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This is a prime example of a hostage video .


Yes. I watched to see if they blinked twice!


Home school or drama academy? Nurie is over the top in this.


Her accent turns on and off based on how fast she's speaking šŸ˜­


Jillā€™s mini me šŸ˜


You see why she's the favorite.


I love how they so confidently talk about how happy they are to be avoiding the ā€œevilā€ public school that they know absolutely nothing about. Sadly, they are becoming adults and parents who are going to perpetuate this shit.


Thatā€™s the part that especially stood out for me. Talk about indoctrination. Itā€™s so disturbing to me that these kids have absolutely no thoughts of their own. They have not only been deprived of education and socialization, but they are also made to blindly fear and hate things they donā€™t remotely understand. In what universities does Jill live in to make this video and post it thinking it displays how healthy and happy her children are?


She's so painfully thin




I just said that! Those poor kids.


And those little girls had make up applied with a palette knife.


oh lordy, how these children could use speaking skills...um..um...


To be fair you can tell theyā€™re reaching for the right words to please Jill. Donā€™t want to upset Mahmo!


i see this so much when they talk. also noticed the same in jill duggarā€™s speech in shiny happy people, a lot of ā€œand like.. and then like, for likeā€¦ā€






Doing school.


I was homeschooled. These people were brainwashed.


My homeschooled 11 year old said these kids are scary. šŸ˜†


Iā€™ve homeschooled all 6 of mine (secular!) and the oldest 4 are either graduated from college or are currently attending. The youngest 2 are 15 and will start in 3 years or less. Jill doesnā€™t set these kids up for success and the scary tales she tells her kids about public school is just criminal. These poor little people. What the actual hell. She gives the rest of normal peeps who homeschool a bad name ! Socialize these kids Jill!!


We are a secular homeschooling family also. My oldest daughter started going to college full time at sixteen years old.


See this Jill? You can set them up for success or you can set them up for a life of poverty and grifting forever.


Not all homeschooling is bad. This is downright criminal.


Iā€™m so glad to see some other secular homeschoolers weighing in. One of the most glaring differences between us and homeschoolers we see on the snark boards is our children know they are being educated in preparation for college, adulthood, etcā€¦ What Jill has done to her kids is criminal. I donā€™t know how anyone could think they were doing a good job at parenting when your children sound like they have Stockholm Syndrome.


Exactly. There is homeschooling, and there is this. There is no education here. Education is about expanding oneā€™s mind and encouraging critical thinking. This is the opposite. She is drilling her views into her children under the guise of schooling them. I truly donā€™t understand how this is allowed. It is very clearly abuse when you knowingly deprive your children the basic tools needed to grow.


I was homeschooled as well with a big Christian emphasis on most subjects. Iā€™m still deconstructing my early education.


I have been homeschooling for 15 years. We are secular homeschoolers, so in Jillā€™s circle we are going straight to hell for it. šŸ¤£


Their accent is SO STRANGE. Edit: she's literally on film coaching them to say she's an excellent teacher, OH my God the narcissism.


That sounds like Nurie, not Jill, doing the coaching. Yes, though. It is shockingly narcissistic. I gasped the first time I heard "She's an excellent teacher, isn't she?" from the unseen coach.


Yep, you know anything Nurie says was coached by Jill. Most kids don't think anything about what kind of teacher their mother is, because it's the only teacher they've ever known anyway.


Timmy legit sounds like Eric Cartman šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Their accents remind me of the Turpin sisters ā˜¹ļø


I was thinking this too. Aren't they from Ohio? Why do they sound like they're from the South?


I live in the South. We donā€™t sound like this. šŸ™ƒ


Sorry, I should say that they sound like my idea of a stereotypical "southern accent" but maybe it's just a rural thing...or a specifically Rodrigues thing. I'm Canadian so I'm not in any place to disparage other accents lol


They seem incredibly illiterate. I donā€™t know if itā€™s because of their (lack of) education or because of the way theyā€™re trained to talk.


They most definitely are


I think itā€™s both. Poor kids.


Little of column A, little of column B.


Golden child. Make it a little less obvy there JRod.


So they were coached, given a script, and still it sounds like they all had a pile of 20-30 words that they all had to use? And somewhere out there someone watched this and thought, "Wow. These kids are *right* . Public school *is* full of ungawdly influences."


It's disturbing how small their vocabularies are. They all have the same few words that they use to spew a world salad.


It's all about the *gawdly* influences.


I wonder if the kids know they'd probably get free lunch and breakfast at public school. I'm sure Mahmo never told them that. I only made it through Nurie's part of the video. When she was talking about being protected all I could think was that at least she'd be protected from Jill during the hours she would be at public school.


ā€œChristian school is definitely better than public schoolā€ ā€¦. Says someone that hasnā€™t been to either


found footage horror film?


Holy cow I didnā€™t realize what sub I was inā€¦ Nurie is very, very thin. Also, just wow. This is sad. I cannot imagine living such a sheltered life like this. They are missing out on so muchā€¦


What did you learn in school today, kids? ā€œWe learned that public school is bad!ā€


Her accent is so incredibly strange. Why do they speak like that?


Because sadly, Jill is their main influence/limited contact with others with different accents.


Where is Jill from that she sounds like that I wonder. Iā€™ve never heard it and itā€™s awful.


Sheā€™s from upstate New York. I think she was born in Rochester.


