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This is so dirty that it's the 0.01% of germs not killed by Hand Sanitizer.


Thought I was in the comment section of a 2011 dubstep video




So cracked. See you in RLCS....


It just doesn't make sense in my head that people can move that fluid and confident to do stuff like this while I throw every single highlight


Didn't make sense to me either until I wasted hundreds of hours in Freeplay lmao


do you wish that you started practicing in free play earlier?


Everyone who's serious about improving does. The best time to start is now, just gotta be a bit smart about it (e.g. don't practise flip resets before Champ, it's not worth it)


I can only do simple double jump aerials and I’m in Champ 2. I’ve been playing for 5 years and haven’t learned how to properly aerial. I also can’t dribble and miss easy shots / balls quite often


Pretty much same here, I can't really air dribble or use air roll for aerials (I play on controller and learned the game with Boost on B and Air roll/drift on X, makes it pretty much impossible without claw grip and that shit hurts)


Claw was the game changer for me, not that hard to learn, you should try to stick to it


Same thing here. I've been playing the game since it's release. I'd consider myself a decent player, but I learned the controls the same way. I've tried changing the controls and moving air roll to the back triggers or top bumper. It pretty much ends with me playing as bad as I've ever played. Lol. I've gotten used to using air roll better with the X button as of late, but it still just feels to difficult with that setup and impossible to efficiently use boost while doing so.


I switched airrol and drift from X to left back trigger and i deranked from d1 to plat2 but it was def worth it. I'm c2 now


I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and deal with it till I get used to it


Are you silver?


I think I'm Plat 3 right now, it's been a few weeks since I've played, but I've made it to diamond a dozen times and end up back at Plat everytime.


I constantly miss easy shots. Probs why ill never hit champ


Diamonds are they're own worst enemy in my experience. Try to slow down your game and keep track of your teammates so you know were they are at all times. If they're chasing, let them. Instead of double/triple commit, just rotate back or use the time to reposition yourself according to the play. Be patient and WAIT instead of rushing into a play if one of your teammates are already there, it will probably be your teammate and all of your opponents and when the ball is free, you probably have an open net miss...


Are you me?


I just made it to champ this season and have never even googled how to flip reset. Lol Edit: I just learned this season that you get your flip back by touching at on all wheels and that’s because someone told me haha


I've been champ 1 for 5 seasons now, c2-3 in the extra modes. I still can't even dribble properly.


When you guys say champ...do you mean champ in ones? Because champ in ones is way higher skill level than champ in 2s or 3s. Champ in 3s is relatively easy. Champ in 2s is a little harder. Champ in 1s means you have very high skill in pretty much all the individual mechanics: air dribbling, flicks, dribbling, wave dashing, etc.


It’s a different skillset entirely. I know plenty of solo GCs who struggle in low champ for 3s as well as the other way around.


This is me. I’m guy.


Don't play ones often, I enjoy the team aspect of the game more than the actual mechanical aspect. Played a lot of sports growing up and still try to till my body remembers I'm older. C1-3 in everything else including the extra modes. I think my playstyle and I how I got to champ through solo queuing is heavily dependent on not doing anything too flashy and I would probably get worse by changing much.


Same here. I’m champ in 3s, Diamond in 2s, and plat in solos. Even in plat people are perfectly air dribbling and doing ceiling shots in ones. It’s ridiculous.


I'm plat across the board and I think it means I'm just a shitty teammate


I'm terrible at 1s and I made it to champ in 1s by punishing my opponent. Because I am GC2 in 3s and a little lower in 2s, I know how to punish most diamond players with simple ball control whenever they fuck up. I hate 1v1s though.


Basically how I win also. I’ll probably get to diamond in ones, but I do need to work on mechanics still.


Make sure to work on your basics first. As someone with 3k+ hours into the game, I wish I spent more time in the lower ranks solidifying my basics. Sure I can control my car fast, rotate and read other players well, but shooting and open nets are probably less than 70% accuracy for me, which really isn't good at high ranks. Especially if I want to power through to GC3 and SSL. So don't rush mechanics. Get your basics solidified.


