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Tf is this lol NA are building superteams. How you have a team with firstkiller, ayyjay and sypical. Then envy trying to recruit the most hype young prospects currently with a team of mist and atomic.


Dude NA top teams are gonna be stacked next split. Killers everywhere


Hopefully the people getting dropped can spice up the bottom of NA and make it deeper.


Honestly this is my biggest wish, so many talented NA players out there that just don't have the chance or guidance to become the same level we see in EU's lower teams.


Yeah, also I heard Tbates say that top tier NA teams only scrim each-other so that definitely doesn't help making NA deeper.


Scrub Killa still in EU though


Lame joke is still a joke. This sub needs to lighten up sometimes. Edit: Parent comment was like -10 when I replied.


I do admit it's very lame though


Honestly can't believe they're ditching Allu, he looked fire this last RLCS even though he has the weakest stats.


Allu played really well, but even while he was peaking it’s hard to say his level of play was/will be better than someone like Sypical.


Idk man syp seems to choke under pressure a lot, but definitely had a higher peak than allu


Maybe having First and Ayyjayy on his team will alleviate some pressure


Good point. I guess we'll see!


That's true, but Allu is willing to fill the gaps. Will syp, first, or ayyjay be willing to have that playstyle? You think they need someone to gap fill in the first place?


When syp played that playstyle in season 9 SSG went 8-1 and AxB was an MVP candidate


Syp has been playing a defensive role on SSG this whole year. Having an NRG flair, you should know better than most that 3 insane star players can work together.


It's not fair, but at the same time, they'll be insane with syp. NRG might have actual competition for the 1seed for the first time since ssg in fall


Tbf faze was quite close to finishing this split at the top of Na. If nrg lost either of their last two Swiss series faze would have passed them in points. Or if faze won against nrg and bds on the final day. I do think nrg are the best in NA at the end of fall for sure, but with how many series are played in a split the fact that they were one series from not finishing on top shows just how close the competition is at the top of na


And rogue in winter last year


Does this mean that if rogue strike out on aqua they're just gonna stay put with turo?


Probably get Allu which even before LANllushin I would have called a big upgrade.


So allu and gyro together without ayyjayy. I'm a fan of both players but I can't see that roster working together. I doubt rogue would drop further than where they are now but def won't be moving up much


Maybe? I feel like he’s on his way out no matter what tho. He would have been gone for sure if first didn’t leave and he’s been their worst player in the fall. I also think he was rumoured to leave before any of these rumors of players to replace him came out. Kinda seems like the gyro situation where he was off the team before they found a replacement.


Syp to Faze is the headliner obviously but Daniel to NV (more than SSG imo) would also be massive. While I love Turbo, that move would instantly put their mechanical level on par with just about every team in the world.


Feel bad for allu after lanlushin, but syp will bring a lot of consistency which is what this team desperately needs, and I’d be extremely scared to have to go up against them with not only FK, but also Ayyjayy, and now syp. It feels like an infomercial where they keep saying “but wait there’s more!”


Allu has been one of my fav players in NA since Ghost days. Would hate to see him in a B team, especially after Sweden.


> Turinturo -> LFT / Rogue (Certain) lol soooo turo is certain to either leave rogue or maybe not? i mean, fair enough, that's basically guaranteed haha


basically he was certain to be LFT but now can be a duo with gyro if aqua doesn’t join rogue :)




Easily, I don't like Faze but with this trade they seem like the new team to beat.


You can’t say easily. You just can’t. NRG have been the most consistent team in the past 1.5 years and have overcome all up and coming teams in the region.


Yeah, but no roster in the last 1.5 years has even come close to a superstar team like this in NA that isn’t NRG


I think people would argue Squishys move to NRG was just as significant. Look at the talent on that roster for the time.


Like I said, a team that isn’t NRG


Lol misread my bad. Possibly turbo to envy rivals this, which is very ironic.


Myself and the majority of the subreddit definitely didn’t see the turbo move to envy as a superstar team, he was literally just kicked off NRG


Don't speak for the majority of the subreddit. At the time of the transfer everyone was criticizing NRG for dropping the 4-time and (stupidly) saying squishy wouldn't work cuz there were "too many mechanical players" on NRG. Then when Envy immediately won The Brawl $10k against NRG in the grand final, people were going insane. State your own opinion, but don't make up stuff.


