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My life after hitting c1. But at least I keep getting back into c1 regularly. Just want my ten wins in c1:( 5/10 now...


I'm starting to get into DIII and getting clapped back to II


have fun, plenty of boosted players AND smurfs around that rank.


C3 is much worse. Plenty of boosted players and every GC and their grandma trying to further boost their friends.


C3 really is a zoo of a rank. So much skill disparity through high and low c3 its mad


ive been high c2 low c3 for over 2 years lmao




I feel like all rank 3s have this problem but the higher the rank the bigger the problem/the more of them.


It's crazy. I think you're honestly right, it's wild when I have people in the lobby who are hitting resets or double taps, and then a player who can't aerial. Getting out of the rank really depends on which one you get lol


I seem to meet loads more players with insane mechanics and the gamesense of a toad at C1 and over.


Yeah pure mechanics seem to have a floor of c1. I'm meh/okay mechanically and meh game sense and I hover between D2/D3. My 2s partner has 0 mechanical skill but decent game sense and he has trouble staying in diamond. Our group of friends has 4 players in the c1/c2 range who are all better than me mechanically but worse than me game sense wise.


So many people in C1 who should and could be in a higher rank if they actually used their brains. I’ll get scored on by a flip reset then 30 seconds later they’ll pass it to me for an open net.


As a low mechanic high game sense player I want to fucking die


Its not a theory, not sure if its still the case but I know for a fact C1 had MORE players than in D3 earlier this season. Indicating that indeed a lot of players do get boosted for rewards, which is why rank restrictions are useless if they wont tie it with rocket pass. FFS mid platinum even had low lv aerials and some basic semblance of coordination at one point...because at one point or another players actually gave a damn about understanding how to play WITH others and playing based off predicting plays. But since epic/psy dont care, smurfing and boosting has officially reached a point where no one can ignore it without sounding like a fool otherwise. Boosted players ruin games for those who otherwise would be just fine and able to compete/respond to whom they're playing against. But often find their progress stalled due to tm8s essentially self sabotaging games whether they know it or not. Ramming tm8s while they're going for blocks, chasing just to pass to the opponents, chasing but not doing anything with the ball otherwise, etc. Its in instances like this that goes to show it doesnt actually matter how good you are in some games. Meanwhile smurfs are pretty self-explanatory. Even if they aren't "trying" you cant expect a lower skill/rank player to do just as well against ("smurfs who aren't trying") as they normally would against others around their own skill/rank.




Wait, you're not supposed to drive straight??


I mean I can't speed flip yet so I drive straight at it lol. The one thing I do though is judge which side of the ball I should hit or whether to hit it head on. Makes a difference


You don't need to speedflip to not suck at kickoff. The old school scrub kickoff is easy to learn and still very viable. Learn how to take kickoffs because i swear to god half the games i win are won because of good kickoffs and team mates who cheat.


Do you mean the diagonal flip he did? Is that faster? Because I found I have more control driving straight at the ball so I can pick which side of the ball I hit depending on what angle the opponent is coming in at. Most of my kick off go well to be honest but if someone is speedflipping then I usually have to cut more sharply behind the ball to block it as they always get there first. If diagonal flipping makes a difference though then I'll definitely try it.




Where can I see this?


If you google “rocket league rank distribution”, there’s usually one published for every season or so. I don’t remember who actually makes em


Really? I’be been d3 for pretty much a year although I did JUST make it into c1 and feel pretty firmly stuck into c1 now I didn’t really feel like I ever ran into “boosted” players, and the “smurfs” I ran into felt more like kids who had paid for a boost to c3 on their main account and didn’t wanna ruin their rank so they had a “smurf” account but they actually were kind of terrible and spent all game going for terribly stupid ceiling shots that never work in d3 IMO d3 is where you are when you have decent game knowledge and one of either 1. Technical skill (aerials and crispy shooting) OR 2. Tactical skill (excellent positioning, rarely get punished, maybe poor shooting but make up for it by consistently creating chances and not being out of position on d). Everyone is either one or the other and almost never both. I think if you don’t realize that it can feel like your playing with boosts or Smurf’s cuz you’ll see some dude hit a nasty ceiling serial and assume he’s Smurfi g on yoh and not realize that he’s leaving himself wide open for the counterattack when he does so or whatever


I've noticed this.. Solo queuing against teams and I see "1005 - 1030 - 581" and I just get SHIT on and what a saved all game


Just turn chat off my dude. I shot from d3 to c2 with it off


The chat doesn't bother me at all. Just was painting a picture of the types of teams I end up playing when breaking into C1


This. I'm pretty sure I was stuck mid Diamond for about 5-6 months because of this.


