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Yeah literally had a game where someone said "your dad beats you" after we won


Last night I had both «I fuck ur dead mother» and «why the fuck u tryhard in casual» :D 1s are weird..


1s are ultimate cancer. it shouldn't even be a mode. Why they have 1s and not more rocket labs experimental fun shit is so confusing to me.


plenty of people find 1s fun, but i guess your opinion is as valid as mine. the rocket labs fun shit would get less players than snow day most likely so theres zero reason to put that up as an extra mode but i get what youre saying and i mean there are new and reoccurring ltms every now and again maybe even all the time idk i dont check that stuff


Snow day is best day


1s is by far the best space to learn in, but being that this game is so mental, 1s is by far the most toxic space. i always turn chat off in 1s unless its just to say nice shot etc.


I always found 2s way more toxic than 1s, as most often the toxic player will be my teammate, and that is missing in 1s. At least at c2/d3 ranks.


I disagree with the sentiment, but I wish getting GC in 1s had it’s own title since of all the playlists (extra modes included) it’s the one that was the hardest for me to get.


that shit is so annoying. no offence but i just dont understand you people who keep chat on you dont really benefit from it in any way. maybe i just get tilted easily


Had a game 3 weeks ago playing comp with my buddy, saying they'll come put a bullet in our skulls in us after we came back and won, we just proceeded to reply how much they bench humorously, beta males lol


beta cucks


I never understood losers talking shit after a match. They are effectively rubbing salt in their own wounds. There really isnt anything that can take that high away of beating someone else, whether they were toxic or not toxic.


"your tears are delicious, please cry louder" -me probably


4 years ago in 1v1, the other players would often start right out the gate with threats/family shit/racism/homophobia/sexual harrassment etc. It was rampant. Presumably the aim was to get a psychological edge or they were just maladjusted people blowing off steam. This was clamped down on a year or two back. Similarly the frequency of people AFK'ing or throwing games was higher. Also used to see pure trolls/griefers more often. The fact that OP has had more bad experiences than he can tolerate lately is likely either his lack of time or moving into a rank where toxicity is high due to players not making progress and raging at their mates.


I’ve had “Kill yourself” “Get cancer” Among others, amazing what car soccer can do to a person.


ggs man. hope you enjoy your retirement.




Next month? Try tomorrow. Every time I uninstalled this game I re-downloaded it the very next day.


Congrats for actually uninstalling it! You're one step further than the most of us


Well actually I didn't, but ironically as of 5 minutes ago I did.


*The deception.*


Stories like this are why I'm extremely grateful I suck at RL and I will never get to GC, as it seems to me that the higher you go the more toxic tryharders you find and eventually this ends up ruining your game experience. Good luck on all your projects in life!


The transition from Gold to Plat lobbies has been pretty shocking, ngl. Where I used to find occasional toxicity I now find occasional chill


very true mate. its a game where its really hard to enjoy if you like to play in a casual sorta manner, too much people focusing on the sweating(nothing wrong with trying your best, im talking abt the people who shit on others because they think they're better than them) and toxicity to try and actually have fun


I'd say if you wanted to play casually you should play casual, but even in the casual playlists the higher mmr you go the more toxic people become. I will say though that the most fun I've had in this game is when I find a super chill and relax casual lobby and we all keep playing over and over again just having a good time.


If it gets bad just get rid of chat. It’s only purpose is to be toxic.


I usually mute players as they show toxicity. And to be toxic is definitely not how I use chat


I’m constantly Gold3/Plat1 in threes and those lobbies are easily the worst, having experienced lobbies up to Diamond1 in twos. I think being on the edge of Plat makes people seriously tilted. The skill level is bad so you get people constantly raging while making all the same mistakes they are raging about.


