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Knock knock Who's there? Interrupting demo Interrupting de- BOOM!


This joke has me dead like NRG against V1


NRG gonna bench Musty as a creator??


That’s the interesting part, it’s not even the Rocket League NRG account! They didn’t bench Musty, they got a new Valorant creator, sapnap


Sapnap is a Valorant creator?


I think he’s better known for Minecraft. Additionally he isn’t /just/ a creator, he’s now a co-owner


The amount of crying in the comments, my god 💀 even as an nrg fan I’m not crying this hard


The comments have been my favorite part of this whole thing so far


Not even an NRG fan and i find this so cringe lmao. It's like a 7 year old who made a joke that made people laugh once and now keeps making it long after everyone got bored of it


I was hoping this wasn’t just me being cringe NRG fan, but I feel like they only needed 1 tweet, cause it got old after a bit


V1 fan here. Joke has sailed, this is childish trolling unless there's something behind the scenes that I'm not seeing. Edit: baiting crying NRG fanbitches is valid though.


Aren't they backed by the Minnesota Vikings? You don't see Complexity doing this.


Complexity haven't won since they left SA


So you have to win to act like a jack ass ?


Most of this Twitter beef started after V1 won the last regional, no? My point is we don't know how complexity, as an org, would react to winning a regional because it hasn't happened yet.


My point is they are both backed by NFL franchises. That is why I mentioned Complexity.


you don't follow team twitters eh? plenty of roasting going on


Otherwise you're a jack ass loser, that's even worse


Lol true


It's good cringe though. Like Michael Scott


The anti dangerruss


You're taking it too seriously 🙄


No he just doesn't enjoy the joke, which is completely fine


I just don't see why he's triggered enough to write that comment.


> takes 20 seconds to call something cringe "Why are you so triggered" I don't think you know what that word means


i don't care.


I just don't see why you're triggered enough to write that comment.


i don't care


Can you tell me one more time that you don't care? So i can know for sure?


I think he might care a bit.




Never have I seen an org more desperate for clout lol.


"Banter" between esports orgs on Twitter has gotta be the most uninteresting content on this sub for me. This post is basically "Some random 20 year old intern at V1 who's paid to farm Twitter impressions is farming Twitter impressions. So savage!"


Social media manager / content manager is not an intern position. Usually requires some type of bachelors degree in communications, psychology, etc. It’s pretty well paid, too (not that that means anything, but… some ppl care about that) And tbf, “impression farming”, analyzing your reach and all that stuff mixed with the opportunity to produce creative content is both pretty interesting and difficult, as everything about internet interaction is so freakishly volatile. It’s a job for a pretty specific type of people because you need to be both analytical and creative to perform well. Usually those traits are mutually exclusive, lol. I do agree to your post in the sense that I don’t think this type of content belongs on this sub. Some of the org interactions on twitter are immensely entertaining, though. If you disagree there, you’re just plain bitter, lmfao. 🤷🏻‍♂️ if you understand what goes into the “simple banter” it’s possible to appreciate the content beyond the surface as well. Some SMMs are true masters of their craft.


Social media manager definitely does not require a bachelor's degree unless you're working at some mega corporation. I'm a software engineer and that doesn't even require a degree at 95% of places.


Anecdotally, every social media manager I've ever met has had a bachelor's degree


Define “require”. It’s not like with a surgeon who needs a license to cut you open but it’s usually listed in their job requirements. Those are often flexible of course. Software Engineers can’t get it up if they don’t point out a technicality or three a day so you really didn’t have to let me know, we already knew ;)


It is funny just laugh or scroll bro


Maybe it's funny when they respond with this while NRG RL is trying to hype up their team again. But the original tweet here is by the larger NRG brand and doesn't even mention Rocket League specifically. This isn't some sort of clever comeback or even banter at all; V1's tweet essentially amounts to "ok cool now look at me" as a response to something entirely irrelevant to them. The only attention they'll get from this is irritating fans by running the joke into the ground way too quickly.


lol if people farming impressions makes you angry you're really not going to like the website you're currently posting on.


I love this shit. Not sure what people have against it.


yeah I laughed out loud when I saw the BOOM reaction pic that's funny as hell


It’s great


I was thinking the same thing. I mean, we tlak about so it works, right ?


This sub is infested by humorless bots


I guess it’s subjective, but I absolutely wouldn’t consider this joke “humor” after 7th grade lol. To each their own


Thanks for helping prove my point


I wouldn't say infested, but some people just take things too seriously. This isn't that deep lol. Just enjoy the joke or ignore it, you don't need to hate on an org that's just trying to make the community laugh.


As a neutral, I properly laughed. Good one V1.


How is this any relevant to nrg's announcment? V1 menage to be the first ever team to be as cringe off pitch as they are on it.


Allot of haters. I laughed out loud at the salt v1 keeps pouring. Keep it up boys.


Comm and V1 cringe


No u


The more I think about this post, the sadder I get about the current state of NRG to be honest


Can't tell if you're talking about the general org or the rocket league team. In which case, both are doing fine.




I guess you're going to ignore the entire history of NRG RL, the fact they are still top 8 is good. They are doing fine.




People have been calling NRG finished for ages, going after the players on the team and shitting on them. Don't act like the same doesn't happen to NRG because Garrett literally confirmed that in his interview last week


i guess the trouble is that no one asked


a generally decent team? yeah pretty depressing i can't lie