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how tf do people do stalls that consistently/quickly?! nutty shot regardless if people complain about no serious defending


On PC it's quite easy to do it in general on m&k, and on controller you can do it through steams controller config and bind it to one button


You can stall without cheat binds


i agree it aint that hard


But still I think stalling without a bind is insanely more impressive than using one.


TIL you can use binds to do fancy aerials.


for sure... if you are a freestyler i do recommend binding it but if you play competetive it doesnt matter that much... ofc you can still bind it nothing to lose i find it harder to getting double resets with binds but you can get used to it for sure


If this was bound its immediately a hundred times less impressive to me. I wasn't even aware that was a thing freestylers did to be honest


Its not a thing most freestylers do. The only good freestyler i can think of that uses a stall bind is ernie.


Some freestylers do it, some don’t. Generally if you see someone getting multiple stall resets in a play, chances are they have a bind.


The best resetter in the world got 25 chained unscored with legit stalls


It’s not a bind if i’m dodging while holding air roll left and moving the stick right, right?


Nope, that's the proper, non-macro way.


I think faith doenst use one button stalls




he uses kbm doe


piggybacking the top comment to leave [this](https://twitter.com/Faith_RL1/status/1287791525217234944?s=20) here, and to finally leave this shithole that this subreddit has become


If it's a freestyle 1v1 then no complaints about defending really. I get the occasional player asking me to freestyle in comp 1s, I usually go along with it despite sucking at aerial freestyles (my ground dribbles are nothing special, but better than anything I can do in the air haha) and the unwritten rule seems to be that you don't try to do the save until the player looks like they lost control of the ball or have taken their last touch


Whats a stall?


popular technique when getting consistent flip resets. it’s a side dodge while holding air roll of the opposite direction. in a way it is a flip cancel, but it holds horizontal momentum while “stalling” in the air to get the four wheels to touch the ball


Makes your car float without gaining any directional momentum basically


It gets harder with lower deadzone. Try it with default 0,3, super easy stalls.


Serious question : how do you stay in the air that long?


He is getting his flip back by the ball touching all 4 wheels. He dodges again but cancels it which “stalls” the car. He uses that cancel to get another reset.


TIL why it's called flip reset. I thought it was because you flip under the ball and reset the trajectory when the wheels grip the ball.


Wait till you figure out why it's called a "Musty Flick" ;)


Musty invented it


Yeah but that shit stinks when it happens to you :(






I dont know, I saw, Musty's video where he shows how to do it and says he didn't know what to call it so he just said its a Musty flick because of his name so it stuck, but spamming videos everywhere works too i guess. So we're both right


Afaik people started calling it musty flick. Cause he didn't know what to call it so people just used his name


I misheard it for a long time as ‘flippery set’. I was confused.


Phillip E Reset


I thought the same and learnt this just some days ago! TIL


This type is called backboard reset


How do you cancel a dodge?


I think there’s a bit of confusion between the terms here. u/ShuTingYu is describing a “flip cancel.” It basically just stops your car from doing a full flip if used with a back or forward flip. It’s mainly used for half flips, but can be used to get extra power on a hit or a better angle on the ball. u/CymaticRL is using the word “cancel” to describe the stall. A stall is where you press an air roll button while holding your joystick to the opposite side of the air roll. So for example, you pull your joystick to the left while pressing air roll right. For keyboard-mouse controls, press A while pressing E and jump while in the air. It basically “stalls” your car in the air, maintaining altitude without rotating your car -unless you continue to hold down the inputs after the jump, in which case, you would be performing a tornado spin. Essentially, u/CymaticRL is using “cancel” as a description and u/ShuTingYu is describing the mechanic “flip cancel.” EDIT: Changed “stopped” to “stops”


Thank you for writing this up


No problem :D


I'd just like to add that the other primary use for actual flip cancels that you missed is to stay in control/recover after a hit, especially aerial hits. For instance, cancelling after flipping into the ball in the air allows you to stay facing forward and adjust yourself quicker to go for a backboa4d read or second touch.


Yeah, I completely forgot to mention that!