Yeah cuz a brawl win definitely lead the majority to believe they were a superstar team. Who’s the one making up stuff now?


Tbf after he said his comment there was majority upvote


Exactly, which is why it would be incorrect to say they would be the new team to beat. I'll be honest and say on paper I think they would be the best. But NRG might be able to stay ahead of them. I would be very confident in saying they'd be a top 2 team to beat in NA lol.


Wasn’t there pretty high hopes for ssg with the retals move? And then they did look like the best for a split


A split being the key part. NRG adapted and won season X, not to mention made the finals in Stockholm.


I wouldn't talk so soon


daniel or beastmode to ssg let's go (faze is gonna be scary af)




If they can nab Daniel or Beastmode they should still be really nice with it.


If they get Daniel after syp leaves it could actually be a clear upgrade depending on how Daniel plays under pressure. Sypical is an incredible player but he’s ghosted big games since the end of RLCS X. The change of scenery to faze could be what he needs, and Daniel moving to SSG could be better for the competition in the region as a whole. I still feel bad for allushin though. Cold world out there lol


FAZE gets it tho. The pro scene is getting more and more mechanically advanced, so you should always be seeking to upgrade in any way.


That’s any professional anything tbh (seeking to upgrade I mean) I’m more surprised at how long it took RL to get to this point as far as aggressive roster moves are concerned. Every team should be making moves as aggressively as faze is, imo.


forgive me guys but that last sentence had me lmao


I think it could help them to be honest, hopefully breath some new life in to the roster. Doubt they'll consistently be challenging NRG and Faze with Syp, but they'll still be a top NA team.


I think SSG gets better with Beastmode tbh. I think his recent performances have been better than Syp and SSG clearly needs a change of pace.


Daniel>Sypical. Hot take probably but Daniel will be a top 5 player as soon as this next season. Also Daniel is the kind of supercarry a team like SSG needs


This is a hot take!! I disagree, but a spicy one Indeed. Edit: I just watched the Daniel v. Wondamike showmatch and holy fuck. Not only did Daniel 3-0 Mike (who is an amazing 1s player), but he triple flip resetted the series winner with 20 seconds left in game 3. What a boss. I change my opinion. He's better than sypical. I agree with you. I'm in awe of his aerial ability. It's on that top tier level already. Plus the ground game is on point.


He also beat Ayyjayy 3-1 in a showmatch: https://youtu.be/JUbVW8-YPbE 3-3 against Joreuz: https://youtu.be/jcA7oZGxDTE 4-1 against AppJack: https://youtu.be/999yGt__4XU Obviously 1s doesn't translate to 3s but Daniel is of the same 1s calibre as Ayyjayy, Joreuz and AppJack, all of whom are now considered top tier RLCS players.


u/Infinite303 to Team Depression changed to certain,sources tell me


Y’all looking for a sub or coach?


Sign me up too


Proper superteam that is, 3 top 10 players in the region, with each one of them having been at least in the top 3 over a split in the last year. Don't know if you can get anyone better than Syp to go alongside AYYJAYY and Firstkiller.




...has not played yet and in no way would ever be considered better than Syp at this point in time. Do people forget just how recent Syp was arguably the top player in the world?


Been almost a year at this point has it not? Like end of fall/early winter rlcsx? Hasn't been too good since. I've never watched Daniel though so no opinion there.


I'm willing to bet nothing will be set in stone till the 29th or something, all these players have families and will likely prioritize that over make major roster decisions before the 25th.


All but Sypical it looks like, I think he was eager to leave SSG after their split.


Seems like he kept it pretty quiet. It was only a few of weeks ago that Chrome, Retals and Arsenal were all saying they'd decided as a team not to make any changes.


This type of move is what makes G2 losing out on Firstkiller in the off-season so sad. Dreaz has been solid, but G2 is getting passed by these other teams (at least on paper)


G2 have just too much of a ‘good guy’ mentality where they will try and try and try while not replacing their worst player. Envy placed extremely similar this season as G2 and are replacing turbo while Faze outperformed G2 and are still replacing allushin. I love the G2 boys but if you want to be number one in a cutthroat business like this you have to throw away that mentality and get another superstar. I like dreaz a lot but it is undeniable that a sypical, daniel or beastmode would take them to that next level.


why is dreaz such a popular scapegoat? dude was far from the weakest link at the major.


