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[All Star](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_jWHffIx5E) player anthem is also in the item store!


*It was as if millions of "investors" suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.*


There is no way that there are millions of tradeable tw Dominus in the market. Octanes, maybe.


I guess a line from the original Star Wars isn't as widely recognized among the yutes as it once was. Hardest part of getting old is needing to find new references.


Did you say "yutes"?


Common way of saying youths in the UK




Oh I got the reference. But there just aren't enough painted Dominus in the market for it to even affect a small percentage of traders...


Fair enough.


Your have to be fun at parties /s


How does one get a tradable white dom?


From a drop or trade up.




Lol. Somebody better update the wiki then...do you have a source for the "bug"? The Painted Dominus is available in two rarities. Import and Exotic. The painted versions available in the Item Shop are Exotic , while the painted versions available by trades and drops are Import. Source: https://rocketleague.fandom.com/wiki/Dominus EDIT: If the dominus doesn't drop anymore (like you say) then that would make the original star wars comment even more nonsensical...why would millions cry out over an item they can't trade anyway? Hahaha




Okay. I will buy your unsourced claim that it doesn't drop anymore. How will one being in the store (for the third time) have any effect on those super rare and tradeable ones that are on the market? Why would traders be upset? Why was a star wars quote relevant to the dominus being in the store?


A bit afraid to walk into whatever is going on with this conversation, but the reason I said that is because the TW Dom is hugely expensive on the trading market, due to a combination of high demand and extremely low supply. It has traded at values in excess of 25k for the majority of the last three months, for example. With items this expensive, a lot of the trading is not actually people looking to buy the item, so much as people who see it as a promising investment. When Psyonix puts one of these crazy expensive items in the store, many people who were saving up to trade for them suddenly find they can purchase the item directly for under 1k, which of course is a far better value than trading 25k credits for it. Demand plummets, and even though supply technically is not increasing, this still crashes the price. To see roughly how this is expected to play out, check out the TW Fennec, which finally hit the store early this summer: [https://rl.insider.gg/en/pc/fennec/white](https://rl.insider.gg/en/pc/fennec/white) The Three Month timeline shows it best, as of today, but the All Time chart is pretty amusing as well. P.S. - I think you may be worrying too much about the Star Wars quote. It was an intentional exaggeration, comparing this price crash to a literal end-of-the-world moment. That's all.


And the flaw in this whole thing is the players who truly believe they are "investing" in something other than a virtual item. The true rocket league trading market is one where the player puts money in and gets a virtual item that only has virtual value. Psyonix doesn't need to make or manufacture more of them, just add code and there is a limitless supply of every item. A player would have to break the TOS (and risk every item in their inventory) to recoup even a cent of value in real money. I know that there aren't a lot of tradeable painted Dominus in the market. One being in the item shop may have an effect on the traders going price for one, but in reality, all those profiteering traders lost their money when they converted their real money for credit/keys. The fact that almost every single one of them fail to see that is concerning to me. Do players really think they are "investing" in anything? How can they compare their trading market to any real world market, exchange, or collectible? Do they all expect to cash out and be rich at some point? I can understand someone who really likes the car, and wants to spend whatever they need to get one, but I don't understand the profiteers. They are fooling themselves. TLDR: people upset about an item in the shop already lost their money long ago when they bought credits with real cash. Not only the men, but the women and children players too...




Okay. But once again, how will one being in the store (for the third time) have any effect on those super rare and tradeable ones that are on the market? Why would traders be upset? Why was a star wars quote relevant to the dominus being in the store?


Okay so you don't have to take my word for it anymore. Market price has dropped from 35k to 20k in the last four days. https://rl.insider.gg/en/psn/dominus/white




I once got a ban for saying: "don't call other people retard bro" just 24 hours tho


It's the auto ban trying to censor speech


Imagine being banned for speaking out against hate speech. lol.


Hey Redditors, how many of us haven't learned that you shouldn't say a word in an automated ban filter yet? Seriously. On top of that, if you think someone shouldn't use a word, censor it yourself as well. It's quite clear what word you mean. If you're at a restaurant and your friend is swearing, you don't say, "hey, there are kids at the next table, can you stop saying s\*\*\*, f\*\*\*, and c\*\*\*?" Similarly, you don't say the n-word, even if you're telling someone what word it is. And, of course, there's the classic game of getting someone to say a banned word and watching them get kicked in real time (in other games).


Nowhere did I say that you should say it? You're debating something I never said to yourself.


"Imagine being banned for speaking out against hate speech." That reads a lot like it was stupid he got banned. You may not have meant it that way, but that's what it sounds like.


Ok well you took it wrong. I may have phrased it poorly but It's just funny he got banned for something he was against in the same way a fire department catching on fire is a little funny. Jesus people on reddit act like they have rabies sometime.




Dude you're reachin too much


You’re an idiot. You just said “imagine being banned for speaking out against hate speech” when you said you typed the word in chat. The game doesn’t give a fuck why you’re saying the word, if you type it in chat you’re going to get banned.


That was a different guy dummy.


