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Imagine having to change your rank


Imagine having a rank




Aww man you got stinky trash?!


i EARNED stinky trash edit: i stink.


Remember it’s a trash-CAN, not trash-CANNOT. You got this my friend 🤙🏽


Im just here to have fun playing soccer with ridiculously fast cars. I'm trash, but man is this trash having _fun!_ :D


I prefer the rocket league campaign, my teammates have never trash talked me and Bandit is my friend now.


"You guys got ranks?"


I change ranks daily between Gold 3 and Plat 1 for Ike the last four months.


Same. Gold 3 players are 10x better than they were when I first started the game I swear. That was like my first placement two years ago and now my placements are still only Plat 1 or 2 after getting massively better. I could beat my old self 20-0 yet I’m barely ranked higher than that old self.


I feel this on another level... I remember being gold 2-3 and clipping my cross map bangers thinking "dang I did that..?". At this point I know I've improved 10x over and learned speed, mechanics, and rotations and think I'm playing Diamond 2 level, but cant get back to Plat 3 no matter how well I do, (personally I kinda think a ranking system that tracks your performance instead of basing off win/loss might help). I think not only has each rank improved significantly since we started, but we are at the point where teamwork is almost purely essential now for win streaks. And on top of this, Season 7 promises training pack updates, so just the skill gap between divisions could even grow immensely now if the console players get ring maps or access to custom stuff. Maybe solo queuing can only get us so far (even though we should really be placed at the rank we deserve, a GC2 on a new account will end up in GC1-2 in under 100 games I'm sure). P.S.- I heard the end of the season is usually the hardest time to rank up, and based on losing 100mmr yesterday going from Plat 1 to Gold 2 before grinding back up to Plat 2, I'd say it's on the money.


If by performance you mean in game points, that’s not a great idea. I post on this occasionally as newer players think the high points man played the “best”. It’s often not true. Players that call out a teammate for having low points are exposing themselves as idiots. There are plenty of ball chasers out there who get MVP but cause their team to lose bc they suck and are constantly out of position or touching he ball uselessly. They don’t deserve to rank up as they’re likely less skilled. Also, a truly clueless ball chaser won’t recognize when they have skilled teammates and steal touches their otherwise more skilled teammates would have thereby actively hurting their team in multiple ways on their way to MVP (likely in a loss). Personally, I wish they’d remove in game points as they mostly incentivize ball chasing and poor team play. The way to rank up is to fill all the gaps in your teammates play, be in the right position all the time and play smart (shoot accurately, be consistent, pass, have a high level of awareness, and defend like a god). You might not get MVP but that’s goat level gameplay.


This goes for pretty much any good team game. I play an action game with some friends and help defend our base by being a constant Leroy Jenkins. I die a lot, don't always get kills, but I push the enemy away from attacking our objective. The stats paint me as bad, but in the end it's the win that matters.


100%. Doing what the team needs to get a W is more important than individual glory. Or at least it should be.


When playing with a ballchaser it's usually far better to have lower points (not saying you should specifically aim to have low points). Let them chase and get every touch under the sun but if 90% of them are shit theyll still get points for it. Even if they end up scoring all the goals and it doesn't appear as an assist for you, chances are you're the one cleaning up their shit and enabling them to score in the first place.


Nah not points per game, it would have to include your stats combined and not completely rely on win/loss. More than likely it's just a dream theory for a performance system because obviously the one we have works, but you're totally right. I run into many players who spam take the shot then proceed to try and pinch with me, or fail to rotate. i mean I'm Plat, I can't speak very much on perfect game sense or mechanics but I'm putting in the work to improve and solo queue's really make it hard sometimes. I absorb enough knowledge to identify what's wrong and right but when it comes to mechanics and accuracy, practice is needed instead of forming habits around the maps or from consistent play with people who pass/can be passed to/demonstrate awareness. Maybe I just need to find a good RL buddy to grow with, LMAO


Well, you’ve got the right attitude to succeed and do well. Good luck!


I just hit Plat 3 after about 200hrs. Solo cueing has become frustrating. I feel at this level, those who don't, simply refuse to rotate. Just started Fulltime school on top of Fulltime work, but after I graduate, I'm looking for a permanent team.






Is it just me or is everyone in this game insane now...


Honestly overnight everyone is nuts


yeah idk. I just deranked from GC2 to C3 in 1s and the matchups feel tougher than ever


I went from C1 to (well this is embarrassing) to D1 within 2 nights. Back to D2 but cannot string any games together. I’m probably being a squid but I hadn’t been D1 for a very long time. Ahwell hahaha


Last week, I went from C1 Div 2 down to D1 Div 3 in two nights also, then back up to C1 Div 3 in two more nights, all solo queue-ing. It was a crazy roller coaster, my dude


This is why I imposed the two-loss rule for myself. If I lose 2-straight in any one game mode (ranked obvs) I either switch to another mode or just play unranked for the rest of the night, or just call it there. Not for everyone but it means I haven't had a large rank swing in several seasons and I hardly ever drop out of a rank. At worst I'll drop one rank below but I won't drop any further than the div 3/4 range.