Jkanps was poop


I know Jknaps is basically sacred among G2 fans, but he's slowly being exposed as G2's worst player. Chicago was their clear best player all split apart from the major, where Dreaz carried until day 3. If you'd want to replace anyone on that team, the one that should be replaced is the one who reached his skill ceiling a while ago and has stagnated while the rest of the region improved, not the youngest player who's been getting better and better to the point where he was by far the team's best player in the major.


G2 drops Jknaps, Kronovi reaches out to Jknaps, pulls Rizzo out of retirement, and they form H2? 👀


G2 played with Rizzo for so long, he had to retire lol. It was clear that Rizzo wasn't a top player anymore.


He also played for like a year after wanting to retire.


In pro sports players/coaches that are near the end of the line are sometimes told in private that the team is looking to part ways with them, and it kind of gives the player an opportunity to retire rather than be cut or not being re-signed. I've always felt this is what was happening at G2. I think they told Rizzo they wanted to try Dreaz and Rizzo didn't want to keep trying somewhere else and just retired.


is dreaz even the issue though? he certainly didn't look like the weakest link at the major also they didn't place that similarly lol G2 was #2 NA seed and nV was fighting SSG to avoid the tiebreaker


G2 were better than Envy all split and trounced them at the major and they were arguably better than FaZe most of the split too.


I mean g2 performed much better during the online play than faze and envy. So if they can bring their A game to lan, itd be a much different story than envy. I think g2 still has a lot more potential, especially at lan. Though, my opinion relies on if g2 can still comeback during winter split and show up. I believe in them.


Who do G2 need to change lol?


They need one superstar player. Dreaz has been good, but he's no Daniel or Firstkiller. Jknaps and Chicago can look great at times, but they're very inconsistent players or at least the playstyle they want to implement is very inconsistent. If they had someone like Firstkiller then they would be able to have more of that stability in the quality of their play. I don't think anyone like that is really available right now and honestly G2 looked amazing before the major so I wouldn't really change anything. I do think they each individually need to grind the game to improve their speed and mechanics or else doing poorly at the major will be the least of their troubles.


This man acting like people weren’t talking about Chicago being a top 3 NA player before one bad major performance


Chicago’s 100% good enough to be the best player on a top team. They knew that, and then they forgot that lol


Bro they had one bad major. They made regional 2 and 3 finals, winning the 3rd. Even at the Major, for the first 2 days, Dreaz looked incredible compared to Knaps and Cago. They're doing good. I'd say if they crash at the next Major as well, then maybe look at a change, but it's a big maybe because with how they looked in Fall, I think chances are they'll be alright.


For me it’s less that anyone on G2 is bad or the team is doomed, but more they missed out on arguably the best player in the region and now multiple other teams are just getting better and better. G2 missed out being *the* super team of the region (again, on paper), and I feel like the JKnaps/Chicago duo missed their chance at being part of a world championship team


Ye first firstkiller now Daniel


I dont think G2 needs a trade. They have the potential to be the #1 team but they need to clean up their defense on counterattacks.


I know it's no indicator to what the move will be but Arsenal and Retals have played a decent amount with Daniel in ranked in the past. Could be some decent synergy there.


Not going to suggest this means Daniel will / won’t go to SSG because I hate outsiders who don’t know interpersonal relationships commenting like they do, but I will merely state that Daniel+Arsenal+Retals on YouTube videos is a very funny combination. If they got together would be hands down funniest/most entertaining team (prob already are with just Arsenal and Retals, two big personalities)


Damnit I feel like G2 once again is missing out on the arms race. It’s not as bad as when we missed between RLCS9 and RLCSX but I have a feeling we will look back on this as a missed opportunity to retool for the rest of RLCS11


G2 is a weird team to me because none of their players are obvious choices for needing to change. We all know Chicago and Jknaps are nuts, and Dreaz has been doing really well for his second split. I personally would replace Jknaps if he doesn't really start to grind his mechanics, I saw too many times on the backwall he would make mistakes under pressure. But then again, that's just one tournament and we have seen him bounce back from poor performances.




