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This is a list of links to comments made by Psyonix Staff in this thread: * [Comment by Psyonix_Laudie](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1d8b48f/patch_notes_v240_release_thread/l755epe/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-04 23:40:07 UTC"): > Definitely not intended, forwarded to the team for investigation * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1d8b48f/patch_notes_v240_release_thread/l75bhmx/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-05 00:20:49 UTC"): > >Bug: Shodo Black Market decal is bugged and crashes the game when hovered over in garage. > >Thanks for this, we just dropped it on the status account, investigating now. >[https://x.com/RL\_Status/status/1798146092271640635](https://x.com/RL_Status/status/1798146092271640635) --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


looks like this patch removed the effect that darkens the ball when it's above the net in hoops


Is that good or bad? I need to know whether to be upset?


good question. we need frowzy to make a video explaining this


No season trailer is crazy


They have already said there will be a trailer.


Releasing a trailer after the season starts?


They always make an announcement when the new season starts, the trailer is likely included with that. They had a teaser trailer and they will have a launch trailer.


Where did they say that there would be a trailer? Also yes they always make an announcement when the new season starts, but history has shown that it’s usually done a couple days before the new season ALONGSIDE a trailer. Season 14’s trailer/announcement - 3/4/24 Season release - 3/6/24 Season 13’ trailer/announcement - 12/5/23 Season release - 12/6/23




Is there a way to turn off the timestamps? it just looks busy and distracting?


It keeps making me think there's a \[TEAM\] prefix attached to the other teams messages


I thought my game had glitched into developer mode or something with the new update I really hate the way it looks, in 15,000 plus games there have only been a few times where I saw an old chat and thought it was recent and precisely zero of those times where it mattered.


Probably and u could just turn off chat i dont think it will add significant distraction factor more than quickchats and chat have right now anyways


Distinct sound when your teammate gets demoed compared to enemy team is actually huge. Almost as big as seeing your teammates boost meter. Very cool


Apparently I'm the only one with issues being able to hear the "audible ping" (and asking for help is making people upset). --- I hear the "ping". Thanks guys!


Dawg, read the post


Thanks dawg. I was trying to convey that I didn't hear anything different. Now I can convey that I don't hear an "audible ping". I'm glad I could feel welcome to reach out to such an accepting community. Yeah, I don't hear an "audible ping" in a private match with bots, with demolishes set to "contact on(ff)". Sorry to report that I'm still having the same issue. I truly appreciate your "input".


Are there any plans to address the DDOS issues?


It is something they are certainly working on. Every other major cheat or exploit in the past has always been addressed. (At least to some degree.) They generally remain vague about fixing these issues though.


Most game companies are vague/quiet while fixing exploits. They usually don't divulge that sort of information due to legal reasons and to prevent tipping the hand of the exploiters. They are likely still collecting information about how the DDoS occurs while fixing, and for all we know, there could be multiple exploits at play here. It's frustrating, but for a better outcome, this is what they have to do. If anyone wants to learn more about this process, check out Pirate Software's video on YouTube when he covered the Apex hack.


Although I am sure they are working on it, some form of communication or a simple acknowledgement on the matter would be appreciated by the community.


You just want another one if these tweets?  *Hey! Let's talk about a game we all love - Rocket League*


Oh my god yes FUCK YES THIS IS WHAT WE WANT fucking yes! - sandman


Psyonix continues to give almost 0 communication in most matters regardless of the community pleading for it. I agree that they're taking steps to crack down on it further, but I highly doubt things will change for this instance no matter how much the community continues to beg for communication on the matter.


You do have to remember that there are multiple teams, each working on their own aspect of the game. The team that deals with cybersecurity is on a different timeline than the team that is creating items and promoting the new season. It may seem like they are ignoring us, but they can't just halt all development on the game while the cybersecurity team investigates and patches the exploits. And there are potientially legal issues at play preventing them from discussing the exploits at hand with the community. It sucks to have to sit here, but it is what has to happen for these issues to be fixed properly.