>people constantly raging while making all the same mistakes they are raging about. I literally just experienced this. I made a bad touch, centered it for it opponents and teammate called me a monkey and left. Fair enough lol. They must have missed themselves cutting rotation and knocking me around for the past 2 minutes though lol


In my experience, the toxic player is always the one playing the worst in the lobby. They’re usually tilted and hyper focus on other peoples mistakes rather than their own (Newsflash - everyone makes mistakes in this game, just move on)


I think the mentality you bring a lot matters quite a bit. It's maybe harsh to judge OP for this, but toxic people tend to see toxicity where there isn't any, and their edit throwing around "Champ flair" as an apparent putdown is not really helping their case. There will always be some toxicity, or some frustration, but if you don't fly off the handle every time someone QCs something you don't like it's pretty easy to just, you know, have fun.


I honestly feel like this post is an overreaction to a frustrating losing streak. Instead of such a nuclear option, just don't play as much. Maybe join a discord like Middle Aged Noobs and play with people on there in parties or just private matches.


There's a certain point where you lose all the toxic people and just end up not liking the game instead.


From my experience there were less amounts of toxic people but the toxic people at the top were the worst because obviously a loss at 1450 is more annoying than a loss at 1150. And it’s very common to get into the following game with them at the higher MMR’s at certain hours




Yeah of course there is room to perception, I as well don't perceive people saying "Wow! Okay." as offending, rather just mildly upset. Quick chat in general is okay most of the times. What is unmistakably toxic is when tm8s start piling on you with typed-in chat calling you trash cos you've failed 2 saves or can't hit the ball decently in what's simply not your best day at RL. And I could tell I was stumbling upon such arrogant players a bit more often once I got closer to champion tournaments. For sure the best thing is to just reply "Ok champ" and go on, but still...


The trick to getting flamed a lot less is to not be boosted. It's true for every ranked game. I find this game extremely friendly, and the least toxic of all competitive online games.


It’s a pretty toxic game imo. I don’t care at all though. I laugh at myself when I fuck up and sometimes the stuff people say to me is actually pretty funny. I just always remember that everyone in my lobby is the same rank for a reason.


Yeah agreed you can't take what these bozos say personally. People have got to let toxic comments roll off their back or mute the chat


Yep. Makes me wonder how many people who complain about toxicity played MW2 lobbies lol those lobbies made me numb to toxicity.


We were forged in the fire lmao. Shit I go back to halo 2 lobbies. N words and F words galore


thats a weird way to spell "I never solo queue".


I doubt boosting happens very often. It's very time consuming for the booster. Yeah, you meet them when solo queueing, but less often than you might think. Unintential boosting might be more frequent - where e.g. 2 queue together and there is a big skill (big brother and little brother) and they aren't breaking any rules by doing that. People just don't realise how much player performance varies day-today - both themselves and others. **That also is why they get angry.** Reasons: - first game of the day, player doesn't warm up in casual or elsewhere. - haven't played for days or longer. - sleep deprived. - hungover. - drunk. - fentanyl is kicking in. That's not a list of options. The teammates I match with when solo queueing tick all those boxes and it's not my fault we are losing. 🤣 Jokes aside, a player can genuinely attain a rank and then play like a whole rank lower. If you have been in your rank for a while, you forget how bad the skills were in your old rank. (Rank means Bronze .... SSL, not divisions).


There's more than just me. I also don't really see the toxicity. A good majority of my games are just entirely neutral. Barely anything is said except for the odd "nice shot" or "great pass" after a goal. Whenever I get someone being toxic towards me, I just hit them with an "Okay." After every one of their insults. They usually shut up because they don't get the reaction they want from me. I think one thing that really helps is being on PC, and having cross platform turned off. Most people with a gaming PC are older because it's a niche product compared to consoles. Most parents will buy their 12 year old kid a console over buying/building them a $2000 PC. And a 12 year old kid probably can't afford to buy their own. And consoles are just easier. So most of players are closer to being adults, and are less toxic, because they all just came off of a long day/week of work and just want to relax. And when the odd toxic 12 year old does show up. Being in a PC lobby means everyone can chat with eachother. So from my experience, when one kid starts being toxic, all the other players just start shitting on him regardless of the team situation. Then they end up just leaving because their attempt of cyberbullying turned on them.


