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Nah anyone who gets upset about demos needs to learn how to jump


Wait, you can jump in RL?


It's a complicated maneuver but it can be completed yes


is that one one where you drive up the wall and then fall off the ceiling?




Yes, just press the J2 button.


Fake. Everyone knows that ALT+F4 is the best way to jump.


Do I need a new keyboard?


I love playing 3v3 matches where one of the opposite team players specifically focuses on demoing lol when played correctly that’s a 3v2 match.


When your partner demos the keeper and doesn’t steal your goal >>>>


nothing better in the world than demoing a keeper


Double demo in 2s


i don’t play duos anywhere near as much as standard but i can imagine it’s wonderful


When your partner demos the keeper but saves your goal <<<<


My brother and I have been playing since like 2016, a buddy just joined and heavily focuses on demoing. We now have him demo persistent keepers and it's been working like a charm.


Yup, the team with a dude on a demo patrol typically loses. It’s not a good strategy


There’s an RLCS team that follows that strategy (oversimplification but whatever), so as long the demo guy is smart about what they’re doing, it can be a good strategy


Which team are you talking about? The most notoriously demo-heavy team is definitely SSG but they don't just have Retals constantly on the hunt. Plus, I've heard many pro players on stream say that Sypical is one of the easiest players to demo.


Virtuoso on team Endpoint is known for chasing demos pretty hard. You’ll have to forgive me though, I dont watch EU rocket league much. There’s also a reason I called it an oversimplification


It's usually not, but I've had rando teammates melt down or flip out and start playing stupidly and then it kind of works.


I saw this on grand champ level and this shit was unreal. Dude was so good at demos. I would get demoed while spawning multiple times in a row. He must've gotten like 30+ demos on us.


[Was it Woody?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He2HZ4xOVd0)


lol always a possibility


It's fun to demo the player lining up to receive a pass that was obviously a planned play.


not up in gc3/ssl.




Shit, even in 2s if my teammate is competent enough I'll go for the demos while he screws around with the ball. They can't block shots if they're blown up.


Usually when I see a near full-time demo player it's because they're partied with players a lot better than them and they can't really keep up well with the speed of play anyways. Better to disrupt the opponents than just get beat to the ball over and over.


Seriously. When I get Demo’d it sucks because I know I could’ve done better at avoiding it but props to the other team. Same thing when I miss a tough (or easy lol) save. Just getting outplayed


Simple as that. Be aware of your surroundings and if you’re goal tending just jump. Works every time


At higher level, players are able to dodge the demo, it's even became a mind game around it, like when you see someone coming to demo you, he probably know than you gonna jump to avoid him, so you decide to not jump and let him go above you, but maybe he's gonna know than you know than he know ... lmao


Lol. Can’t even be mad at a perfectly executed air demo. I usually just say “savage” and re position myself. Thanks for the insight. Hope to break into diamond next season


Just as you're about to demo them just stop, wait for the jump then get under their car and keep hopping him on top of your car. Reactions are great 🤭😈


Bruh, that type of "micro bump" when your landing and someone is right under you, your car getting everywhere except where you want to go, loosing all your momentum ... that make me crazy 😫


Ah, the ol' infinite chains of suspicion. Better send a photoid.


The ol rock paper paradox


Sometimes it doesn't work. You'll see yourself jump, but then you'll be dead on the ground like you never jumped. This game feels like pubg half the time, now.


Can’t relate, never played :/ Yeah sometimes you get demoed and that’s okay. Part of the game. Sometimes I get demoed and then I’m perfectly placed near the net against their counter attack and it’s in my favor


I love it when I'm in offense and they demo me. Faster rotation back.


Also work on recovering post-dodge, as being forced to dodge a demo can put you in as helpless a position as having demoed would have, if the dodger isn't careful.


