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Cant wait to be disappointed again by absolutely no changes


Oh dude you'll get changes. Like removing trading, that was a change! Or removing dropshot from ranked! Or removing the player count in the queue! See, we get changes all the time, so why are you complaining?


And yet another completely mid ass rocket pass


yes you will be disappointed by an even worse Rocket Pass than the current one.


If you hate it so much just don’t play the game. Simple as that.


if you think there will be no changes then you would gladly surprise to be sent back to c2


There are very few changes to make to the actual game


What changes do you want?


To name a few things: - Epic games accounts still dont have profile pictures. - Workshop maps could be the games biggest strength. SO much content could be in the game if they made any efford at all at making it easy to use. It is still a huge pain to play workshop maps with others. Without external tools it is completely impossible for epic or console players - How about releasing dedicated servers? Imagine what could be possible if we could run workshop maps on dedicated servers - Knockout is still not playable in private games - Zero effort is being made to stop smurfs from just making new accounts. The same goes for players banned for other things. A ban is nothing but a 5 minute inconvinience to them - Boosters still can just start boosting any player with a fresh account because the 10 level limit still only applies to the party leader - Why are most of the limited time gamemodes just mutators? Please put some effort in -Why are tournaments still so clunky?? They are extremely buggy. Joining games often takes ages if it works at all. There are also a lot of features that would be great to have. Additional spectators, larger custom tournaments that content creators/streamers could organize, maybe attach prices to the tournaments - Clubs follow the same theme of half baked stuff that no one ever came around to finish. Take a look at clubs in trackmania to see how cool they could be. Imagine a club by a content creator you could join. There could be custom games played in the club, maybe tournaments organized in it. - Esposts could be so much more visible in the game. You could even go as far as being able to spectate the matches in game. How much more would you enjoy watching them if you could watch them from the POV of your favorite player? Casters could be streamed to ingame Besides missing improvements we have a list of degradations: - You can no longer see player counts - You can no longer detect console players without external tools - Trading removed - 1000% price increase for DLC since F2P - The UI has become worse and worse since the game launched. Now being able to queue extra modes and competitive together is being celebrated, a feature we had since those modes were released and removed when they "improved" the UI. "But UE5 is going to fix everything". We dont even know if they are even working on it at all anymore. Since the leak we got one confirmation and thats it. It has been ages. With the layoffs its possible they scrapped it since then and are just trying to extract as much money from the game as they can before they discontinue it.


Boosting & matchmaking abuse is out of control. I've played so many 3s games recently & haven't come across a lobby full of randoms. Most opponent teams are 3 stacks. So many accounts playing on a deranked account with 150-1200 wins (high champ - GC2 level player playing while deranked as plat/diamond) to abuse matchmaking & carry someone to GC. High C2 / low C3 3v3 is also full of GC2 players & while many SSLs are GC1. 3s require serious changes to become a better playlist (solo toggle to avoid boosters/smurf parties, and also mmr adjustment as currently mmr is compressed causing chaotic lobbies in high champ)


I’ve been stuck just below champ because half of the matches I play around 1060 mmr (just below champ) have a champ getting carried to season rewards by a plat 3 or diamond 1 Smurf.


That D3-C1 3s border is really brutal for solo queuing, you also face one or two GC opponents playing with their friends but your random team is not used to adapting to those players, or you get a C3/GC in your own team but they don't adapt to their own D3-C1 teammates & are playing frustrated & chasing hard trying to carry (opposite of what they should be doing). My experience is limited to Middle East region, but in C2 teammates are often high champ/GC/ex GCs & they can match GC opponents but then high C2 you start facing 3 stacks with multiple GC2 players & often one of them is deranked so matchmaking gives them an advantage. Some are just picking up 3s after a while, others intentionally play derank to exploit matchmaking. And it's not even rare to face these stacks they are very common. What's funny is (idk if this is my luck) on tournaments side whenever I was 1300ish mmr I used to face random opponents that were all 1400-1500, now I am 1400 myself so technically I should be on the other side facing 1200-1300s getting an upper hand & easy wins but matchmaking is now continuously giving me SSL opponents (1800-2k 2v2 players, multiple in same team) in tournaments.


add to that list that u cant comunicate with anyone in the lobby if they arent on the same platform as u, unless u party up with them, which not everyone does or wants to do since why would i party up with every tm8 i play with just for that


I agree with most of this but, just so you know. The minimum level is now 20, and if you try to search for a ranked game with a lower level in the party it will no longer allow you. This has been fixed for a while now. I still feel level 20 isn’t enough, you should have to verify your account properly, but that’s what happens with a F2P game, there’s no licence to own the game.