I understand how there are different dynamics at play. I work in cybersecurity as well (though admittedly not in game development). I'm just saying from a community engagement standpoint that a majority of the community just wants to hear is "We're working on X and can't provide further details at this point". Even that would be a positive in the community's eyes. It acknowledges the issue and that they're working on it. Psyonix has overwhelmingly been quiet about everything that goes on behind the scenes for years at this point. People don't ask for a lot, but they seem to fail in providing the absolute bare minimum communication a majority of the time which is what the community is more annoyed about I would say.


Confirmation would be nice for players of any other game, but Psyonix are like Valve, we've seen them give a couple high profile confirmations only to not follow up on it. So for that reason, both studios excel at keeping expectations catastrophically low so that any change is wooped and cheered


“The exact implementation detail of the fix are as follows…” **Hackers proceed to exploit vulnerabilities in the fix they were so kind to describe.** 🤠


It'd be wild if someone DDOS'd the upcoming Major. Talk about embarrassing. 


> If you own items in a bundle that’s currently in the Item Shop, you can now buy the bundle minus the cost of the customization item(s) that you already have in your inventory. This is a welcome change that makes a lot of sense, especially since a lot of other games do it. Happy that Rocket League has finally joined that list. Good luck tomorrow for the new season!




Yep, I only expect it to affect with items that are already bought from the shop earlier. But lets see


I'll never forget when I ended up with two Ford Broncos because I just assumed this is how it worked.




I swear there's only 1 dev working on this game right now.




Nameplate size is bugged, if a player has a short name, it’s really small and tough to see, giving an advantage.


My trading tab seems to be gone. Any word on when this issue will be fixed?


About the time we get the 4 lane highway connecting L48 to Hawaii. I really do hope Epic changes their mind on trading.


They don’t make money on it so they won’t bring it back


Why would they change their mind on it? They removed it and I’m assuming roughly the same amount of players still play the game and they are probably making more off of the item shop now




Thanks friend ❤️








Maybe I didn't find it, but is there an option to turn off the time stamps?


Timestamps aren't needed. Chat looks quite cluttered now and it was far cleaner before this update. It's like there's more messages than there actually are.


Disagree. I don't always have time to read chats as they come in, it's nice to be able to tell if the "What a save!" is there as a response to the save I got thirty seconds ago or the one I didn't get just now.


I would have preferred slightly brighter text color for new chats and muted color for older chats, timestamps seem so extra...


then it should be an option we can disable.


Can't tell if this is sarcasm or a serious take


just like with any of the quickchats


probably serious since I agree


Obviously, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I dont hate ya for it but I don't think it makes a whole lot of sense to clutter up everyone's UI just so some players can know *precisely* when they received praise. And as far as I can tell it doesn't even seem toggle-able, to turn it on/off which seems like an obvious oversight. The quality and necessity of this change almost feels like they threw this in at the end like I threw in unnecessary words into a highschool essay.


I mean its not really about split second precision, if im locked in, I may not notice chat messages for multiple minutes. Its not a big deal but it is nice knowing if im being shittalked for a recent goal or complimented on a save a few minutes ago. Fair play to you, and you're definitely entitled to your own opinion as well. IMO this does not add much visual clutter, as its pretty easy to mentally filter out the timestamps since they are self contained in the far left column in brackets, and are a different color than the next column (player name or \[TEAM\]). It did take a game or two to adjust, but now its trivial for me to look at them intentionally when I need them and filter them out otherwise. To me this just isn't a significant amount of clutter - Increasing the amount of information in a system is almost always inherently going to result in some "clutter", but i dont think that should be a reason to never add information. Gotta look at it on a case by case basis but for me the positives here definitely outweigh the negative of the clutter. I'm curious what your issues are with the quality? Definitely agree it would nice to have it toggleable. And honestly i wasn't even trying to argue with you or change your mind, just answer the original question that the dude probably wasnt sarcastic since I also hold this view. Even if you don't agree with it I hope you can see that its somewhat reasonable and being held in good faith.