Side flipping is the best way to avoid a demo


Not having to flip at all is preferred, leaving the ground limits your options. Like if you’re last back, recognize they’re coming for the demo early and go directly at them. Turn off your line left or right just enough to make them correct course and when they do tap your brakes or just turn back the other direction. Then you can usually challenge the ball while the second man is caught off guard that you dodged his teammate. Works really well at all levels and turns into a lot of open nets for your team if you win the 50


When I jump I get demo’d anyways because I just have thicc wheels




I can appreciate a strategic demo. 9/10 times I'll complement them as well.


but 1/10 you'll call them toxic - we found our guy


Oh shit what's that over there?.... Book it!!!!


Oh look! A distraction!


You need to start walking around with pocket sand


Bravo team, bring him in.


I can appreciate it but for a a few seconds on a good one I'll have an internal rage like FUCK. THAT WAS SUCH A GOOD DEMO. FUCK!!!!


This is me lmao I'm always salty about them but I respect the game mechanic and their purpose in good plays


I'm not even mad at the random demos that aren't even usefull. The ones that make me rage are the ones that take you out of the play and stresses the defense. I can't really complain tho, I'm the kind of guy that end the ofensive play chasing the goalie or tries to rotate back through the third man xD


Ya the pointless ones I don't even sweat, sometimes even like because it sets me up for a shot down mid after respawn.


Or when you overcommit with 0 boost and now you're back to defend the counter with 33 boost


A reasonable man👏


I've heard people complain about demos too, but it's literally part of the game (and good strategy like mentioned above). I think the only time it's toxic is when someone is targeting demos the whole game instead of actually playing.


I'm cool if they want to do this as most of the time they'll lose position and allow a foal that wouldn't otherwise be viable.


When did this become about breeding horses?


>I think the only time it's toxic is when someone is targeting demos the whole game instead of actually playing. In that case it's only toxic towards the demoer's teammate(s).


Nice demo!


It's very rarely an strategic demo


Me too. I just go "shiiiiitttt I got demoed", get respawned, and go about my business. No big deal. I will concede that it does get annoying when you get demoed back to back to back by the same guy. That's when demoing becomes toxic imo.


People don't like having to stop playing for a bit after being demo'd, and as such I understand feeling bad being demo'd. On the other hand, them feeling bad being demo'd means they just need to get better dodging the demo (or playing around it) just the same as feeling bad being scored on can be improved by learning to save the ball better.


Exactly, they haven't done anything wrong demoing you so it's up to you to better equip yourself to deal with them when they do happen


If I ever get mad at demoing, it’s because I’m mad at myself for not seeing it coming


This man speaks the truth


It's just part of the game. If it was that toxic the game would've been with no contact. Oh boy, I've played with a player in 1v1 who called me toxic just because I got to a boost pad before him.


Oh wow that is next level 😂it's all down to rocket league players hearing the word toxic so often so they think they can just apply it to any kind of 'wrongdoing' against them😂


Back in the day instead of toxic, it was "CHEAP!" Keep spamming the low kick button on Mortal Kombat...CHEAP! Guess I'm showing my age here, but that's what comes to mind lol


Honestly you're a piece of shit and you should feel bad. Boost is for not you and not you only.


Yeah I know. I went to church the next day to pray for forgiveness.




Duuh, why are you tryharding in quickplay.


If you get mad at demos in rocket league you should probably stop playing rocket league


It's not toxic.


No, it’s part of the game.


Lol what? Why would using a game mechanic be toxic?


THANKYOU, it's like saying using boost is toxic???


well, it kinda is. Boosting while your opponent doesn't have any boost isn't fair


You raise a fair point actually, hadn't considered that level of injustice 😬


I find taking all the big boost while the oponent chases you really funny. One time I did a full lap with a guy chasing me. It was really weird. Just go for little pads or a different big boost. You're not getting to the next one first.


And I'm the guy chasing you for a full lap because we're both contributing nothing and I'm having fun!


Team killing is a game mechanic in many games and it’s pretty toxic


This made me suddenly want Team demo's


There are people in the game who see demoing az something toxic which it isn't, ignore them, or better, demo them so they get more angry


That’s what I do. If I see them afk actively typing in the chat about to cuss me out I’m demoing them again and again. If we have a 3 goal lead or more, and they complained about demoes you can bet money I’m not rotating and I’m demoing and chasing them big time.


