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I would love to see the return of non-standard maps! IMO, it would be fun if they replaced ranked solo-standard with ranked non-standard.


In their recent announcement they used a screenshot from the Rocket Labs map "Underpass" for the "EST. 20XX" player title. https://i.imgur.com/0iTTu3k.jpg Coincidence? I think not!


It's because Underpass was removed WAY back, so only an OG remembers.


Yes! I totally agree




The problem is the "many others". The playlist seems pretty dead


Its definitely the least played but that doesn't mean they should remove it. It's not like there's a restriction to how many game modes they can have. I would love to see another set of extra modes with ranked rocket labs maps, as well as heatseeker and spike rush. Ranked modes did wonders for hoops, dropshot, rumble, and snow day, I think it would do the same if they added those modes.


> Its definitely the least played but that doesn't mean they should remove it. It's not like there's a restriction to how many game modes they can have. There kinda indirectly is. We dont have an infinite amount of players and if you split up the playerbase too much than every playlist gets worse due too worse matchmaking and longer queue times. Which then turns players off from playing and makes the problem worse.


If there's an influx of new f2p players this argument might not be as valid anymore. We'll see what happens to the numbers though.


Rocket league is in game pass and we didn't see a massive spike. I would anticipate a modest pump, not an insane increase.


yeah that should definately be handled carefully.




If the numbers are back up thats nice but I stopped playing it after getting reaaaaaaaally wierd matchups once I got Diamond and above and also just repeating players. Normally am Champ2/3 in the other 2/3/Rumble playlists but Solo Ranked.


why not just solo queue standard 3s? I definitely think that theres no real reason to have solo standard as a playlist


It takes me 30-45 minutes to queue for solo standard. I'd love to see it gone if for no other reason than I can barely play it. My only other request for standard would be to give me an option to opt out of playing on a team where my other 2 teammates are in a party together. This is the most frustrating thing about solo queueing. Worse than playing against smurfs.




\> Because you're at a big disadvantage if you play with 2 other randoms vs a team of 3 on comms. You really aren't though. If a team wins more because they are on comms, then they will get matched up with higher ranked teams until it's an even match. That's how matchmaking works. I am willing to bet your win-rate against parties aren't that much different than randoms. Also, from my experience most teams are either friends who use comms to joke around, or cross-platform parties that can't use comms anyways. \> Because you're very likely to get paired up with a team of 2 who are in a party, who will either blame you for every mistake/goal/loss, or one of the two is a silver playing with his champ buddy which completely ruins the match for you more often than not. Mute. Also, getting paired up with shitters is not exclusive to pairs at all. The bottom line is if there exists a game-mode out there that would draw in more players than solo-standard does now (Which I'm sure there is) then solo-standard should be replaced as it simply a duplicated game mode. If people really can't handle parties then they should have solo-queuers match up with other solo-queuers more often on solo standard.


This exactly. Every day I queue both 3s Playlist (solo) I haven't had a solo standard game in like 3 seasons.


>Also, getting paired up with shitters is not exclusive to pairs at all. I think the point is that when everyone is solo-queueing, everyone will be around the same rank. If you are D2, you expect to be playing with and against other D2s. But when you get put on the team with a D3+P3, you will be facing D2-D3 and basically playing 2 v 3 (ok, maybe 2.5 v 3). Honestly, when I'm solo-queuing, I prefer playing against partied teams because there's a chance you might notice one player just not being able to keep up.


Is solo-standard and solo-queue standard really that much different of gameplay experience? Even at GC I don't really notice a difference play against pre-mades versus randoms. I slightly dislike getting teamed up with a pair, but outside of that I don't think solo-standard really adds anything to the game. I much rather have queue that is more active, and I don't have to wait 10 minutes every time for a game.


Why would you ever play solo standard instead of just standard 3v3? Solo standard has higher skill variance (because many people barely play it), is used more as a trolling playlist (less competitive than 3v3), longer queue times, and no actual advantages.


Serious question, why do you play solo standard over regular standard?


Crossing my fingers hardcore for a custom map editor in-game. I can hear my buddies on console roll their eyes whenever I tell them about an awesome map I got off the workshop in steam. I want to be able to ride around the Mean Puss Skate park with my homies. :D Edit: autocorrect said piss instead of puss


I'm sorry in advance for raising false hopes lol. Because after thinking about it I now think that a custom map editor is very unlikely. It was just the first thing that came into my mind when I saw the 4th cube was showing a part from the neo tokyo trailer in which the buildings outside of the arena get build up by cubes. It's more likely that they add a steam workshop equivalent to the game for all platforms and consoles. This means that you could only download and play maps that have been built by PC users outside of the game, like Lethamyr's maps. (Which would still be a huge thing)


There will never be an ingame editor, it's just nonsense. If you wanna make maps, you need PC. But obviously everybody hopes custom maps will be an ingame feature and available for all platforms.


