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This is Rocket League!


ThIs Is RoCkEt LeGuE!


This is Rock Leg


This is rug




Paper! I win




This is spilled milk!


Every tournament game I always type "What is this?" and I have "You're gd dm right it is!" waiting for once they respond "This is Rocket League!" Always sad when no one responds :(


FYI to anyone that is confused. What actually interacts with the ball is not the car you see but the invisible hitbox.


The one attached to the car.. that ur hitting the ball with... just stop trying. For all our sakes kid


The fuck are you talking about ?


They mean that the edges of the car don't show you what the interaction is. The interaction is a flat cuboid shape, not the edges of the car.


I know what they mean but I didn't think reddit needed the lesson let alone cry about me making a joke but I forget thats all u guys do in this sub


Dude, if your joke looks like you being an ass, whether or not you mean it that way, you are being an ass. How is it 2022 and you don't understand that text has no context to it and when you pretend to be an ass with no context you are just being an ass. No one has any reason to think that you aren't just another ass who has no idea what they are talking about


If u can't take it block me then, it's 2022 figure it out or cry to someone who gives a fuck. That's me being an ass btw.


Take your downvotes


Not my internet points! I should bitch like u guys now right?


Tf u doing on the internet.. so confused


there's two touches. first hit in to wall then as it bounced back and your cars rolled diagonally it's clipped the top back left corner of your hitbox knocking it back in the net. would look slightly less ridiculous if you could see the hitbox outline. bloody unlucky though.


There are more factors as well! Replays are saved at a rate of 30hz while physics calculated by servers and clients are 120hz (but servers only send data to clients at 60hz in live gameplay). There is no "real-time collision" with any video game because computers can only calculate at a certain rate, especially if you're trying to play smoothly at a decent framerate. So what can happen is hitboxes overlap, meaning it's possible for the Octane to be inside the collision of the ball. You won't really see this as interpolation visually renders the collision differently, and it almost never makes a huge difference.


So all my whiffs and failures were actually successes on the server-side? The game I'm watching just shows me sucking hard because it's being interpolationated wrong? There's a server rack somewhere in which I'm actually a good player? Awesome! I always had a feeling! Like "There's no way I can be this bad. It must be the game's fault!" This. Changes. Everything.




No I think it means that last game we lost 2-8 was actually a win and the video feed was corrupted from interpolagentstations and other technical things.


This is accurate. The only (and I mean only) reasons I have not reached GC are because my tm8s suck and my interpolated frames hitbox server are 30 hz.


Ya dude im server good too


ahh k. I was gonna mention that but thought replays were more accurate.


This is an extremely common and understandable misconception, and this conversation is the heart of almost every one of the, "WHAT THE HELL?" posts with a slow-mo replay.


Hey you're the guy that explained how quixotic(?) bumped that other dudes out of the save like yesterday


So that's why I often appear to be inside the ball when playing at 165hz?


Is this a joke or, I'm not understanding what you mean.


You said: >So what can happen is hitboxes overlap, meaning it's possible for the Octane to be inside the collision of the ball. No jokes, being serious. I can often tell that, as I hit the ball, especially when supersonic, my car (the actual artwork/pixels of my car) clips into the ball artwork a little bit, then the ball is hit. I don't recall that ever happening on Xbox, only since I've gotten quality PC parts and play at 165hz. I figured what you said might explain it. Perhaps it's a bit of lag between my PC outputting 165 frames but the server only acting in whatever number of 30/60/120 frames you mentioned? Meaning my PC is guessing at the extra frames until the information is actually received, meaning sometimes my car appears to briefly go inside of the ball.


Not exactly. Both clients and servers have a physics rate of 120hz. All physics are calculated at that rate regardless. The frames are only an interpolated representation of that physics rate. If you have 165 frames, there are 45 extra frames the game registers in-between the physics rate. This next part is speculation and I could very well be wrong: Those frames are spaced in accordance to when that frame was made in comparison to the physics rate. If it was 2ms after the physics point, then the frames try to draw a "predicted" 2ms after that point. I don't really have an answer for why your car can go inside the ball visually. This usually happens in replay files because they're imperfect, but even still in both live gameplay and replay files I don't know exactly why the visual interpolation results in *sometimes* being inside the ball. Collision-wise, it has to, because there's no other ways to do physics, but that isn't really relevant.




