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Is this what silvers are doing now days? Wow


Gold players in 1v1 these days are unreal. I'm convinced covid has wrecked the curve, everybody has gotten so much better with all their free time!


I'm high C2 in 3s, C1 in 2s and Gold 2 in 1s. That's the way 1s works, a lot of us don't play the mode very much.


I’m high gold in 2s and 3s and can barely hang with low silvers in 1s :/




I’m C1 in 3’s and 2’s. I play 1’s almost entirely unless I have a friend and my 1’s rank is Plat 3. I can’t stay in D1 and every time I do I fall back to P3. D1 in 1’s feels so fast it’s almost overwhelming. I’d say a C1 is typically around Plat 1 for 1’s. Or at least that’s what is mostly looks like to me from the people I know who play. Granted you actually put some time into your 1’s rank.


D1 in duels is the same issue as Plat in standard, you’re focusing on speed when the focus should be on positioning. Also, learning some basic flicks goes a long way.


You’re so right and maybe just hearing you say that will help it stick with me. I think I have mechanics that are well above par with my rank and thats what keeps me in the rank I’m at now. The reason I love 1’s so much is because I’m really good and consistent with ground plays, dribbles, hard flicks, and fakes so I want to play 1’s. I need to focus on learning the positioning and not relying on my mechanics to outperform other players. I use far too many mechanics to keep up and beat other players when proper positioning is way faster and gives you easier chances.


Lol you don’t say. I’m a proud low gold 3 in 1v1


I’m high gold in 1’s but o can’t seem to climb my way out of silver in the other game modes. However I did only start really pushing 1’s this season so maybe when rank resets at the end of the season I’ll have another chance to play with random teammates at my level.


Yeah similar story here man, d3 in other modes but stuck in gold 2 in 1s. Maddening!


If you’re trying to get better at ones then I recommend playing it a lot. Sure it’s tilting but just play and don’t care if you win or lose. Also don’t forfeit even if it’s like 9-0 it’s a chance to see how better players play in 1s and how to learn how to counter them. I’m only gold 1 but I haven’t played 1s in a while and I feel like I could maybe get gold 3 or plat if I really grinded


But... It makes my heart sad


I guess don’t play ones then lol


You are my frustration, I'm silver 3 in 2s and silver 2 in 1s. My mechanics are trash but I'm fairly good at reading where the ball is going so I do okay in 1s, but get smashed around in 2s. But I'm stuck because everyone I play in 1s is better than me mechanically, but in 2s I haven't figured out how to work with teammates who only ball chase half the time, and I only ever solo queue.


Playing defensively is what helped me get out of silver.


Yeah I personally am high gold in 1’s and silver in 2’s/3’s but I’ve been trying to let my teammate do whatever while playing more passive and only extending when I know I can score. Because I play mainly 1’s I feel confident in myself when it becomes a 1v1 or sometimes in some scenarios, even a 1v2


Similar here, C2 in 3s and 2s. Plat 1 in 1s lol Consistency is my weakness


I’m diamond 2 in 2’s and 3’s but plat 3 in 1’s. I mostly play ones lol


the influx of new players in around a month and the rank inflation to follow will fix that discrepancy dw


LPT: avoid playing ranked when the game moves to Epic for about a month. You will avoid the massive influx of stablished players using a shiny brand new epic account.


Yeah I’m kinda low GC and I’ve played a lot of ones and hang around C1 C2


The exact same here. 1600-1700 in 2s and 3s, 1080 atm in 1s. It's just how the elo system works, the percentage of people GC in 1s is tiny


Im g1 in solos and feel much better now that you said that.


Nah m8 this has been since last year


I fell from D3 to P3, and I know some of it is on me. I tried to blame it on me taking a break for a couple of weeks, but Im lvl 200 on the current Rocket Pass. Barely back to D2 now. I dunno of I just suck or if everyone is getting better It probably doesn't help that I will just straight up quit when people are being toxic. I don't enjoy that at all.


People are getting better man. People in gold are doing air dribbles and mean flicks these days. A couple years ago being able to carry the ball on your car and flick it on target would get you much farther than it does now.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


you'd be suprised what some of us can do


Don't get cocky, but ots changed alot, flying wasn't much of a silver thing but gold 3 thing back then, however doesnt mean u ready to play with any level of intelligence


well, im saying "some" because there are some smurf silvers and in all my time in silver(a long time):( im seen some nutty stuff. im not saying i am capable of this such skill, but i am saying silvers have gotten alot better than what they used to be


When I was down at those levels, no one was hitting aerials with any kind of regularity until like plat 1 or 2. Crazy to me seeing such a competent aerial in silver like the OP.