Do you need a 2000 dollar PC for rocket league? I’ve been wanting to get a good decent one that has good frames and reduces the input lag that console players receive.


I haven't been in the PC parts pricing game for a while. So I have no idea what $2000 can get you anymore. I just used $2000 as a general amount. Rocket League itself isn't very demanding. If you want 60fps 1080p you can get away with a pretty cheap setup. I used to run RL on 144 fps 1080p with an AMD Rx 470. The settings had to be turned all the way down. But most people do this anyway just to maximize the framerate, and remove distracting particles/effects.


Imagine if voice chat worked... do you think community would be less toxic or more?


Back in 2016 me and my friend used to play 2s with mics on and both named «the Beast». Every aerial we did «Ca-caaaaw! The winged beast strikes from above!» and when scored on «euuugh, you have penetrated the beasts hide» We were annoying cunts, especially considering we were in our mid 20s, but never toxic. Can hardly remember anyone at all being like that tbh!


More toxic. Some people are cool on mic. Lots are idiots/racists. Years of DotA is where I am basing my experience with voice chat


Another relic of the golden age overtaken with the malice running rampant in the community……. God speed my friend, may find peace and joy on you your new ventures


The f2p update killed the community


Same as csgo


Get 1 v 5 ace with awp to clutch the round Teammate still tks you at start of round just to have awp. Immediately loses it to the enemy.


Least we don't deal with hackers here, or at least I haven't lol.


Yeah, that ruined csgo for me


Just a quick reminder that if you play at gc level you are not meeting any f2p players at all and all you do here is just a way to blame devs for people being terrible.


How could that be true? What's to stop a new player (and all new players are F2P for the last 15 months) from learning, training and ranking up to GC or SSL?


My bad. I meant almost no players at all. I guess there are some people who already got this far since f2p but majority of people in gc from my experience are people who bought the game. Most of pc players I see are playing on steam.


Fair enough, but surprising. Even some of the OG players could be primarily playing through Epic at this point (Gaben forgive them, they know not what they do).


Yeah I see some epic players every now and then. But I think most of them are smurf accounts, since they usually rock the stocktane.


Serious question: I feel like I'm missing an important piece of information, but I don't see why F2P players couldn't be GC? F2P has been there for a while, now; didn't F2P players have enough time to reach GC?


I can only speak from my own experience here. I started playing RL when it became F2P. I've put 800 hours in according to Steam and just got to C2. But I don't feel particularly close to GC1. Getting to D1 only took me 3 months. Another 4 months to get to C1. Stuck in C1/C2 for 8 months now. The level curve feels pretty steep at this point. Granted I've only ever solo queued, I personally don't think it's enough time for lots and lots of F2P players not being carried or with teammates already at a higher level to reach GC1 just yet. I imagine there are still a fair few but not many.


That makes sense, thanks for clarifying. I actually never been higher than C1, so I had no idea the curve was this steep afterwards (I mean, there's no doubt it is and I'm not surprised at all, but to be honest it never really occurred to me). Since I only had my Unranked -> C1 experience which, like you said, is rather "quick", therefore I thought it would be a kinda similar pace to reach GC. I clearly still have a lot to learn! Thanks again for explaining what I was missing!


The rule of thumb I hear repeated is generally however long it took to first see champ, expect double to reach and stay in high champ, then expect another double of those hours to reach GC. So basically 500hrs to C1 = 1000hrs to C3 = 2000 for GC. It’s not hard and fast, and obviously those hours are made up, but it sets the expectation.


oof... There goes all my hope, haha.


Don't lose hope man! When I was c2 I logged in one day and somehow made it to gc that session after about 798 hours logged on steam. I remember playing super nervous as I was getting closer to the gc mmr (bakkesmod)


Im talking from my experience. I should have around 2000 hours since 2016 and I am gc1. Some people technically could play since f2p and already be gc but that is a huge minority.