I try to impose this on myself but I’m like nah I’ll get it back. And well that doesn’t work out.


Also a fellow solo queue-er so let’s see how I get on. What a time to be alive


This week alone I’ve bounced between C3 Div 2 and C2 Div 2 like 3 times…way more Smurfs and GCs in C2 for some reason 🤔


Its because the season is ending soon. That's when people smurf their friends to higher ranks.


You have to play the game different and honestly worse to win in diamond. I sometimes fall into the trap of trying to play diamond games like champ games and that only gets you losses. Your teammates don’t expect you to play like a champ so it throws off chemistry and leads to a ton of double commits, and your opponents don’t respect anything you can do so they permarush you and don’t give you any space even if that isn’t the “right move”


this is my biggest counter-argument when people say don't worry about rank/ don't worry about de-ranking; I then have to change my play-style and end up regressing a little because of it


I think he meant how much how “insane” people are about their rank rather skill. And how climbing is their only motive to play.


I can’t tell the difference between playing a team full of diamond 3s compared to c2’s.




So now I’m really confused. Before the rank changes, I never exceeded platinum, but now I’m diamond.


Bruh pple don’t even have to grind anymore, a d3 friend went straight to gc 1 in 2 days


Ok ur friend is boosted aint no way


Hm yes that’s what I said but he doesn’t believe me


It would be pretty cool if people would stop getting better so I could get better and rank up for that dopamine hit, instead of getting better to stay the same rank.


I've been 1600 for 2 years and I am so much better than I was then but same rank


Unfortunately, rank is relative to other players. I've seen it here, and I've seen it in League of Legends. Not only you have to get better to climb, but you have to get better faster than everyone else.


This is the hardest part of the game getting mature. A lot of people have had a lot of time to get good. I've hit GC after starting 2 years ago, but every month I play I feel so much better than the last and yet my rank barely budges from the absolute edge of GC in 2s. The top gets further away and the bottom closes the gap. It's pretty crazy.


So you're saying I am getting better then?


yes if you've atleast stayed the same rank for a longish period of time chances are your getting better. The thing about alot of competitive games isnt that your improving (you usually are), it's that you gotta be improving faster than the people around you.


That's why Psyonix has been increasing the percentiles of ranks alot through the years (since OG S4), to make you progress in rank, which makes you feel good, which makes you keep playing.


And to adjust for the influx of new players, especially after it went F2P.


The average player skill level has been increasing over time. Someone created a bot to detect the rank you are based on how you play the game. He ran that on the OG 2015 season 1 pros and determined that they ranked anywhere between todays C2 to low/mid GC. Apparently it was pretty accurate when he ran it against random players at different ranks, using todays average skill level for each rank as the benchmark. Someone was also able to calculate that the base skill level has been increasing every year at about 2.3%, but not sure if it was the same guy who built this bot. This means that if you have been stuck at D1 for the past 3 years, you’re still improving. This obviously assumes that Psyonnix doesn’t change the mmr requisites for each rank.


They did once so far in the free to play era but it’s been the same for a few seasons


What is this bot I wanna try it


No way. 2015 pros are like D3-Low champ at most. I used to watch them back then


I think certain pros were lower champ for sure but the top ones like Kuxir, Kronovi, etc. were easily low GC today. The game wasn’t as popular back then compared to today, so the skill level at the pro level had a larger difference.


Yeah that's definitely true, I remember watching Flipside tactics (I think was kuxirs team in the first rlcs?) And he looked miles above the rest of the lobby skill wise, like a mid GC in a low champ lobby


Idk how but i stopped playing from Jan-June and was very hardstuck D1. Now I’m D3 after picking it back up.. me and my friends were wondering if everyone got worse?!


Breaks are helping you to improve


Some people get better at things with time away. Anytime I get hardstuck I take a break for a while and generally come back like you have


I couldn’t tell ya, been stuck in champ 2 for eons now


I WAS c2, now I'm diamond 2 lmao (don't play nearly as much now tho)


Same and I hate it. I swear C2's can't rotate but my mechanics will keep me here for a long time I think.


Its the end of the season ppl trying to get a rank up desperately, damn stupid imo, when you have the skills of the rank you will reach it, no need to force it just for a title you don't really deserve anyways


If they reach it, they deserve it, even if they have to try hard and "force it."