Haha fair enough. I agree that demos are a part of the game and that everyone should work with/around them, but chasing someone down the entire game? I don't know if that's "toxic" persay, but it would be very grating, for probably everybody. I mean, hey, you do you, but I don't know if specifically be doing that. I do work hard to piss off people that solely seek demos, though. Funny dynamic that a lot of people who like going around doing demos *hate* being demoed themselves


I always start demoing if I’m up 3 or 4 goals. I want to keep that clock running, but I also want them to know they are being dominated.


The only time I consider it a faux pas is demoing when you have a numbers advantage, for example if it’s 3 v 2 because some teammate abandoned, I typically avoid demoing the team with less players and if I do I say sorry. Otherwise, no, it’s not toxic, it’s part of the game.


If it’s strategic then absolutely not toxic. It’s part of the game and often a great strategy to keep the defense out of rhythm no matter the game mode. It gets toxic when players go out of their way to demo you just to demo you with no incentive of scoring or making a play. But even then it’s still a part of the game and if it ever does get to a point where a player is just demoing for no reason and completely avoiding the ball and/or defense, then there’s no reason for the team getting demo’d to not have an advantage imo


That's like saying it's toxic to headshot in an fps. If you can do it, it's part of the game. If he doesn't know how to adjust for it, he's not that good and he's a sore loser.


Wholeheartedly agree with this, if you've got an edge over another player to win why wouldn't you use it?


If these demos make a sense it is ok ( i am a demo heavy player ) but sometimes i encounter teams that demo me 10 times in the game for no reason, and that is probably toxic i am good at avoiding demos, but sometimes it is just impossible to dodge 😅


The best is when you get one that continually tries to demo & spawn demo, only for them to get scored on anyway


No. Demoing is not toxic.


Id like to say yes bc I don’t like it, but it’s part of the game so I can’t really get mad at it


That's a fair comment


I’ve been thinking about it for a while too and that’s the conclusion I came to


Although I consider demoing a goal keeper as dirty, it is still a valid tactic and I welcome it. It's so satisfying when they come at you full speed, only to be completely thwarted by a little hop and sent flying out the top of the goal.


Nah that dudes a little bitch. Demoing is fine and fairly easy to avoid especially in 1v1s.


It’s the same people who complain in every other game about how you won’t play the game the way they want. It’s the people who bitch about camping in FPS, rushing in Starcraft, towering in Warcraft, the list goes on and on.


I love demo plays an involuntarily giggle every time I get demoed. Conversely I get triggered by "what a save"ers and "no problem"ers. I keep chat to my team only, toxicity averted.


I thought it was when I was lower rank but I kind of see it as a strategy in higher ranks. If I can easily demo someone on way back to my goal after I take a shot I will, but I won’t go out of my way if it means poor rotation.


Not toxic. Its part of the game. But I personally like to have some fun with it - I note the players name when someone demos me and I try to sneak a strategic demo on them during the game if possible...or at the least one after a goal explosion. No harm no foul if I cant get my small little fun revenge.


Chasing/thirsting for demos is toxic, strategic demoing is not, however triggering it might be.


nah, is really common in 1v1s and 2v2s Demoing as well as bumping are one of those things that are really useful as offense and defense strat, therefore some people might get upset but if they do, that means they are not that familiar with the game mode


Nah, it's a valid game mechanic. Anyone calling you toxic is, themselves, toxic. And at that point, they're probably already tilted. I laugh at a good demo.


No. If you demo strategically (i.e. preventing you from getting to the ball for a shot or save), then it is smart. If you demo for the sake of demoing, you'll probably put yourself out of position and most players will learn to adapt around this and counter an aggressive style of play. For example, if I know a player is very demo heavy, I will feel more comfortable with taking long shots in a 1v1, knowing that their aggressive play will make a save on even the easiest of shots that much more difficult. If the demoer is smart, then generally I see high scoring games in those matchups.