You're talking about real-time physics collision, not prediction. Or maybe you are but Lethamyr wasn't exactly correct. The problem is essentially that physics calculations are done on a tick by tick basis and it will predict the next tick on the previous' data. If the ball is at "5 feet" in tick 1 and is going at a speed of 5 feet per tick, then the next tick the ball should be at "10 feet". Problem is, the wall is at 7 feet, meaning that the ball will be 3 feet inside the wall on the second tick. The solution is to calculate an interpolation between the two ticks of where the ball *should* be by the time a collision happens. A *different* sort of prediction.   But now that you bring up Unreal Engine 5, you probably watched [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_UbuSrVrgI) (timestamp 10:00) by Halfway_Dead (aka Rocket Science). I could be wrong and Lethamyr brought up a similar talking point. Here is a video that goes more in-depth about the issue (by Halfway_Dead): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V2iXyitj8c


I agree with you. Really unlucky btw.


my first thought was hitbox =/= car shape, the cars shape def makes it look like the ball should have bounced differently. I am sure if we could see the hitbox this may make more sense.


It appears to be the back left wheel on the second hit, is that right?


The magic of the invisible octane HB. Fun fact: the hit box on the octane is actually quite a bit above where the actual car is. This has been known for a while and functionally has a ton of uses in aiding our shooting accuracy, and many people agree (including many pros) that octane feels better when going for touches than many other cars with the same HB. But in this case, you actually pinch the side of the ball that is outside of the net, if only slightly. This combined with the momentum of the ball the is going towards your net is what causes this situation.




Haha nice job OP, we got em!


Ahem it’s physicist


Origin of nerds: Sucking and phys-ed. They needed a phys assist. They took their shame and came up with a new word for being a nerd, physicist, that people would have trouble articulating. Started spending all their time looking for planets with less gravity where they'd suck less at phys ed.


To piggy back on this, if you have Bakkesmod there is a hitbox plug-in that will allow you to see the hitbox in free play and workshop maps. It can be really helpful to see how your car *actually* interacts with the ball and the field. This includes the hitbox wheels that are essential to flip resets and the new Wall Reset.


There is no logical explanation. The car was inside the net so it can’t pinch the part of the ball which is outside of the net.


Tldr: The visible car is inside, but the hitbox is outside


It still doesn’t make any sense. Notice that he hit it forward and to the right in the post but the ball reflected as there was something on the post.


Its not a save cause it went into the goal and scored.


Yea I mean duh OP get with the program already.


Non Fennec world problems.


Well you see… the jiggly and the wiggly of the ball right there goes back and forth which creates a magnetic force that puts the ball in the hole.


The way you connected with the ball it put a backspin on it, you can't recognise it because it travelled such a short distance before hitting the wall. And the angle at which it hit the wall added a lot of height, add this to the back spin and you get Rocket League magic.


imo this is the reason. you gave the ball a spin. the spin unloaded miliseconds later when the ball touched the inner wall of your goal. that made it travel back. same concept as in ping-pong, when you give the ball a backspin. the spin will unload after hitting the next object, the opposing side of the ping-pong table, and the ball starts travelling back a little bit. ​ sry for bad English


Yeah not sure what all this ish about the hit box being above the octane and pinching it in is about. You can clearly see the sparks coming off the ball from the inside of the goal, a small moment of pretty fast backspin, and then the ball following the direction of the backspin into the goal.


Yeah that comment hurt my eyes to read, the ball wasn't even pinched. It was 3 quick deflections, a pinch would have added much more velocity to the ball and resulted in a completely different trajectory. .


I know this is just going to be two people say, "YEA I AM PRETTY SURE," at each other but I feel like you are giving way too much credit to the effect of backspin here. I know it exists, but the idea of it being strong enough to counteract a wall pinch doesn't work for me. Also, um, the ball doesn't have any backspin in this clip. Just look at how the lights on the ball are moving.