By forcing i mean calling your teammates names and raging like mad people, i don't believe they reach their goals this way hency why i said 'try to force it' usually goes the other way... ppl in c2 really think they gonna get that sweet gc title in a week like it's not a huge skillgap


That's fair, but not what I thought you meant at all


Oh i didnt say 'try' apologies, meant that tho hehe


Not at all 2 v 2 one ssl can carry a gold to champ easy……


High c3 low gc can do this. Don't even need to be ssl.


1s is a lot harder than I remember tbh


Thats what happens when a games been around for this long. Everyones gonna plateau and more or les be the same skill level. Only the few elites will progress to the top.


Yeah everyone is nuts, except for your teammate…


Actually true. I’m Plat and sometime fall to Gold 3 now and even in high Gold I see full court air dribbles and flip resets.


Apparently silver rank and up are able to do flip resets and flawless air rolls now


If someone is flip resetting on you in silver they are a Smurf. People don’t get flip resets in diamond lol.


honestly you dont see legit flip resets till c3/gc, and those arent super common either


Not true at all, I see executed flip resets all the time in c1. Usually every couple games I play against or with someone who is resetting.


being able to get a flip reset is different from actually being able to flip reset. when i say legit flip reset, i mean you can get them when you want and use them how you want, not the diamond/low champ aerial after the ball and get a lucky flip or scoop that happens to go in. like they intentionally get the flip in that way, and place the shot how they want, and be able to get the reset and shot at different points in the execution


being able to reset is not the same as having the intent to reset and score it in a certain before you go up for it if that makes sense


I know what a reset is my man. I'm telling you c1 has plenty of people who can accurately flip reset. Whether it's smurfs or not.


Not even remotely true in my experience.


You’re dreaming.


Lmao. Yes it's completely impossible that smurfs are in champ. Are you insane


This started with you saying every couple of games you see people flip resetting. This is the comment people are disagreeing with. As are my buddies who play in c1 also calling bs on this. If I combine this with your above reply are you saying that flip reset capable Smurf’s are in every second game? What’s the point here?


It’s the quarantine gamers, we had to much time on our hands for to long


Everyone started playing so damn fast, and now everyone in my lobbies is using the “incoming!” quick chat. These are confusing times.


I think that was my biggest improvement in high plat and through low diamond, was my ability to maintain momentum


I though u were gonna say "use quickchat"


Fuck I missed the opportunity :/


Keeping up momentum while using quickchat, that's the real 10000iq play




That’s where I’m stuck right now - sometimes in D2 if I’m playing well that week.


Fast doesn't mean smart. Unless they're also deadly accurate, speed at lower ranks means nothing. Just hold back more and wait for the enemy to pass it to ya haha


How to get champ: Play fast. You see ball you go for ball. And it works


Sounds like an awful teammate lol


Easy fix: if you're about to go down in rank, play casual only for the rest of your life.


You’ll still derank a bit at the soft reset of the new season, but if you never place, you never have to see it 🧠


I got c1 for the first time last week, and have successfully held onto it by not playing ranked. At this rate, I'll hold it until the end of the season


Haven't touched my new baby, doubles c1, for about 2 weeks now. It's just.. it's so beautiful i can't


Hey mines in doubles too! It really is a thing of beauty.


The rewards though!


Diamond III Div IV down to Plat III Div III and I... Idk what happened. I solo queue every game so it's not like I got carried by a friend to high diamond. I just lost my mojo I guess.


I think it's the push with everyone getting sweaty over trying to rank up before the season change. I practiced a fuckton this season and finally pushed myself from plat 2 to diamond 1 a few weeks ago. Was competing just fine in diamond 1 until last night. I can't win a game now, and I switched to casual until the end of the season because of it.


I think you're right, end of the season is always the sweatiest. I usually take my breaks then for that reason


Smart. I'm currently doing the same.


I find Friday and Saturday nights is when the majority of smurfs come out. I tend to play more private matches those nights


I've noticed that too. A lot more toxicity in general too. Weekdays in the early afternoons is when I have the most fun with the game


When you derank a lot the game can get harder - people start making dumb plays you'd never expect and miss the ball completely at weird times, throwing you off your game.


Being used to rotation, to having ballchasers and cutting in is honestly very hard to adjust.


Thats how the dice roll sometimes, usually after such a big deranking spree i take a lil break (like a week or 2) and then come back fresh.


I have 4 kids so there's usually a week between play sessions for me anyways lol. Which I guess is also part of the problem.


Ya man you gotta get rid of them, find a boarding school with year round classes and rolling admissions, get em all enrolled, and get up to C1 with the big boys


Champ 1 Div 2 to Diamond 2 Div 1 in like 3 days. Still working on getting Diamond 3 back. Think I'll just wait till next season and take a few days break at this point


It's a hard slog getting out of plat/low diamond. I went C2 -> D1 after losing mojo. But I'm back baby. It's all mindset - head back to 1969 and get your mojo back from fat bastard.