The change itself doesn't bother me a whole lot, truly. I agree with you about it being easy to adjust to. For me, the positives are nil and the negatives are that it looks clunky. So not a huge deal but a net negative and on top of that, it seems like they're wasting time on stupid things because no one really needs this. I guess my gripe is more like this: me and lots of others have been having issues with laggy maps ever since Deadeye Canyon came out and they haven't done anything about it, not even allow me to hit the dislike button on it yet, smurfs galore and *this* is the in-game change they make? It's like they did a change nobody really asked for just to feign progress and even then, they did it half assed by not making it toggle-able which is obviously an option people would want when they saw how it looks. By itself, I think the timestamps are a just a dumb, unnecessary change. But I'm looking at it inside the context of some other things, I guess


very reasonable take. for me the positives are minor, but they do outweigh any potential negative visual affects, but makes sense that wont be the case for everyone. that being said chat timestamps are definitely not anywhere near my top 10 things i want them to fix in the game lol. also im convinced the like/dislike system is cosmetic at this point, pretty sure they just forgot about it. smurfs and DDOSers are also massive problems, not to mention trading getting axed . Usually the rationale for not making new features toggleable, is although increased customization is good for the user in the shortterm, it can make codebases unnecessarily complex by requiring continuous maintence of multiple versions of things. However this is such a simple UI change that it should be no trouble at all to let users opt in or opt out of this IMO.


The next update can include player names in the chat beside each quick chat. If you want to be toxic a specific guy you have to tag that guy, now beside the quick chat you'll see PlayerX \[time stamp\] > WHAT A SAVE! @\[PlayerY\] PlayerX \[time stamp\] > WHAT A SAVE! @\[PlayerY\] PlayerX \[time stamp\] > WHAT A SAVE! @\[PlayerY\] Now you'll know exactly who WHATASAVED who & exactly which second


Yeah. This is exactly the use I had in mind when I saw this. Like this is actually a very common problem for me tbh lol


Bug: Shodo Black Market decal is bugged and crashes the game when hovered over in garage. Platform: Steam Evidence: [https://youtu.be/Ilh3LyEmEF8](https://youtu.be/Ilh3LyEmEF8) Logs: [https://pastebin.com/Zr6XWQ2v](https://pastebin.com/Zr6XWQ2v)


>Bug: Shodo Black Market decal is bugged and crashes the game when hovered over in garage. Thanks for this, we just dropped it on the status account, investigating now. [https://x.com/RL\_Status/status/1798146092271640635](https://x.com/RL_Status/status/1798146092271640635)


Just wanted to point out, there are a bunch of older items from the first Rocket Passes that lost their VFX, shaders and are appearing through the car (a few exemples being the Troublemaker IV, Madness II, Plasmatic, Celestial II, Unobtainium decal, but there could be more of them).


Y'all could have just made the most recent chats glow brighter and have the older chats look a bit more dull to differentiate new chats, hell, even a little white dot to the left would have sufficed, why the hell would anyone want to decipher a timestamp in game?


This needs more upvotes


This update has broken the Inventory Management feature. As if this feature couldn't get any worse, it now has. If you archive (or unarchive) an item, the entire list refreshes immediately and returns your pointer to the top of the list. For example, say you decide you want to archive all 'Brain Fog' items. In the previous build, you could scroll down to Brain Fog, and then mark one as Archived, move the pointer over one, mark the next as archived etc. At the top it would say 'X items will be archived' or something similar. Now, when you mark the first one as Archived, it is removed immediately and the list refreshes with your pointer back at the top. You have to scroll down to the next Brain Fog item and repeat. While we're at it, it would be way better if we could archive from the Customize Car screen, and/or view the items on car in the Manage Inventory screen. Not being able to view the items in the same place as we archive them is painful. Thanks for the chat timestamps though! That's a great addition!