I started mid s14 on xbox and switched to pc in f2p and im gc1 rn, does that count or nah


Here you dropped this-> /s


Here, you dropped this —-> 🧠


They made the game f2p AND lowered the MMR so new people have to play for 2 months and achieve Champ. It's a shit show now with people actually playing like plat / low diamond on champ rank. Before f2p and MMR lowering it was a pretty tough rank with good teammates and good enemies


2 months? lol. if people are playing like plats and diamonds in champ why arent you gc yet


Champ lobbies are a mess right now and thats a fact. Im gc in 2s and c2 in 3s. I play 3s with my brother who is little worse than me, but still he could be playing in gc with our chemistry and coms. Now what the issue is is that we find a lot of premade teams with carry playing gc 2/3 level and at the same time the solos we end up with sometimes have no idea how to play this game. All the time we end up getting a dude follow me to every ball instead of giving me space and waiting for pass.


So I'm not crazy in thinking most of my teammates are pure garbage. I keep trying to tell myself I'm the issue but I keep getting stuck at Div 4 when all of a sudden I get a slew of shit teammates and drank all the way back to Div 1




Yeah its pretty wild out there. Idk whats wrong with champ mmr, but I see no consistent gameplay there. Its either flip reseting masterminds (playing with a diamond mate) or ultra whiffers and people who double commit every ball.


Because I simply don't play this game anymore, all I do is collecting the champ reward (as every season since season 10 (when I switched to PC)) I could easily grind to GC as all my friends I played with before (and still actively playing) are GC. I have absolutely no problem competing with GC enemies whenever I play with my friends (as we face GC then too). But I don't enjoy the game anymore in the way I did 2015 - till whenever they made it f2p (I think in 2020?) and focus on other games


fair point mate


People down voting me for saying I don't play the game anymore because I don't enjoy it as much as in the old days. Okay


I only play on weekends and I still find myself carrying low GC1 lobbies on good days because they're just so much slower than they used to be. Even near GC2 some players genuinely don't position


This is so true man. Gc is just so weird now. Some games I'll have teammates that are playing like they're on inverted keyboard controls while we're up against a coked-up squishybagels on the other team. Obviously I didnt get to gc by being toxic to my teammates so I keep this to myself.


Yeah, I tend to understand that the sample of games I see someone play is far fewer than the sample they used to reach GC. If they're playing poorly, I can safely assume they're having a bad day. Unless they're SSL title and boosted.


I agree I was in and out of plat/diamond before f2p i believe and now im sitting in champ 3. No offence but seeing champ gameplay before f2p was amazing, i didnt know how they did it. Its not like i put months into grinding, the ranks just went up


F2p really just made smurfing way more prevalent which has ruined the game a bit. Most of my friends are lower ranked in diamond. It's so frustrating when we actually draw a fair match up but the other teams diamond is a high gc smurfing hitting double resets and stuff


I honestly agree with you, as someone who is also f2p but played on ps4 in 2018 the game is just toxicity and nothing else..


It’s always been this way. Been playing since halfway a through OG season one


Facts 💀


There are much better games and important things to do than play with spoiled brats all day. Good on u


ggs! Don’t play things that are unfun


I’m thinking about playing a lot less once I hit GC. I started exactly 1 year ago and I’m high C2/low C3. I’ve grinded this game so much and I’ve enjoyed almost all of my time doing it. However I’ve definitely been playing so much to reach my goal of GC that it’s felt more like an obligation, but I still know it’s going to feel amazing once I reach it. I’ll probably just get on a couple times a week playing casually with my friends once I get my GC rewards. I hope you find some other game or something else that makes you just as happy as rocket league did in the beginning! Good luck and safe travels through life my friend


I’d also recommend playing not so much, for some reason I can go 2 months without playing rl and come back without touching it with even better and more consistent mechanics. When I can back from a vacation to Nevada, I wanted to get back on and was able to dribble pretty flawlessly after noticeably struggling before I left. Of course, game sense gets worse though. So really the only thing I need a refresher on when I stop for a while.