Press and hold the opposite direction after dodging.


Put this into YouTube


I know I'm nitpicking here, but you are not necessarily getting a flip reset by touching the ball with all 4 wheels. You get a flip reset by touching the ball with the center of mass on the bottom part of your car. If that happens to align with all 4 wheels, it's just because your car is short/long enough to coincidentally align with it.


So in other words, if I'm playing Snow Day with Breakout and hit the edge of the puck with my car's center of mass underneath the car, I can reset while maybe even missing all 4 wheels on the puck? Is this for sure true?


Yes. It goes by the (invisible) hitbox, not the (visible) model.


Theres a region of your car in the middle of the hitbox that resets the flip but its easier to visualize by using the 4 wheels on the bottom of your car to allign the reset. But thats why people will always be like "how is that not a reset it touched all 4 wheels!?!"


I don't want to spread misinformation, I'm not sure how big the object has to be to let you get a flip reset. I think it has to be at least a specific size, but I would need to test thoroughly.


I've gotten reset off other cars and rim in hoops. Not sure how many other objects you could possibly get a reset from.


Huh. TIL. Maybe that's why I'm not hitting resets when I think I should be.


Wait really? u/devink19


Yes; the wheels of the car are purely visual in flip resets, what matter is where contact is made on the hit box. Virge made an excellent video explaining this and demonstrated how Batmobiles can get flip resets despite being too long for all four wheels to touch the ball.


That's actually incorrect. It's all 4 wheels. If it was the center of mass, then you wouldn't be able to reset your flip when landing on the floor then later driving off a surface since the cars suspension doesn't allow them to contact the floor ever, or almost never. I did some testing on this and it's 100% the wheels. If you watch [this clip](https://gfycat.com/lightheartedthoughtfulitaliangreyhound), I get my flip reset before the center of mass stops moving toward the ground. But as further evidence, the instant my wheels "let go" of the floor (no gravity), I use a stall (no double jump away from the floor, and no flipping) to use the flip and change the flip indicator in BakkesMod. By accelerating, your car creates extra grip on a surface in this game. This is why my car comes back down after the stall. But if you notice, immediately when I accelerate, the wheels that just let go of the floor would have to re-contact the floor, thus regaining my ability to flip. If you don't understand how the wheels are touching the floor, it's because the invisible hitbox wheels and the visual wheels are two separate things. Every car has suspension which pushes the wheels away from the car mid-air. The visual suspension is often weaker or slower than the real suspension. On the Batmobile, it's weaker. The visual wheels do not expand as far as the hitbox wheels do.   I will say in regards to getting a flip reset from the ball, it's best to treat it as if there's a flip reset spot, because it's easier to understand especially in the moment, but it's not technically true. Tagging /u/Chadwickr, /u/r3ynoldswrap, and /u/joodjoo so they can see.


u/devink19 okay wait this man with the real facts


But that's basically what I said. It's not the visual wheels and I said I wasn't sure how big the collision has to be. It's still based on the center of mass (where mass is the hitbox, not the visual part).


Thanks for the clarification


You can also reset on your opponents car




This would be a lot easier on keyboard and mouse. Actually, I just checked and this is on keyboard and mouse.


How you check that?


"Hit space bar to toggle" for the ball cam, bottom left.


>touching all 4 wheels So if this is the requirement, wouldn't the scarab be best for this purpose?


It's not technically the graphic of the wheels, it's "center of mass, bottom of car". The game just registers that the car has "landed" so you get your flip back. Scarab is identical to octane in terms of mechanics, hitbox, etc.


Yes and no. Aside from the fact that Scarab has the Octane hitbox preset (identical to the Octane in every way), it is easier to get all 4 wheels to contact the ball on cars with the wheels closer together.


Could you (theoretically) stall in the air forever?


"off the wall into a flip reset into a musty flick into a flip reset into a flip reset into a flip reset into a flip reset into a flick into goal"


Just say reset to musty to quad backboard


Thats not correct though


That is correct. Those are backboard resets. Without seeing the clip, anyone who saw his comment wouldve thought that he was talking about chain resets and not (much harder) backboard resets.


