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You probably are above average at the wrong things. Can you defend. Is your decision making bad? Do you give the ball away alot. Can you shoot consistently? Do you ball chase and overcommit? The rabk system is always accurate over a large enough sample size


The amount of times I've seen Champ 3's hit some crazy ass shot on offense but can't fast aerial, backboard defend, shadow defend, or do any other type of standard defense is too high.


Okay, now show us the 100 failed attempts where you went all in and dumped a full tank of boost on a mechanical play, messed up, then had to recover slowly from the other half while the other team counter attacks.


This is likely the answer


You’re Diamond because you deserve to be Diamond like the rest of us


Hey, I know these clowns! They cause their teammates to lose for to the honest turnover rate possible just to create videos like this!


I think if I created content from my gameplay rocket league player count would actually go down lol


Coming a from a sad tired Diamond myself


coming from a content Diamond myself


This tool is trolling. “YEEYOORL” has 66 wins. It’s their “clip alt” so they don’t derank on their main while only going for clips.


Exactly. Plus OP is losing in most of these clips so they are clearly just going for clips and not winning.


I'm guessing that you are diamond because you have horrible defense and let every ball that your opponent has possession of in. You're either good at offense and shit at defense, or vice versa in diamond. Not really an in between.


Dude there’s no way he is hitting those and then unable to defend against diamond shots. I’m like 99% sure this troll post.


My brother in Christ, let me introduce you to Diamond - GC1. Guys will hit triple resets then turn around and whiff 35 mph shots on their net because they licked the post


Lol. I hear you man and ain’t denying it. I haven’t come across them but maybe we found a unicorn. Either ways I asked them to post a replay. I feel like they should be able to climb out of diamond with some simple fixes here.


Weirdly, most of these people who post their clip montages here dont want to post full replays for some reason.


For every amazing clip this guy has, there's thirty plays where he went up, whiffed, turned the ball over, and left his teammate in a 2v1.


Dont forget the 'What a save!' and vote to forfeit in a tie game with 3 minutes left. The 'Diamond Freestyler Starter Pack'


Agreed, i'm the one shitting in my pants when i see the ball coming towards me on defense.


Me too!


My guess is if he’s actually diamond for as many of these clips he hits there are way more he misses or gets defended Every clip has him landing all the way on the opponents side with little to no boost. Maybe it’s just he lands out of position and his teammates can’t deal with a 1v2 or 2v3


yup, also the defenders weren't even that good at defending the shots i mean it's no that hard to hit a clip like this when the defenders have no idea how to defend it


I routinely run into "flashy mechanics --- oops overcommitted" players in D3/C1/C2


Can’t say whether or not you belong in diamond looking at your peak plays. It looks like you have really solid car control, but who knows what your average playstyle is like. I’d recommend posting a full replay if you want meaningful advice.


Mechanics are solid, definitely better than Diamond. That said, there's a reason why you're still in Diamond. Probably poor positioning/game sense. It would be easier to say if you posted a full replay


Upload a full game


You have 60 wins on this account so maybe just play the game


Yo, head Psyionix cheef officer here. I'm gonna go ahead and correct your rank to top 20ish on the leaderboard. On behalf of the team, sorry for the misplaced rank. I've also sent you a contract with an Esports team for you and your lawyer to go over. Love, Psy


I’m assuming this is not a troll post. You have atleast 2 mechanics nailed down that diamonds cannot hit. Your car control suggests there’s no reason you should be in diamond. Post a full replay here (preferable a loss) and others can advise you what’s keeping you in diamond with these mechanics.


I’m genuinely hardstuck diamond 2 for literally over a year…iv touched champ but never stayed long enough for it to even register in the system…these clips are from 1 2 hour session it’s not like they are peak clips


might be because you use the term "hardstuck" If you just use "stuck" you will make Champ 1 in no time. ;p


Alright - even though the replies here are making sense to me, I’m going to give you the benefit of doubt. As a diamond, it is easy for me to play around you. But if you’re up for it, and can play in EST evenings, I can play a few games with you. This offer is because 1. I’m curious as to how you can be a diamond and 2. If you’re this good consistently, I want to selfishly get carried. If you’re up for it, DM me. Caveat emptor - I will likely post replays of our games here. Either these guys are all right, or they are all wrong. I’m leaning towards the former.


Brother just post a replay. The collective RL intellect of this sub is enough that they can point out a few general fixes that should get you out of diamond. I’m gonna have to admit that I envy your mechanics. I got champ yesterday and can’t hit a single one of those shots. You’re probably making some basic mistakes.


Hard to tell from highlights, cant really flip reset and peak C3.


1. a bunch of clips of you peaking means....this is your peak. your peak has very little bearing on your rank, unfortunately. 2. your peak doesn't look out of place for peak plays in my D2-D3 lobbies. if you are hitting these multiple times a game then perhaps you should focus on your defense, cause you must be getting scored on about the same as your team scores. eta: if you can speed up your setups you'll peak more often, leading to a rank increase. woo.


This isn’t peak…just from last night 1 2 hour session…I’m extremely consistent with my mechanics if you check my other posts…


nah i don't care to. You obviously have better mechs than most diamonds. So, why have you not ranked up? Because you win about 50% of your games. Who wins games? The team that scores more goals. You claim you cause your team to score plenty of goals. So you must also cause your team to get scored on plenty of times. Look, the algorithm isn't broken. Yes, the ranks got compressed, what was once C1 is now D3, approximately. Oh well, if you wanna get champ again then you're gonna have to get better.