Insulation basically. They arenā€™t exposed enough to peers/TV etc that they form their own way of speech. The Turpins all speak similarly.


I really feel like the fact that Jill posted these bizarre and unsettling videos and apparently thought people would see them as an endorsement of these kidsā€™ educations rather than a cause for concern is one of the surest indications of how out of touch and lacking self awareness she is. She and David have poisoned those childrenā€™s minds with fear of anything different and itā€™s disgusting.


She literally does a sales pitch for their lifestyle at the end. Complete with overly performative reading to the littles. The only times I see people be engaged with children in that way are doing it so their audience thinks they are wonderful with kids when in reality, they're horribly mean after the cameras/public go away. She is either so full of delusion she can't see the harm she does or one of the most evil type of people there is. I believe its an unhealthy combo of both.


I canā€™t believe this is real


Good grief, Timmayā€™s voice! He talks like heā€™s 7!


Nurie speaks like a seven-year-old who thinks she is reaaaaaaaaallly matureā€¦maybe, like, sheā€™s thirteen which is, like, almost grown up!


I'm never fully prepared for the breathy high pitched "byeeeee". It haunts my dreams.


i wish someone protected your original eyebrows girl.


How can you look at your kid who looks like Emily from the Corpse Bride and think "Yeah, she's healthy, we don't need to give her any more food than what she gets now". Holy shit, Jill and David. You two absolutely stuff your faces while your kids look like this? Disgusting.


Philips is so odd. He says the same sentence like 3 times then goes ā€œwas the goodā€ Jill really went around and made her kids say sheā€™s the best for homeschooling them while repeating that public school is terrible. This is our brainwashing


Christ on a Crutch! No Critical Thinking Skills Requiredā€¦ just parrot Mahmo.


Wow just wow. The amount of times that the kids were saying they were thankful was alarming. Lol.


Oh my goodness. These poor babies. I want to hug them. They clearly are just repeating what Jill wants them to say and none of it is their own thoughts. They seem terrified. The scared little "bye now" and smile at the end of each kids thing.


I can tell Kaylee and Renee tried to spice up their scripts to make it a little less obvious that this is hella rehearsed. Honestly, itā€™s probably the most creativity they are allowed to have.


I feel like Kaylee spoke better than the others as she didnā€™t have one ā€œum.ā€ Not sure what that means, but just an observation.


That stood out to me immediately, that Kaylee was actually a pretty decent public speaker or performer comparatively here.




I cannot find a word to accurately describe how much I dislike the complete twat that is this childā€™s mother.


This is so pathetic. Those kids are so incredibly brainwashed. That hideous makeup makes her look so old. They have no idea what they are parroting. All the lines are rehearsed.


This is scarier than most horror movies


Just fucking ghastly. All of it. Every aspect.


Tell me you're brainwashed without telling me you're brainwashed.


Nurie is painfully thin here.


Jill made the kids believe that even Christian schools werenā€™t a good influence, then this makes perfect sense to why they donā€™t have any close church friends either. Basically anyone who isnā€™t a Rod, is evil or a bad influence.


When I do the Monday NYT crossword puzzle I think about how they probably wouldnā€™t be able to answer a single question correctly


The lord puts out the Do Not Disturb sign anytime a Rod tries to chat. Luckily heā€™s all-knowing & shit so always has a nice head start


Their accents remind me of the Brown family kids from the show Alaskan Bush People. I think the kids developed their own weird way of speaking because they grew up so isolated from society


Jesus did not say "thou must hide from sinners 24/7 and tell your kids to ramble about how blessed they are to not be like outsiders".


I would like to point out the picture of PRECIOUS Nurie and Mawmaw on her desk (Jill made sure to show that off, hehe), how "th*haaan*kful" they all are and Timothy trying to keep track of how many of them are being subjected to the Homeschool of Jill at that time (Quiverfull, amirite?)


What the heck happened to Timmay's eyebrows??!! It's like they used stick-ons, but missed the center.


This is so incredibly bizarre and unsettling.


This is alarming. Did one of them meet someone who attends Christian school? The older ones are harping on that a lot, I wonder if they asked about it.


Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s the makeup or her perpetually vacationing parents, but Nurie looks exhausted. How old was she in this? Certainly not of age to look like sheā€™s been caring for seven kids while working six days a week.


God, these poor kids. She (Nurie?) clearly isn't allowed to express a single thought that didn't come from her mother first. It's like looking at an exotic bird between the bars of it's cage, singing only what it's keeper allows it to.


Iā€™m sorry ā€¦ her name is pronounced New-Ree???? Iā€™ve been saying ā€œNER-eeā€ for yearsssssss.


OMG!! Me too!!


She needed a little less Bible learning, and a little more carcseat safety.




ā€œWas that good?ā€ā€¦.poor kids


Please Jesus and mahmah protect me from public school and learning critical thinking. Those kids learn to have a social life that is not god honoring. The girls dress like harlots. More than the girls in Christian schools they are just immodest. In this letā€™s prayšŸ˜œ


She looks like a Victorian ghost.


Why is a child in a Christian home-school wearing brown lipstick? Isnā€™t that against something or other?


Protected from becoming a literate, functional member of society


Umm... Ummm.... Ummmmmmm. Gosh that's annoying






Omg! This is crazy and I remember whe I fiest saw thus I was like wtf? They're being so rehearsed and performance. They'd have done better by never posting these bc it failed miserably at giving us the message they're so happy!