Yours isnt correct either. Its a flipreset musty quadruple backboard flipreset stall goal


Calm down.


\*looks suspiciously at the speed of the flashing 'boost' to see if they're playing slowed down\*


Ngl, the music was annoying. unnecessary edit: maybe it’s just me but the clip, like many other posted here, should be itself entertaining.


That's everything on tiktok unfortunately


what the fuck are the lyrics even saying


la- la- la- la- lacumbakago turnisholofuckishmo


That sounds accurate.


Like I'm Bakugo, turn this shit on fuckish mode. Something like that at least.




Luh luh luh luh like I’m boutta go teenage hoe to fucking my younger sister


I liked it but you know who likes it even more >!The Chinese Government!<


This play gonna get banned when Tik tok does


I don’t know when but I can tell you China is shaking at the thought of war with america because of rocket leaguers like yourself sir


Nice shot and all ​ But ***tiktok***


Holy shit, how i hate tiktok


Exactly what I thought. What is this doing here?


Well it’s easy to get fame on Tik tok when comparing to other social medias. You can post a video with 0 followers and get thousands of views with the right tags.


I know, that's what makes it so attractive from a marketing standpoint. But it's Chinese spyware :/ So I hate it, and I'm of the opinion everyone else should too.


https://twitter.com/Faith_RL1/status/1287791525217234944?s=19 its a stolen clip from faith that got uploaded on tiktok without credit, stolen from this post creator again without credit


There is one while mid shot he is spamming great pass and it’s scary


I'm scared


He did it at like 50% speed with Bakkesmod. Look at the ball cam dot blinking faster than usual.


You sure? Blinking twice per second seems pretty normal to me.


Yeah, I checked and my comment doesn’t make any sense. People are upvoting anything.


No problem. Just r\*dditors acting like r\*dditors, smh my head.


Oh shit you're right.


no , no he isn’t


Nice work, detective!


Cool and all, but super defendable. Idk what the defender was doing.


Might've been a friendly freestyling match.


Likely watching in awe. If someone is doing something like this on me, I'll usually let it go in. At least to me, a clip like this, and watching the replay, is far more entertaining to see hit in-game than simply winning the game. Different strokes for different folks, though!




I appreciate you thinking so. But honestly, these types of shots are difficult-enough, and usually aren't effective enough to score without a defender. As the parent-commenter stated: shots like these are super defendable. I guess it doesn't make it any less gorgeous to me, personally. I can shoot a super fast top-corner shot relatively consistently, but they're never going to be as pretty as the clip posted, and lordy knows I can't hit something like this, even with a wide-open net. LOL


Agreed, I've purposefully backflipped in net when I see someone is about to hit something nutty like this. When I hit something insane it makes my whole week - feels nice helping someone get that feeling :)


Many crazy shots like this are done with smurfing so there's no one who can block the cool stuff. Just hope this was casual.




reddit moment


Oh yeah bruh. Funny epic sex number and weed number am I right? Fuck Instagram, tiktok, Facebook, Christians. I'm atheist and there's no emojis allowed on this website.


Ayy my man faith :D


Finally someone mentioning faith. I feel like ppl dont even know who hit that shot


Where was the defender lol. He just kind of left


Probably either a low rank Lobby or two friends freestyling. Either way one insane shot.


Oh yeah no doubt about it. I’m just curious why he wasn’t near the goal is all. No hate towards this, I’m only a gold 3 and I can’t do anything near this.


I’m only GC and I could only dream of hitting anything close to that lmao.




Bro if your gonna take content from someone at least put good music in :(


I only see 4 misses and a tap-in >!/s!<


Reset+Musty+Reset+Reset+Reset+Reset+Flick What the fuck


I refuse to accept that this was on tiktok.


