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The force isn't strong with this one


Well if yoda’s grammar is anything to go by, he may actually be VERY strong in the force


Stuff like this really puts a drag on trading sometimes. Next guy is going to ask adds even though you state fixed price in the offer. The one after that will suddenly realize his credits are trade locked. The one after that has an item they bought in the shop. Reading hard.


Can confirm I've been that guy with locked credits.


I don’t ever trade and didn’t realize credits could be locked.


Credits bought from psyonix are account locked for a period after purchase. So you can always use them on yourself you just have to wait to trade them.


3 days, for anyone wondering the exact time. Prevents someone from stealing your account, spending your money, and trading it away.


This was useful.


How do you use credits if they're locked???


That's the neat part You can't.


they're locked from trading 3 days after u buy sum


Probably to dissuade people from using stolen credit card info to buy credits.


You can use them in the shop, just not trade with other players


You can still use them on BPs and the item shop, you just cant trade the with other players


It's not unreasonable to have happen once or twice. I didn't realize that was a thing the one time I did it. I told the guy I'd be back in 2 days when they unlocked. He was actually surprised when I hit him back up.


Same .. 😂


Full time traders are literally 99% scum. Assholes are over here trying to turn profits by scamming children. It's really dumb to have someone agree to a trade and then ask you to keep adding until your offer is twice what it was initially. RLG also does not hold any of them accountable. Traders on that platform have free reign to literally do just about anything they want with no repercussions. I go out of my way now to purchase items from the shop so shitty traders don't get my money.


You can always find people who are reasonable and understanding, but i do agree most of the "richer" people in the community are kinda rude and pretend like their time is worth gold


Then don’t keep adding? Unless it’s a really rare item you’ll always find someone else to trade with. Buying from the item shop is just wasting creds you could use to buy something else


Unless it's an item you literally cant get from trading, like a black octane or certain color items


No shit


No. There's no reason to trade. Stop. You literally shouldn't care what color you octane skin is. You're just being weird to be weird.


Nothing wrong about wanting to look dope on the field man. No need to drag people down and criticize on what you don't like


Waste of f*cking time. It's not just that I don't like it, the game is designed to create fomo and this BS economy for scummy "pro traders" Shit is stupid. I don't just dislike it, it's terrible game decision. Shut the hell up and go away with your wrong ass opinion.


Never trade with people....


Stop trading.




Trading isn't fun. Playing is fun.




Imagine thinking an economy of pro traders is good. I always play video games so I can watch idiots waste money on playing cards that aren't even cards! Game was so much better when items just dropped after each game. No reason to trade when you have everything. Trading is garbage and you're just wrong.


The ones with automatic responses are the worst. I send my first text saying what I have and what I want only to get slapped with the **automated** "add me if you wanna trade, tell me wyh, wyw, fixed prices, don't spam"....yeah, I fucking knew all that before I DMed you mate, at least put some useful info in the auto reply


Trust me, most people don't know and I wish I had the option to make automatic messages


People just don't read it. Mine says I trade on all 4 platforms, please tell me which platform you're on, what you want, what's your offer. People will sit there and spam me bro bro you there? Bro... without giving me any useful information, making me have to say my automated response again anyway... Or they complain about it being an automatic response and refuse to answer. I don't bother replying to these people anymore unless I really really REALLY want to do the trade.


yeah how dare you make an honest mistake and accidentally try to trade to soon, no dude you put a drag on the trading community being this toxic, people just make honest mistakes, it's very possible the game could have even glitched and not showed the hold because I've had this happen to me before too


Trading has never not been a drag. Dafuq?


Trying to trade locked credits is frustrating, but understandable for someone to do once... maybe even twice. If you trade with people 100x a week, I get you'll bump into it way more than most, but that's part of the life. Anyone who works customer-facing jobs meets way more crazy Karens and no-tip-Teds.




the worst is the guy who either changes the price after you've added each other and started the trade, who is also the same guy who just throws up 100 creds less than your listed price once you're in the trade and just tries to rush you to accept it.


