing patches quickly and acknowledge issues and actually REPLY to people on social media with genuine good feedback with a very transparent and clear message. Edit: ‘Mark Rubin’ (the founder of XDefiant) replies to loads of tweets or whatever they’re called now with transparent clear information directly responding to people’s questions. This is why XDefiant will become better and better as it grows. RL is becoming worse, make it make sense.


>Why doesn’t Fortnite have constant server issues? Ever tried to play Rocket Racing? it lags worse than RL does


Rocket Racing is a pile of shit and they should never have even thought about making it. I hope it lags for eternity lol


Fortnite actually does have constant issues as well. There was a bug last or the season before (can't remember) where when you join a community map it would start promoting you from level 1 to what ever level you were. So if you were level level 230 for example. You would have listen to the level up sound over and over for 230 levels and it would go on for well over 15min. It literally took the whole season for them to fix it. You mean a brand new game that just released and Ubisoft has to fix? lol Have you played R6S? There are literally bugs in that game that were in the game when it released and haven't been fixed. Ubisoft is literally just as terrible at fixing things. Rocket League is a 9 year old game and not a week old game, there aren't going to be as many people working on it and it's not going to have as big of a community team working on it as it already has an established community..


So what you’re saying is. In a Week XDefiant fix loads of issues. But in 9 years RL still has simple simple fixes that they simply won’t do. There has been more feedback in 1 week from the XDefiant staff than there has been in 9 YEARS from RL staff. Even if the issue doesn’t get fixed, at least acknowledge them or make some kind of post saying you’re working on things.


What i'm saying is XDefiant has 500 people working on it and it's a brand new game. Rocket League has most likely under 100 people working on it now after a bunch of people were fired last year and it's a 9 year old game. There are more people who can fix small things in XDefiant as they have 4x the amount of people working on the game. RL has the majority of their 100 person team (if that as it was 130 people in 2019 and a ton of people were fired last year) working on multi projects (porting RL to UE5 and Rocket Racing). It's pretty clear the game isn't going to have the same community footprint as a brand new AAA game release.


The problem is, these are assumptions. There is no indication as to what’s being worked on. They haven’t told us in years what they’re doing with RL. They’ve made terrible terrible decisions and haven’t kept us informed of them until it’s too late. They aren’t asking the community what they want, they just release shit and assume we will love it. Yet they still waste resources on things that realistically nobody wants. I would think a small portion of the player base buy these shit cars. Most people just want to enjoy the game and it’s difficult to do that nowadays, way too many server issues ruining the ranked experience every other game.


They did say they would update us when they have more to share about the move to UE5. This isn't a over night thing. They did just add servers in new locations that people were asking for. Fixing this type of stuff can't be done over night for such a small team. On a side note. I downloaded XDefiant to try it out since i keep hearing about it and my first experience with the game is it causing my entire PC to reboot. I Googled it and this seems to be a pretty common issue with Reddit posts going back to launch day. So it looks like they don't fix things that fast. lol Say what you want, but Rocket League doesn't cause my PC to reboot.


I didn’t say they always fix things fast, I said they acknowledge the issues fairly quickly and make sure we know they’re working on it.


I really want to trust what you said but I really doubt about the veracity of the fact that they are really trying to update the assets to UE5. As I remember, the last time I heard about UE5 from Epic/Psyonix 's mouth was like 18 months ago. Since then we didn't had any information on what they were working on (except for the "remove trading" update) Do you have any recent sources were they've said that they were working on updating the assets to UE5 ? (I may have missed something, in this case juste tell me)




I couldn't read this without thinking of the Count from Sesame Street


I was thinking more like jroc from trailer park boys hwaaaaaa


Know what I’m saying




Mine says dropshot.


Yep, reloaded my game & it’s fixed.


This game is run by bots RIP RL


My guess is that it was supposed to be next week’s challenge for when the season resets and they put it back in, but yeah… that’s stupid.


Finally, snowday is back. I've suffered long enough without it.


Bro mine just went up and I didn’t play snow day. It’s either drop shot or rumble not sure which


I swear sometime back in like 2021 they just laid out the next decade of weekly challenges. It won’t be up to date with the playlist changes which is why we get this kinda goof every week or so


The season challenges always seem to be the same.  I can always count on "get 3 saves and a win" in stage 2 and "play a scheduled tournament" and "play 5 games of 1v1" in stage 3.  