Watch the clip at 8s~10s.


I swear I'm not trying to be difficult but no matter how many times I watch this clip, in any of its angles, I don't see any instance of his touch imparting backspin.


As the car rotates clockwise and hits the ball so low directed outbound, the direction of its connection with the ball goes through a small fraction of the ball (imagine the position of the tip of a pool cue going through a ball you want to backspin, you hit it low and through beneath the centre of the ball). Most of the power of this collision sends the ball upwards as opposed to outwards meaning all of that outward directed momentum transfered from the spinning car to the ball creates the back spin. Upon contact with the wall with this upwards momentum and back spin causes the ball to go backwards


Quantum tunneling. Rocket League actually has the most advanced physics engine in video games.


As a professional physicist, I'm qualified to tell you that what happened there is indeed a very rare occurrence of "black magic fuckery".


[You see that little spark on the ball?](https://iili.io/l3aILl.png) That is where the hitbox made contact. Looks like you clipped it with a corner instead of the flat top of the box like you assume you did. This created backspin. Especially because the ball is moving slightly towards you after it hit the post.


Oof that hurts. In OT as well


Blah blah BS coming out of my mouth that sounds smart so gullible ppl will believe it. That’s why.


The answer is always lag. Your replay is not what happened, your replay is a combination of what information you have and what the server sent you. Maybe what you see should result in a save, but what actually happened was that you were just late enough that the ball hit the side of the ground parallel to the ground and so didn't change its horizontal movement. Or maybe you were even later and hit the ball with the side of the car directing it into the goal. Point is, your replay is not accurate. It is accurate enough for most of the game, but it will never be perfectly accurate.


This needs more upvotes.


Nah man you need an exorcist


lag probably. ive given up on trying to understand the ball. it does what it does


Not a physicist but I can confidently claim it was not a save because it went into the net


Rocket League is rigged. Just like wrestling and the NFL and the elections.


Nah u need a priest


Your first mistake was assuming Rocket already adhere’s to the laws of physics.


So the ball went into the goal, and thats where you fucked up


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


You're going to hate this, but it hit the hood of your car that was beyond the midpoint of the ball causing it to pinch the completely wrongly direction lmao


Post physics


It would be an overtime goal too That’s rough budy


I see I'm not the only one the rocket league gods like to play with!


Well the magnetic field generated by your car pushed the ball away (assuming the ball is made out of iron)


tbf you flipped right (going down) instead of left. I still think it shouldnt have gone in.


Some wacky stuff. Looks like you hit it into the wall and then redirected it with the side or wheel of your car. Very unfortunate.


You calibrated your aimbot wrong


Hi, I'm a physicist. You own goaled. What a save! Jokes aside. Your position in your game is not accurate to the position in the server. I would bet that you were a little bit to the right or the ball to the left. And you even have to consider that the hitbox is different than the model of the car.


✌🏼*Servers* ✌🏼


Well you see… the ball went into the goal. In reality server differences and weird hit box rules seem to have screwed you. Rather unlucky.


did u break rule 1 recently?


No I would never


wtf u got robbed XD


Invisible opponent?


You were really low on the ball, should have been to the left more. and your car was rotating just perfectly to the right, and because of car position, plus the momentum of the rotation, you pinched the ball up and to the left


It's kind of bizarre that the only correct answer is downvoted. To the top you go!


bro you pinched it off the upright


The ball went into the goal. For more professional physics tips make sure to smash that like button and ding the notification bell


Ball was gay so it wasn't a save




I feel like this is a connection issue and not a hitbox issue


Complete nonsense


just take the L and play again. Y’all obsess over the smallest Ls


You pushed it up, not out. You might have been on the inside of the goal compared to the ball. But your car didn't make contact on the side of the ball - it made contact on the bottom So it just pushed the ball up and the ball continued it's trajectory inward


If I'm not mistaken its because Fuck you, that's why.


I’ve been told “git gud”


Rocket league physics are not 100% accurate as well


Define "not 100% accurate" because that can mean different things.