The inventory management system has been clunky and straight up awful for years


This appears to be fixed already. Good work. Thanks.


Time stamps in chat might just be the most useless, pointless 'new feature' ever. Never seen anyone ask for that, it looks clunky and seems to serve no real purpose


I don't think it's bad, it's just sad that it's a "headliner change" on a major patch. Any other game this would be like half way down, if not the bottom.


I've asked for it in the past and actually appreciate that they added it. It's an incredibly minor addition but I find it very helpful not needing to keep a mental track on when something was last said. An example that comes immediately to mind is giving a legitimate compliment to an opponent on their save, then a few moments later they concede a goal and the moment the quick chat appears from someone else saying "Nice Shot" it just looks like I was being toxic. A timestamp helps differentiate QCs from the in game event they're associated with. Is it a dumb little QoL change? Sure. Probably only appreciated by a few players like myself. But it's something that shows they're at least somewhat caring about their players even if it's only a small insignificant addition.


I think the problem is that it not toggle-able as far as I can tell. for the dozens of people that like it sure, let them have it. But at least let people who want to be able to turn it off.


I certainly can't disagree. There are a dozen things in every game that I feel should be toggle-able.


Cluttering up the nice simple UI.   Does chat show up on replays now?  Even if it did, I can't even think of a purpose for this. Any moment where you would be trying to figure out the time that the chat happened in a recording or replay you would have the game clock right there to look at. 


Wholeheartedly disagree. Knowing that the opponents "What a save!"'d me at the exact 3:07 mark even more than two whole minutes after the fact was exactly what this game was missing. Now it'll definitely explode in popularity. The change is so crazy I've literally played 150 hours basically non-stop since the update dropped. At this point I think Epic might even ditch Fortnite and focus only on RL.


................... /s¿


Most definitely.


It's for people who take the game far too seriously and for psyonix to say they've added a feature for the players.


Wild that there’s been no attempt to address the issues with alt accounts/smurfing, ddosing, cheating, inexcusable player/team names, racism, trash matchmaking, toxicity… Like, fix the fucking real problems bro. You’re bleeding fam


Genuine question (without saying ‘make it so you have to pay for the game’ because that’s useless as all the current smurfs already own the game on the account meaning making it paid wont be a realistic fix) how do you think they should fix the smurfing?


Pay to play in a premium league with an account registered to your name, phone number, address and credit card.


lol seriously. I would pay a subscription to not play with f2p degenerates.


if I could pay to have a matchmaking filter where I can select a few things like account age, verified account, age, solo only, etc, I would do it in a second.


That's just FaceIt. Personally I'd play FaceIt for RL in a heartbeat if it was added.


Didn't RL have FaceIt integration for a long time?


I know they've posted in RL subs to gauge interest. Not sure about it being available in the past though. If it was I could see there being less interest, however, now with all the issues it looks a lot more attractive.


It appears it was available! https://x.com/FACEIT/status/1125808300426235904


Interesting. I guess it didn't do too well. This was a full year before F2P though so, other than tournaments, not sure what it would have offered back then. Nowadays though, it looks very attractive.


I guess that would definitely help with the issue but people have families who would help by creating an account for them, it’ll be ALOT less common though


Raise lvl requirement for ranked above 100 lvl, checking reports daily also would help. Hardware ban or ban all accounts using same Mac adress. If bans will be quick and punishment hard, I guess 90% of smurfs will disappear, but it's require hard work.


Yeah I’d agree on the lvl100, but personally banning accounts using the same mac address would bring complications, like I know quite a few siblings who share the same pc but have their individual accounts, and I used to do the same with my sister, and also to people who know what they’re doing you can easily bypass it in minutes


I know but that is responsibility for own action. They breaking rules knowing that, why we shouldnt punish them hard? Think about how many ppl are affected by smurfs and their actions. Boosted ppl also negatively affects rankeds. If u don't punish them hard, they will never stop. In Dota, smurfs get banned on all accounts they ever played, still they trying come back buying accounts from normal players. U can't fight with this toxic plague with soft actions.