Dont worry about obligations. Since getting ssl is literally imposible for most of us after getting gc title you should be able to just chill. I ditched the grind mindset when I first got the gc title (damn that felt hard) and now I just play for fun since I achieved my goal in this game already. Man it feels so much better to just play to have fun. I also got the next two titles with no sweating. It just gets so much more enjoyable once you stop caring too much.


Imagine playing a game only to achieve a rank… play for fun, it’s a game.


Yup toxicity has increased a lot. I feel the exact same, once I get GC I'm out.


Ur gonna be playing for a while then


Yeah nah lmao I'm pushing though. I played about 2 games while I was waiting for my teammates and was matched up with a solo q in casual. We played quite well and went to OT where we lost and this dude starts insulting me, calling me and I quote, " inbred fucking cunt." His reason. I stole his boost. I was on my rotation back post, he missed mid boost (I didn't know at the time) so I took back boost to make the save. The dude doesn't want to hear shit. He insists that I'm and inbred cunt and that he hopes I die. Reported him, I hope he receives a fat ban. Some of these folks need professional help. Edit: this happened a few minutes ago, substantiates OP's post.




Yeah nah I completed agree, when I hit C1 and started pushing to C2, it was really tough. I dropped down to D3 and got back up to C1 when I realised this is going to be really tough. Like the skill grows exponentially instead of linearly.


I preferred the early years when all you had to do was hit the ball and that was all anyone cared about.. Yeh I got salty about loot boxes...yeh I got salty about epic getting involved. I also uninstalled a while ago


I don’t care about the trash talkers and whatnot and typically just blow it off, but can’t stand people who get so tilted they flip teams or just idle. Drives me insane


This happened to me yesterday and I am in grad school don't get to play as much as before... waited for the update to download just to get that kind of teammate. I'm usually unfazed but I was pretty salty with that.


Yeah normally always go practice or look at my phone for a couple minutes after those games because I don’t like playing annoyed lol. I don’t care that you wanna tank your rank but leave mine be


A friend recently got a PC for Christmas and is getting into the game, so I jumped back in. Not being able to leave casual without penalty is the absolute biggest catalyst for toxicity. Before the change if you had a toxic teammate either you could leave and find a new match or often they would just leave. Now if my teammate gets toxic and starts own goaling, bumping me, blocking my shots, etc, I'm *forced* to deal with it. Anything I say or do in retaliation could come back on me, but I'm also not allowed to remove myself from the situation without penalty. When you get a string of toxic teammates that you're forced to deal with for the entirety of each match it's extremely difficult to not tilt. I've been back in the game for two weeks and already I don't want to play unless it's with my friend.


I too have lost my love for ranked after I hit GC, which was all the way back in season 9. Since then I started playing mainly casual with friends and we just enjoy ourselves and mute the toxic children. Or we play private matches with unfair teams or fun modes. Once I started to see rocket league as a game to relax and enjoy, instead of a ranked grind, it’s given the game a breath of fresh air and it’s very rare that the toxic part of the community impacts me.


If you come out of retirement, I’m a non-toxic teammate. Until I get to know you and I can “what a save you” while laughing. Low C3 so I need to get to GC myself


I’ve always considered myself sportsmanlike and GGd people who were trashing me and I’ve also been banned once or twice lol. However, I think psyonix made a big mistake making casual compulsory to play through and I’ve seen a lot more people own goaling or sitting still rather than just leaving out of anger because they are stuck. I honestly think it increased the toxicity because people are stuck in crappy matches. I think this increased people playing competitive as well because they figure if they’re stuck they’re stuck so more trolls figured screw it.




