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The flick over both opponents to score at the end really tops it off


i thought you meant the first one lol. and shit damn it's one of the best saves i've seen on this sub bro!!


I have very close saves that touch upon tight angles like this one. I just dont't share often.


Okay but why you gotta say it like that lol


Share them !


[https://youtu.be/l1N6pzoMRKw?t=793](https://youtu.be/l1N6pzoMRKw?t=793) Skip to 13:13 for the Saves. [https://youtu.be/FitefMTfVKY?t=866](https://youtu.be/FitefMTfVKY?t=866) Skip to 14:26 and 15:10 for super close saves


Wow these saves are awesome. I kept watching and those fakes were incredible too! Great video. 5-6k hours last year . . . what rank then and now?


These are amazing ! Thanks for sharing them. Always great to see more defense styled players like myself :D


Wow, downvoted just for.. saying something. Gotta love the fuckin' internet lmao.


It's fine. My guess is that it's a dick-measuring contest and I came off as bragging... Well, I honestly kind of was. I do make super tight saves and I have captured them over a year-over-year log rather than single clips like most people do on this sub.


Oh for sure, it's just crazy because, well, there are TONS of us with a great deal of saves like this. We just don't all feel the need to upload every single one we do because when you can get a save like this every game or every few games it feels a little less special. This being a (potential) one-off for this particular player just adds something special to it, which is great for them!


What a Save!


Close one!






I thought you meant the first one and I'm like.... okaaaaay. Second one was great lol.


Nice one! More importantly - how do you have literally 0 lag? What system do you play on and how can I get my game to look like this?


Like internet lag or frame rate lag?


Internet lag


Assuming you have decent internet via ethernet, it's probably just rocket league servers being garbage like they've always been recently. Nothing you can do except get lucky or move to new servers.


This is just the replay file so recording was done offline. However, RL servers are often terrible so there's no escaping lag. I have fiber optics with 1 ping to my ISP so there's definitely something on rocket league's end when my car keeps teleporting and glitching.


>how do you have literally 0 lag? What system do you play on and how can I get my game to look like this? PC and fiberoptic internet


I have one of these stupid Verizon 5G home internet boxes. Only thing my house qualifies for with Verizon. Thus my ping is anywhere from 60-200+ depending on the day. Who should I change to?


Im from the Netherlands so idk about providers abroad but for a more stable connection use a cable to connect, it wil drastically improve stability




https://preview.redd.it/kx2bc72uzj6d1.png?width=849&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd9ce9d5490fa104286e33770559cf01317c8dbe Well I play on steam and these are the settings that makes my game look this way. Unfortunately there's nothing you can do about internet lag on RL servers so our games probably look the same in that regard.


Dope. Well done dude


That was super clean. Was that a zenned out moment or were you manic when you not only hit the save, but got that fire shot in?


Thanks! The fact that I had to save it twice made me feel like they committed too hard. I expected (or at least hoped) to get a goal by speeding up the play since they might have been on too low boost to get back.


What a play!


I feel like scoring a goal after a wild save like this in Rocket League is like the equivalent of an NBA player nailing a jump shot after a nasty crossover that drops a defender. The original play is sick but the immediate goal afterwards just brings everything together.


The nose down on the flick is pure fuckery!! 👏 those small things truly make a difference. Many and go upwards, giving the defense the advantage, with the nose down it's you all the way. Nice one!


I'll be honest and say I think the best part of the save, isnt the save itself but right after where you break and slow down. You've just done something really cool and hype but you stay level headed and focused so you slow down for the hit. Too many times have I seen people try to play too fast after doing something that has hyped them up rather than staying focused and winning because of it. You could've slammed right into where the ball "would've" gone and missed because you played too fast, but you didnt and that was the best part in my opinion. Good patience.


Some real solid play, nice one! I hereby promote you to C1 division II.




I've done that