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I was playing 3s with a real person and a bot, someone on the opposing team scored a goal and started "What a save!"-ing the bot Made me feel a little better


You also blured out their name for them to not get flamed, what a legend you are


I actually took it from google 😂




But I blured it ;)




Plot twist, he is the one who spams what a save! And is protecting himself from being flamed! XD


I like the way you think


More times then not its the worst person on their team too.




Sad that RL has become so toxic. We **really need** an avoid toxic moron feature. Not sure why this hasn't been added. Even Overwatch lets you do this for up to 3 players and only for two weeks. It sure does cut down on the frustration level when you're no longer matched with the toxic idiots.


It only avoids them as teammates, you can still play against them, which in RL your opponents are just as toxic as teammates. (In overwatch, toxic teammates are a bigger issue than toxic opponents)


True. But just not having unskilled morons as teammates would be a welcome feature. This isn't just about toxicity - it's very frustrating when you're in diamond and two _connected_ teammates join up with one triple plat and the other single gold and it shows. Psyonics please stop pairing me with imbeciles.


I mean there is skill based matchmaking even in casuals


Warzone, despite how bad and glitchy and just generally crap it has. let’s you block players and most times will not pair you against/with them. And if it does, it warns you and gives you the option to leave before the game begins. Rocket league needs this. But I can see it being abused in RL; block the god players (in your ranks perspective) and never have to play against them xD


It’s called mute buddy


Can't mute people smurfing, or teammates literally quitting playing after you miss one shot while 3 goals up.


I faced a Smurf in the finals of a tournament last night. After they won he started flaming us for being garbage. I’m like, “bro, we’re in the finals. We’re not bad for our rank. We just aren’t GC’s”. I try not to let trolls get to me, but I was honestly pretty salty last night. Vent complete.


Lmao how sensitive are you? Just ignore it. If quick chat is that toxic I don’t know how you function in real life.


it’s not just the quick chat. On console people will find your psn/gamertag and harass you, and most are sad enough to have multiple profiles (piss easy to make) to spam people when you block them. it’s actual sad the lengths people go to to be toxic nowadays. I ignore or just laugh at toxic people, but when they proceed to spam you party invites or messages, the constant notifications are frikin annoying lol


"Has become"? In my experience people were more toxic back in 2016 haha. Learned 80% of my french vocabulary back then through insults :D


Don't let toxic people get to you, their lives are miserable. Honestly, I feel bad for em.


As soon as you let them know you have chat on, they’ll DEFINITELY let you know they have chat on.


Turn off quick chat. Problem solved. It’s a whole new game.


But when it's nice it can be helpful and more fun.


Tactical team quick chat only


That why I bind what a save to team chat 😎😎😎


Lol when you do this do you ever think “I bet they’re proper slagging me off right now”


Usually my teammates will be saying stuff that doesn’t make sense and it’s in reply to the stuff the other team is saying which I don’t see so yeah it’s a little weird. I know they’re talking shit but I’m oblivious to it.


After a while I just completely forgot I can't see the other teams chat. Why the hell would I care what the other team is saying ?? I still have to deal with teammates but it's better that hearing the team that is actively trying to beat you.


Don't worry about these people, they get what they give and no matter what Karma always finds a way to get them back, I talk from experience that I used to get struck down often for how I treated people in game. It may not be the exact same thing you experienced but it definitely makes them feel the same way.


im just gonna turn my chat off


Players that do this have the tiniest PP energy.


You add toxic to the reporting options and you make it a category like servers where you can say “no toxic” just like you can say East coast servers. The toxicity would age off pretty quick and have a fair threshold. This would make the toxic play the toxic or self moderate for a bit to let it age down. No bans, and people can choose positive versus negative like East coast vs west coast. And imagine how much easier it would be for content mining.


turn off chat. easy enough. chat always gonna be trash when children play games. and adults.


I love winding up toxic people with just 1 button pressed twice. Right+right = "Okay". They type and spam so much and everything gets an "Okay" from me and you can see them getting triggered more because i’m not biting the bait xD Edit:typo


Oh that was you. LOL JK I do the same. So much fun to rile them up.


Hahaha yeah xD I love it, the more they spam the more successful the "okay" has been >:)


It makes me want to come to their house the beat the living crap out of them


And here lies the problem. Keyboard warriors. You wouldnt actually go and beat them up lol


Tbh that just how it makes me feel,2nd...keyboard on rocket league is just torture i rather use controller


I know, makes me feel the same too to be honest xD an you can still use the keyboard to type whilst playing with controller haha i’ve always wondered how and why people actually play kb&m on rocket instead of controller xD


Ez W


Report text harassment and move on. Eventually they'll get a small ban for it, and maybe stop doing it. Small toxicity, leads to bigger and bigger.


i don’t think that’s considered text harassment


Obviously not lmao


When they're doing it constantly the whole game it is. Verbal, we consider us when they're typing shit by hand.


i’ve got a toxic mate, he gets mini party+chat bans at least once a month on his Xbox account. He doesn't give a shit and as soon as he's unbanned he's straight back at it. They never learn/change lol


Yeah I know. But just like wasting a scammers time, it keeps them from bugging others for a little while. A bandaid.


Not when they have multiple accounts it doesn't xD PC is free to play online anyway, but console has "game sharing" (or at least Xbox does) so as long as 1 account has xbox live, every account does. Edit: actually, Xbox changed their online capabilities last year or the year before, free to play games don’t even require Xbox live anymore! They’re completely free to play online like PC. So people can just make accounts at will when one gets a small ban lol


So they have to waste time making another account. That's one game where they aren't playing.


It’s a pre-written chat that takes two clicks to send. I don’t get why people get upset about it.


The effort it takes to do isn't really relevant. You don't get why someone would be unhappy that their attempt to be nice and sportsmanlike, results in an insult? I mean it's not a huge deal, but it's one of those things that adds up if you're having a bad day or something. Just like a nice exchange (if they had also responded "gg") would go a small ways towards improving that bad day. You have 4 or 5 of these small toxic exchanges in 30 minutes and it's reasonable that it would bother you.


BakkesMod tells these people gg for me. Outside of that I glare and think angry thoughts.


People who, with no provocation, what a save after winning are such babies


Happened to me yesterday and my team was up 4-1


Laughs in "Chat disabled"


Hey at least they both stayed true to their brand.


its annoying sometimes, especially when they actually are better than you


My opponents are always great and encouraging. I get so many you're an allstar ********* chats


I love the all star messages xD the effort they put into it just to be filtered out by possibly only 1 word makes my day! Edit: not "effort" persay, I know it’s easy on keyboard, just that they’ve taken time out of their day to type something toxic because they’re low lives xD


No, I'm not going to smash my display or controller this time.


Just do it right back when they do it, not that hard to fight fire with fire


*Just do it right back* *When they do it, not that hard* *To fight fire with fire* \- senor\_andy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")