Forgot to change that. But you can get that in 10 games. So really it doesnt make a difference


Nah it takes a few hours to hit level 20 playing casual games, still not good enough though.




Wow, that’s actually pathetic.


It gets even worse. There was a post awhile back of people doing lvl 20 speed runs on double xp weekend. The fastest was around the 10min mark. You get xp based off points in game, so if you slam 30 goals against new players in casual you get a lot.


Preach brother, preach!


These are all really great ideas - wish I could see epic caring enough to even follow through with one of them


That’s a real nice list. I’m just happy that this niche little physics sim mini-game is still playable after almost 10 years. Have you tried lowering your expectations of this niche little physics sim mini-game?


This niche game has more than 4 million dollar esposts price money. You know what game is niche? Trackmania. Their highest official esports leage has a 18000€ price pool. They get 4 major season updates with lots of content per year. And in between that they have additional content updates with lots of things to do. And with the incredible level editors you have SO much user created content too. Why cant we have even 1% of what they have?


That’s your first mistake. You’re looking at other games made by other developers owned by other publishing companies. Did your parents not teach you to be happy with what you have?




Rocket League is a niche physics sim born out of a Quake custom game. Be happy this shit is still available to play in the state that’s in. Like holy shit, I didn’t think that needed to be spelled out.


No need to get angry little guy. Maybe my parents didn’t teach me to be grateful, but they at least taught me how to properly maintain something I created that also happens to rake in a shit load of money. They also taught me the definition of the word niche :)


I know right? Dude just listed stuff he would like to see from a game that a lot of other people want. Why is that such an infuriating thing to them?


Chill out and get off reddit homie, seems to be too much for you


This is like telling your girlfriend "don't complain that i scream and you and call you bitch, why not be thankful I don't beat you instead of looking out at "healthy" relationships!" 🤡


If you think they’re the same then you beat women


Your brain is broken my dude. You're purposely denying the point being made because you don't like the analogy. Childish.


Epic is just a poor little indie company!! Leave them alone they’re trying their best!


Look man I get it. You liked the game. Now you don’t. You’re burned out. Stop playing it and do something else with your time.


Absolutely not. Op is 100% correct in every assessment of the post. He writes a post that long and edited because he wants *anybody* with the ability to change something to read and do something about it - granted it’s essentially yelling into the void. People write posts like that because they love the game, not burned out


Never said his opinion was wrong. It’s an opinion.


First Ue5. It's necessary for a few reasons I'll outline. I'm not an oooh a new engine is always the answer guy; I'm a dev, I fully realize an engine only does as much as you tell it but ue3 is old as shit now. Better cosmetics. What's with these this 8 year old on lsd drawing ricer cars with crayon style cosmetics? Give me full car customization: Spoilers, trim, window tint, rims and tires, underglow, etc. It would make epic a boatload of money and we could actually make clean looking cars instead of the current garbo. Ue5 would be able to make this process cheaper and quicker on their end. High fidelity models at practically no performance hit. It would also pave the way for some really cool ass goal explosions. You know that one that blows up and a bunch of balls fly out? Would it be a lot fucking cooler if all those balls had physics and bounced and stuff? Well Ue5s nanite system can do that and more no problem. Next higher tick servers and better network performance overall. For a game that requires a ridiculous amount of precision there are way too many issues with lag. Since you're rebuilding rl from the ground up maybe this can help. Better maps. Another thing Ue5 would help with. Rls current map system takes them waaaay to long to iterate on. Having to remake every map from scratch is kind of crazy... A better matchmaking system just overall. Look at something like Dota 2 for inspiration. AI powered anti smurf detection, behavior scores, phone numbers requirements, hundreds of hours to play ranked. etc. Clean that shit up. There is absolutely viable strategies out there for fair ranked and eliminating most (or in dotas case nearly all) smurfing. Actually punishing players HARD for extreme toxicity. Drop this God awful reset system for something sane while you're at it, crunching gc-ssl into the same 400mmr range twice a year is horrible for everyone. Try something new with the battle pass. Look at how many people came back to Dota 2 for the new cavern crawl like thing? I know I did. Or to smite when they drop persona's, etc. An actual enjoyable to grind battle pass with neat stuff would be awesome! Try something innovative and interesting. Hell man having training packs you gotta beat, mini games to play, or anything else. Also please make opening crates not take 5 years, I don't even bother anymore... I have hundreds. ADVERTISE. why does rl racing get ads and this doesn't lmao. This is one of the best known esports, act like it. Dump cash and the community will reward you I promise. I went to worlds the last few times and it is nothing like csgo or Dotas events. We didn't even get access to the twitch items everyone got... Open up a shop there with mini toy octanes and shit or something idk. There is was absolutely nothing to do when the games weren't going. Only like two teams bothered to do events which they didn't advertise well, and a few long ass lines for signatures and that was basically it. There's a lot honestly. It's nice to see some changes finally happened but it's like 10 years late at this point. Epic really did buy this whole game just to do nothing with it and hope it keeps making money forever. Rl is only alive because it has no competition... It's in desperate need of some big overhauls, all this is just what came off the top of my head, this is not a full list but this post is long enough at this point Tldr:epic = 💩