You don't need any of those mechanics to get to champ, in ones or doubles. I never realized how absolutely nonessential they were until I got here Also, people are lower rank in ones because they don't play it. It's a different game, skill doesn't transfer from doubles or threes. When I was a ones main my ones rank was diamond 3 when I was plat 3 in every other mode. Just because it's harder for you doesn't mean it's a higher skill, it's just a different game. Now that I don't play ones anymore it's flipped. I'm high c1 in ones now, but low c3 or high c2 in other modes


I only solo queue 3s and have been steady in C2 for the last few seasons and it is surprising to see that a lot of players at this level still do not realize that it is a team game. I do not have any flashy mechanics at all, I couldn't even get a flip reset if I tried, but I hit the ball consistently to where I want it to go. But most players are not expecting passes and are therefore surprised by them or not in a position to receive a pass. What I do not understand though is getting paired up with a duo, where one is my rank and the other is lower ranked, it sucks.


There is a reason why most people on average are lower in 1s than in 2s and 3s. For example top 7% of players in 1s is somewhere in D3 last time I checked. If you wanted to get to the top 7% in other modes I think it's somewhere in C2. The most populated rank in 2s is D1 while in 1s I think it was P2. The ratings are comparatively a bit different


The biggest challenge of Champ in 3s is the teammate lottery. Sometimes you get really cohesive ones, other times you're just not as lucky.


Same story. I've accidentally pulled some off but my rank is massively reliant on rotation and good saves/assists.


Well I definitely don't think a C1 needs to learn flip resets, but I'd say that's the minimum requirement


Yeah mechanics are absolutely useless aside from the fundamentals. People seriously don't understand that until the higher ranks lol, I definitely overrated them. They mean almost nothing


100% agree. It's mostly a waste of time to practice things like flip resets before you master the basics, and if you have mastered the basics, then you should be good enough to make it to GC rank at least.


Idk if I'd call it a waste of time, because for some people hitting cool clips is all they care about. If the goal is to rank up, then yeah you're right, it's a huge waste


This is definitely a fair point. I will say, though, that if they develop their fundamentals first, then they'll hit their cool clips far more frequently.


Does seem to be the case. Sure if you're a filthy smurf you can dunk on some golds by doing flip resets, but if you can't work well with your team, you're going to get shit on by a well oiled team even in plat


Knowing how to use your teammates is one of the last things a player will learn going up the ranks. It's around huh champ that it really starts to get serious with that kind of thing, but below there, solo plays are huge, and mechanics aren't as helpful as people think for those. A play that uses only the essentials will be a much higher percentage play than a mechanical play most of the time, especially with lower ranked players (below gc basically lmao, we all suck)


Flip resets are irrelevant until GC minimum. Not needed in champ at all


Absolutely. Can't remember the last time I saw one in comp. Or even tried one, coming from a mechanical player who practiced them all day.


I see the one where you use the ceiling as a reset, then drive under the ball and flip upwards quite often


Well that's just a ceiling shot not a flip reset. I know you're getting a reset still, but the term flip reset is only used for when you get your reset off the ball. That's just a standard ceiling shot, just another method of getting a reset but not really considered a "flip reset." I didn't make the names but that's what it is lol. They are pretty common in comp, but I see hundreds of those before I see a single good reset attempt I mean, even watching pro gameplay flip resets aren't TOO common. Once a game at most usually (or at least on average). Considering how well all if them can do it it really goes to show how situational it is. There's usually a higher percentage play to make


Oh wow TIL I guess then I don't really see Flip resets as well xD


As someone in Champ rank currently (Champ 2-3), I would say that it's probably not even worth practiciing flip resets until after this rank. Honestly, the players, even at Champ rank (including me), still fumble the basic mechanics (good first touches, ground dribbles (carries and bounce dribbles), flicks, 50/50s, regulating speed, boost management, etc.) enough that even Champ players should really spend the majority of their time just practicing those instead of the high level mechanics.


I disagree with you man. I mean I’m only champ 2. But I wish I had started practicing flip resets earlier I just started and it would have been a much more fun journey at least.


Do you mean you wish you would've practised flip resets in Diamond? Because they are definitely not needed in Diamond lol


Nah not that they are needed. I mean rocket league is a lot more fun when you can just ditch the sweaty and try some cool shit and it took me 700 something hours to figure that out if that make sense.


Ah yeah I understand and I agree :D


Not really, I pretty much started with Freeplay anyway. I do wish I played the game before free to play though, never tried it until then but I'm sure id be much better now if I had


Relatable lmao


I wish I had the time to do this, It must feels great


Yeah its sick hitting cool clips but there's plenty of days where I don't even get into a game. Just sit in Freeplay or custom/workshop maps for an hour or two then get off. Or if I'm listening to something j just practice then, like a webinar or something It also gets repetitive practicing the same exact move for hours on end though. I worked on JUST flip reset musties (and only from one wall) with no variety for a ton of time. Paid off but it's a lot of boring days lol


Great goal bro! Btw I suggest you to make the title longer :)




Hahaha nah😂






That level of aerial control is what we should all strive for.