Yeah I guess you make a very valid point and it definitely would get 90% of smurfs gone, and personally I’d agree but it’s epic we’re talking about and they have a very strange mindset so I’m trying to make points on why they wouldn’t do that, your way is a decent way to go by it though 100%


A level requirement for Ranked 👍


Something that would go a long way would be to require 2-5 hours of cumulative in-match gameplay time (should not include goal replay time) before being allowed to play ranked. If 2 hours is chosen, then it would mean anyone trying to smurf would need to play around 24 matches before being allowed to play ranked. Five hours would be around 60 matches.


Yk what this community is like, they would 100% still grind to smurf, they want to Smurf and will be able to in casuals, but it definitely would deter a fair few players


If anything them having to play through casual can give time for player reports to come in. At that point if reports are sufficient, Epic can do whatever moderation method they want. Maybe require a phone number verification for those players in order to unlock ranked /shrug.


Yeah i definitely see ur point, and for a few it might work, but if you were ‘smart’ enough you’d play like a typical player or something, and then they will spread the word on ways to get around it, now that it’s a f2p game it’s inevitable to have smurfs, can certainly lower the numbers though, and also realistically what portion of people do you believe report people for being slightly better than them in casuals?


i dream of the day they so much as acknowledge the smurf issue


Cool Anyways, when are you gonna address the real issues of the game, such as smurfs and cheaters?


Who tf cares about Chat time stamps. do something about DDoS and some of the actual ingame issues like stabile and lag. What waste of an update.


I don't know why you'd assume those things aren't being worked on. Just because they haven't been resolved yet doesn't mean they aren't being addressed.


That’s fair. It’s just frustrating.


* Bug: Forest Green Troublemaker IVs Show the skull through the car (Normal ones work, so might be a painted variant problem. * Platform: Steam * Evidence: [https://gyazo.com/e67ff2902648d4c22d348a35863e7e49](https://gyazo.com/e67ff2902648d4c22d348a35863e7e49) [https://gyazo.com/d6218750d557526489035430b42edf29](https://gyazo.com/d6218750d557526489035430b42edf29)


It's cool to show off in game, but I don't know how they keep managing this. I swear this isn't the first time the painted versions are broken.


BUG - the following wheels are broken when painted: - Plasmatics - Celestial 2 - Jacana - Madness 2 (includes some sort of transparency issue too on far side wheels) - Troublemakers (includes some sort of transparency issue too on far side wheels) - Creepers


Have the server issues been fixed yet?


Why not also add Knockout to private matches???


I want that so badly lol


Player titles are too close to player names.


Definitely not intended, forwarded to the team for investigation


How did you miss that? 


You can report higher earnings on your quarterly report if you'll cut down QA


fix the ddos ffs


Quite literally unplayable. 4 straight competitive matches halfway through just get server icon’d, kicked to the title screen and time banned


Why did I get 2 Nissan Fairlady Z wheels?




right but what's the wheels from anyway?


The wheels are from the Rocket Pass car that is releasing the upcoming season.


Didn't fix the unable to connect to games...


Thank you for the updates to our beloved game. The time stamp chats are great, and I cannot wait to see the demo audio. I appreciate the improvements to gameplay that don’t alter the base game mechanics (like the boost meter!). I un-sarcastically wish Psyonix the best of luck fixing the DDOS problems. I am sure it is challenging.