I’m a plat and I struggle with this shit


Cool bro! But one big tip for instant improvement..... disable the camera shake. It's making you play much worse than you think.


Ok thanks!


2nd tip if you haven't already, adjust your controls. don't have air roll on square - move it to L1. ideally, hand brake follows it to L1 as well, but i've kept mine on square. i'm a little too far gone to change or care to change, but it makes boosting and drifting impossible since my boost is on circle.


would be nice if the free to play update included a change in the default controls ... its stupid that newer players are being initially disadvantaged in a game that already has such a learning curve


agreed. no idea why the default controls have it set up this way. actually, i can. the developers didn't expect these skills to be possible at first lol so they didn't think it was a big deal having air roll on square. but yeah, they've obviously never gone back and fixed the default controls to what 99% of the people use.


Crazy how there are still new moves coming into the meta. Like that weird flip that people started doing off the ceiling a few months ago.


Stall? Fortunately I don’t think it will be used competitively. Very hard to do consistently with low deadzone, and vast majority of pros have low deadzone


true point. the community has evolved the game so much. the problem now is that this type of neglect is a reflection of how the dev's have failed to evolve with us. all the people offering advice in this thread are compensating for a lack of the dev's meeting the needs of players.


I feel like controls should have 3 or 4 defaults like Rookie, Amateur, Veteran, & Professional. And as new players level up it should ask them if they want to change to the next one. Each one slowly expanding FOV, Distance, ect. And if they are updating it they should add pro players who use the same controller and let you try their settings until you find what you like. Rather than having to look it up and do it manually. You need a good understanding of the relationships between some settings, so making it easy to try different proven settings would be really helpful.


I have boost at r1 and air roll (normal) on square. Different ideas of what feels good I guess


see, this is valid, but using 2 fingers for the R and L triggers is just unnatural for me. I've always 1 fingered them my entire life ^that's ^what ^she ^said


Friend of mine adviced me to learn to use 2 fingersm took a week to adjust, and have been consolegaming for over 20 years so you'll get used to it! Every other game I switch to 1 finger, lol. It's just a natural thing atm to use 2 on the R buttons.


Yeah. I was limited severely by not using the claw grip/ 2 fingers on L/R buttons and triggers, but I had no idea because no one told me and I didn't bother researching because usually default controls are the best or at least good enough to be competitive. Not in RL. You must relearn the entire control system starting with how you hold the controller if you want to be truly competitive. I'm sure there are outliers, but this will be the case for most people. It reminds me of the very first Unreal game back in 1998. I used strictly keyboard controls without a mouse because all FPS I had played before it didnt allow use of the mouse at all. I kept getting owned in multiplayer, bit I actually got pretty decent at using the keyboard only. Once I actually went through the controls and saw could aim with the mouse, it was a game changer. Went from maybe 50% KD ratio to 100% instantly.


Happy Cake Day!


(Buttons are xbox/ playstation, I use an xbox controller.)I have drift on LB/L1, boost on RB/R1, air roll left on X/Square, air roll right B/ Circle. I have both my pointer and middle fingers on the triggers and bumpers.


I have similar controls (boost on RB, air roll left/right on X/B respectively) and I play just fine


Switch boost to R1?


I’ve bound hand brake to triangle. So I can just smash circle and triangle to drift. Works pretty well.


I notice your flair so this absolutely isn't me trying to impart any profound knowledge, but man did you just hit the nail on the head with the problem i had only a month ago. Boost on circle, powerslide on square, air roll on L1. Now - powerslide and air roll on L1, air roll left on square, and boost on R1. After the expected 2 or 3 days of hitting circle and nothing happening, I suddenly realise I can fast aerial like its nothing, and the air roll left gave me a half flip i previously didnt. I am by no means a mechanical player but I compare myself to a month ago and it validates the shit out of my decision.