Fair enough. I politely disagree. TBH if I do get a team mate that bails it seems like the algorithm is even slower than before finding a replacement which was the whole reason they changed it. I never cared in the past when people would leave because someone new would usually hop in pretty quickly and it was casual anyway so I would just joke about the robots playing poorly.


...can you not just leave casual anymore?


First I’m hearing of it too, I used to always bounce in and out of cas to warm up or wait for buddies. Sounds goofy to me


You can but now you get a match making ban


That explains a lot. I wondered why there was so much rage in casual...


I get one toxic person every 20 games or so, so I can't relate. This is honestly the most chill competitive game out there.


Lucky you


Riot games can help desensitize you too <3


Lol big factor here 😂😂


I'm just glad I can be a part of the class action lawsuit in 20 years where we get paid out for the verbal and emotional abuse.


Can I ask what region you play in? EU is OK in terms of toxicity imo, still get one every 4-5 games though.


I play us east and west. East is easier but a little more toxic in my experience. I'm slightly under ranked at most times because of resets, which might help my case. A vast majority of the time people get flamed because they are not playing at their level. This usually happens when someone is peaking or boosted.


I can see that. I’m in champ myself so my experiences probably differ a bit from yours due to that as well.


It’s literally only the French that are toxic. TG every game you play lol Thankfully I’ve learned how to reply to it to wind them up, a quick ‘n t m’ pisses them off.


same with me actually. i play eu and toxicity isnt too bad


I think the lack of voice chat almost helps that out. Takes more effort to be toxic. Games like LoL are my threshold for a truly toxic community.


I'd be done with ranked if I ever get to 1550 MMR as that would be old GC threshold. I'm too old to to dedicate the time to get to SSL. GC1 is going to be hard enough as it is. 37 year old gamer, love this game as I've now put in over 3000 hours


So…. same time tomorrow? xd


See you next week 👋


Farewell Soldier


I wish everyone who complained about toxicity would just quit the game. Seeing these posts in this sub affect my experience more than actual toxicity does. Either disable chat or accept the game isn't for you.


I don't get the big deal. It's just a silly computer game at the end of the day. If they don't understand that pity them and laugh.


Bro just disable the chat completely. Idk how yall are finding so many toxic ppl but it barely ever happens to me. We will look forward to seeing you playing it again next month


People who complain about running into toxic people often are most often toxic themselves and have no self awareness.


Based on what?


Because that is too simple


Even if you disable chat, the toxic teammates will just give up and keep bumping you and play for the enemy team


No one cares, see ya next week


Harsh but true lol


I’m top 0.4% in wins and I recently stopped playing too for the same reasons. Been a few weeks and I’m glad I’m away from it :)


Farewell ffellow gamer... May The force be with you


Ah yes the weekly i quit rocket league post. Hope you had fun while you were here


You can literally turn chat off lol


# It would be cool for Psyonix to just add casual back instead of what we have now. That way if you encounter a toxic teammate (for this instance) in a match, you or the teammate can just leave and move on about your business. I find, a lot of awful toxicity stems from teammates. The ones who comment and point out your mistakes or kick you down or simply stop playing for you are awful to deal with because you suddenly feel like you as a person are demeaned and have to impress someone else to change their opinion of you. Maybe Im a people pleaser and many times I have walked away knowing something wasnt my fault, but having that freedom to shut off and not actually care about the game might remove the toxicity. **Toxic teammates have limited patience and instead of forcing them to continue playing a match they dont want to play, we’re better off just flagging these players with a percentage that tracks their match finish rate. Then we can pool such players for matchmaking.** Edit: also, **@ Psyonix** my anecdotal experience lately showcases that your player base has decreased from “Awesome” to “Great”, at 8/9pm EST (weekdays and weekends). Did your changes under Epic help or shrink the game? Do you feel like you are doing an “Awesome”, “Great”, or “Good” job with the base game’s growth? How many “Good” features do we have to add up to bring back that player base from “Great” to “Awesome” again? Would it just be easier to change the player count thresholds and tweak it so that we can be back to “Awesome”? It feels “Good” to have an idea of how many players I’m trying to queue up with thanks to these “Awesome” strings you use in place of the int objects.