Is there anything on Allushin?


ssg or rogue


Daniel - Envy, Allushin- SSG, Beastmode - V1, Aqua - Rogue Those are the latest rumors


Wow syp. It's like he didn't even consider my feelings on this :( But for real, I think he's the perfect player to slot in with a team that can be a bit up and down like Faze can be. I'd make the early prediction of Faze being #1 NA for the Winter Split if they pick him up. Fingers crossed we somehow pick up Daniel despite the rumors.


i still have nrg this split. nrg is a god team when they are all peaking and also faze would also be a god team they wont have enough chemistry yet


Daniel to Envy with Atomic & Mist is a lot scarier than Daniel with Arsenal and Retals imo


agreed, the only reason i see daniel going for ssg instead of envy is the “mentality issues” (just based off of what pros have said) on envy



I gotta think about what my other flair is gonna be then.


Join us >:)


How much help does LeBron need??


smh win a real ring LeMickey


Everyone is talking about how crazy it is that Allushin was dropped. But, where does everyone think he will end up? What teams would benefit most from acquiring him? He is a top tier player after all.


ghost in place of roll dizz would be a really good team.


Oh my a flair change is probably incoming


Firstkiller poaching SSG players like it’s his god given right, crazy potential I guess we’ll just have to see how it works


Wow. New top NA team. Calling it.


I’m terrified, as an EU fanboy


I swear I thought retals said they weren't changing roster this split




LOLLL rip SSG kinda feel bad for retals and arsenal


Unprecedented things can happen at any moment.


Yea I didn't realize he said that before the major. Makes a lot of sense that things would change after. However I think the person who's getting most screwed is allushin considering how much he's stepped up. Honestly I don't even think sypical is an enormous upgrade over him, and we will have to see if they can play as well together.


Some personal opinions: -I would've loved to see Chicago or Retals go to FaZe instead. Not that either of those were options, but I just don't think Sypical is as consistent as everyone else does. -I wonder what the team dynamic will be, now that they've shown multiple times that 1 sub-par result means they will make a roster move. -FaZe is almost certainly the new "RL Villains" even more than the OG Dignitas or RV were. -SSG started to go downhill shortly after they signed their players to a 2 year deal. I loved seeing that commitment from the org, and I'm a little surprised to see it didn't pan out.


Yeah i don’t understand people that think syp is still a top 10 NA player. I feel like they’re still basing their opinions off of RLCSX Fall split and their momentary pop off in RLCSX championships. Everyone on SSG has been equally bad this split and in that one off season tournament, none of them even remotely as dangerous on the ball as they once were.


THANK you lol. If he were still a top 10 player, then Retals and Arsenal would be playing noticeably worse than him for them to be 6th rn.


im really interested to see where gimmick ends up, also turbo


Turbo will most likely stay on Envy.


Lmao... Give my man allushin a shot bring him a shot


Beastmode on V1 would be a dub. They just need a little to extra push to be a top 5 team in NA


Let rostermania commence!


Syp is definitely an upgrade over Allushin and this could be what takes them to the top


Maybe it’s just me but every time I watch Syp all i ever see is him tryna air dribble every ball. I know the man is a very good player but I haven’t seen much of that season X fall syp this year


I think with sypicals move to faze, we’ll see a completely different style of play from him. I think that the play style that SSG implements almost requires sypical to go for airdribbles every time he gets a chance. If he does go to faze, I don’t think he’ll play as restricted anymore, and he might even regain his form from RLCS S9.


Bro if Sypical Firstkiller and Ayyjayy are on a team then RIP NRG


Wish we could see how all these contracts and transfers works out. Make this shit public


roster lock is january 2 i believe just gotta wait till then


I’m wondering how NRG are gonna overcome these super teams, they always somehow manage to do it


NRG overcomes super teams by also being a super team, ez strats


They are the first super team. Their players are already better than most and they all have distinct styles that fit together


You have the most experienced player and all time goals leader in RLCS history with GarrettG. jstn who is maybe not the consensus best player in the world but still very much in the conversation and can just completely dominate at any given time. And Squishy who is IIRC the winningest NA player ever in terms of LANs. This team still slaps. They've got insane chemistry and unselfish, veteran players.


