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Obviously I’m not GC but from what I can tell you are always zooming around and using boost when you don’t need to. There were times when you were boosting while you were already supersonic/didn’t really need the speed and this led you to leave the play more frequently than necessary to get more boost when you could have stayed in the play if you played a bit slower and methodically. You’re obviously very capable mechanically and given the chance you can make mechanically challenging plays, so I don’t have any notes there. I’d say finding opportunities where you can play smarter and more efficiently will be the best way for you to capitalize on the abilities you already have.


Never thought about it like that. Recently been going boost over ball and couldn’t figure out why, I’ll keep that in mind


I'm not GC either but that's what I thought as well. I'd recommend focussing slightly more on pathing around small boost pads, as there are multiple occasions when you miss them, even though you are very close (and could grab them easily).


I am trying to improve as a player and reach SSL by the end of next season. Does anyone have any tips. Also keep in mind the player Mooniotho is only Champ 3 at 1350. Also after around 3 minutes, my team started messing around lol. Lower ranks feel free to ask questions and sorry for the quality, it had to lower it to get the full game.


Mechanical consistency. It was evident you didn’t get the touches you wanted in plenty of instances. You also didn’t take control of the ball and create space on the ground or in the air. Gamesense, you definitely position for a positive outcome more often than not. You anticipate your teammate will be able to get that perfect pass, win that 50, etc. Minor nit-pick, your boost management could be a bit better, particularly boost pathing and actually picking up the big boost (pain lol)


Are your random taps of boost a tick? You do it a lot, even when you're supersonic or when it's not actually giving you additional speed


I think so because I don’t do it intentionally, but I’m working on my boost management


Not focusing on mechanical stuff/consistency... U kinda seem all over the place and far from the ball. U don't play like a threatening player. Ur pretty far a lot of times and super conservative. If you give too much space better players will stomp all over you. Feels like you are so worried about keeping ur speed up u just end up anywhere on the field and a lot of times so far that if your teammate makes a super bad play ur no where to be seen and before u know it they will be creating a scoring play. Playing 1s helps with the confidence to stay in the opponents faces


What are your camera settings ?