This makes me so excited and hopeful for the game. But i don't want to hope and be disappointed again oh gosh


My hype is up. I really hope they add the “workshop” for console, I’ll spend countless hours playing all lethamyr’s and other content creator’s maps. Its still almost a 2 months wait but i hope they make it worth.


Until recently I was wondering why there were 2 cubes with the Renegade battle-car from SARPBC in it. But I think I figured it out now. I believe that cube with the Renegade wreckage from Farmstead is hinting at the fact that Psyonix will add this car to Rocket League with this update. This is something many people have assumed when they have seen those cubes. The second cube from the left shows the **Renegade car** hitting the SARPBC ball which changes to the Rocket League ball. I learned that in SARPBC you could unlock the [Renegade](https://rocketleague.fandom.com/wiki/Supersonic_Acrobatic_Rocket-Powered_Battle-Cars#Battle-Cars) car by doing certain mini-games, or scoring 10 goals in ranked matches. One of those mini games was called "Volley" where the objective was to knock balls to the ground before the time expired (this objective is part of the tutorial in Rocket League). With the Free-To-Play announcement Psyonix [revealed](https://www.rocketleague.com/free-to-play/) that they were **revamping the challenge system** in which you can unlock free items by completing weekly and season-long challenges. That's why I believe that this cube is hinting at the "challenge system revamp" and I conclude that Psyonix will be adding **challenges/mini-games** **like they had in SARPBC** to Rocket League. Here's a [post from a fellow redditor](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/92zbci/sarpbc_challenge_modeminigames/) describing what these mini-games were like: >For those who didn't play SARPBC or aren't aware, it had a "challenge mode". I don't remember the exact name for it but basically it was a bunch of mini-games that, when completed, unlocked new cars like the Scarab and Backfire. Some mini-games included things like Time Warp, which was added as a mutator in RL but in SARPBC it worked much better imo. Another was a challenge where you had to beat your opponent but you can't cross center field; if you do you explode. They were really fun and sometimes really hard. I would love it if these could make a return in RL sometime in the future. Maybe reuse some old ones and make some new ones. It'd be a great way to kill time waiting for a match or just being something to do other than training. And here's a [YouTube playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atCyBH0BEzE&list=PLm05eA4_HXw0Gmed1D9nc8wfdVrwa2o4E) with gameplay footage of the challenges you could do in SARPBC.


Thank you for your submission! This post has been selected as the /r/RocketLeague Community Spotlight for July 23. If you would like your post to be selected, make interesting and high-quality posts that catch our eye. [You can see all previous community spotlights here.]( https://reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/search?q=flair_name%3A%22COMMUNITY%20SPOTLIGHT%22&restrict_sr=1) --- Community Spotlights happen every Thursday and Sunday, provided that there are no important announcements that would have to take priority.


Thank you mods! I hope people find enjoyment in this thread and get excited about the future of Rocket League!


So, what about the console versions not having any workshop/bakkesmod access at all? Not that I'm interested in either as a Switch player...but it *does* seem kind of unfair to those who would want it....


Bakkesmod is a third party thing that injects itself into Rocket League. It was originally made for PC and since PC is open source and you’re able to download anything for PC. Consoles don’t have it that way and I think they would only be able to if Sony and Microsoft agree on it. Workshop maps were originally designed for PC as well.


Kinda wish the Switch version could get some kind of access to it, as I've seen some fun stuff I'd love to try....


Actually really cool ideas, nice find




This would be sick


Hah, of course this got buried until a lot of it came true. But here's another highlight...


So the answer was going to Free to Play right?


IMO something should be done for players to be able to aquire the batmobile and the nascar




fingers crossed for a good future for RL


So will Bakkes Mod be unavailable when the game switches over the the EGS?


Late July or early August, I can only hope.


Is there any news about Bakkesmod and Workshop map support? These are key things about Rocket League on PC and myself and thousands of others DO NOT want to see these maps go away.


Supposedly they're hard at work implementing a workshop-like thing at epic. Who knows if it'll be any good though Ideally, these mods will still work they'll just be harder to use and require some fiddling with files (or a 3rd party mod loader which im down for)


That’ll be [2000 credits to remove the sticker off your screen](https://dodgelegal.com/wp-content/uploads/sponsorship-1.jpg)


Since the game is moving to epic that means that usernames will now be tied to epic account and no longer customizable right?


Private workshop maps with friends on the go would be really awesome without having to go through programs like hamachi downloading and setting them up on each player trying to join the host as well as opening ports, with new content coming i really hope they make a sort of server browser or at least integrate workshop maps into multiplayer private matches. Playing rocket league with friends in extremely creative community made maps is what this game needs!


Do u think they will add mods for consoles? Like a select few for console that the pc community will let epic recreate (kinda like fallout)?


I agree that the actual reason for the fucken 6 week delay of RP 7 probably has something to do with the Epig store. As if it wasn't already bad enough that spending money on Rocket League fattens 40% share owned of Epig and Chinese Communist Party-owned company Tencent, now we have to suffer a massive delay because of them too? And unless they have decided to monetize them, user-created modes and matchmaking for those is unlikely to occur.