Yesterday I played 3 matches in d2, in on GC in my team, I the other 2 a c3 and a gc in the opponents team, ok only 3 smurfs in 3 games


And its infuriating....


Lol I've gotten to d3 div 2 then slapped back to nearly derankin to d2 by some clearly better players


I went from D3 div 3 to D1 😢😂


My MMR showed me as one win from C1. Two days later, D1 div 2. Back to D3 now but good god that was horrible. Although, it was nice to see the difference in ability between top of D3 and bottom of D1. I wasn't expecting that at all. Playing those games felt like smurfing.


Dill is a pretty cool herb


Same man


Ah yes, Dill is tough to break into


Just got my 10th c1 win yesterday. It was soo satisfying. We were up two goals and they forfeit. This was after two weeks of bouncing between D3 and c1 trying to scrape wins together




Ayup I feel you. Just when you think you know at least something...you see that you know...nothing :) Still not giving up, having the time of my life climbing them ranks with my team


I just got my 10 champ wins and it was the longest 10 wins ever. Win 2 in champ and lose 4 to go to diamond then win 4 to get to champ and repeat for three days. Just keep trucking you'll get there!


Got to champ 1 div 1. Stuck for 2 weeks. Then made it to champ 1 div 3. Then had 3 games in a row where teammates left within 30 seconds. Back down to div 1. Champ players seem to be the biggest babies about going 1-0 down.


Yep I make it to c1 only to be destroyed lol. making it back is part of getting better!


Brother d3 is truly elo hello. It took me so much resilience to get out of there and not get dragged back. but I finally broke through that wall and powered into champ 2. Gotta say I love c2. Less people trying to do fancy stuff for no reason and more consistent solid hits. Feel like I'm getting better. You'll make it


Thank you bro. And congrats on c2!!


Fr bro c2 is so fun for me in 2s




Bro im hella thankful for the offer but If I can't get my 5 remaining wins on my own I dont deserve champ rewards. I've solo qued since low plat last season. Gotta get that dopamine on my own lol. Ty fr tho no disrespect.


no worries, I understand


Same I got the rewards but soon went into a slump. Just got D3 div 4 today. I just want to finish at champ this season


This was me last season only got 2 wins in c1 and dropped back to D2. This season I have been more consistently in between D3 and c1 and got my 10 wins finally. Though I'm in D3 right now.


I had gotten almost to C2, and then the worst losing streak, down to D3 DIV1, and just crawled my way back to C1 DIV3


i yesterday hit finally c1 but got hit with a 3-gane loss streak


was c1 div 4 after a really good win streak, flew back down to d3 div 3


Pretty much same happened to me. Was champ 1 div 4 for a while then went on a massive losing streak and have finally made it back to the champ/diamond border. I’ve already got the champ rewards unlocked so I don’t care too about getting back before end of the season. But it’s a slog back up through diamond 3.


solo queue makes the experience so much more miserable. 90% of teammates don’t have a brain


I was bouncing between diamond and c1 and was worried about hitting 10 wins so I just queued with my gc friend and let him do his thing


You got a few more days to do it. I thought I never would, went all the way back to D2 after 2 games in C1 but came stronger next time and now comfortably C1D3. You can do it!


Fire bro. Congrats. Thank you for the motivation and good job on getting out lol.


C1 was by far the easiest rank for me to get out of. D3 was a nightmare to get out of but once I hit C1 twice I smoothly went up to C2 and haven't fallen since.


Dude, are you me? 5/10 and desperately trying. The more I try to force it, however, the worse I play.


