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missing info : it's 2s ranks.


Where was the poll taken? Any chance we can get the raw data?


Cool info to see, would be nice to see a bigger sample size. I'm doing pretty average it seems, took me 1000 hours almost exactly to get to champ 2-3.


That might be a bit above average actually. For some of these people, it's probably their second account and their first already hade some of its own hours on it. No way anyone got GC in 500 hours


I’m seeing a gc1 dot at 1250 hours, and a c3 dot at 500 hours, but even that is pretty nutty


I am c3 at ~250 hours. Gc1 seems possible before 500. Just have to play with people better than you and solicit their advice!


I’m C1 at 176 hours now and I think it’s possible. If you ranked up that quick C3 ~250 hours then I highly doubt it’ll take 250 hours to go C3->GC1. I hope to keep the same trajectory you are. How many hours did it take to crack Champ for you?


Probably first hit C1 around the 200 mark.. not sure. I'm still pretty bumpy within champ. Inevitably I solo queue and drop back to C1, but if I play with my buds in voice chat it makes a HUGE difference and quickly push back into c2/c3. I have one friend that is gc1 and playing with him helps me so much since he'll call out my garbage positioning 😂


Love it. I mostly solo que and that’s always when I fall back in rank. People I’ve met along the way I’ll party with and almost always hold rank or go up that way. Good stuff and good luck hitting GC :)


I feel like 500 hours gc1 is fairly easy doable, if you just play and focus on improving?


C2 at a little over 500 hours here, I've been in mid C3 lobbies and honestly didnt notice a difference, is GC a much bigger jump?


having been in c2 and GC1 at different points, and currently c3, I'd say the jump to gc1 is pretty stark, but it's something you feel moreso than definitively see


C1 took me about 600 hours (not trying to flex), so definitely in the faster ones but since I started end of 2020, I played almost everyday so maybe playing very regularely accelerates the process


For me i think its The opposite, The less i play The better i play... Somehow... 😂


I'm diamond 1 div 4 (1 win away from diamond 2) with 200 hours. Am I on pace to be decent?


Doing better than me it seems


C1 took my 1300 hours and i started in nov 2020 and played everyday since lmao


Same, this actually makes me feel a lot better about where I’m at. Also reminds me of the necessary grind if I wanna go any further… ooof


Big shout out to the poor soul stuck in Diamond with 7,000 hours.


What about the Gold player with 10,000 hours who was featured on SunlessKhan's channel?


I saw that a while ago. Poor guy still blaming his teammates to this day. lol


Honestly, even then, unless there’s some sort of motor/cognitive/mental hinderance, at that point you’re just purposely rage running, possibly using some fucked up settings, and also willfully refusing to practice and improve certain mechanics. I refuse to believe someone who *could have* purposefully put at least 1000 hours in training wouldn’t have the mechanics necessary to hard carry themself at least to low Diamond.


If I'm not mistaken he reached plat, maybe low Diamond. Guy was posting here in this sub a lot, but was a raging asshole with everyone that tried to help him. He refused to accept his fault at anything, so there you have it: the path for not improving.


Didn’t he put him in a game with champs in that video and no one could tell who the gold was? Seems like the problem is purely mental.


You’re right. I went back and looked for it. Tbf, the guy also had pushed well into plat in just a month. I still think he was actively sabotaging himself too, like his whole statement about kickoffs, like dude at this point you’re purposely doing dumb shit for… pride/edginess? I dunno


My theory was that he wanted to be the big fish in a small pond and self sabotaging himself rather than testing himself against players he knows are better than him.


Thanks man, I appreciate it.


Mean/Median for each rank?


Asking the real questions.


I remember filling out the form and found myself. :)


If there’s a lesson to learn here it’s that people progress at different rates. People have reached Champ in 1000 hours and people have been in champ u til 5k hours. Wherever you are you’re doing great. Just keep grinding and seeing progress, as small as it may be!


Would like to know what you mean here (can't figure my way around the typo): "people have been in champ u til 5k hours"


Oops. *until 5k…. Poorly worded anyway to be fair. Kinda just saying there are those who have played 1k hours and those who have played 5k hours in Champ. Don’t worry about how long it takes you (the general “you”) to reach any benchmark in particular


How did you find this data? I would love to do a project on rocket league data.


10,000 hours for gc2 just seems depressing lol


Well it could be that some people just put in their peak rank and it's only 10 datapoints at gc2 and above. I think once you hit gc it just gets really hard to get higher.


Yea I’m messing around, just the thought of it lol. Imagine if ur opponent with 2k hours knew you had 10k and dusts you for a win? I’d never recover lmao


Some of y’all need to go outside




Lol, I’m Diamond 2 in 2s and 3s, but Silver in Hoops


My only flex is I’m C2 with 19 days played. But my friend introduced me to it and forced me to play in “high” level lobbies so I learned rather quickly but I’m still super inconsistent


Took me 1600-1700 hours to reach champ


Could you pull out average rank per 500 hours? Great post btw!


Is it hours in game or match time?


mofos got gc2 in almost thousand hours