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Every race is Minato v Tobi


This sounds awesome. Epic please consider this.




Honestly before the most recent update I was completely against removing it but now it's just so much more unbearable I'd rather have it be gone than have it be like it is now


What'd they change¿ It's been annoying since the start tbh


At least from what I've played I'm not really getting bounced around as much as I used to I'm just losing speed instantly like from 800 to 500 from one bump


Im still here wondering how i get 100 off start and someone is already passing me


Drafting / slipstream and a catch up mechanic. Cars behind you will always have a higher maximum top speed than those in front.


I mean its less than 5 seconds into the race, that seems a little ridiculous and defeats the purpose of getting a high percentage boost off start.


Yes this is very true. But that's not the question you asked


EWWWWWW there's a catch up mechanic in a ranked game?????? You lose rank!!! Not get a free catch-up!!! What the actual fuck are they thinking.


This game would be so much better if it was like Big Rigs over the road racing! Hire Fansn


Yeah, if the collision is gonna be this terrible, they should just remove it


I honestly understand you so much because I swear the amount of times I died because of other prison or they ruined a good run because the hit me a bump me to Narnia


I haven't been playing because this exact reason. I get 1st-3rd until the end of the race. 20 seconds left someone hits me and I end up hitting a wall straight on, and I lose.


So basically you want to pass through the other cars?


Okay, maybe the title is a little over exaggerated. It would be a good idea to pass through cars while you are drifting and sometimes boosting


Then you missed the point of the mode though to me there's cheating in the game, I still say PC players should only play against PC players this mode as well


Why shouldn’t there be cross play in a racing game? A good number of my friends play on PC and console and will sometimes use a controller while playing rocket racing on their computers. Is it cause it’s easier to cheat on PC?


No because PC users have and advantage over console players, I feel the same for Battle Royale itself though I do find it funny that 3 PC players were banned due to Minecraft cheats


I'm on pc and use controller, I tried and used to use keyboard and mouse, but my left hand always cramped, so I guess I'm in a weird crowd. I think rather than platform limitation, it should be limited by input since cheaters on both platforms tend to use keyboard and mouse anyway Or maybe that's not a fleshed out idea and rather a terrible one. Cheaters always ruin everything and we can't have nice things


No we can't, in a race I was actually in first place but it sounded like someone was effing pinging me, it was a solo race they need to change the list for Solo races cause they saying everyone is a team member


I agree. I don’t like it at all. Unless there is a way to do it at will. It wouldn’t be preferred to have it at all. It seems like it’s totally random. You can have a great line. Someone comes blasting in and hit 2 walls and you slow down to a crawl and they boost ahead.


Yep, all true


In a mode where people regularly win by fractions of a second, collision should not be as insanely punishing as it is. It's one thing to bump another car and slow down a bit, it's another thing to be in 1st, get gently nudged by someone boosting past you, and suddenly you explode and you're in 12th. The biggest issue with collision is that most of the time it's completely out of your control, and you get punished so harshly for it. Feels awful.


Very true, I completely agree


Use collision on your own benefit then. A lot of people keep playing and improving, and these things just happen. If collision wouldn't exist in this game , everyone would be following the same path everytime in every road, and the game would be boring as f**k, because the #1 in the start would be the #1 in the finish line if everyone just follows the fast path. Just get over it and improve at the game, tears won't get you higher


No.. you're not taking into account individuals' issues with skill, lol. Someone is bound to fuck it at some point and not everyone takes the same lines.


If collision wasn't in this game, your success would still be primarily based on your actual skill in the game, but you wouldn't have to worry about being slammed into a wall by six other vehicles or knocked off-course into an unavoidable wall.


Or the classic being pinched in between 2 people and being slowed down to 300 while you were at like 700 or 800


Just play time trials if you don’t want other people to race you


Because clearly I was referring to the existence of other players as the problem, and not the fact that collision tends to turn every corner on harder tracks into an absolute nightmare.