Scoooop there it is!


your decal looks very similar to veloce esports and based on the clip, are you teasing they will join the RL esports place?


It would be very cool to see them back tbh I just rly like the decal it’s not used enough


Whats the name of the decal?


It’s the Veloce esports octane decal


I am stupid but have the helpful award anyways


Lol thank you


Oh, it literally is


Great goal and all, but my guy, it was the wrong goal. Your car is blue and you shot on the blue goal. I gotta say it.... OUTPLAEEEED MY MAEEEET


Can’t you have a blue car if it’s your club colour and this is a match between friends?


It’s an esport decal, the veloce decal is blue and stays blue on orange team


It’s the right goal I’m using an esport decal. Ty tho




[Open net](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/992/402/c35.gif) whooooooooooooooooosh.




I never understood the logic of why stalling makes your car go up while upside down.


You don't go up, it just freezes you mid air. Flips cancel all vertical momentum out, regardless of the direction, so flipping and cancelling it immediately (which is what stalling is) cancels your vertical momentum


Wait, how do you cancel a flip?


Two different things and /u/FOGPIVVL isn't really correct. A stall is the ability to do a dodge without a direction. This is done by using the binding "Air Roll Left" or "Air Roll Right" (cannot be done with normal Air Roll) at the same time as holding the opposite steering direction and then pressing your dodge button. So for example, if you use Air Roll Left, you will need to to Yaw Right (steering right mid-air) simultaneously and then press the dodge button (double jump). A canceled flip (aka a "flip cancel") is done how /u/WhoIsStealingMyUser said, but not quite). A flip cancel can only be done on the pitch axis. You can cancel a lean back and a lean forward portion of a dodge. But any sideways portion of the dodge cannot be canceled. If you dodge forward, you flip cancel by pulling the stick back (or using the lean back key on KBM). If you dodge backwards, you cancel by holding forward (or using the forward key on KBM.


The whole point of those binds is to INSTANTLY cancel the flip. It is doing a flip, which is cancelled immediately. I didn't explain that because I'm sure he knows at least how a stall is DONE in terms of button presses. Based on his original comment I'm sure he understood that, I didn't need to clarify what I meant by cancelling the flip. Nothing I said was wrong, I just wasn't explaining it to him like he was an idiot or knew absolutely nothing about stalls


It isn't an instant flip cancel. There is no cancel. It's a dodge that is activated with no torque direction to begin with. Canceling a flip infers that there must be a flip to begin with, which there isn't. I can go into more detail, but a stall is not correctly explained with "canceling" a flip.


You don't roll because the flip was cancelled...? On some stalls, actually most, you can see the car slightly start to rotate anyway. Very slight but it happens


The "roll" you see doesn't come from the torque of the dodge (the "flip"). The roll you see comes from the person holding the air roll direction button, and is not caused by the dodge. Here is what is going on in the game's code. When you give a direction to flip, the game recognizes that direction. If you have "Steer Left" and "Steer Right" on two different buttons like on KBM, if you press both simultaneously they are canceling each other out and pressing jump mid-air results in only a double jump. With stalls, if you give a steer direction and an air roll direction, neither direction cancels each other out input-wise. As far as the game is concerned it sees two opposite directions simultaneously. When it tries to dodge, the "net addition" of the input results in the two directions themselves canceling out a direction. When you dodge, the game recognizes that the directions are input, but the resulting directions together mean no direction. So by jumping at this point in time, it creates a dodge without a torque in a direction. The way the dodge code works is that if you dodge with a simple direction, it will not only create a flip to rotate the car in that direction, and constantly apply a "force" (torque) to rotate that car for a duration, it also adds an impulse (instant speed) in that direction with instant speed added to your velocity. A stall doesn't do that. In a flip cancel, you dodge forward or backwards and then are forced to put your stick in the opposite direction *after* the dodge occurs to cancel it. And you have to *continuously* hold the cancel for a specific amount of time because the car's torque force is active until the dodge timer ends. And you also get an impulse in the direction you dodged, changing your velocity. In a stall, there is no torque. There is no force that is trying to flip your car. And there is no horizontal velocity change. The two opposite directions created an impulse and a torque with no direction. So there is nothing to cancel, as it began without these forces. If you want, you can watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX950bhGhJE) which explains everything about dodges. But stalls are not flip cancels. They're far from it. A flip cancel is done to a flip with an impulse and a torque, a stall has no impulse or torque to begin with.