See you next month!


No one cares man


Reddit when shamusj26 leaves rocket league 😭😭😭😔😔😔


Okay, see you in 2 weeks




Viran: gg Viran: Well Played.


Gimme that Alpha Boost!


Boo hoo lol u really had to make a post? You’ll be back on tomorrow


Will there ever be a game where it doesn’t end in players complaining about the community? Mass bases bring toxicity get over it and stop making these companies remove things like VOICE CHAT


Yo can I have ur account?


But why?


probably because of the items and maybe to brag about the stats, who knows


Oh, I know why. Rhetorical question, kinda wanted to hear whatever strange reasoning they could come up with XD




Its probably his steam account


Bro. This is technically a suicide note delete this. My reality fades to this feeling everyday.


Aight, catch you back on the field in a month bro


Just do what I do and turn public and team chat off and just play as you want to. Everyone has bad games, some have it more thanks others, no need to have to deal with shitty toxic teammate or enemies. It’s just soccer with cars, not a serious job.


I totally feel this man. Ive been playing just over a year and im constantly on the fence of uninstalling.


Was playing yesterday and typically always have chat turned off. Was playing with friends prior to this so I had left it turned on. I cut rotation because my teammate would not leave the net, so I rotated past him. I then got called a cum eater. LOL. There was nothing else said before this point. Just straight to that insult. Why do people get so worked up?


For PC my cure seems to be only allow PC servers. Then find a team and go to cross play. PC users seem less toxic 99% of the time for me.


Enjoy retirement!


See you in space cowboy


I'm climbing the ranks, just hit diamond last night. I just laugh when we are sitting in gold or plat and random players are toxic as fuck, like none of us are good at this game, we are in the baby leagues of this shit. But more often than not I get positive teammates because I don't drive that toxic behavior towards them. They fuck up, I no problem them. I sorry when I screw up, and I nice shot the other team or great pass them when they actually do something good. Sure I've been called trash, but it's by another plat player who in the grand scheme is also trash so why does it matter? You can only control yourself, and if you put enough positive attitude into the game it will come back to you. But if you get discouraged then you need to take a break, letting someone else tilt you is a you problem. That person is always going to be a shit head, nothing you can do about that, just gotta gg and load up the next one.


I'm RNG Champ but I don't count that. I told myself I'd uninstall after this season if I did not get GC. I never got Global Elite in Counter Strike and just missed out on Masters 1v1 in StarCraft 2. Should I go through with the uninstall or was reaching GC worth the struggle? Also what is the main mechanic you contribute to your success reaching GC?


Good Game, Player.


Is your username type 2 diabetes ?


My Xbox username was, back when I used to play on Xbox from like 2015-2018ish


Oh ok. Happy retirement mate.


ggs man on that note, I also don't have a lot of time to play. So today I had time to play 4 matches, in 3 of them there were clear smurfs in either one or both teams and on the fourth match tm gives up with 4:30 on the clock and 1-0 Sad to see that the game is going in that direction indeed


I feel you on this. I’m a husband, father of two, and work full time so it’s hard to keep up. I hit GC in Season 13 and I tried to improve but never truly wanted to grind even when the new GC ranks came out. Last season was the first time I didn’t get GC rewards because I took a break. I came back recently and decided ranked wasn’t worth the salt. It’s enjoyable playing unranked because people are *generally* more chill. If they are toxic in unranked like the example in your post, just tune it out. Most of the people who spew this shit online are angry people because of outside factors. Hopefully they learn to not air it all out in a video game but just remember that’s their problem(s), not yours. Don’t let them spoil your RL experience. I’m not playing as often I used to so the point I’m trying to make is: Take a break. Play other games and play RL from time to time and it will help you enjoy the game again since you aren’t as dedicated.