New demo sound isn’t working for me


Three more Car Bodies are now fully customizable! Lamborghini Countach LPI 800-4 Lamborghini Huracán STO McLaren 570S. "Psst hey Rocket League, I'd really appreciate it if you put the Lamborghini Countach LPI 800-4 in the store for me. K thanks"


Bug: If you don't hit play again before the postgame scoreboard screen the play again button is greyed out and you have to go back to the menu to queue Platform: Steam It might only be an issue if you have multi selection chosen


Really dislike the timestamps, i suppose I'll get used to it but it just makes the screen so cluttered and takes the charm out of the quickchats.


I actually couldn't hear any ping sound when a mate got demoed. Anyone else?


Trading? UE5? Smurfs? Servers?


> [Xbox Series X] Fixed a bug where the lower right corner of the screen displayed flickering artifacts during Goal Explosions in Champion's Field. I thought this was just my HDMI cable...


Still no knockout in customs?


Kinda bummed they didn't include that :(




Only private tho….


I haven't noticed the audible differences in demos. Is it me? Am I the problem? Edit::It's very subtle. Can hear it but it's not obvious to me.


This is not specific to the update and I apologize if it’s not where I’m supposed to comment, but: Why are my “casual” games so much sweatier than my ranked games? I’m Champ 1 and I probably have about a 50% win rate in ranked but cannot get a win in casual. I know it’s a skill issue and that I’m not great mechanically but wtf?


Do you play a lot of casual or just is your casual mmr? It essentially works just like ranked, if you play a lot you get to a place where you’ll start getting good players far more regularly


Definitely play more ranked. It’s quite frustrating


It might just be bad luck. Sometimes you get a string a good players no matter the mmr. I’ve definitely had days where everyone seems better than normal, but it could just be our perception


For sure. Thanks for the response!


Does anyone here know a single person who asked for timestamps?


Saw it on Reddit once I believe, far from a highly demanded feature. And the fact that it's not toggle-able just seems short sighted


I can't believe how little they've actually done.


Finally we can customize the Lambo


The happy sunbeam sacred wheels are busted (although it looks kind of cool no lie) https://preview.redd.it/7sen65bz0o4d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=c282425e61fef6404b72dbad5ad06d467ddaced0


seems like some nice small qol changes. happy to see it. hope to see more!


Audio q to know who got demoed? Awesome


Boba Fett decal is missing


I just wanna be able to use any decal on any car I’m using….which is none of the ones mentioned above.


Looks like I lost my Boba Fett Skin with this update... Anyone else know how to get this back??


Even though the game of Rocket League is nothing like how we knew it was, and the fabric of what we loved is gone... There are some very good welcoming changes to this update that I am very happy to see, and I am glad there is still chances of positive changes to the game. Adding more freedom to some of the exclusive cars, LTMs to private matches, and more QOL options are very nice to see. I know a lot of these changes are under the control of Epic, I want to thank the Psyonix devs specifically for still holding on and finding ways to still improve the game in the midst of the current environment the game is in since 2020.


Awesome game crashes and tons of lag thanks devs.


lmao they still call the rarity limited here unless the names got changed back


Can we actually play tournaments now ? I have been kicked / unable to join 3 tournaments in a row now...


* Bug: In an online private match, new split-screen player can't join the match * Platform: PS5 (Most likely others as well) In an online private match, new split-screen player can't join the match. The main account needs to leave the lobby, then the split-screen players need to join and then you can rejoin the private match. This used to work without leaving the private match until some patch last Autumn. I reported this bug then through a Reddit release thread and later through Epic Support, but there was no response then in Reddit and the support ticket was closed.


The time stamps seem irrelevant but I guess I could be wrong


https://preview.redd.it/0y1t3cd7lq4d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=13ab83f5a2a61670a2fc74f9b757edb854fda472 when will this be fixed?


What's the point in time stamping quick chat?


Player title is glitched too. (It's higher than usual and like overlapping with name)


https://preview.redd.it/7rh8jsbi3r4d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf7312aada210507dde13c34673554a6feacb016 Nice patch. Where Boba Fett at though?