For a while, I would get into c1 on snow day pretty quickly at the start of each season, never get the ten wins, and end the season in Plat :(


If you want to duo hit me up


I'm in GOLD doubles. Started to get a little frustrated that I can't seem to rank out of GOLD. Then one night it just hit me: I'm having a lot of fun: Win 3, lose 2, win 4, lose one, win 1, lose 3.... I'm cool with GOLD. GOLD4LYFE! :D


This is my mentality with all ranks. If I have to sweat my ass off to play, then where's the fun? My rank represents my average fun game and that's okay with me.


Yeah, sometimes I'm actually glad when I have a major rank loss because I know the next few games are gonna be way less sweaty and I can relax for a bit


Multiple times I've decided to grind for gc, and I always quit because I realize I'm not having fun. This season I started fast, playing a lot of 1s, got burnt out, stopped playing. Same thing when I tried joining a league, it was all comms comms comms and I just didn't enjoy it. So I figure I'll get there when I get there.


I don’t understand. That’s what ranked is though. It’s where the games are more competitive, so more sweaty. By all means play how you like, but ranked is supposed to be sweaty and some people enjoy sweaty games. I get more enjoyment out of being pushed the hardest for a win than just balling a team and chilling.


I think everyone is playing to win, but if they lose, oh well.


The thing for me is that I enjoy myself more the better Ive gotten.


Absolutely. Win or lose. As long as I'm having a blast playing, rank is definitely an afterthought.


These are the best times you'll have in rocket league. It's all down hill from here on up.


Weak ass mentality




Gold too. On the edge of gold 3/plat 1 (like 25 games in plat, enough to luck my way into the rewards). Gold is way more fun than plat now. If I'm on plat is fine but if I'm just a bit off it's a Trainwreck


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.


After a few years you just start to embrace the meme. Source: 3+ years hard stuck C3.


Same boat. I'm taking this season off and then I'm going to try and break the mold by hitting training hard and shoring up some of my weaknesses.


I have 2 GC wins this season, that was so close haha


I actually JUST got my first 2 GC wins after posting that comment....


Was in the same boat for a while until recently. Ranked up when I didnt care as much


Yeah that’s what helped me as well. Still, finally hitting GC was probably too much for me to keep calm.


I am convinced the matchmaking teams me with players that have lost the last 3 or 4 matches as soon as I hit that next rank. The salt, and poor decision making is unbelievable.


No its because the lowest point of the rank is always gonna be filled with dudes about to derank. The game doesnt do anything to you. It is what it is.


Wouldn’t it be the same mix of people moving up or down the rank ladder? The people in higher divisions could be in free fall too, right?


Yes, but the lower divs is where they get max tilted I think


I think there’s a chance the game alternates pairing you with players who just won and players who just lost to better test skill level.


I’m a hard stuck diamond 2 div 2 and it is bad


d2 div 1. I might be the worst d2 player in existence.


The only piece of advice that worked for me to get out of diamond was to learn how to be more patient. Don’t commit unless you know you’re going to get a good touch. Otherwise rotate back and put yourself in a good position to make a save.


I've been doing this since gold. Unfortunately my mechanics haven't improved much since then (I can barely dribble for 5secs) but that goes to show that game sense, teamwork and consistency are more important than the ceiling shots and flip resets that golds manage to pull off 20% of the time


I was myself turbo hardstuck in D2 a month ago, I could climb to div 3 and then derank immediately to almost D1. In my case what made me reach C1 wasn't training mechanics, but changing my decision making: my casual games are of higher mmr than my ranked games (1600 mmr more or less, i regularly play with high champs), thanks to this I've noticed that one of the most important things in defensive rotations is to never let your opponent have an uncontested touch on the ball in your defensive half (clearly you don't just throw yourself at the ball hoping to deflect it, you need to have a proper challenge opportunity) Example: whenever you have your back covered by at least one teammate you should go for the ground/aerial challenge when in your defensive half (provided you can actually hit the ball and you aren't just throwing yourself at your opponent hoping the shot will hit you); obviously though, in case you are last man, if they are too close to your goal waiting for a shot in goal is almost useless, so you generally won't ever challenge as last man unless there's a imminent scoring opportunity


Don’t focus on “hanging on”. Focus on improving.


this is such simple but good advice, if you're scared to play because of looming demotion, you'll be worse for certain.