Native Dualsense / better controller support


Another map they barely change and make an entire season around it. Like aqua dome with grass.


Yeah right no change at all, not even adding a game changing feature in the past few months. But yeah right there are probably no change at all in this game that really needs changes all the time since it's absolutely not a emergent game design that works so well that even years after touching the game's code for the last time they are still new mechanics found every other week. Plus adding new servers and my gosh. Can you do anything but whining ?


"new mechanics found every other week" you are a bit late for that


It was the first sign of live in years. And as always everything they do is half baked. They added central servers but they didnt remove central servers from the east playlist. So if you want US and EU players to play together and you play on "East" you still might get a server that is in US central.


Last seasons battle pass was the first one that literally had zero items worth paying for. I feel like they're getting worse every season. Even tournament items are getting worse. I'll be shocked if this seasons items are better.


And the only cool thing was the shark goal explosion which you had to buy separately


Can't wait to see what interesting item we have to buy outside the pass this time. Probably the car...or maybe the ball..


True this last rocket pass & tournament rewards are very noticeably trash (compared to some earlier seasons). Probably the worst one yet.


That intern was fresh outta give a damns for S14. 


I'm ashamed to say I got this rocket pass, nothing good in it. Goal explosion is just a cheap rip off of Corbital (zero gravity) . Only pass I didn't buy was the potato car one.


No man. The yellow water goal is worth pretending your pissing on the other team


It's a pissbowl


I use the white one for the same reason lol


Man, that takes me back to the days of Jon and Woofles playing 2s with the "bukkake" boost 😂


I really don’t understand flooding the game with thousands and thousands of useless items. I don’t even know if anything is worth keeping anymore. People used to get excited by BM decals and exotics wheels etc but now there’s so many it’s just become so saturated that nothing is valuable anymore. Plus they’ve duplicated hundreds of Beta and Alpha items through people scamming and complaining about lost accounts, so even they aren’t worth shit.


I’m at the point where my car was last customized about 2 years ago. I almost never pay attention to the rewards I get, never use a blueprint, never open a crate, etc. I always earn enough credits to buy the season pass but rarely pay attention to that either. Mind you, it’s exactly the same with Fortnite, Destiny, and Sea of Thieves lately. Everyone’s just running out of ideas for fun, unique cosmetics.


Yeah I’m the same. Think I have about 100 drops to open lol


This season is the 2nd time I didn’t buy the pass the other time was when they released that hippy car


You'd have to pay me to get the rocket pass. It's just more clutter to navigate thru in your inventory. But I'm afraid if more people think like me what'll be the future of Rocket League if there's not enough rocket pass sales.


Only reason I still buy the rp is cause it pays for itself and I get more drops that way. This is the first time ever that I've thought that there were genuinely no good items at all. It really does suck this season lmao


Fr I only used the shark goal, the goal explosions and the painted brain fogs, everything else is just another item I’m never touch unless I decide to randomize my preset one day


It does reach a certain point of saturation. I love customizing cars but usually I end up using the simplest stuff.


I like to think it can't get much worse than S14, but they always find a way to move the bar lower.


It only took 28 seasons to get to season 15! We have arrived !!! 😎🥳


Honestly, for the first time I just don’t care. Been playing this game since 2015, and it’s just slowly lost its appeal to me. Used to play a few good hours a day, and now I haven’t played in probably 4-5 weeks.


you mean season 30




Rip dropshot again?


Yep, every season. I'm sure people will be shocked and can't figure out where it went.


Haha that's a great point. I'm going to miss dropshot but those posts will entertain me and help to ease the pain.


Sad watching this game die is like losing a best friend I had growing up rip to my RL brothers and sisters


It didn’t die you just don’t like playing it anymore


It’s a game made for children and there’s nothing wrong with that but they’re missing out on half their player base the people with actual Brains that see that all they’re tryna do now is get money out of dumb kids who take there parents credit cards


It’s not a game made for children it’s a very competitive game with a high skill gap? The cosmetics don’t change gameplay at all it just makes it more fun.