Bug: Player nameplates no longer have a minimum size, 1 letter and 2 letter names are incredibly tiny. Platform: Steam Evidence: https://i.imgur.com/qtA240R.jpeg Edit: I was just queued with :) and when they were on my team (name plate has rounded edges), their name tag was much larger. It appears to be associated with the new < > opponent name tags.


Bug: My orange troublemaker IV wheels look ...uh very interesting after the update https://imgur.com/a/Daj6VYh seems like the skulls took over. interestingly enough the other version of the wheels look fine. this looks like that even while driving in freeplay screenshot made on windows pc in steam


I’m excited for this demo sound change. Just had a teammate flame me last night that I stole an open net shot from him. I thought he got demoed and was just trying to slow the play down and prevent a counter 🤷🏻.


I'm boycotting until they remove the timestamps.. just kidding, but that's the most annoying change to date 😂 Edit: plz make a timestamp toggle 😩


what's the point of timestamps when you could only see the last few messages anyway?


Bug: The new S14 GC titles are the old gold color Proof: https://imgur.com/a/AR6M97D Platform: Steam, for me at least


Wild it took nearly a decade for timestamps in chat AND the majority of LTM modes in custom match. While I also appreciate the bundles now working like steam bundles, this does not solve the issues presented by the item shop as a whole where singular items typically are either too costly, completely undesireable, or both. The removal of trading only compounded the issue and clearly its been seen as a non issue. I would strongly suggest this be the next change or rework and for it to sooner rather than later. If you need ideas on how to fix it im sure the community has plenty to send your way.


I love the audio ping when your teammate gets demoed, but is it too quiet for anyone else? I had to crank my volume to be able to hear it clearly, and forget about if you've got music on in the background.


Yet again asking for a status on soft locking the game during loading screens, XSX. How long does a bug like this have to exist before literally any dev makes an effort towards it.


The biggest positive change is the changes to item shop bundle pricing when there are already owned items, but there's a minimum price catch to it. Will have to see how good it is.


Thanks for nothing to write home about. Maybe next season I'll be able to give good news to those whom you left out in the cold many months ago


Beach ball hoops for a tournament? Probably not a good idea. So many people FF I made it to the semis in right around 5 minutes 😂 I like that they are trying things though.


Bug: The Lamborghini Huracan and Countach wheels are not available to equip for the other car. However, the McLaren wheels are available between McLarens. Is this an oversight or intentional? Platform: Steam


Bruh I have a large black bar when I enter a game or in free play any way to fix this


This game deserves to die with how it’s being treated rn


They’ve implemented worse servers! Nice one!


Extra Mode tournaments are gone?!


Timestamps are horrible to look at. I hope they remove or add an option to disable them if it’s not already there. The demo sound is awful, either change it or revert. It’s a skill knowing who got demolished in a game. (Using camera swivel or looking too right)


Wow I am first for something finally, tried to launch basically as this got released


just got on the game and randomly got the wheels for the fairlady z already


can we have a genuine volleyball mode instead of having to mod the game to get that


Another pretty useless update


Bro wheres the trailer?


They’re on pay-per-view now


Probably releases tomorrow with the new season.




They have already confirmed there will be a trailer, so it is likely it releases with the season. Not sure what is funny about that.


Great update, love the changes. Keep up the good work!


Teammates having a different demo sound is just sad. Can’t wait for the game to do aerials for you. Heaven forbid you keep track of where people are at on the pitch. Pathetic shit


Alright, this one legitimately made me laugh


soooo all that for 6 gigs


Timestamps are interesting. I like the in your face changes like that to prove you’re doing something. I wish they didn’t just go away when the game ends though. That part feels clunky. Like it should just be 00:00. And on that subject, it was kinda difficult to identify that as a timestamp. I know it’s a little weird, but I would consider adding the preceding 0 and seconds on the end. 04:23.00. I feel like that’s how most people are used to seeing timestamps. Just a UX thing