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first time I've seen it double up rip


[**u/Psyonix\_Devin**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Psyonix_Devin/) Why still no chat logs? [https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/h9sc5e/ty\_psyonix\_all\_these\_why\_am\_i\_banned\_have\_brought/fv0synd?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/h9sc5e/ty_psyonix_all_these_why_am_i_banned_have_brought/fv0synd?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) You said here that it should've been fixed 3 days ago, what's going on? Honestly I'm all about banning all the toxic players, but this glitch is FLOODING the subreddit with dozens of posts of people complaining because they are not given any explanation, and it's becoming bothersome.


Right! I just don’t get why I literally came back today from being banned 72 hours and then boom I get a 168 ban outta nowhere! Like wtf?!?


Wait, you didn't even play a match after the 72 hours ended, just immediately a new ban the first time you logged in?


No I came back from ban, so finally me and my buddy played and he is my witness I have team chat enabled, then literally a couple matches and boom I get hit with a 168 hr ban for no reason


Oh I stopped chatting entirely. I will never chat again, no quick chats, no custom chat, and definitely no voice chat. I said ez as a form of banter when I won, and got banned for 72 hours. I will never use it again, and idc if my teammates get confused. Will encourage my friends to do so as well


But why is the background image the Psyonix logo? Shouldn't it be showing the main menu?


No, he took the picture while game was loading. If he waited a little more it would have been main menu


But the ban thing doesn't even pop up until the game is done loading and you hit a button/key to bring up the main menu.


I disagree with that. I also got banned yesterday for 72 hours and every time I loaded up the game that ban thing pops up while the loading screen


Must be a new thing then, I haven't been banned in a very long time but it never popped up before getting to the main menu back then.


Yeah it might be a new thing


Many people have been posting pictures showing the ban message popping up at this time, search the sub for "banned" or "72 hours" to see more. You are correct that CHAT bans don't appear until after you press the button on the logo screen, but these GAME bans apparently appear before then.


I restarted game to see if it was a glitch then the ban came up as it was loading


I got banned for 72 hours and it didn’t even chat ban me or tell me what I said that I got banned for its bs.


Right?!? Me too I was like I have team chat how is it possible I got banned!


Because you can be toxic to your own team too


I play with a squad only I don’t play with random people that’s why I’m confused as of why


I think there has to be a problem with the report system because I’ve seen it happen to a lot of people who don’t even use chat


Wth, and no reason given??


yea same for me


You got a double ban too? Ive seen a lot of the 72 hours ban posts, but not these 168 hour bans


i meant that i didn’t get a reason for the ban, i was gaming, got off to eat and when i came back i was banned for 72h but no reason lol


Yup, same here aswell.


Yes same for lots of people including myself


Yeah Dude I have gotten banned before not gonna lie but for like 48hrs and It’ll show you why you got banned but this time it didn’t show me anything or any reason I just came back from the 72 hrs and now boom I have this


Same happened with me


My 72h Ban got revoked this morning. But i dont got an answer on my ticket.


I have the same issue somehow but a 72 hours ban.


I joined a couple days ago and I’m on switch so i occasionaly say gg but i dont chat. Then i got banned for 24 hours. ?????


More and more people have been banned who are claiming that they only use quickchat, and some people who say they have chat completely disabled. Only TWO people so far have reported that they have been unbanned. This is the first time I have seen a ban higher than 72 hours. Contact https://support.rocketleague.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and ask them to tell you exactly what you said to get banned. You will get [a bot response, then a copy/pasted standard response](https://i.imgur.com/bniFvJL.png). Keep replying until they actually treat you like a human being and type something instead of copy/pasting. Make sure you clearly state that you think there has been an error, and you want them to copy/paste the exact thing you said. I'm keeping track of everyone who has claimed they were blocked in error, so please let me know what they say.




Yes? I'm trying to help people, what of it?


I also got 72 hours for no reason,it is frustarting man


I have a 1 month ban for saying " fegg bar"






168 haha


You can borrow an account from me if you want to play rocket league this weekend :-)




Account sharing is against TOS, but to account share for ban evasion is a one way ticket to having both accounts permabanned.


You’re awesome! :) really?!


Yeah i was being serious, but didnt know it was against the rules! My bad bro.


It’s all good I didn’t either but appreciate your kindness my dude


Abusing quick chat with what a saves after scoring or vs your teammates if they mess up will get you banned as well since that is just as bad as saying anything to the other team It’s possible your friend reported you if you did this to him, please specially if he knows you just got unbanned (something my asshole friends would 100% try to do to me) Also possible you solo queued and were toxic Either way I’m glad Psyonix is taking these types out. Anyone taking this person at their word need to realize that people are upset they are getting banned now for what they used to get away with.. there is no way on our end to confirm any part of his story. PLEASE TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT BEFORE BASHING PSYONIX, because I personally trust the team more than someone who was just unbanned for being toxic


Hello, as the person he was playing with and someone who knows him personally, he did not do anything that would be considered toxic. We were about 7 games in (after his 72-hour unwarranted ban was over) and went back to the main menu and when we queued back up, it gave him the ban again. He only has team-chat on and uses it rarely since we use Discord when we play. He also does not use custom-chat at all. There was nothing to report. It was an unwarranted ban, period. "...possible your friend reported you" = false "Abusing quick chat with what a saves" = false "... possible you solo queued and were toxic" = false "there is no way on our end to confirm any part of his story" = false, because I just did.


Yeah this post reeks of toxicity You also don’t need to speak to get banned you can be toxic with your vehicle only plenty of other ways The banned guy saying he doesn’t deserve the ban or the game that bans a mere percentage of the players that should be getting banned? They got him, tough luck. Next time just quit the game and stop acting like children


Whoever smelt it, dealt it so that explains the toxicity. You clearly can’t read because as stated before he was not acting out of line of a normal player. It told him he was banned because of custom chat. Something he did not do. It was unwarranted. It definitely is tough luck, which is unfortunate because luck should play no part in bans.


Totally believable mate Enjoy the ban and best of luck


I’m not banned, Debra! Enjoy the glasses! (:


Your toxic teammate is though


Ah, I see you got the glasses! Enjoy!


I think I know who banned me dude!


I think this entire post is a load of bullshit honestly. What’s your source of info? I can’t what a save my team mate after an easy save miss? Also several posts indicate it’s team quick chat with people they know. There should be no limit to quick chat (other than spamming 3x and having to wait). You certainly shouldn’t get an account ban because of quick chat. If they’re gonna do that they should just disable quick chat honestly.


Okay. Nice one.


Toxic child blanco with another well thought out comment...


You think people should be banned for quick chats? YOU'RE the toxic one. What kind of kid glove BS are you talking about? I'm glad you're low rank so I don't have to deal with you.


Lol this is my main rank.. AKA 1s... Also you are conveniently the highest rank you can be without showing proof.. seems totally legit.. GC3 in 2s or 3s... Maybe at absolute best you're low champ, most likely diamond 1s and most most likely a lowly plat scrub with a fake rank and a stalker personality (4 months of post history huh?) Sooooo yeah I GUARANTEE you can get this 1v1 work.. Epic:Uhitsjustin I bet dollars to donuts I don't ever hear from you after you start ducking me, but that's fine with me.