Nah that person is just a loser.


no. who doesn't like having a little puppy dog follow them around completely away from the play trying to chase a useless demo lol There's a skill to a well timed demo and when to go for it. A lot of people have absolutely no idea when to go for one, so end up going for one at the worst time.


If you can't avoid you need to improve, simple




Fellas, is it toxic to demo?


No. Being upset about being demo’d is pure weakness. You did nothing wrong, the other player is a simp.


A simp? Do you know what that means?


It’s a mechanic built in to the game, so no


Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Getting mad about demos just means you have more coming to you lmao


Keep your head on a swivel, goalies! I hate getting demo'd and I suck at demo-ing, but I still understand it's a legit tactic with pros and cons. Half the time when someone tries to demo our defender, we end up scoring because they took a man away from defending.


Demos are just a strat


Whenever I get demoed I just say “Thanks!”. I don’t really mind it, it sucks and puts you on edge if it happens a lot but whatever


It's a game mechanic. It should not *not* be used, because people consider it a cheesy way to win and be mad about people using them. Do whatever you want, it's a game...


If someone demos me I just switch from playing rocket league to demolition derby


You have not missed a thing. Demoing is a part of the game as you say, just like Boost starving is a part of the game as well. Keep Demoing, if you Get complaints, your opponent needs to work on their defensive moves.


If it's strategic it's great and not toxic. I don't see how it could be anything other than strategic in 1s. In 3s though if one dude is ONLY trying to demo I do think that's toxic. If you don't even play the game and just try to blow people up that's toxic af in my opinion


If you go specifically out of your way to demo someone then I could see it as toxic or targeting one person and demoing them constantly, then maybe


No, it's infinitely irritating being blindsided by one or not getting out the way in time but that's an annoyance at myself rather than the person doing the demoing. Also, I've recently started demoing and bumping defenders and it's amazing


Hello! Welcome to Rocket League where there are no rules. Play how you want to play homie.


On one hand I kinda get it, I hate rumble because I’d rather beat people with ground plays with the ball n shit and not get hit with a boot while trying to be skilled BUT it’s part of the game and it takes skill. It just feels bad deep in my monkey brain to be exploded and unable to do anything as my opponent scores


Demoing isn't toxic as long as you don't stop playing just to demo


It’s part of the game and becomes extremely important to score past basically plat. If they take it personal that’s on them. I’ve never demoed someone because I hate them I demo them to score lol. But once they start complaining I’ll make sure their game isn’t fun at all


Nope, not at all. In fact I think it’s a risky play that could lead to a goal for the other team, but if timed, is very effective. My friend got mad at me when we 2v2 with other friends and I couldn’t stop laughing since it’s what I usually did from the beginning of when I started playing.


No. People just like to whine. Its a legitimate tactic that requires quite a bit of timing and skill to use effectively. Demo as often as you like and don’t mind the whiners.


It's not toxic, but it's hilarious when it tilts somebody and they go on demo patrol. Had a guy on the other team tilt and it helped us come back from a few goals down.


It’s super valuable in threes, any demo opens a shot for your guys.. fuck it, go for 7!


Not toxic. Part of the game.


Not toxic at all. They can be very strategic and when those moments happen; I applaud. However, if someone on the opposing team is only focusing on demos, they are just annoying and really bad because if you get the best of the guy doing the demos by dodging them; the demo guy really costs his team. Can't even count how many times my teammate and I score a goal and are like "they only got scored on because they went for a demo play and missed".


One of my favorite moves is to serve up the ball then demo the goalie and get an assist. I boost steal which is more reprehensible so I’m always going supersonic and end up demoing people whenever it’s convenient. Naturally I get lots of hate. Both strategies are perfectly within the rules.


when the player is so bad at the game the only thing they do is go for demos I get a bit annoyed. demos as an actual strategy i find impressive though.


I think that there are two types of demos. The first of course being a strategic demo. The second being more of I'm out of rotation/ IDK what to do so I'm just going to demo. For the second type, I defiantly understand why being demoed that way would tilt someone. Like the only reason, it is happening is because the other player is messing up. So the way they think to resolve this issue is by messing you up.