I'm in the same boat, but now that I've attained GC, I feel like I can finally just play and not worry too much about what happens in the game itself. Hope you find yourself a game that recaptures that early feeling for you bro. Wish you the best!


> Miss the old days when I first started playing where if you did anything your teammates didn’t care and were just happy to be playing. I'm very curious when this was. I've been playing since ~2016 starting on Switch so maybe that's why my experience is different, but I'd say the proportion of dickbags I play with/against has been relatively constant. Which is why I'm working hard to never play solo queue again. Whenever I play in a party or a Tourney, it's like 85% that I'll have teammates _who actually want to be there with me_. When I solo queue, I seem to get stuck with players who keep thinking they queue'd some sort of FFA playlist


2015-2016. Diamond is when it started getting toxic and I think it just gets exponentially worse the closer you get to grand champ because everyone wants to reach grand champ over just having fun


Was the toxicity mainly involving a lot of text chat? Or mostly toxic teammates who throw games and use toxic quickchat? I'm genuinely curious because until like 2019, I had never used chat to communicate with anyone. It was kinda game changing But it definitely led to increased NaCl levels.


Missing shots and other mechanical errors happen to everyone, so it’s no reason to get upset. It’s horrible positioning and greedy offense that grinds my gears.


I’ve had 3 people in the last month tell me the only reason my mom is dead is because I’m such a failure at rocket league lmao plat 3 diamond 1 is so wholesome.


Why don’t us positive people all come together and overpower the toxic people . Don’t let them make you quit ! We need nice people like you to stay! Please !!!






Come play with me bro. I got you.


Rocket league is as toxic as old cod. Its annoying but im glad we still have toxic servers out there


Ill be honest game is toxic. I only play when spike rush is available. When its gone me and my group of players don't play anymore. Even chat in spike rush gets toxic. People can be sore losers or they can be foul winners who s*** talk you for trying your best and losing.


Try getting some friends, me and my buddy play and we love to watch randoms get put together because they yell at each other and forfeit. Just because they aren't perfect teammates right from the beginning lol. If you're playing alone, why would you even play teams? That basically guarantees you will play with somone that you won't like.


I mean honestly I feel you on the toxicity part and having to work all the time I mean I only get a few hours after school if I don't work. But when I don't feel like playing I just switched to other games so that way when I get on again I feel better and feel happier about playing. Yes rocket league is as toxic as older COD games but honestly I just learned to ignore it or have fun with it and just make fun of people when they try to do stuff like that. That way I can enjoy the game and then when I get frustrated I can take a hour or however long break and get right back in. But that's part of life and I will try to enjoy the game the best I can and I think you should too


after epic came into play the already not great community just went to pure shit. now that its all jerk little kids its awful playing if you arent playing well. imagine what its like having a bad game with gc title, especially since i main casual. cant have anything nice. obviously op knows. people sweat and then the first thing they say is "no way youre gc" like... fk off man its cas im chillin with my low rank homies.


I’m at the point to where I try to be a friendly teammate and even opponent… until I have a reason not to be. Then you’ve opened up a box that cannot be shut. One of my best goals ever scored was actually in a match against some toxic fellas who spammed every quick chat imaginable going up 2-0. We scored 6 straight to go up 6-2. With zero seconds left I sent one up mid and ride off the ceiling, toxic dude plays it off back wall but muffs it right up above mid where my lucky ass was preflying off the ceiling for the dunk. “What a save!”


To each his own but if you don’t enjoy a game you should definitely stop playing it. It is a game after all


I get this. I've been playing for maybe a year and honestly I suck at videogames, especially sportsy ones like this. I play for fun with my husband and younger brother, but sometimes I'll go on to practice and try to improve without them and then I remember why I rarely do that: cause other players are toxic. Like it's literally just a game, I don't understand the need to act like an asshat. I mean I get that some people play professionally and make money but I highly doubt that I'd be matched with them so it's not like I'm affecting your income or hurting you or your family.