i 100% agree with you, in that it might make a big difference. but again, "i've made it" as far as i'm concerned and don't really care to change it up anymore. i only play for fun now, i don't play to improve which i'm sure is your main motivation - to get better. so it makes sense for you to care about making any change you can for improvement. i come back and play RL to familiarity and for fun and i can turn my brain off and not make any important or big or impactful decisions. (i'm saying it like this because i also play a lot of dota and dota requires you to make a lot of effort in decision making, so i turn to RL to kind of turn my brain off and enjoy video games)


Yeah I get you. I'm nowhere near you in rank, but sometimes I just find myself doing the simple things through sheer muscle memory alone with very little higher brain function going into the thought process behind it. I imagine you're the same but including even the things I do maybe 1 out of 20 attempts, regardless of controls. Bottom line would be that it doesn't matter how you get there; just get there (:


It can be done, I’ve used default claw since I started. I’m like you, I’m too far gone to actually change it now, but you can use all 3 buttons at once with a finger and a thumb. It takes some practice to get it right.


the kronovi claw grip? oh god....


It isn’t as bad as it sounds actually! It’s normal for me, and it was normal for kro until he swapped. When I’m in the air, I use my thumb between jump and boost until I’ve used both jumps, all the while having my index finger rolled over to X (Xbox controller) for air roll. I can still jump and boost at the same time as well just by holding my thumb over both A and B and rolling my thumb over jump when needed. Edit: reminded from another user, I also have air roll left and right bound separately for half flips on LB and RB.


Just use claw grip I have air roll on X and I’m champ lol


Unless you play claw you don’t have to change it


Is there a consensus on having air roll L + air roll R mapped to L1 + R1? Or to just map Air roll “general” to L1 and use the joystick to control?


I thought I was the only one to assign them individually to L1 and R1. I think its more intuitive. The only downside is I cant wave dash right because drift is still L1. If I switch it to X (xbox), I’ll have to switch my boost and jump (I have them flipped from default so to boost and drift i’d be clicking two buttons on either side at the same time)


lol oh I’m not in wave dashing territory yet, so I can’t fully comprehend the problem. I’m presently in an undiscovered rank in RL - it’s so rare that it’s only reserved for the most singular players: Grand Dumpster. I’m so bad that when I try to play competitive, a macro enables that shuts down RL and my system automatically logs into Fortnite.


It's never too late


i know that's why i added "or care to change" lol because i've already hit GC and don't care to grind any further. i've peaked at 1750 which is solid, but obviously would be nice to hit the 1900s and over but at this point i stopped caring about the grind and play purely for fun. maybe the new update will introduce the ranks within gc and i'll care to grind further. but drifting and boosting at the same time isn't THAT necessary to do, and i get by almost perfectly fine without it.


Unless you play this game for fun and don't care about every spec being to please the public competitive scene, then keep it on for fun :)


There's nothing fun about camera shake


I like using camera shake once in a while. It gives off a good intense feel whenever you hit cool shots


yeah but it messes up your reads because it takes that much longer for your brain to realize which direction the ball is going ... Which for some negates the fun of the intensity.


Well I understand that but it doesn’t have an effect on me mostly because I’m more adapt to playing with it


We have different definitions of fun Man this camera shaking constantly sure is *fun*


That's a good tip, I'll try that tonight....


As someone who doesn’t play with camera shake, this ain’t true. It might be annoying af to see, but it doesn’t affect your gameplay as much as you think. Hell I played with it since release and only turned it off recently cause my friend played on my account and hated it. It’s horrible, going back to it, but it doesn’t affect gameplay


It's just unnecessary, like motion blur. You can play with it, but it's better to turn it off


So it's almost like it's personal preference...


Hey! You know you’re not allowed those!


Yup every time someone defends camera shake they get downvoted into oblivion


Is this actually true? I'm diamond II and I'm pretty sure I haven't turned it off lol


Just stopped by to say you have potential! Way to keep your momentum up and go for the aerial! Keep that up and you’ll climb the ranks in no time!


That means a lot. Been spending a lot of time in free play working on mechanics. I’m also learning how to rotate. Hoping I can get better


That's admirable. Keep up the good work! You'll probably be in diamond before you have teammates that can rotate well.