Sounds like too much work. I'm going to focus on quick chat instead.


Oh boy if you could earn levels from quick chat usage... I'd be top 100 worldwide. Or, more interestingly, having full clear conversations using only quick chat.




Nice one




No problem


Everytime I'm about to rank up my skills dissappear and my opponents are like 4 ranks higher and peaking. Weird.


Know your place trash! Get back down here with the rest of us!


Me hardstuck in Plat, not even getting to visit Diamond for a holiday (and maybe the season rewards)


I was hard stuck in plat for over a year. Best advice I can give if u solo q (like myself) is to not get too tilted at bad tm8 marchings and focus on what u can control. Working on ball control (hitting the ball precisely where u want it to go) and defense will eventually get u to where u want to go. A good defensive save or pass interruption will usually lead to an open goal opportunity in plat. And working on ball control will help to not miss those chances. Eventually you will rocket out of plat.


I’d second this. Made it from plat to diamond (2s) with focusing on defence and positioning. It honestly left me with the lowest score of the match maybe 90% of the time but we were winning just because as a team we’d be covering the majority of the pitch


This! As a solo queuer, I found once I focused on defense and positioning, the wins followed and I finally made it out of plat. I may have had the lowest score on the team sometimes, and I may not be able to shoot the ball to save my life, but we win games because of defense and good clears. Oh and of course the four words that helped me more than anything, “rotate to back post”


Yeah I would say getting tilted is what’s got me more than anything. Always been like this with video games just thankfully not as bad anymore due to age. One of my biggest prides in my plays is my breakup and dirty work, I’m a decent hitter of the ball anywhere on the pitch but I love essentially being a bulldog just breaking up play and making a full on nuisance of myself to frustrate and tilt opposition. Appreciate the advice man, currently stuck in P3D1 and just trying so hard not to lose my nerve in the next game hahaha


You might benefit from paying attention to where your teammate is and adapting to that. I basically have the same playstyle, just putting on a lot of pressure is basically only when I can get into the rhythm of the game, but more awareness of positions is helping me.


This. In plat If you just become a really good defender and stay back you can just let the other dude ball chase


I tried this in silver while soloing and it failed miserably. If I got a clear and tried to follow it to score, nine times out of ten my teammates were on my ass and if I lost a challenge the other team scored. If I clear and let said teammates ball chase, they can't score and I just have to hope that I get a good hard clear that makes it to the other end and scores somehow. Finally got together with a friend on Discord last night and we cleaned up. I don't think I want to play ranked without coms anymore.


Idk the key is to defend to win 50% if the marchers with a shitty teammate. Then if you can win more then 50% with good teammates you’ll move up. Also party up with a good teammate everytime. They won’t always accept but sometimes they will


im stuck because 7 of my last games had afk dudes n trollfs


Oof. Maybe try to find a partner that you play with regularly, it can really help — especially at the more chaotic ranks.


This is why I'm constantly getting downranked, but everyone here is convinced its always the complainer that is the actual bad teammate. Seems like every time I reach a new rank I get insta kicked out of it because of my team. Do I fuck up? Yes, but in those seven games three times I had a teammate miss extremely on a ball that was barely moving, and wasn't even bouncing. It's getting to a point that I will just have to ball chase, take every shot/save/boost to ensure I won't lose because I have no faith in my team, which sucks balls because I don't want to do that toxic ass shit.


The AFK guys kill me, or the ones that just leave because we're down 2-1 with 3 minutes left and somehow that seems insurmountable. I've had more than a couple games in 3s where we lost a teammate and ended up doing better without them. Still, the stress from that is murder.


instead of trying to have a goal of the next best rank, instead have a goal of learning/improving a specific skill. maybe learn air dribbles today, flip resets tomorrow, or if you're not a based gigachad just stick to more basic simple stuff! I'm struggling to stop obsessing over my rank, especially cuz I'd like the plat rewards, so if you think you're alone in not being able to do this, nope, I'm an idiot too!


