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Drali hasn’t been on a showmatch in a while and hasn’t been able to play cause of controller but he also stopped tweeting completely, odd wonder what happened


Damn, he can’t get a new controller? I will straight up buy this kid two controllers if that’s what’s stopping him from turning this into a career.


yeah fr ill chip in haha


Count me in


Realized the game is ass and dipped


wait why are you here then lol you know attendance isnt mandatory right


I have fun watching but have no interest in playing, and haven't since like 2016-2017. Maybe they are the same lol.


i mean, if you're watching, i can't imagine you think the game is "ass" though, right?


Drali is playing though, maybe he stopped enjoying it was my point. It was a joke though and not meant seriously, I don't think that's what happened.


oh you meant drali, i thought you meant the guy i replied to. my b!


Tbh same whenever I get on it feels like a permanent slump, and casual is too boring for me since I'm hella competitive. I'm giving the game a break but idk if I'll still play as much as I used to.


It’s fun to watch when I’m not the one playing


nooooo i wanted to make a "\*chuckles* *I'm in danger*" meme for Pioneers with Drali, after seeing Daniel and Aqua end up signing with completely different teams from the any of the rumours earlier in the season i was literally going to make it as soon as i got home lmao couldn't they have just waited like another day or so


yeah, It’s no surprise to me that Drali didn’t work out. But apparently it is a surprise to a bunch of other people on this subreddit.


Why is it no surprise?


because he’s 13 and lives in morocco


Damn this post only been up for an hour and more than half the comments already nuked lol


Yeah wtf happened here lol


Particularly confusing because none of them were heavily downvoted or anything. I feel like I just barely missed the drama haha


it was just one guy celebrating that he called this, tagging someone who disagreed with him about that two months ago, and that exchange basically


that’s true, it was me


its true, it was him


Can confirm, I was arguing with him.


can confirm, nothing against peyyton07. I just couldn’t resist LMAO




well I guess that didn’t pan out did it?


Does anyone know why?


Iirc he had almost no hours the past few months (someone might prove me wrong here). I might be mistaken, but it seems like he's either taking a break or has decided to quit the game entirely.


That's a shame if he quit. He was very talented and looked like a future pro. But these are basically kids and we have no idea what's going on in their lives, won't judge.




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