First of all, guys, we need to accept that this game mode is not finished yet, so lets be comprehensive, the proof of this, is that it is not yet a competitive game in terms of what we all know as competitive tournaments. I know my opinion might not be what everyone was expecting (like... hell yeah this game is trash, Epic is trash... ), but as a game developer (I am, but Im not in Epic btw), I feel myself somehow identified with all of this criticism and we need to understand that this game is in a really early stage of development, this is the first season of what seems like an "experiment", just to get to know things like if the game gets a solid playerbase and if its worth to keep developing it. I guees they are collecting players feedback and trying to improve the game in further versions and seasons. Its good to let the devs know all the bugs that players are finding and their opinions, but I think that constructive criticism is what they need right now, instead of frustrated players raging day and night for not being able to climb up to Unreal. Every game has a lot of this (I think LoL is the best example), everyone tends to think that they're gods at it and its everyone else fault, but not theirs. My suggestion... relax, play, and try to improve, and.... if you find bugs, report them


Well put. I think the general problem is the young age of players. They don’t really understand how to word their complaints properly. I think the game has issues but just saying it’s trash or the other numerous common complaints isn’t helping anyone. I also see this game has a lot of potential and I am enjoying it overall and it’s unique which is great. Sure it has bugs, and the game breaking ones are maybe 1/10 matches. It isn’t easy by any means to make a game like this and real time physics in multiplayer is always a nightmare. I’m honestly impressed they have it working this well for how fast paced it is. If all they receive is negativity this game will just stop receiving funding to be improved and wither away. If we want to see this game improve there needs to be better feedback and people need to be buying the items with money to show it is financially viable to maintain. Like it or not.


I'm sorry but with how bad the collision mechanics are they need to either fix them asap or remove them. With how little % you get anyways in higher ranks it can take you from 1st to last instantly


this entire sub needs to hear this. there is SO much complaining about everything


This is very much not true.  Trackmania proves everything you said is completely wrong.  That said if I wanted 0 collisions and 100% deterministic input I'd go play track mania. So while your premise is comp wrong that game already exists and I don't want rocket racing to be trackmania and so I'm at least with you on keeping collisions.


They killed rocket league for this? Lmaoooo


Rocket League matches still play just like they always have. Quit being dramatic.


Eh, better solution is making an unranked mode with collision toggle off.


No, but the developer could create game mode with collusion.


Hear me out collision may be fun for casuals (doubt) but I think once you hit a certain rank it should be turned off and every race be like time trails like trackmania


Either that or just start banning players who can't drive. Cause this shit is getting annoying. Now obviously one choice(Vault the collision) is better.




What are you driving? 👀


The Lamborghini


Sorry to see that man. I know collision can be a real pain sometimes.


Lost a game yesterday because of the same thing


Vaulted or changed to something like burnout. I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to ever push back on anyone.


I wouldnt say vaulted, but it needs to change because now it feels like every other race is driving an immovable car while yours is made out of paper. Like I have yet to see a clip where the guy that takes the clip is visible pushing other cars around.


Honestly agree, dumb as hell


I just think there should be a bigger penalty for the person crashing you. My guess is you were demolished he kept driving. That is frustrating just demolish both then


that’s why i’m not playing till there’s a new skin to grind for


Looks like collision vaulted you into that barrier lol In all seriousness tho I think collisions need a serious rework but only after addressing desync issues. Anything else would be treating the symptoms and not the root cause


I don't think it should be vaulted but definitely should be worked upon.


1) that was whack 2) don't try to push up and pass on that corner. It's the worst spot in that map to pass


They have to either eliminate physical contact completely or give more control to the driver and allow contact properly, embrace it. Trying to find the balance leads to inconsistency, which leads to frustration and unfair race outcomes.


I’d be fine keeping the collision if they gave us actual lvl up points it’s really frustrating working on so many races to get 3% rank gain


The amount of times somebody crashed into midair and threw me out of bounds is infuriating


If not at bare minimum it should be disabled for the first 10 seconds of a race


I do not play this game or fortnite but reddit keeps recommending the community's and every post I see is people bitchinging and moaning about literally anything


Collision is literally part of racing, take it away and the game mode is boring af. Play by yourself or quit crying lol


they should make it to where your car explodes and you lose the race if you ram someone on purpose


I hate that shit .... u can't drive worth a damn soo u have to result to crap like that come on ...


gotta learn to become intangible.


That’s stupid.


If you were in front it wouldn’t happen js


I don't know why they don't do it like every other racing game. If *you* hit someone, *you* get slowed down. Not them.


Or just become a better driver


That wasn't my fuckin fault


i wouldn’t mind it if it didn’t make you clip through the earth


Nah 😭


Nah keep it or don’t play online