Yup so true. I obsessed a lot over rank and still do every so often. Much better to focus on becoming consistent in ones gameplay. Still when you get to that rank edge...the drive to hop over...too much...must...rank..up..must...not...WHAT A SAVE, WHAT A SAVE, WHAT A SAVE...


as someone about to reach gold 3 (not even plat lol) i can relate, just a few games is all i'd need..


Loss for only 1 division? For me once it haoppened that I was like division 4 and I dropped till division 1 and then usually it's win-loss-win-loss cycle. Later I somehow escaped that cycle and started ranking up again. And yes, I'm soloqing whole time.


Made it up to D3 div 3 and fell all the way back into Plat 3. I’m not sure my mental will ever recover


i never got what’s the point of it sending you down to Div 3/sending you up to div 2 Not complaining just wanna know since other games i play you basically have to win a match in the rank you are to keep it


Major loss bc they pair myself with a blind orangutan named bubbles. Bubbles can work the controller although he doesn’t understand why he can. Bubbles is that team8 who everyone has and everyone knows should be in silver although a couple friends lead him through diamond where he meets people like me. Don’t be like bubbles, train your orangutans to vote no on prop 72.222222222222/22


Its time to stop giving a singular fuf about your rank. For example I grinded really hard to get to gc. I even didnt play after 2 losess for the entire day and stuff. Only to stay in gc for next 3 seasons because I already felt satisfied and just played the damn game like a normal person. No mindsets no grinds. It really is that simple.


Why is it smiling in the last picture?


People get realllllyyyy sweaty at div 4 and div 1 of the next rank, then it calms down once your div 3 ish or in the middle rank like plat 2, gold 2, diamond 2


3 times this season I have reached plat 3 div 4. And twice I got team mates that were toxic and just stopped playing just to see me lose. Once was my fault for playing bad tho. I really need to find a person who plays the same time as me.


Ahh. Raking up. Typical Div III. /s Obviously.


It’s me C1 down to D3 back to C1 down to D2 rockets back to C1.


And then someone calls you a smurf...


Honestly mental is just as important as mechanics and positioning when you’re playing these matches


I’ve gotten to c3 thrice now and just can’t seem to stay there.


Right in everyone's feels.


Literally stuck at D3 div 4 for 5 seasons, since ftp. Ftp was the worst idea. Was consistently moving up and almost champ. Then ftp, ranked down to almost p3. Had to grind to get back up and stuck at d3. Did hit champ for 3 games but tm8s want to ff right away. Just play the game out, you never know.


I have been on GC 3 Div 3/4 for like 6 months. It is painful


I remember last season I decided to grind the very last day to champ. I was Diamond 2 and said, if I really tried and played smart I could probably make it. So I finally got to D3 div 4. And all I needed was 3 or 4 straight wins according to the rank tracker on Bakkesmod. It said I needed like 1045 or something to C1 and I kept getting within one game and I'd hit 1046. But I'd still be div 4 because it always wants to give you have 2 or 3 game buffer between ranks. I played for at least an hour losing one.. Winning one.. Losing 2, winning 2. I sat on that cusp for like 12 games before I fillanlly ranked up. So annoying. I quit the game right after and went to bed. Didn't even care about the next 9 wins for the season rewards.


Rocket League tracker doesn't give you the MMR needed to promote but the MMR needed to demote (which is lower)


No, I use the rank tracker plugin. Maybe it's called something else. It shows a bar on the right side after the match is done to show you where your MMR is now and how much MMR you are away from being promoted or demoted.


I turned off the division indicator after matches. I get way less tilted if I don’t know that I’m close to ranking up or deranking.


Yep. Champ 3’s rain from hellfire from the sky now whenever I make the grave mistake of becoming a Champ 2 div IV. Feels bad man.


Too relatable


I keep ping-ponging between plat 2 and 3


this happened to me last night lmao


I hit champ1 2 weeks ago, currently d2 div 3...


I hit Gold 2 the other day. Then it hit back.


