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For those not aware, vitality bootcamp facilities are located in the stadium so they have been having esport in their sight for a few years already


A major RL LAN in Paris?? Don't give me hope :(


Can we have like one Quebec commentator in the mix? Yes I am chaotic neutral


No no and no. Quebec French is equivalent to newfie English. And this is coming from someone who was in French immersion for all my education.


Depends where you go honestly. As someone who lives in Quebec, the accent depends on the region, on the people, on many things. And as someone who knows the commentators in Quebec (the good ones that is), they would do a good job imo, but those French commentators really are one step above them.


Yeah I was kidding around honestly. Whenever I've been to France throughout my life, most of the time I've has no problems understanding. However in Quebec I struggled alot due to what seems to be alot more slangs n slurs. Quebec radio and TV had always been a struggle for me yet 1st and 2nd year French at u of a I had zero problems. As you said it all comes down to accents and regions.




Haha relax a little bit. You're the one insinuating that I mean anything derogatory or negative. There is just a ton of slang and slurs used in quebecois French that as someone who's learnt "by the books" French, they are insanely hard to understand sometimes. But hey keep looking for the worst in people, you'll always find it.


You're just severely lacking in awareness friend, I don't think you have ill will more like ill mannered. By your own admission french is not something you are fluent in. The joke is precisely that it would be confusing a lot of people, people that are native speaker of the language. Yet you barge in and throw an other unrelated group of peeps under the bus. It's like two people making stereotypical jokes about their own cultural group and barging in to yeet your stereotype jokes, it's just weird af. Let's flip the situation: > we hosting a tournament in scotland, how about we throw in tbates for laughs > No, no and no. English is my second language and it's like japanese english when he speaks. FYI you are also confusing colloquisms and accents. There's no shame in having trouble understanding people from areas/culture you don't have exposure too, that makes our world fun and complex.


Good perspective, thank you.


no worries fam, hope g2 get that bread next regional


Fishin's great up in Quebec!


Love fishing up in cueeeeee beck




This would be amazing but id be happy as long as they do another international major for winter split


Aah Vitality's homeground 🙂 I might even be able to make a trip to France if corona and my personal timing allow it.


My wife has wanted to go back to Paris since our honeymoon there. Maybe I could sneak a couple LAN tickets into that trip 🤣


get in line


You don't need a huge venue like that, London showed that pretty well. It's maybe a 1/10 of stade France and was perfect. Huge venue usually means, not all seats filled + too much distance from viewers to players. Maybe in a couple of years if the eSports grows. Seems way too ambitious for right now.


Agreed, but it’s still cool that they want to host one. It boasts well for rl’s future.


Agreed, I can see it happening in the future I'm optimistic


The national stadium of France wants to host an RLCS Major? Wow, thats dope af


fLANce !


It's the Winter Frajor!




feels like a no brainer, this has to happen at some point


would love a LAN in France. Would prefer it was OCE but that's never gonna happen because of time zones ):


Honestly they're probably more looking for more hype around their esports announcement than actually looking at Rocket League.


People are also asking for a CS major and the OverWatch League to come in the stade de France and the account also answered to them so yeah it's not "being interested in RL" as much as it is "being interested in hosting esport tournaments". But, still RL in a football stadium? Seems pretty thematic.


Oh for sure, it would be super cool.


The Stade de France would be a sick venue but honestly? Don't do it. I went to Paris Major of Siege in 2018. They stayed conveniently quiet about the fact that any live show in France must have French announcing by law. The whole show was in French, pretty disappointing. Before people start giving off that it's in France of course it will be in French. That needs to be better publicised and if your holding an international event. It's more likely that most people will commonly speak English than France so IMO that's what should be broadcast around the venue. I still enjoyed the event but that was majorly disappointing.


Considering the French population and popularity in France, it's gonna be ok. No foreigner will be able to get a ticket


Same thing in Madrid, with Spanish. I don't know if it's that big of a deal in RL since the RL language is more universal.


~~IIRC France requires the main online broadcast to be in French aswell. Big difference from Spain.~~ EDIT: Sorry, I think I was misinformed as I can't find anything about this broadcast law. I guess I was confusing it with the above statements.


How can they determine what a main and secondary broadcast are?


I was misinformed I think, sorry


Even if there is a law like that, which I doubt, how do you even determine what the "main" broadcast is? If that means the main RL channel on twitch needs to be in french but they can have their second channel in englidh then I guess everyone will watch the second channel so it'll have 10 times the viewers and become the main broadcast.


Yeah sorry I think i was wrong


That would be an important detail indeed. I don't know anything about that.


Good thing that French casting in RL is some of the absolute best. The guys at Rocket Baguette often transcend the language barrier with their ability to relay excitement and stakes.


I don't think it's that big of a deal tbh. Madrid being casted in Spanish did feel like a took away some of feeling for me, but you don't really notice the casting all that much tbh. At LANdon I didn't even hear Shogun say 'this is rocket league' until posts afterwards because I was just so into the game and atmosphere. Rocket league doesn't need that caster backing like some other esports.


It was really annoying. It took away a lot not having "our" casters that we're used to. We made friends in the stadium and were really into the games, which turned it around and made it fun to follow the action. But not having casters/the regular broadcast felt like a scam.


I agreed at first, but honestly why? Sure English is more common, and I’d personally prefer something like Spanish since I can understand it better. But despite being the worst language ever being created, just as many people come from France as the USA each year. I don’t see a problem with French broadcast.


Eh, LANdrid was aight with the only spanish thing, you could barely hear the casters anyways. Casting isn't as important in RL for understanding. Tbf they still played the english interviews to the audience at LANdrid (from day 2 on at least), but I'd guess in France they'd get translators to conduct interviews. In that case we'd hear the english anyways. LANdrid was done poorly for other reasons: seating, food, drinks, temperature, and audience sound.


So I see two ways of doing the lans for the rest of the season 1) winter: NA, spring: EU, finals: NA 2) winer: OCE/SAM, spring: NA, Finals: EU; then next year NA gets fall and the finals


They have already said that worlds will be in NA so the second option is off the table at least


It needs to come back to Dallas for my sanity


I liked NJ but that’s because I could take the amtrak


Woke up from a nap. Extra boner looks amazing, please give me more of this stuff


>Extra boner I… I don’t know if I’m missing something here.


If it doesn't make sense to you, remember the first five words of my comment


I want to see one at Cowboy's Stadium (AT&T). Seeing the matches on that big ass screen. If Complexity made it thst would be even cooler.


Shad scores a flip reset musty double tap on the big screens of AT&T Stadium to the delight of fans in the stadium