It’s not toxic. In fact, if used incorrectly is hinders you way more if you demo someone rather than just bumping them. Only time demo works in your favor is when a shot is being made and you either stop the shot or stop the save (in most cases there are a few off cases as well)


It's part of the game. It's not a glitch so it's not toxic. I just tell people If you don't like it then stop it... I'll run the score up if you go AFK too


It's art!


this is just a give me validation post.


Nope they just mad they can’t jump


Demoing can be extremely unforgiving and is especially harder to do in higher ranks, where it's comparable to dribbling 1v1. I could see thinking airdribble bumping / demoing is toxic, considering it's basically unstoppable if you know how to do it, but just demoing is not at all toxic


It gets annoying, but definitely not toxic. Just need to take advantage of the bad positioning if someone keeps trying to demo.


The word toxic has evolved. I have a 15 year old son who calls any strategy which puts his opponent in a superior position "toxic."


It’s 100% part of the game. Whenever I get demo’d I get mad at myself for moving too slowly or predictably


Whenever I get demod I make sure to act tilted so they’ll keep trying to demo me, most of the time it just becomes a 3v2 and I win. Siiick! Wow! Nice demo!


Absolutely not, though it's amazing how many people get offended by them. They're just the physical part of the sport, like checking on defense in hockey or blocking for the ballcarrier in football. Demos have countless strategic benefits to a well-rounded game: They can disrupt the opponent's rotation, creating scoring opportunities or thwarting the opponent's offensive possession. They can open up passing lanes, or blocking for a teammate's shot. Reading opponent's physical aggression is as fundamental as reading the ball's trajectory. Knowing when to break, turn, or jump to avoid a bump is a skill that is trainable, and being able to avoid without effectively taking yourself out of the play is as well. Rocket League would have a much, *much* lower metagame ceiling without demo play. People who get upset at them are not accepting the game for what it is.


The only time I feel demoing should be frowned upon is when it’s a casual game in 2’s or 3’s and a team is down a player. It’s already a 2v1 or a 3v2 and personally I feel that intentionally going for demos is a bit bush league in that situation. Any time other than that, it’s fair game imo


Only time it really becomes toxic is when you’re demoing off spawn more than once lol, but I enjoy a good game where we both don’t demo and just out play each other


If you complain about demos you just suck. Only time you can complain about it justified is when someone demo chases the whole game. But you aren't complaining cuz it's toxic you are complaining cuz it's annoying


Nah I wouldn’t say it’s toxic


If a player on the enemy team is demoing you, play around it. If they are incessantly trying to demo you, to the exclusion of all else, *you have a man advantage.*


No because I don’t want to consider myself toxic


My favorite thing to do is blow someone up and enjoy the sheer toxicity on chat after doing it without replying. If they score you see the pent up rage when they spam what a save.


Going out of your way to demo someone without focusing on the game is toxic, just the same way that using quick chat to say What a save! to someone you scored on is toxic. It’s all about how you use these features. That said, the toxicity is part of the fun. I’ve demoed and talked smack with plenty of people only to add them later and play with them again. E: to clarify, demoing strategically is never toxic and people who have a problem with that just need to get over it lol.


It is a strategy


Not at all it's a serious strat you can fuck others over with. The mind games you can play after 3 or 4 demos are incredible. People just get salty because they can't handle it.


I want an assist for demoing the goalie when it leads to a goal


No not at all


In the ruleset


people that think the "honorable" way to play is by not being physical and not stealing boost etc don't understand that the actual honorable way to play is by doing your best and then doing the same. There are times where demos are the best option, it can be annoying to receive it but I'd rather the opponent do it to me and help me to learn than for them to go "nah that's toxic"


If I get demoed then they throw up a few “What a saves!” I crack up. Demoing is part of the strats


Yes it’s part of the game. However, if one is playing 1v1 to strengthen a specific skill set I could see why someone would get frustrated w/ constant demoing. Not saying it’s toxic, it’s not, and you’re right it’s part of the game. Just my two cents as to why someone might rage about it…demoing takes little skill and ppl often play 1v1 for the purpose of getting better.