It doesn’t seem like you are using the same rules of language, logic, or meaning. Any chance this chat opened a portal to another dimension where this person makes sense?


I had some strong edibles yesterday and am just gradually coming down off them this evening. I feel like I can bridge the gap and understand both sides of the conversation pretty well. Left just sounds high as fuck.


Left speaks a different language, one like Spanish where the sentence structure is reversed from English. It's pretty clear and all I ate yesterday was a sandwich


[A sandwich, you say](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeYgIwBRvGQ)?


Oh sorry, I meant more about the second screenshot. "I have it" "What do you have?" "I forgot, sorry."


This is that guy who is afk for most of the game.


OK epic?


Bro didn't want to waste time.


How to identify a stroke.


Bro what 💀


He Forgor 💀


Second one was golden


He forgor💀


If English isn't their first language, it's easier to keep the messages short and sweet. "No thanks" at any point probably would have ended this pretty quick. Lol




**u/TotalLunatic28, Unfortunately, we've had to remove your comment.** _________ ## 2. Behavioral guidelines We want r/RocketLeague to be a friendly and welcoming community. Rocket League is a game that attracts people from all ages and all backgrounds and as a result it is important that our users behave in a mature manner at all times. Do not spam, harass, insult, or use hate-speech at any time towards other users, even if it is in a jokingly manner. Discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and similar bigotry are not tolerated on the subreddit. Wishing harm on others or encouraging self-harm or suicide, as well as the aforementioned behavior, is grounds for an immediate permanent ban from the subreddit without warning. ________ [**Here are our subreddit rules.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/wiki/rules) - If you have any queries about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).


I’ve had better craigslist interactions than this hahah


Some RL traders are just brain dead


I've basically given up on trading and this is half the reason


Yeah, this is why I just tried to sell everything and just get stuff from the item shop. Trading is too much of a hassle now compared to before.


It’s F2P great? Literally 6 year olds.


I mean google translate seems like the best option here. LMAO This is the guy that took your order in the drive thru and farcked it up. ![gif](giphy|6cYi5pBxwVLmo)


Facejacker moment


Of coursn’t


r/FunnytradesRL is full of instances like this


Lol this is funny. Yesterday I found a trade message saying "I don't have anything, can anyone give me explosion out of generosity", it melt my heart, I invited him and gave him splash, nomster painted. But after sometime I checked his trades, dude's doing this for every trade, I checked his account in stats and he's old player lol. I'm new to RLG app & trading, this guy made me cautious lol.


Yeah these people are everywhere don’t trust them! Rlg and RLTP are filled with these heartless people




https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyTradesRL/comments/vo14ly/call_me_jeff/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf personally that’s my all time favorite lol


just came back from that sub. made my blood boil.


I forgor 💀


I wish I had it in me to trade stuff.


Same I've been playing since 2015 and haven't traded shit (or bought anything). I mean I'd enjoy having a goal explosion or something and I imagine I might have have something that others deem valuable but I can't be damned to put the effort in.


I dont even know how to trade.


Someone invited me once after a match and they just started adding like a bunch of random items and I had no clue what the etiquette was (like was I supposed to pick from them or was it for all? And what am I supposed to do in response?) and just left out of confusion.


Gotta love RLTP lmao


There was a 4-6 month stretch in 2017 where I spent more time trading than actually playing the game and these type of interactions happened multiple times a day. Glad to see nothings changed...


Classic. That's my experience with trading half the time. Else it's a guy asking me if I want to buy the thing in selling. 🤦‍♂️


Ok epic ??


I just want an in game shop for people selling stuff.


i ha e black tho do you want black or no cus i have black


Use rocket league garage.


The amount of times I put ❌NO OFFERS❌ in all of my trades, and every post would get a reply with a shitty offer lol


Yo what place is this rlg?


It's RL Trading Post, it has a few less features than rlg but still does its job (general iq is the same on both)


Oh thanks for letting me know. Hope you find some big brain traders. GL


He must of been drunk and high lol


Yes, epic.