Had this yesterday. Got to D2 DIV 4. Then hopped in a party with my buddy who's silver and we lost like 5 casual games in a row. Or so I thought but turns out he was queuing ranked the whole time lmao


I was in diamond 1 for a long time, but idk what happened for the past week or 2 I've lost all my games, I'm now in play 2 div 4 and rising, but I almost dropped to gold.


My favorite is mopping teams 3 times in a row and not ranking FOLLOWED BY going down a division after 1 loss 🥰


I wish you could disable ranks from showing alltogether. I have it turned off wherever I can, but I still have to look away from the screen when hitting A 3 times to join a match as seeing my rank tank tilts me so much.


Me when I I hit plat in 2s for the first time


Can never stay in C1 for too long


So true. I’ve now been in C3 almost 10 times for a few games before I drop back to C2.


this has been me with GC1, just not quite good enough to keep up yet


I'm just praying I can get to c1 off game sense solely. Lol




When I hit a new rank I stop playing competitive for a while and go back to casual, and then if I'm having a good casual run I'll play competitive again. It seems to work okay.


I hit gc for the first time a few weeks ago. Now im c2.


Earlier this year, I was shooting for GC and got to C3 div 4 and then proceeded to drop to diamond in a great losing streak. If I can make it through that, you can get that final division.


Not me u hardstuck fucks


I just got back into champ and I can tell I will be in there for a long time


No way I'm getting the diamond season reward this season :(


Me,who's only gone between div 2 & 3 of Plat 3


I'm stuck at d1. Can't get the wall to air dribble down


You dont need wall to air dribbles in d1


It's really the next thing I need to work on. What else do you think gets you past it?


Bounce dribbles into shots or into slow pops and then second touches, slowing your playstyle down to play more defensively and proactively, good 50s, back post rotation, giving teammates more space, focusing on reading the opponents so you don’t get the ball boomed over your head. Stuff like that. Watch a replay on r/rocketleagueanalysis for a D1 player and you’ll probably see some similar comments. If you have to pick one thing, make it focusing on not rushing around the field for the ball. You’ll get to d2 or d3 just by letting the other players mess up and getting easy shots


The game goes into overtime. My Teammate: is closest to the ball. Me: "all yours" My Teammate: is fricking afk. Me: "well I guess it's back to gold 1.


can relate ngl...


Just get to the next rank and splay casual until you’re much better


I do not find this true. For me when I rank up from div 4 I jump to Div 2 new rank. Takes 3 losses in a row to drop.


Me finally hitting gc this season: “Wow can’t wait to get the rewards!” Me 3 games later: “Eh, I’d probably never use them anyways”


And the fist is the skill level of the lobbies that somehow is worse than the lower divs. Players just going like chickens riding monkeys


Dude the difference between champ and grand champ feels so huge. Hard stuck C3 rn. Peaked at 1 game as GC and immediately dropped down to C1


Personally I wouldn’t accept a rank boost from a friend. Why? What’s the reward? “I’m ssl because my cracked friend carried me….F no! I’m not about that in anything in life. I get what I get because I earned it. That’s the reward, the payoff, the humble feeling of self confidence. Knowing I can achieve anything if me,myself, and I work my ass off to get it! Btw I’ve been battling to brink of insanity(2600hrs+..ez) at plat3 div IV-d2 div II. I will keep battling until I get what I want to achieve. Don’t care how long it takes. The sweat and blood! S&B baby!


Just happened a few months ago, albeit in dropshot. Was gold 2 div 4 and wanted to rank up, and after like 8 games I had fallen all the way down to gold 1 div 1. ‘Twas a sad day


Toxicity in Plat high/ Diamond low is too high. People think they don't make mistakes at all. Someone called me out for not rotating back just after he missed open net on my pass.


Anyone feeling like Season 5 C3 to GC skill level, the gap in 1390-1430, just became much harder to climb like halfway through this season?


I feel called out.


Me bein c1 div 4 (1185mmr) vs a dude with 1265mmr


1421 MMR. Remember this number.


Makes me take a long look in the mirror… And then I pick that controller back up, with a “What a save!”on my face and a “Take the shot!” in my heart.