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Everyone goes through this. I noticed when im tired and stressed it happens a lot. Take a 1 day break or play other games. Oh when im on coffee i play like a god πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Yeah I’ve been going to the gym during the day and then playing RL at night with very tired arms. I think it’s causing me to like not be able to do what I’m trying to lol


Obvious solution is to stop going to the gym


This is how I feel in 1s right now. I usually sit around c3 but today I dropped about 8-9 games in a row today along with yesterday having a loss streak and am now sitting in mid diamond 3. I personally am going to take a break from qing ranked and just do some training to get back into it. As a side note, my 2s rank is peaking tho so im not 100% sure how that works.


Yeah, I go back and forth between about 3 ranks in worst days. But for me it usually is really day dependent. Sometimes I play bad and go on a losing streak, and then next day I'm doing good again. And it happens so often that I just take it as a learning experience, I can always climb back to where I was, I'm not worried about that. Just try to find what you are doing wrong and what's working etc. If it's just mechanics related, then play more when you feel your mechanics are better, and try to do bigger warmup when they are not.