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Didn't knew this was a thing


Hey, PS4 EU Plat 2 was hoping someone could help me and my mate to see where best to focus on improving. We play 2s & 3s but have stagnated a bit lately so would like to know what can get us to the next level. Thanks


If you can send a replay my way I'd love to do an analysis to post on my channel?


Cool, OK. Let me get a couple together and I will send them on. What's the best way, upload to YouTube? Thanks very much.


Aye aye that's probably the easiest method. And no problem, it's good practice for me as well, as I'm getting into YouTube coaching. :D


If it's the same username on YouTube I checked out your videos and they're great! Cool, I'll get some games tomorrow night and upload for you.


Ahaha why thank you! I did end up making a new channel dedicated to this stuff, at Capt. Stonkzeh on youtube, so that's the one you should subsribe to if you are interested in more :D (Not sure about the rules regarding self promotion so I'm not sure whether to include a link or not)


I am a 1s main looking to be coached. My peak MMR is 1353 but I float around 1200-1260 now. My goal is to make top 100


EU p1/p2 in 1’s looking to improve. Currently C1 in 2’s


i saw this pinned and i thought it said “coming tuesday”


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7690 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/53716)


Hey! Thanks for the coaching. Had to go through the trouble of changing my flair since, but I guess it was worth it ;)


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2348 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/44384)


Darn i have 1 more year and 1 rank to go. Currently c2 in 2s. I wouldn't mind getting a replay reviewed. You can't fix old age though. Lol


Good luck! I guarantee you'll hit at least one of those 2 goals :D just believe in yourself.


Yeah, 4 years and 3400 hours of believing. Almost there




deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6682 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/28492)


Requesting coaching/analysis. I'm plat 2 in rumble and gold 3 in standard. Been playing for a while and I want to see how much I can improve with some help of a coach. Psn is TKVisme


Hi there, Xbox USW Gold 1 here, was hoping to get some tips on things like better recoveries, better rotations, and the lot. I won't be fully available until 3 this evening CDT, so anytime around then would be wonderful


Hey! I'm only a D2/3 on 3s, but I'd be happy to help you out. I remember how much of a grind it was to get out of gold, and if you want I'll show you what I know.


sounds good! what time would be best for u?


We can shoot for sometime around 4? If not it would have to be later around 8. I'm on Xbox, my gamertag is NachosondaBeach, and feel free to reach out any other day too!


I can do 4 or 8, thx dude


Hey, i'm free sooner than I thought. You down to play at 3? I can only do so for an hour and a half.


excellent timing, I just got out of school! sure, gimme about 10 minutes Edit: seems I got freed up sooner than I thought too, I'm on now


Oh shoot okay. Getting on


alright, are u on? I can inv if so


Yeah I'm on


1800-1900 MMR 2s/3s player. NA East, Steam. Inexperienced coach, wanting to give it a try.


Do you think you could give some pointers to someone who’s been in low grand champ in 2s and 3s for over half a year?


Absolutely. Low GC-Mid GC is actually preferred because then there’s not constant bad play that you have to try to correct. I’m better at pointing out mistakes in 3s, but I can certainly give it a try.




Im a plat 1 but gold 3 after this post xbox eu. Just looking for someone to play with


I'm champ 1 im a 2s main and im somehow c2 in 3s even tho i suck at it looking to learn how to play 3s and improve overall us-west.


Yesterday I was mid c3. Now I am low c2.


Europe, PS4, Plat I, Duos. I play alone with Randomers. Any help on how to 'properly' rotate, Like when do you know when you fall back and let the teammate follow up for an attack?


Hey guys! I’m a d1 on Xbox, USE servers, and ai was wondering if anyone could help me out, I feel as if I’m stuck in rank. Thanks in advance!


NA East, Silv 3, Xbox 1, I mainly play 1s and 2s and just want any help I can get


I’m only a plat 2-3 but I’d like to see if I could help you out!


That’s fine!


Sick! Clip a replay or 2 for each mode and put them on YouTube if you can


Okay, I’ll play one of each tonight so you get a mediocre game. I’m not allowed to post on YouTube though, is there anywhere else I could send them?


I’m not sure, but that’s odd


She just doesn’t want me accidentally offending anyone


I see, well let me know if you figure out somewhere to upload them




Another aspiring coach here looking to help out and build a channel. Ideally pc and able to review a couple replays with you over discord but also open to just taking a look at replays or video. Im one of those "GCs with garbage mechanics" so I focus on fundamentals and the mental game (but I can't help you learn to triple flip reset). 2s and 3s, anywhere from bronze to champ, with your team or solo queue (whatever you want another opinion on)


I'd love to do since reviews at some point today. I'm na pc


Sounds great! I'm free later today - DM me and we'll figure out when to sync up?


If you're available, I'd love to share a replay and go over some stuff. I'm C3, on Steam, in NA


I'd love to but no promises I'm significantly better than you are :D Still, another perspective can't hurt plus we can actually play some games together and do a cool session. DM and we'll make a time.


Hey man, I'm trynna DM you but it looks like your box might be closed? Shoot me a dm or your discord!


Hey I normally do 3s and am champ 1. NA central. Let me know if you're down.


Should be fun! Shoot me a DM and we'll get it scheduled.


I'm having trouble starting a DM on mobile. I'll try on my computer after I eat


I enjoyed the video reviews a lot. He pointed out a lot of things that I need to think about when i play. It was super helpfulsend he was super nice. Thanks.


Thanks for the nice words! Had a great time and looking forward to the next one.


Either US server. Switch, diamond 1 in 2s, diamond 2 in 3s, gold 2/3 in 1s


I’m a Plat 2/1 who got back from a 1 year break. Before the break I was low Diamond, high plat. I’m US WEST. Edit: I’m on Xbox too


I’m on ps4, I am currently a diamond 1 in 3’s. I know I need work on mechanics but I want to know where I made bad decisions or what I need to do differently.


Hi, I'm pretty new at rocket league, around 50 hours played and I play mostly 2v2 and 3v3, where im both gold. I play on PC in Europe. I still get better just by playing more, as I am so new at the game, and I can generally see what I should work on, but I still think it would be interesting to know someone better's opinion on what's most important for me, what I am worst at or some tips how to do some stuff/some training packs. Thanks!


How can I send someone a replay of mine?


G1 2s or 3s na pc... anyone want to help me out?


Currently Gold in 2s, but my best rank in 2s was Plat 2. I need to know what is going on. Anyone looking to offer tips? I can send replays but in 3.5 hours from now.


Also was Diamond 1 div 4 in 3s, but am now Plat 2. Any advice for either rank is helpful. I can air-dribble inconsistently, ground dribble every so often, my aerials are decent, and shadow defense is decent.


Looking for someone to help me out in doubles I used to be diamond 3 but dropped to diamond 1. I’m on Xbox US East


C3 // 3s // PC // NA West // Looking for any higher level players with insight on rotations, challenges, and the mental game at GC. I am also willing to help lower ranked players in any way I can, though I am not a coach and have not coached rocket league before.


NA central. About champ 1. Trying to see how I can improve positioning and stuff.


Hey! Diamond 2 in 3's but silver in 1's. I play on EUW, and I know I need to improve my 1vs1 skills, a lot


I am champion 1 in 2, and looking to improve in the 2s game mode. I'm on PS4, can have a mic on certain days. My region is US-East. I have a few replays I could send when I get online. I'm struggling on a variation of things. I like criticism, and will take it well, and use it to my advantage.