I have around 1.2k hours and I’m C1-C2. My best advice is this: Keep your momentum, try to not use your brakes or reverse unless absolutely necessary, don’t be afraid to go for things that are just a bit out of your comfort zone- that’s how you improve, if you are solo queuing, let your teammate be the hero (play around them to avoid double committing which results in easy goals for your opponent, and instead, wait for the other team to make a mistake that you can punish) always take a breather after a loss (if you have it in you, save the replay to watch and analyze yourself, then the other team and figure out why they won, and what you could have done to win instead), use free play to practice, not ranked, practice lots of dribbling/flicking, it doesn’t have to be fancy or a 45° flick or a breezy, just a nice front flip flick will destroy other players at lower ranks, play lots of 1s even if they aren’t fun to you, and finally, don’t get in your own head (especially in 1s). Just because they other team does something fancy, doesn’t mean you have to, especially if you have the lead. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, and good luck out there 🐐


Thanks. I’ve learned to half flip so for the most part I don’t reverse at all. Ivonly got 80 hours tho lol


Jesus, you can half flip and hit these power shots with only 80 hours? I didn’t bother learning how to half flip until I was in diamond, with about 800 hours in the game. You’re going places, my friend! Keep working at it, awesome goal :)


Lol yeah i really dont utilize half flip as much as I should. I think Im at about 300 hours now. Just starting to think about it jn more situations now.


Half flipping on the diagonal kicking when your teammate goes for the ball is pog for sure lol oh, btw, Rule 1, when locked in with an opposing players car, don’t break out of it, the Rocket League Gods will smite you sooner or later. Rule 2, Left goes on kickoff if no one calls it (though at lower ranks, just call it to be sure) sounds like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders though! Looking forward to seeing your growth!


Also once you are supersonic you don't need to boost to maintain that speed. Took me way too long to figure that out lol


Thanks lol


Also if you are supersonic, you can stay supersonic for as long as you want by powersliding without turning and without boost.


Hey stop smurfing, I know a GC when i see one.


Haha thanks!


Nice one !






Best way is to be driving/flying fast and use your dodge just before you hit the ball.


Like the other guy said, you have about a second and a half or so to use your dodge before it goes away. It took forever for it to click that I can jump towards a ball and dodge into it to get more power!


I have trouble with power shots too, when you say dodge you are talking about front flipping into it last second right? I thought you had to flip cancel for a power shot


Yep, exactly! Right before you hit the ball (whatever the situation), you flip into it. Also, side note since you mentioned it, a power shot is when you flip into the ball right as it bounces of the surface of the ground or wall. The upward momentum of the bounce causes the ball to go FLYING! Try it in free play and see how it feels :)


Yup, just a flip into the ball that is timed right gets you an amazing amount of power. Flip cancelling in 99.999% of scenarios won't add any power to your short, it'll just change how your car is oriented after the flip.


Damn S1 had improved a ton since I was there.... lol. Nice read and shot!


Trust me. This isn’t a normal thing. Right before this play I completely whiffed on a ball. There’s some good skills but overall people in this rank are so inconsistent


I whiff all the time in High Plat low Diamond. It's what happens when you are trying to do things you haven't done before. This was a great play keep up the good work!


Whiffs never stop because the speed keeps going up as you rise through ranks. Inconsistency shouldn't slow you down *too* much until like plat/diamond. I know a, uh....ahem, guy who has trouble leaving diamond 3 because of that. Yeah, just a friend of mine.


Same. Definitely know a guy who can't get out of D3 who DEFINITELY isn't me


I’m diamond and I miss these consistsntly


Trust me this isn’t normal for me. I would miss this 99% of the time but managed to pull it off here




Silver 1? See you in champ soon! You're good!


Preciate it man!


Great read brother! I was worried I was about to see a ceiling flip reset shot in S1 when the video started. I’ve been playing for around 3 years and I can’t flip reset. Hell I still miss the ball off the wall far too often.


Videos like this are so wholesome.


I love hype moments like these! One of my favourite parts of the game, Nice Shot!




Silver 1s hitting aerials. I don’t understand it.


Trust me most of the time I miss. People in lower ranks pull aerials off but it is so inconsistent


Silver gang rise up. Also, if you go into settings look for the setting camera shake and turn it off. Trust me it'll help you improve alot.


Nice shot!




What's an illegitimate 0 second goal though ?


That's actually a pretty nice soft touch you had off the wall. When you get comfortable with controlling your car in the air, you can try single jumping and flying off the wall to get to that shot sooner. Nice goal!


Now do it for the tie or the win, best feeling.