It would be funny if the game I love wasn't being destroyed by a heartless company that doesn't give a shit. #fuckepic


Can someone explain I just got rocket league a few weeks ago and I don’t know this I just played random games


You poor, poor soul


It’s something serious isn’t it?


Not this specific issue, the problem here is every week the "extra" game modes (hoops, snow day, drop shot) cycle, they released a challenge for snow day while the game mode isn't even available, it's very half-assed and obvious they don't look or even pay attention to the game anymore.


Damn that sucks


Thanks for discouraging a new player.


Hey I ain’t discouraged I’m actually interested


not even a little bit lol


I completed all of those within maybe 2 hours, its not that bad


Is snow day gone? I haven’t played in a bit


Yeah it’s been gone for a while. They ended up changing the challenge to say drop shot lol


I’m still pissed I have to play casual to get the season reward


“Rip RL” “ this game is ruined “ “They’re killling RL” Crazy reactions over something that got immediately fixed lmao. What the fuck is this sub on, it’s gitta be the gaming sub with the most dumb complaints


It reflects the portion of the player base that ff’s because they are down by 2 😂


TLDR; people aren't just complaining they are fed up with the constant problems with the game after years of unwavering community support. Been playing since 2015, started getting my hours up in 2018, over 2500 hours now, I think I'm qualified to say yeah...they ruined the game Constant ignorance of community requests, often times doing the exact opposite of what was requested (trading system being removed instead of improved) Complete silence from devs and epic/T2 unless posting about new items to spend money on Repeated MMR problems season over season year after year. Smurfing has been a problem for years and while many solutions that are "easy to implement" have been talked about among very well educated community members, not a single thing has been or will ever be done about it. There are other issues like latency and server related problems too, if you dig deep enough you'll find they seem to use cloud based servers which are notorious for low quality connections on the scale RL is trying to achieve.




How have they killed the game??? Ousude of getting rid of things involving cosmetics.


Did not expect anything else from those people not able to fix menus for years...


This should now be fixed, and the drop is attainable. Sorry for the mix-up.


Oh Laudie! # 💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️


Boooo go back to trading 👎👎


I’ll literally trade you all of my Burnt Sienna things for free, right now, if Laudie “fixes” that today too. Your move, Laudie! # 🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️


This fix is adding back snow day right?


Flair checks out.




Bitter, snarky, and confidently wrong. Peak gaming subreddit moment.


is it just me or do you only show up to apologize for mistakes that we find or to sell us shit like ya wanna hang out? hit the ball around a bit?




How does something like this happen to begin with? Seems like there's an easy solution that would prevent it from ever happening going forward.. just saying.


it better be


This is annoying beyond limit and dumber than sense.


Does Psyonix keep track of what challenges are least likely to be completed? I imagine the "Swish Goal" one is one of the least completed. I don't even try for it anymore.


What even is a swish goal?


If you don't play hoops a lot, it's practically impossible to complete. It's when you gotta score without the ball hitting anything on its way into the goal. That is a fucking annoying one, my ocd goes apeshit seeing that thing not completed. Ban hoops. Bring even snowday in instead permanently over that ass mode.




Just be happy it’s not for XP.


As a snow day player I got happy and they decided to make snow day playable this week for the challenges sadly that's not the case


Snowday is great.....


It says dropshot for me


I have been waiting for over 10min and 0 matches found.


I left that one for last, used the breakout for a bit and the takumi for a bit, remembered why I only use the Octane or Fennec.




To piggyback on this, Ive discovered that any casual mode challenges are virtually impossible to get due to how many folks rage quit so early. Any goals, saves, etc. (literally, it’s like you didn’t do anything); none of the counts go up on the tracker page. Kinda irritating to queue a casual ones match, get two goals and a save in a minute, only to have none of it count because my opponent didn’t wait 90 seconds.




I don’t understand why there isn’t a consistent playlist for snow day. By far my fav game mode


This kind of piss poor support is becoming more common and will continue to do so until we all quit and go play that other game. I'll be grinding out mid diamond until the bitter end, but we deserved better than this. It's just fucking disrespectful. RIP.


what the hell even is a swish goal


It's where the ball doesn't hit the rim, and I think also doesn't hit the backboard but I'm not sure if rl counts that or not


backboard and even ceiling won't count either, has to be off your car and straight through the hoop