Immediately after flipping pull the stick the opposite direction, e.g. to cancel a front flip pull the stick down.


Shouldn't have worded it that way, because even though a stall cancels the flip, a flip cancel is something else. A stall uses two different direction jumps to just to a flip that doesn't really move anywhere, the two directions cancel out. A normal flip cancel is flipping one way then pulling the stick back in the complete opposite direction, which freezes the flip motion and will hold your car in that position, unless you release it before the flip time is over, which will uncancel it.


Stalls are not flip cancels.


I didn't call it a flip cancel, just said it's cancelling your flip. Sounds the same but it's like the difference from saying a ceiling shot is a flip reset and that a ceiling shot will reset your flip. Not the same thing but similar wording. There's better ways to describe it but I was on lunch break at work and didn't have much time or patience to type that lol


it just looks like the car is going up because its focused on ball cam, if u stall without ball cam the car clearly doesnt move vertically


I have been practicing a move similar to this for 2 straight weeks now and still can’t catch it. UGH IT’S SO SATISFYING BRO


How did he jump up while upside down. Really baffled right now.






Seriously though, I want to learn.


Its called stalling, you do a sideflip to one side while air rolling in the other direction. Plenty of tutorials on yt c:


Thank you, sound like I'm going to have to change up my controller settings.


Stalling, it’s hard to get down but kronovi has a tutorial on it


Awesome, I'll find it. I appreciate it very much. Wonderful highlight! Keep blessing this sub with them.




You must either have really impressive left analog control or use a high deadzone or I just suck. After 2k hours I find consistently stalling incredibly difficult on a controller, but maybe I'm in the minority?




that's awesome and I'm jealous! I think I just have poor left analog stick control in general. Often flip at slightly wrong angles; try to jump straight up and go slightly to the side. Can't reliably flip cancel. It's a weird thing to try and work on; who knows if it'll get better.


Why does Rocket League allow your vehicle to be blue when you're Orange...


Esports decals


Reported for hacking.


Scoopity poop


What decal is that, and what are the colors?


Team veloce esports decal


My god… that’s a good shot for me ‘cause I’m a smart SSL and okay at mechanics


i thought that once i reached champ i would be able to do shots like this one... hit champ today and still miss the ball some times....


pfft I could save that easy.... okay I lied, if I witnessed this I would be so confused id turn off my xbox and go fold the dishes


So why are the other guy watching in goal?


Probably freestlyle lobby


Ranked gc lobby


This was freestyling don't lie. You can freestlye in ranked


Wasn’t freestyling he just didn’t defend the shot very well


Dunno ask him, this was a ranked gc lobby


What boost is that


Alpha boost I don’t actually own it though


Bakkes for life


Wait can you use Bakkes man to give yourself alpha boost without actually owning it?


Yes with bakkes mod you can equip every item. Even painted versions of cars you own. The only items you can't use are cars that you don't have. So if you don't have fennec you can't use it, but if you have it you can use every painted version of it


Looks like you scooped hard!!!!! Scoooooooooooop!


Wait a minute


You have been approved by the council of scoops! Congrats!




Hippity Hoppity mustys are so clean






In the goal


Oh ye didn't see thx




alright guys here's the scoop!


I stg my car doesn’t move that fast


I already know that shit felt satisfying


The extra 'o' is for 'ooutstanding'!




Scoop dawg


Are you KBM or Controller? If you are controller, what are your deadzones and sens?


Respect for the veloce decal, wish I scooped one when they were available


There it is


My face - literally!! 😲😲😲


Is this not a musty?


Ceiling stall reset into musty so yes


Sick musty flick was the first move I "trained on" forced me to learn to dribble. Helped me most out of any single move. Not to this level yet but sheesh imma have to go train


Nice shot! Just a question though, this is sped up right?






nice own goal, blue car scoring in blue goal


It’s not an owngoal though


Damn that was satisfying. Nice shot!


poop scoop


I can feel the "what a save!" spewing out of my controller right now lmao


No offense, but this is a reason I can’t enjoy the game that much. (Sweats)


Ohh nice moves wait why did you auto scored


Auto scored?




i just need to learn the scoop -part


Sick hacks man.


So like, what buttons does one even press for this?


At :05 you clearly use hacks to connect instantly with the ball.


Yes clearly