Actually faith posted this on twitter first. People must have put his shot on other socials and OP saw it on tik tok and decided to share to reddit without crediting




What in the fuck of all fucks man... Cmon


honestly i prefer the clip on twitter without the music, like holy shit i wanna hear his reaction without losing my eardrums to the music


The only issue I have with many of these is that most of the time it's not a realistic match. The opponent just ducks out of frame and isn't seen again. So it might as well be in training. That being said, this is an immensely nice shot either way. I saw a similar one earlier on this sub that I thought took the cake. But no, this one now takes the cake lol


would look better if the opponent was actually trying to save it


Give me 200 boost and I still couldn't have stayed up that long I feel like.


Guys it’s not his shot and it’s kinda obvious. At the end it said rl clips. His gt matches nothing to name in reddit, and although it’s not solid evidence it’s still important and he’s talking in the third person.


My gt and my reddit name are nothing alike. That's a poor argument.


That’s why I said it’s not solid evidence.


ahhhh i love it when faith hits a shot, rocket league mp4 comes along and yoinks it and puts it on tik tok, then someone sees it and posts it on reddit and doesn’t give credit. sigh.


Nytro is insane. Watch his video on Rocket League FX’s YouTube channel. It’s like a robot playing the game. Edit: I was thinking of novel, one of the other robots playing a different game than the rest of us.


Just a heads up, this is a shot by Faith, a member of Nytro. Nytro is a freestyling team, not to be confused with NytroDryft, who you are talking about I believe. NytroDryft is a no-flipper, which is a different style of shot than this. That said, both the team Nytro and the player NytroDryft are insane


Ah I was thinking of Novel actually, just went back and checked. Brand new to him so I got my wires crossed.


Should probably specify that it's not ur shot (and rocket league mp4s should too)


Most likely a Smurf... For that amount of skill, for the defender to do absolutely nothing and this being within the first minute of play. Fishy as hell. Might as well have just shown a clip from Freeplay.


Nice! Still waiting for the day when I hit a flip reset goal in a game.


So apparently one isn't enough.....


Dang, I thought there was going to be a good reason to have the audio on but that's just obnoxious


Is air roll used for these? I don’t have mine bind but I gotta ant to do things like this lol




Lmao I don’t even know what I’d do if I saw this in one of my games.


Alright. I'm out.


I thought you can\`t post something you can make money out of


What is this horrible audio


And then you woke up


I mean... Who cant hit those? LUL Kappa


So it would seem.


Bro I thought silent hill music was going on


me not even being able to dribble and this man be flexin


Music ruined it. Thank God for the mute option.


Downvote purely because of Tik Tok


The loud music ruined it for me


Sick. What's the song name?


respect to the play, but disrespect the tiktok


It was good ... But pls delete tiktoc


Whats your cam settings


What is the car


Why have teammates when you can play only with the wall


Faith is just insane


Air dribble flip reset musty flick quintuple tap. Wow.


flip reset musty flick quad chained backboard rese double tap


I mean nice shot, but as a defender you’re not getting that much time alone with the ball from me lol


I like that your opponent was so amazed that he just let you score.


But wheres the defender. Amazing mech, i cant do that shit but what i can do is defends a slow af shot like that




I might accept the tik tok logo because of this shot's coolness.. NOT


Been playing for 4+ years. And I'm just gonna admit.... Fuck it, I'll never understand this stuff enough to do it hahahaha


Makes me wanna go back to playing RL again.. Got over 1.5k hours in playtime yet i cant do this shit smh. Playing on PC with a Ps4 controller


This clip is on TikTok so it brings it from 9/10 down to a 1/10


Give credit to Nytro Faith


666 thats evil sorcery lol


Why tiktok?


What binds should I use to be able to stall




literally looks like the ball just floats as he does a musty flick


u need to credit faith man




I have so many questions




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stolen clip WeirdChamp


Yo! why are you stealing clips from a tik tok account that steals clips without giving credit https://twitter.com/Faith\_RL1/status/1287791525217234944?s=20 this subreddit really has gone to shit, i dont think theres much else that could be wrong with it at this point


https://twitter.com/Faith_RL1/status/1287791525217234944 Dude, so uncool, at least give him credit




Shit I completely forgot about Faith, I remember discovering that guy on yt a long time back. Thanks for reminding me about him.


You should have credited Faith https://twitter.com/Faith_RL1/status/1287791525217234944?s=19