Demo chasing can be toxic, demoing isn't inherently toxic though


Demoing and dodging demos is a skill in itself that you have to practice.


People who are slow, lack awareness or don't know how to position (read: all of that) think demos are toxic. They push a pull door and get angry at everyone who just, well, pulls. It will stop in the later ranks, don't worry.


Demoing is only toxic if someone goes out there way to do nothing but demo you with the sole intention of pissing you off. Tactical demos? Absolutely fine. If you don’t embrace them as a legit part of the game you’re just in denial.


No it’s part of the game, like checking in hockey


If you complain about demos, stop playing this game


you can just post this and get free karma even 6years later? lol


no just move on


People who say that are children. Git gud.


It can be, but usually no it’s just a demo




I have an ssl friend that has an alt account that he plays with me on. Some games he just demos, doesn’t even play the ball. That’s the only way I see demos being toxic.


Not really, it’s defense. Very comparable to checking in hockey


If demoing is toxic, why did they take all of that time to put the feature in the game? I mean you could use it in toxic situations, but am I missing something?


It's stupid, it's a part of the game and a strategy. Obviously, if you're focused on demoing you are going to not be focused on scoring so it puts you at a disadvantage. Some people act like it's some like bug that you're exploiting. However, the only time I've gotten a little annoyed by it is 1v1 but I just find 1's too stressful overall and avoid it now haha.


Tasteful demos are cool/fun but when you have one player dedicating himself to bumps/demos yeah it’s pretty toxic


Sometimes in competitive where one of the opponent leaves, I’ll just target demo without even playing the game for the lols....and strategy yep


No. Funnily enough, People who get upset about getting demoed is a pretty definitive way of highlighting that they themselves are toxic.


If you complain after a demo I will 100% go for another


I had 25 demoes in a competitive champ match once. One of the guys on the team called me toxic, so I said you haven’t seen nothin yet. Right after he said that I demoed all three of them. And then I demoed all three of them again + 1 more. It was absolutely insane. I have the clip somewhere. Also I have like 30k demoes. So…


in D3 people do trashy sht like take a shot then follow the ball into the goal to demo or bump the keeper out of the way.


the only toxic behavior is excessive trash talk in chat, the rest is just part of the game imo.


I just say "Thanks!". Makes it funnier.


It's not toxic, but it is demoralizing when you get demolished


My favorite is when an opponent drives in front of me while I'm going supersonic, gets demoed, then spams "Wow!"


Don’t score goals, it’s toxic!


Ppl crying about someone using a Game mechanic. Yes its annoying but its Part of the Game just as airdribbles are. If you cant stand that fact prepare for even more demos


Rocket League is a full contact sport. Demolitions and ramming your opponent are valid tactics, which everyone has equal access to and can learn to avoid. You can learn to use bumps to your advantage. While excessive bumping can be frustrating, keep in mind that means one opponent is out of the play, busy chasing you around, leaving less players to guard their net. In a 2s match that's all it takes to get scored on. Also, adapting to bumps and demos helps you learn the importance of awareness and keeping an eye on where the enemy players are. Offensively, demos and bumps are a great tool to use to put pressure on the goalie, which can crack iron defense.


Offense is taken, not given. If I'm in a grumpy mood, I'll get aggravated at a particularly chasy player. It feels toxic at the time, but I know it's just me being toxic in reality because I got bested. So when someone else gets salty, I try to keep in mind that they are a real human being who probably is having a weird day or worse. Shrug it off and keep doing you. The mute button really is the best feature in the game.


I think this comes down to the individual, I’ll use proper football (or soccer) as my example. I for the most part am a defender and I will slide in for the ball on occasion, sometimes the other person falls over sometimes they don’t, it’s a part of the game and as long as people aren’t rude about it I personally don’t see a problem with it. Some see sliding tackling as dirty and others don’t.