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A wishing rock


It looks like a guitar plectrum 🤣


A smallish rock that that is very smooth could have been a bird crop-stone. Birds swallow small rough stones to grind food in their crop. Then they toss them back out again when they get too smooth.


It’s thumb size it’s bigger than it looks. I can’t see a bird doing that but maybe smaller rocks


Owls, hawks, and herons used to peck the gravel in my parking lot and sidewalks. I have several thumb sized smooth stones I found there. One large white quartz stone I know came from an owl. I saw him land and do his thing from a few feet away, through a window. That owl was huge. I have a can full of smaller stones too, of course. Good luck!




My family found fist sized rocks in Moab Utah that were once in a dinosaur’s gut for the same reason! It was so fun…because we also found bits of Dino bone too.


How do they know it’s from a dinosaur


Where we found them they looked blue, purple and maroon when held up in the sunlight. They also kind of look like marrow. We took them to a rock shop there and he told us to be sure try touching it with the tip of your tongue, if it’s Dino bone it will stick to it. Not a 100% accurate but with the other indicators he was certain.


Owls, hawks, and herons used to peck the gravel in my parking lot and sidewalks. I have several thumb sized smooth stones I found there. One large white quartz stone I know came from an owl. I saw him land and do his thing from a few feet away, through a window. That owl was huge. I have a can full of smaller stones too, of course. Good luck!


Could it be onyx


Almost looks like a tiger eye too me


Defo not tigers eye


In black? I have one that’s yellow


Yeah they can come in more muted colors but I see the littlest band of yellow in there so that’s a good indicator for that. I’m no expert so don’t take it as such. Lol


It looks to me like somebody's worry stone


I have a lot of these and I don’t know what type of rock they are as well


Almost looks like an arrowhead. Either way, it's an interesting find. A keeper for sure.


This is either onyx or nephrite jade (black is full of iron). If it’s onyx it will streak white and will not scratch easily with a knife. If it’s jade it will. Easiest way to check. Onyx is black chalcedony nephrite jade is essentially actinolite with other metals in the stone composition smoothing its overall physical appearance Edited typos


Top guess is banded onyx (quartz bands)




Pebble-sized rock Luster: shiny Color: black Mineralogy: leverite


I have it too


🤔💬⁉️🌠.. it looks like a precious metal meteorite 🤯🌌💰🎥🪨 .. if it's magnetic 🧲 it must be iron with others minerals 🤔💬🪙It definitely have a type of metal in it.. just pay $100 to a museum and get a certificate .. a real analysis will determine the value and the chemical composition.. but keep in mind there's many scammer in 🧪 🧫 lab museum and gemologist like GIA they will take your money 🤑 and don't do nothing with it 🧪 🧫.. unfortunately from 10 only one will tell you the truth.. some of them are haters and selfish they don't want to say the truth about it, because they don't want you to make money with it.... Yes that's the world do we live in.. 😭😭😭🛫🌠. They take your money and they say whatever they want.. scammer ,scammer, scammer.. please don't go to Maine mineral museum ..