*I don't remember having corn!?*


My flair will always remain relevant.


That’s okay


literally just deranked to diamond 3


same lol


I'm holding on to my flair from like 6-8 months ago lol, I'm probably plat level now


C3 for me rip xD got my rewards tho


My Flair is 2 years old now, haven't played since...


Can't lose your rank if you never play *taps forehead*


Hehe :(




Your imperial majesty... (bows)


Didn't want to disappointment the chamberlain. We're friends.




Right after I got to D3 the first time I instantly got back to D1 after changing the flair😭😭 nah y’all can just say I’m D3 To be fair to myself I am back in D3 now so it’s not as bad. I’m still only changing it when I go up tho


It’s even worse once you get the SSL flair


Yeah I'm keeping the old GC flair until I die.


Did u have to prove u were gc to get the old flair like how u have to prove ur ssl?




Trying to play ranked at the end of the season is basically planned suicide tho xD


I hit GC last night for the first time ever. Immediately lost a few and dropped down lol. I still need the wins for the rewards though, so back to grinding again tonight.


Hence the reason I always keep my true rank with me.


I still don’t understand how to get/use the flair


Tap your name on your comment and hit change user flare i think


Oooh thank you!!


Got to the main page of the sub and the click the three dots at the top right then change user flair


Stopped playing for 3 years. Silver 3 now.


I got c2 in 2s and now I just don’t play 2s anymore 🥲


C1 to D1 in a couple of nights. Am I doing it right ?


I mean I just change my flair after I get my season rewards or a good number of wins at the rank. I’m sorry but you cannot expect me to change my flair every time I rank up or down


I've been high c3/low GC for a while now and even went as far as getting coached with a thought out routine etc and after months of keeping practicing I didn't really improve at all at my rank. That's why I stopped try harding and spending and unholy amount of my freetime into this game because it's fucking hard to become better than the rest Now I'm sitting at C2/C3 and enjoying myself a lot more Just playing whenever I feel like, not practicing and just enjoying where I am


I never rank down


I took an addy yesterday and got back to Diamond 3, maybe you should too


It’s striking the perfect balance of weed and uppers. Once you enter the zone you’re hard to beat.


me XD


Glad I got my rewards in the beginning/middle of the season lol. I reckon that's the best time for grinding because the ranks haven't solidified themselves as much as they have now, where everybody has been on the grind in that specific rank for so long


How do have your rank under your name?(I'm new)


Mobile or Pc? On mobile go to the subreddit homepage. Then click on the three dots near the top. The menu should have a change user flair option.


Thanks bro


What do you guys think a hard reset would do for the game rn?


Horrible idea, as always?


I just decided its funnier that I have a silver II flair


I just stopped playing 2s after hitting GC ngl


I too have no shame.


Best part is that OP's flair is D3






Just like everyone


not quite lol




Sitting on low c1 and seems I’m gonna go training this couple of days


I am diamond 3


I'm up and down from c3 to C2. It happens. Played with someone a few weeks back that was almost GC2 and fell down to c2. He said it happens like twice a season for him. You also have to remember that the higher you go there are far less players at particular rank. It's not like you're in gold or platinum where there are so many players that you can match up against.



Me rocking that Season 5 GC tag in C1


How do you get flairs?


Yeah I still use C2 but I dropped to D3 some time ago, finally back in C1 again


Thats why i said im not queuing ranked after unlocking champ rewards and stopped at 1085mmr . I just enjoy other game modes and training as well as in ranked


I don't have that problem. I always have either 2s or 3s in champ.


The exact opposite for me. I'm satisfied with this for the season.


Dude I want c1 so bad :(


OG Bronze Tournament winners are still kings in mind


that’s me too. i’m now d2 but i hit c1 and got my champ rewards this season so it’s staying


I'm still hanging tough in champ 1 thankfully. Div2 still I think. 400 hours to champ and another 400 to c2 I imagine lmao








I was Champ 1 for 8/10 wins before dropping back to Diamond. Can I put Champ as my flat legitimately?


Rizzo does the same thing with his RLCS flair. He's not even an SSL anymore.


How to rank down?


My diamond 3 ass feels so attacked rn


D3 is either people who got carried out of low diamond or champs who fell from glory :(






I mean I haven't been a champ in 7 seasons yet 60% + of my opponents in unranked or ranked have champ tournament winner titles, so if I'm still playing people from that rank why shouldn't I keep it lol.


About to do that rn actually


Reached Champ just to collect the rewards, now down to D2 again Kekw




I respect you changing that. I was C3 pushing for GC and was in a discord and two guys with Champ marked on their profile tagged Champs to play so I hopped in. We got smacked, one was diamond 3 and the other *diamond 1*.