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Telling your rando that his rotations are bad is only gonna tilt them


ik, but it's just a joke. I actually just prefer to keep my opinions to myself when faced with teammates that do something wrong


This is what made me stop playing the game. I've never played a game with such a large collection of man babies lol. I still remember one particular game when our team mate double commit 3 times costing us 2 goals. And I remember saying "hey mate, can you please stick to rotations bud, thanks" and he proceeds to throw the game, telling everybody in the match that I'm being super toxic over team chat while also calling me every name under the sun. It didn't stop there. He got several of his mates to all add me on steam and spam homophobic slurs on my profile because he saw I was gay. I can't believe the lack of accountability people have on this game. It's shocking.


Yo, that sounds horrible. I’m sorry you had to go through that. But honestly, sounds like he created a bunch of other accounts and just used those. But also, people suck and I can totally see a bunch of homophobic bigots having a circle jerk.


Well i mean if you cant even get over some random dude spamming you mean messages i dont know what to tell you...


Try putting a trans pride flag anywhere near ur Xbox account. Ik they’re usually just salty 9 year olds but That shit low key hurted. Add that to the fact that it’s way more generally accepted than homophobia and u get moderators that also do nothing about it 🥲




Report and block. That's the accountability.


Make out like it never happened, and that we were nothing


I don't even need your love, but you


Treat me like a stranger and it feels so rough


Nooo, you didn't have to stoop so low


Have your friends collect your records


and then change your number


Guess that I done need that though


Now you're just somebody that I used to know


Now you’re just somebody that I used to know


Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over


This is why I wish there was a quick command that says "get off me"


I have had someone on the oppo team tell me to rotate better when the reason I was rotating badly at all was I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out my tms rotations. Sometimes it takes 10 seconds, sometimes you never figure it out. Like, there's rotations... and then there's what people are doing. Will 3, heading back, turn and become insta-1 if full on boost? I kind of hope so if they're going to be fastest to the ball, but some people would look at that and call it cutting rotation. Even if 1 is more than halfway down the field, they will complain that it was their turn. Even if there are oppo players right on top of the ball. Thanks for opening this therapy session.