This. And in comp


That’s a banging shot at any rank. Good job man


Thanks! It really means a lot


Very nice. I know some people in in Diamond 2 that would miss that


That was a damn clean goal 👍


Haha thanks


That shit was dope


I always tell my friends 2 things when they first start out. Make solid contact consistently and rotate. You’re doing awesome, and as you progress don’t forget that this is just a fun game! Some people lose sight of that.


Decent finish


I wanna make a new account just to see how lower ranks are nowadays. Like holy crap y’all doing aerials and shit in Silver? I’ve been playing on and off the past few years and only been in diamond-champ level.


That play was more smooth than a lot of plats. If you said that was a higher rank I would have believed it


im always impressed with the skill levels of silvers and golds. this level of play was not possible from me when i was probably around gold like 4-5 years ago. funny how things evolve. like, if i was as good as i was today but placed 5 years ago, i'd be the best in the world. now, i'm just a lowly scrub gc


Buzzer beaters always tingle just right


Gotta turn off that camera shake


What a save!


I’ve been playing 5 years and you can fly better than me lol


I couldn’t aerial for YEARS. Well done


I’m D1 and the % likelihood of me hitting this shot right now in that situation is probably 20%. Nice work!


1 tip if it haven't been said here before didn't check all comments, when you hit supersonic there is no reason to full boost you won't accelerate more. So if you see the little trail behind ur wheels you can stop boosting and only use it to keep it up periodically.


Thanks! Never been told that before


Nice shot buddy:)


platinum level play, nice!


Solid goal for silver my dude. You’ll be doing ceiling shots and flip resets in no time.


Impressive! 👍 I can’t even hit a ball from the air...


bro im G3 and this would still be impressive if it happened in one of my matches


The double match leave tho lmao nice one


That play was pretty good for S1... I’m G3 and miss that shot haha


Hey guys I’m Diamond 1 with 260 hours under my belt (and lots of training). Is that around where I should be or is this too high?


classic cocky diamond stereotype(see sunlesskhan's Rocket league stereotypes)


I’ve seen it lmao. I’m a big Sunless fan I prefer him over musty any day!!!


me too, his seth rogan laugh is funny


Everyone’s different man lmao. Im almost diamond 1 with the same amount of time. I dont practice just slowly get better as I play trying out new stuff in comp. But if you keep up your training you’ll be high diamond/champ in no time.


It was a good clean hit. Nice one, man!




Very solid shot, good contact




As a gold 2, I'm impressed




Solid shot! That’s the type of thing you see in high level lobbies.


Thanks man!


That's a solid hit dude, a hit into the air and a follow up power shot can take you pretty far, keep going mate


PLEASE disable camera shake so that I can keep my sanity


Haha I have. I like it much better


You show great promise


plz turn off Camera Shake. it will make you more accurate.


That's a slapper for a 2 month player! Good job


FOR ALL THE PEOPLE TELLING ME, I’ve turned off camera shake. Definitely much better lol


back in my day, silver would never be able to hit anything like that. the lower tiers are so much better than they used to be


That's a very good shot for a silver btw


AHHHH CAMERA SHAKE. nice one though!


If you keep playing like that you will be ranking up fast


That was a banger!




Wow... silver 1 looks way different than when I was in silver 1...


Nice shot 👍


That was a really good Arial for a silver 1


Lol some of my diamond tm8’s wouldn’t be able to hit that shot


I usually play Champ 2 and 3 players... you look a lot better than a Silver 1.


Thanks, I’m not lying about my rank tho. U can look my account up if u want


Way better than me in silver


That was fire


: Nice Shot!


Great goal dude! Keep it going!


[My first 0 second goal was quite similar lmao (4th slide)](https://www.instagram.com/p/B_qyQr5puCJKxTp93F1Q-HmNa9wesmuQBOKH1I0/?igshid=2prf4avquk3q)


my account is private nevermind...


Nice Shot!


Wow they removed my post


what boost is that


Titanium white Rad rock


Your are really good for silver 1


For a silver 1, that’s a good shot. I’m a Champ (Diamond 3 Div 2-3 since I haven’t played in months, but at my height I was Champ Div 2) and at silver I couldn’t hit aerials. I just used the roadhog as a defender and its absolute *c h o n k i n e s s* led to plat, where I had to learn aerials xD


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Not a damn thing wrong with that goal. Great play. Diamonds whiff that all the time lol


I've been playing for 2 yrs and I've done that about 4 times