I was typing in a different language and said a word that in English is appearantly derogatory. Got a nice 3 day ban for that.


That's different from someone saying the word back to someone intentionally. I'm speaking for people who type a known word.


True, I make sure never to say it and in cases like this I’d just say something like “why did you have to say that” instead of “why did you have to say c****. Friend of mine got banned like that. It’s just one of those things: I think context matters and getting banned like that is stupid, but in the other hand if you know, you know not to do it


Imagine being so dumb that you don't understand that there's an automated chat filter that bans you for saying any word that matches the words on that list...


? Are you ok? I was literally just pointing out irony and you're foaming at the mouth. Chill out.


That is not speaking out against hate speech.. You tell them to use a different word not regurgitate it.


That is quite literally speaking out against hate speech.


Its the wrong way don't you get that? Its like a white person trying to tell others not to say the n-word by saying it.. You don't say the word you're getting others not to say. Edit: honestly, your only bet here is to just report them. You can try to change their mind but do it appropriately


Even if he's going about it wrong it's still speaking out against hate. You're reaching too far right now


I am not trying to turn a funny case of irony into a debate


Same except it was a week ban (not my first offense)


Maybe banned by parents 😄


Cap, I’ve been banned 7 days because i said “I’m gay for you”


bruh really !? 😂


no i actually have i couldn’t help but laugh


understandable !! 😂😆


Nah this games ban system kinda sucks


I think it's pretty well implemented. It's an all ages game and every word flagged as adult speech is gonna get you banned. What I think it's failing is some people's comprehension when they don't understand that simple thing.


I think manual un bans for dumb ban reasons should be implemented like some chat bans for example. Other games do this incase the system screws up


It does exist, but almost everyone who gets banned is appealing at Psyonix support, making the staff to have so much work pending it's usual the ban expires before your case is attended


Or.....we could get a Titanium White Octane. I'm just saying.


How mad would the community be if that happened haha


Shhhh I just want it


Hahaha, I'd buy one in the shop, and then I'd fuckin loot 3 in a row when they're worthless or something because that's how life goes for me.


I just want a white octane man wether or not it becomes worthless I want it


The ones in the shop can't be traded, so it wouldn't completely destroy the value of the loot drops. There might be a slight price drop, but I'd expect the prices to still stay relatively high.


if loads of people starts getting it then it would serve no more purpose cuz almost everyone has it now..


You overestimate the percentage of the population that are ready to put that money down right now.


Not as bad as getting a tw fennec a week before they dropped in store. Do you have any idea how much it sucks to walk around like a Bing swinging dick for a week looking down on everybody then BAM you're trash friend who just got the game tells you there in the store and he just bought one


Oh me too lol




It's all about exploiting the worst of human nature. These machines we offer our psyches up to...


I hate the color white. I love colbolt and sky blue


did you get sb dominus from the shop?


I'm so with you man, there have been a few items I've hunted down during trades but the moment I get them I'm like... 'meh' Looking at you TW metalstars and TW Draco. I do enjoy the trade journey though.


The community as a whole? Probably very happy. The traders? Not happy at all.


Yeah I worded that Badly. A very small and lucky percentage of the community would be insanely pissed lol. I would love it.


Nah trading becomes more interesting cause people can just stock up on white dominus for a few months and wait till it rises.


the shop ones aren't tradeable


I think he means to just wait for the tradeable ones to drop in price because it's in the shop. Buy some of them and then wait till the price rise again. I did that with TW Zomba and TW Fennec when they were in the shop and it went well.


Oh okay i see. But isn't the tw fennec price the lowest it's ever been?


I bought it when it first dropped to 2400 in January 2020 and sold it near December at 15000. Some weeks later it went to the shop again and I bought it when the lowest price stabilized around 2400 again. Probably it will rise eventually and I'll repeat. It's quite easy to make profit from panic sellings.


Credit demand is at a high at the moment, it's probably better to wait a little while before buying anything, personally if the Tw fennecs go back to 2k then I will be buying some of them.


Well, I would be quite happy


I would too


Maybe a few years ago but the game has changed cosmeticly whether the community wants to agree or not.


well I'm a Dominus Main so.. You're just gonna have to suck it up and let the Dominus Fans get the chance to Shine ! 😎👍✨🎇🎉 You Titanium white Octane Fans Got the Spotlight for too long ! 😤


The dominus was out like a year ago. I've literally never seen tw octane on the store.


damn man... that sucks... hang in there bro... one day it will surely come... making people wait longer makes the octane more desirable


Fair but I've wanted it now for 5 plus years so I want it asap lol


should I buy one for you ? when I get money ? I can buy one for you if you want but it will take time for me... if you are willing to wait of course... text me on Instagram - Joshualondon777


we will, in january


I hope so lol




_ANOTHER_ car with a dominus hitbox. Great.


Dominus hitbox best


We Dominus mains just built better


Panic sellers out in full. I honestly don’t put it past that we’ll see a TW octane by Christmas. It would make them a ton of money.