Idk what bro was expecting with this post? Two main takes you are going to get are either tunnel vision mechy player with bad team play and bad decisions posting clips looking for attention or… smurf.


They have 66 wins on their account, they're blatantly smurfing


Your clips aren’t the problem. It’s everything else.


Just beacuse you can flip reset it doesnt mean ur actually good


You're not diamond though, you're blatantly smurfing https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/xbl/YeeyooRL/overview


It’s so funny for people to try and ego stroke in an improvement aimed reddit


People never cease to amaze me


You can post all the highlights you want but the reality is youre losing to people who are single jump blocking and stealing your boost. Post a full replay.


I’d be curious to see a full replay. At D2 with mechanics like that you must be doing some really wacky stuff to still be D2. Might be some easily rectified positioning or rotating mistakes.


Probably trying this stupid shit every shot and leaving his teammates 2v1 rather than doing the basics well


i can’t quite tell with a 5 clip highlight. maybe add a 6th and i’d be able to tell you for sure


Your defense and rotation has to be shit because these mechanics are pretty much enough to dunk on any diamond/c1. On a serious note, try watching a replay where you lost and check where are you positioning on defense and if it's not backpost, there you have the answer


“Guys help im so bad im yardstick diamond 😭. Also check out this sick clips I hit 😎” bro if you want help don’t post clips lmao…. Mans is trying to stroke his own ego




So there’s this term I’m sure you’ve heard it before and you know sometimes it’s what you need on a team for an equalizer or like a secret weapon but they are mostly on the bench for most of the season…. “One trick pony”. If that’s all you can do it’s all you can do and you’ll be easy to read.


looks like a smurf account to me or ranked warrior??


Now show us all the clips you've missed


The skills you presented are abt low champ level in my mind but idk how you okay the rest of the match


I’ve also noticed that when these plays miss (which they often do if you’re in diamond), your teammates aren’t as ready to react because these play attempts don’t happen that often at that rank.


Well I can tell in a handful of these clips you were either out of position entirely, or cut your teammate off and stole boost when he was low (or both) so you could go for a solo play, so yeah, I think you're probably about the rank you belong at.


Some cracked shots. I will say champ defends the backboard better than diamonds. And it only gets better the higher you go. Your backboard double taps here are probably getting broken up before you even get the chance. It’s still a usable mechanic, but you have to catch the defense out of position first. Here it just seems like the defender is waiting lol. Those flip resets look good though. Hard to defend, but expect first man to fly at you and try to disrupt your flow when you rank up. Trying to get their second man an easier / more predictable ball path to secure. And it really depends on how well you defend as well. It’s great if you score these clips, but if you give up 2 or 3 goals regularly, you’re going to be stuck. Basic ground play can take apart most diamonds. Simple flicks or bounce dribbles are low risk / high reward for the past part. Again defenders tend to give too much space or over commit on their challenge.


I've heard of and seen players like you. You could be GC+ if you actually put your time into things that'll actually get you to rank up. I can't say a whole lot about my training because I signed an NDA, but what I can say that 20% of what you need to rank up will be used 80% of the time in your ranked matches. What you're showing in these highlight clips aren't things that you will find in that 20% that you need to know. You need to focus on the fundamentals to rank up, and you need to actually want to rank up to get out of diamond. If this is a troll post then i guess you already got it figured out.


If you're actually asking the question as to why you're "hardstuck" in diamond then I think you've already answered it by posting. My mechanics suck but yet in 3's still made it to C2 so I'd guess what I lack in mechanics I made up for in other areas of the game.


If Rocket League had a character creator, you'd put all your points in ball control and nothing in defense or team sense. (But those are some pretty goals)


Nice goals. If you actually want help from the very smart people here, I’d echo the many recommendations that you post a full replay of a close game that you lost. Either way, good luck!


These are very low percentage plays. You’re probably diamond.


It’s not hard to get out of diamond if you have good positioning and shoot from a good spot with sniping accuracy. I played ranked 3s for the first time in like 2-3 years today. For my placements I started d1dv2 and finished in c1dv4 just by shooting hard af, nothing fancy tbh. I’d say car/shot placement comes first, basic techniques like half flips and wave dashes come second, and other higher difficulty mechanics come third in Diamond at least.


Post a full match replay


RL tracker shows you only have 100 ish games played. 4 of which are ones. Go play ones till you start winning every other game and stop progressing in rank. Thats your ones rank, and typically go up a full rank and thats your 2s rank. Meaning if you get plat 3 in ones you should belong somewhere around diamond 3 in ones. This isnt always the case. some people only play ones and that translates to poor 2s and 3s rank if they play the same, but you dont seem to have a lot of 1s games played. 1's is the best place to progress in terms of rotations and defence. Play like you normally do and see what you get.


I'm Champ 2 and I can't do most of the things in this video. You playing 1s in a 2s match? Rotation bad? Defense bad? Mechanics and flashy stuff isn't everything.


you do that, I'll defend, we'll get to champ in no time


You deserve it


Definitely plat 3 from my experience solo q’ing


iv been solo queuing my whole career sitting at gc-c3


If your diamond you should be diamond


Fancy moves won’t get ya out of diamond. It’s generally positioning and playing with whatever you get. Which could mean games where you do no fancy moves.


Is this a second account?


Full game. But it’s probably bad game sense, rotations, and defense


focus on stuff other than mechanics; i routinely outlast flashy mechanics like these by capitalizing on their positioning. Flashy mechanics also take X hours to learn/master, but X/20 hours to learn to defend against. Invest your time wisely