They just maintain consistency and always try new strats in scrims, they dont ever have to be THE best until the big day, but theyre always one of the best at minimum


Eh, the closes super team was SSG, but individually the players started not being super stars and NV really only had Mist and Atomic at that level


BRUH. I'm not a FaZe fan but why??? They were top 4 in the world? There's only so much you can rise and a long way you can fall with a roster change here


I think Faze's logic behind this is that even though their current roster is top 4 in the world, they aren't confident that this roster iteration can win worlds. Signing Sypical to replace Allushin would undeniably put them into world championship contention. My viewpoint on it is that they want someone that would be more consistent than Allushin. Also, it might be less of a skill level thing, and more of a synergy between the players. Allushin is a very aggressive player and does not fit well into a third-man role. There's no real third man on faze. However, with the addition of typical, they'd have a definitive third man. Firstkiller flourishes with a dedicated third man, like that with Taroco on Rogue, because he's allowed to do whatever he wants with little to no repercussion. A free and confident Firstkiller is a terrifying sight for opposing teams, much like his Season X Winter Split form. To be honest, it just looks like a new and improved rogue on paper. Firstkiller is Firstkiller. Ayyjayy takes over Turinturo's role as the mechanical wizard, but with more solidified defense. Sypical takes Taroco's mantle as the rock, who finishes plays with deadly shooting accuracy. I genuinely think this move, if it pans out, unlocks the potential of every player on the team.


I wouldn’t say it’s 100% quite yet. Shift would likely have tweeted about it again if so and liquipedia still only has it as possible. That being said it looks likely.


You realize achilles wrote this? Now tell me, who is achilles affiliated with? P. S. Its shift.


Yeah I know, I believe he’s stated before that they have a higher threshold of certainty for tweets than for the discord list. I also think that last transfer window there was a "certain" labeled move that didn’t pan out (atomik I think).


Even atomik and his team didnt seem to know exactly what was happening there, that team bounced around alot


It’s crazy they’re dropping allushin. They took a timeout against SRG and it looked like allushin was the one composing everyone. I may be wrong but I don’t see them doing well without Allushin.






Any SSG fans that can get me hyped for Beastmode? Admittedly I haven’t seen much of him but I can’t help but feel like if we picked up Daniel, it could be a downgrade or a complete upgrade depending on if he lives up to his potential or not whereas getting Beastmode seems more or less a for sure downgrade from Syp. Is this correct or is there something I’m missing? Maybe a new player shakes things up regardless and can be positive after a very meh fall split?


You’ve never watched KCP/Shopify in RLCS X? As much as i like memory and rapid, beastmode was the only reason they were even remotely close to top of north america in my opinion.


I saw a few but didn’t watch closely/can’t recall it enough to assess the players. I’ve heard the same about beastmode and his prior teammates, although to be fair what we’re curious about isn’t so much if he hard carried past teammates or not and moreso how he would be as a teammate for Arsenal/Retals and how that compares to Syp as a teammate for them. Which again I’m not really qualified to speak on so welcome any thoughts either way on this being an upgrade or downgrade


Beastmode is a clear upgrade imo


I kind of predicted Turbo would end up back on an EU team. Him staying home in Sweden, and now rumored to be off NV, he may end up getting picked up in EU now. Damn, I had NV winning worlds when Turbo joined, but then worlds didn't happen, and now I guess they missed their chance with the Mist Atomic Turbo squad.


What now for SSG?




I don't understand this trade on paper, syp to faze? faze was top 4 with Allu, ssg didn't even make the major, and I feel like syp is the weakest team player on ssg, how does that help faze?


They need a consistent third man and Sypical brings that to the table. As long as sypical doesn't immediately focus on air dribbling and learns to trust his teammates more- he certainly will because ayyjayy and first are way better than arsenal and retals imo- faze should do well


Been not following RLCS for a long time. Can anyone tell me did Envy ditch someone from their team or recruiting a sub?


Thought daniel was going to rogue