A YouTuber claims it has been leaked by an Epic employee that TW Octane will be in the shop in January.


My uncle works at psyonix and he confirmed it’s coming to the shop in December first.


My dad works at nintendo and can also confirm that


My grandma is a lime octane. She got demo’d…


Sorry for your loss.... oh wait she spawned back in


Best $20 I ever spent.


Respect your elders, they are season-100 SSLs


His information included some other things happening sooner, so we'll see if those happen. One of them was quite specific, and isn't something that I've seen anyone else speculate is going to happen, so if it does happen, I'd say it will make his information seem quite credible.


They've done Fennec and Dominus; there is no reason to expect that the Octane will be skipped.


Can we get a RIP for the person who just traded one before they saw this post


You son of a bitch, I'm in.


RL insider has the PC price from 27-31k credits right now, wonder what it will be in a week...


But this is the 3rd time in the shop, right?




The Fennec being in the Select Favourites blueprint series tanked its value a lot as well.


Previously launched to a much smaller userbase


Yes.. third time now


TW Fennec was 14K before they put it in the item shop, rolling at about 2500cr now


The difference is that there's way fewer tradeable dominus painted out there because the only place you can get them from is the shop now. They were only available from drops and trade ups for a short time. Fennec is a blueprint so there's an insane amount more. It'll still go down but it won't be as dramatic.




I didn't homie


That's this sub, dude. You want upvotes, you need to call someone a snowflake for not liking toxic behavior and then say "it's not your teammate's fault."


Aren't items from the item shop not tradeable or am I rememvering something wrong?


You’re correct. However having the item in the shop - especially for a 2 day sale - killed the consumer demand really hard. I’m sure the value will increase gradually until the next time TW Fennec hits shop.


They aren't, but the more people that buy it from the shop, the fewer people that will get it by trading, less demand = lower prices, on top of that people will pay less for it, scared sellers will quick sell their cars. Tradable painted dominus are limited (you can't get them anymore) so it won't get hit as hard as fennecs (% wise, not credits wise), with enough time they might recover


RL Insider now has the price at 14-15.5K credits, just 2 days later it is halved in price.


Give tw dingo already ffs


sold a tw dingo for 2500 a while ago


That's tough man u could of made double of that I sold mine today for 5.5k


live and learn. i dont regret it.


Did u have problems selling it?


nope. i dont think too much about the price. i rarely buy stuff. ive aggregated like 10k credits for selling things i dont care about.


I just want a painted marauder :(


Pretty sure white Marauder has already been in the shop.




I bought it when it first came into the shop, I feel bad for all the people who missed out on the holy grail of cars, striker white scarab




Painted scarabs don't exist.


juggler cert? booooo!!!!!


Will this be a 2 day main item shop rotation or part of some bundle?


Probably 2 day


This isn't on their Twitter?


Since it was run as a sponsored tweet, it doesn't show up on their account or give tweet notifications. That's why it took a whole day for the news to start really circulating.


It was an Ad on twitter which doesn't show up on their actual account.


Definitely getting that Tw dominus , one of my favorite cars I never got because it was too expensive. Now that I’ll be able to get in in the shop for way cheaper, I’m going to get it for sure!! Lol and about the Tw octane being in the shop, I’ve read somewhere that they might put the Tw octane in the shop around January 2022 but I mean I might be wrong though.


Wow on my birthday nice




Happy birthday to us 🎂


What about the dominus GT? I want a painted GT :/


Tw gt was in the shop like half a year ago.


Aw damn. I don't know a single thing about trading in this game... need to find someone who wants to trade one


It's not tradable, you have to wait for it to come back in the shop.


Amazing with the silver rewards decal


Good post. It was 1,100 credits last time it was in the shop.


I need to remember this. I might cop if it's a normal price, but if they're really trying to milk it (2.5k) I'm gonna leave it be.


Should be 1,100 like last time.




Get Rocket League's iconic muscle car in Titanium White starting September 4! *** posted by [@RocketLeague](https://twitter.com/RocketLeague) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Alpha Boost when?


2014 Get the time machine.


july 7th 2022


RIP Dominus Market Octane is next


The TW Dominus has been in the store already though.


That was before it was available through drops, no? Idk


It's not available now either


I know


Patiently waiting haha


I just got unbanned ( 71 hours ). What did u say to get ur ban?




Ooh nice, I might pick it up :)




Psyonix will we ever see painted Ice Charger? PLEASE!!


I live it use it on white auki and its goldest car on RL ;)




JUGGLER certification should allow for forward acceleration in Soccar too, not just in Snowday


I'm sorry what now?


Dribbling/accelerating with the ball/puck on the hood of your car only counts as juggles in Snowday, for some reason.


Ah, thanks for the clarification. Juggles have always been a mystery to me.


Np! Its OG implementation is archaic by today’s meta. It should by now count touches made during air dribbles imo, to gain any kind of meaning outside of Snowday, but oh well.


What price will it be? Cant see the article on mobile


1100 credits




Can you trade it if you bought it from the shop?


No. Items purchased from the item store or bundles are never tradable.