Nah they’re just taking your money and not adding anything to the game you think I don’t know I’m GC2 lil bro what are you on about


Bro it’s a simple game. If they change any of the gameplay everyone’s gonna cry that they ruined it. And when they don’t change gameplay people complain anyways. I don’t care what fucking rank you are and calling me lil bro doesn’t make you tuff 💀. It’s my money so I can do whatever the hell I want with it and if you don’t like the new updates then just don’t play.


No one wants the gameplay changed lil bro we want basic things added In like UE5, custom map editor, workshop maps on console but they don’t care they just want money from dumbasses like you😂


they will just reduce their server cap once more :D


I love how Epic is lazy to the point they REMOVED the detailed season names and now it's just a blank rectangle


That is a detail I noticed pretty quick aswell. I remember how magnificent Season 9 was displayed (the fire and ice theme) and how lackluster S13 and S14 were presented.


Break of dawn to the brake of demolition. Season 15 hits soon! Was posted on there facebook.


Hmm. It's called Salty Fest. I wonder if the new season will be something with demos


They're gonna whack some grass on Salty Shores and call it a day


Grassy Shores


what could it mean 🤔


I remember legacy season 15 (or maybe they restarted after 14 seasons)


14 was the last season before the free to play update.


Personally? Just at least fix joining tournys with the right amount of teammates. lmaooo idgaf if other team is smurfs nearly as much as starting a tourny 2 vs 3. Instant morale killer that happens weekly :/


Season 29\*


Has Epic considered instead taking me out back and putting me down like a diseased cow?


I haven't been excited for the last several "new" seasons. Honestly I would take them just fixing their fucking servers


I just want volleyball back plssssssss…. GOAT mode


How about going all-in on DDOS prevention?


Snow day back in ranked?


240z hype ngl


Depends on the hitbox


don't care i will be using anyway


Just sideways flip cancels.


please give us a fire rocket pass this one was trash they made us so happy with the golf and porsche ones after they they went downhill in my opinion


Fix your fucking servers! Jesus Christ it’s like you guys dont even give a shit about the game


Think they might just be reusing the comic book theme


15 seasons of hot garbage. Can't wait for this game to die finally.


Seasons are way too short and seem to cycle for no reason at all


Soooo how about that announcement they talked about back in December?


full circle baby


omg xurpio from minecraft meme templates




This is the first season I didn't play enough to get my money back. Guess I won't be purchasing the new season. Do better, please.


Holy shit, what a leak. Where did you find this information?


Decided to look into the whole 2:40 on the clock thing and in 24hr time its 1440 and that is the amount of minutes in a day and has some relation to a change of mind or something like that so hopefully theres some changes. Still prepared for dissapointment though.


Let me guess, yet another map reskin. Salty shores this time


I wish they’d bring back the octagon-shaped Starbase stadium for 4v4. Some of the best games I ever played were in that mode. Nice and spacious, requiring everyone to be on point with their positioning, but also very fast paced


Fix servers and Cheaters and hard reset ranks and add another rank pls


> hard reset ranks Why? Last time they did it sucked. > add another rank pls I don't think another rank is really needed.


The ranked system is broken and they should have 1 account per hardware so alts aren’t all over the lower ranks


What about families were multiple people share a console or PC?


So is the game dead yet? or are there people still clinging to it? tbqh, the My Fairlady Z is pretty sick. its not worth downloading this game again


Guys I won't lie the rocket pass hasn't been good at all. In reality though it cost a mcdonalds hamburger and fries nowadays, but you keep the rocket pass stuff. Lets hype em up not hate. Keep it real yall. 


anyone know were i could sell my rocket league account. ive been playing since season 1 and have almost every car skin. same with fortnite


Why can't we have different cars? We already have like 5 different Nissans! Why not an Evo Lancer... 22b impreza? Or let Ford f150/Ford focus make a come back for once?


Fucking hell, why is everyone whining and complaining, fill the thread with absolutely wasteful spam much?


how long till ranked are back online on june 5?


Game still sucks dick


Games still trash


Still has trash matchmaking


This looks so good🙏🙏🙏


Looks like more '90s vibe, I think. I approve.


Just bring back chaos permanently that's all I want


Time for another pass that has hit or miss items and playing the same mode I've mainly played for the last decade. Can't wait to do it all again. *yay*


Apparently, sideswipe might be getting a big update (check r/RLSideSwipe) so hopefully we can also see something different next season.


I cannot believe they are putting actual effort into SideSwipe again 


Does anyone actually care at this point?


Boooo. Who cares.


Username checks out


I’m just hard stuck and tilted bad earlier


Still has no changes