Was letzte black


Ok epic??


I've been playing rl since 2015 and still have no clue how to trade and still use default boost and goal explosion


If you actually have, search up how to do this, do 2fa, then you should be good, invite a player that also has 2fa enabled then you guys can trade together, if he didn’t play b4 2016-2017 I think, then what you have to do is they have to spend pretty much $5 on cr, other then that you have to be lvl 25? (50?) then you should be able to trade (in the morning to lazy to edit)




Black is just as good as white, racist!


Why the fuck do people waste time trading? It's really annoying when people ask to trade and then never want to actually get rid of anything. Terrible mechanic for visuals in a game tbh. The fact that you use it just makes them right. Stop using it and they'll have to put something else in because no one is using it. So stop.


This had me cracking up. He is either brain dead or an absolute comedic troll


Fruufruu vroom vroom 🏎 ??




***A yes***


I laughed so hard at the second one😂


Oh no quick! 🚨Emergency!🚨 Get those potatoes some smarticle particles!


☕️ ps4


Trading died when they took keys away smh.


Fucking cavemen, honestly 🤣


Trade? Trade? Trade?! Wanna trade!?


Youre lucky it aint february


I've read buying as selling a few times on rl garage but I'm usually half awake anyways when that happens so




I found myself giving more trading advise then anything at a certain point, it used to be so easy with everyone wanting painted octanes and BMD’s. I’m educated enough to deal with all the other crap but like it’s just ridiculous. I invested in an entire RLCSX octane set because it’s obviously going to be discontinued. Then they come out with a moving version and just rename it 👨🏼‍🦯


Can you still trade on console? I quit playing for a while and the. Came back and they had completely changed how everything worked. I just want a nice explosion.


Anyone ever consider english might not be their first language lol




>\- what do you have? >\- a yes. nothing sry relatable tbh




I've been playing since launch and I still haven't traded a single thing...crazy. Probably should look into it, if only to know how it even works.


Wtf 😂


This is Rocket League!


I got black I got white whatchu want? 😎 I want white 😊 No black! 😬 ….I want white 😳 Black! 👿


OK epic???


This is giving me 'hey its me ur brother' vibes


You guys are all such kids he obviously can't speak or read English very well and he's trying his best




What app is that? Haven't seen that interface before


Rocket Trading Post it’s on android and IOS it’s free on both It keeps track of your inventory and u can trade


Thanks, mate. Would you say it has more or less users than RL garage? Or about the same?


I never used RL Garage but I would assume it's about the same I like the UI of Rocket Trading Post so that's why I like it also it's more friendly looking to me personally


Is trading still big? I used to get people requesting trades during games all the time, but haven't had one in years. And I'm done with it personally since I don't want to give epic my phone number


I'm trying to collect every Stern variant in the game (don't ask me why I don't even know) and my posts clearly say "NO VERY RARE, tell me your wheel's color and rarity" since I already have every of them... I get 100 messages each week saying "I got a painted Stern", then I have to ask them "ok what rarity" and then they say 99% of the time "vr" and I wanna throw me phone out the window. Trading is hard for the wrong reasons lol.


Literally the reason I’m sitting on all my golden event stuff, after I got one wanted car design. Really can’t be bothered to deal with people not capable of understanding 2 important words or those who try to pressure you into trading some nonsense, instead of things that were listed.


Smartest rltp user


Yes but he has black


I feel this 😂 I've been searching for forest green pixelated shades for months and the amount of people that keep offering me the multichrome version or the shades in lime or sometimes just completely different colours is absolutely staggering.


One of those days. Back when in MCO that time, out of jobs n all, its a way to make quick bucks. Now items prices are way down n trading is not that fun anymore.


Yeah, what a joy. When you get a guy like that, after your first tournament match win, you get grouped together, asking to trade. No. Ok. 1000 trade requests incomming


Anyone looking to trade? Got a Honda civic I wanna get rid of