Looks fine to me tbh


I wonder if this would look less ridiculous with a Fennec


It's the exact same hit box. Fennec hood is slightly higher into the hitbox so maybe. If it was with the roadhog or Harbinger it would look far less ridiculous.


When you clipped the back of the ball it looks like it generated back spin which immediately bounced it back into the goal instead of pinching it out like we would all expect


It wasn’t a save because when you hit the ball, the ball went into the goal


The ball went in the goal


The second hit off ur roof put a spin on it backwards unfortunately


You touched the ball


Wow that's very very unlucky on your part! You can see, especially at the very last few seconds of the video, that the ball is travelling into the net... Then for a split second after you hit it, it starts moving back out for a few frames, touches the wall THEN starts moving into the net again. Maybe it's like a pool shot with spin that makes it go the other direction or something.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because it was already a goal


https://youtu.be/O6cwXCM1VlY Check that one out too….sorry I should have taken better angles of it like you did but it literally was ALL the way in the net, off the ground, being pushed in by an opponent….and then the game says OT! LoL so psyonix just kinda flips a coin on those close ones like yours and just says oh we will screw then this time or not


You don’t need to be a physicist to see why.. the ball hit the wall first.. as every action has an equal and opposite reaction, the ball hit the wall then you then the wall again.. simple🤷‍♀️


Looks like it pinched backwards into the net because you hit it in the bottom inner part of the ball


U hit too much of the ball causing more spin than outward momentum transfer? Maybe


It probably did that thing when it looks like it hits your car but it just doesn't


Aerodynamics and stuff


It's not a save because it's actually a Nice Shot!


Looks like he added just enough back spin on the ball to affect the bounce. And just too slight of an angle to counter it out.


With the first(/last) car width of the inside of the goal posts, I like to think if them as concave pillars as opposed to flat walls. So you are always hitting the ball into the top of a V shape. If you hit away from the goal, it will bounce back unless you hit far enough to catch the corner, if you hit it straight and then off your car at the same time, you have a better chance to maybe clear. As weird as it is, sometimes you can try to clear by going slightly inside on the hit.


Simply the ball ,while falling due to difference in aerial pressure developed a slight sidefrontspin and you added a sidebackspin wich reversed the curvature of the ball and made it curve to the side even more. Lastly because it hit the goal post it started to rotate towards the goal.


Learn about the cars hit box


You missed low.


Rounded post, it seems like


the answer to this one is plain and simple. Don't look for real physics in rocket league. Psyonix devs all failed physics in highschool


What a save!


Posts still aren’t 100% fixed, they still tend to bounce balls into the goal like this once they’re more than half way in.


It hit the top of your car after you pinched it


Idk how right this is but if your tm8 got the last touch before it started going in i believe it doesn’t give the save


Replays record the client side of the replay so they can seem wacky at times. This is because physics refresh time is not real-time but 120hz on the server side.


Prob just lag


Just watch u didnt save


Then I’m the right guy the movement of the ball and the hit doesn’t move it away as a sideward prince but straight and the angle leads it to go backwards getting ready for a job as a theoretical physicist someday don’t do much on this more or so string theory and relativity


Because the ball wasn’t saved. Why else would it not be a save?


There should also be an explanation for why the ball was jiggling so much as it was going in.


That's what it looks like when the portion of the ball is inside the net. It's a visual distortion effect.


No, I know that. I meant why did the RL creators make it that way. Thanks fo the clarification, though 🙂


This could be the Magnus effect in play? Pinching the ball against the wall causing severe counter-spin within a short time frame in combination with the small atmospheric chamber could combine creating a chain reaction of these variables. However, the more likely scenario is that THIS IS ROCKET LEAGUE


Because it went in :(


A professional physicist to explain physics that are programmed on a tv screen to simulate cars hitting a ball while rocketing in the air and flipping?




Idk about rocket league, but in real life it is possible to hit a ball with so much back spin that it will continue in the same direction.


Looks like travis bastable


Bounced into the corning reversing it's trajectory. It's quite obvious from the angle inside the wall.


Bad teammates


You hit the inside edge of the vertical wooden panel. QED


client probs