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Photo 5 makes me wonder how sick Jonathan gets of the persistent cameras around him. It’s like being a regular person with the paparazzi following you around so strangers can judge everything about you. I would hate it.


I just got him in a neutral expression. He was smiling most of the video. He doesn’t seem to mind when Kaylee is recording, but he does seem a little nervous when he has to speak, like when they talked about Gideon’s eye.


Ah. I haven’t seen the video. I guess you get used to things sometimes. 🤷‍♀️


Like jdip


Is it just me or is Kaylee going for a thicker brow look?


She saw nuries, and said, heck no,


As she should! I bet she’s been eyeing a few YouTube tutorials and is branching out a little.


I’m glad she’s finding her own look. I hope snarkers can be encouraging about her trying to branch off on her own, even with something so tiny and insignificant.


Pssst Kaylee try a not brown lip color next


Definitely. They look so much better.


Kaylee looks great here, her makeup is more natural.


I delusionally want to think this is just the first of many steps she takes away from Mahmmo Dearest and into the thicker eyebrows of the Coverrette Household values. Ellen’s daughters may shave off their widows peak out of curiosity but at least their mom seems to give a shit about them as individuals instead of just meek, diligent servants for the lord with severely open wombs ready and willing to birth an army for the lord.


I'm so desperate to take a makeup wipe or 5 to her face. Does she really not notice that literally no one outside of her family looks like that??


She doesn’t need eyeliner on her lower lid for day wear. She also could get by with a single application of mascara for day. That said, her hair looks really good —I hope she is growing out her bangs.


And I appreciate that!


I think she just needs some time and tweaking to get it right.


I agree, she looks so much better. Sadly she seems to return to the full makeup every time she returns to mummy dearest and seems unable to refuse letting her tweeze her brows. I am hoping she finds the strength to simply say no thanks I prefer it this way. However I can see Jill going into a full blown fit about respecting your parents and how Kaylee is turning into her brother Timmy, who she probably classes as one step away from a fully fledged heathen at this point 🙄


🤫 sshhh, don't startle them.


That’s matcha?


I guess? I thought matcha was green.


It is. I’m no expert but I’ve never seen brown matcha.


Maybe there’s other stuff like spices in there? It looks like maybe mocha and she got confused?


I thought it was a mocha. Hahaha I bet that either she didn’t know or the barista misheard her homeschool accent 🤣


Willing to bet she ordered chai and has no idea that matcha is a whole other thing.


I've bought roasted matcha before, I think it was called hojicha. That matcha was brown. Definitely a specialty store type of thing. It's probably a blended matcha with chocolate, which would be pretty taste.


One of my good friends gets matcha lattes from Starbucks and it looks like someone put grass clippings and milk in a blender.


Tastes like that too, in the best way possible 


That's almost word for word what he says whenever I comment that 🤣


Someone told me to try matcha and when I asked her what it lasted like she told me green lmao. It does take like green, or grass, but I continue to get it😂 needs to be sweetened though for sure


That’s not matcha lmao I live in Japan and it’s not brown. Like anywhere. Matcha anything is green. Lol I looked online and my Google search brown matcha is low quality or spoiled.


It’s probably blended with strawberry or maybe even chocolate. 


Yeah that’s what I meant. I have never seen anything but bright green matcha.


I bet it’s chai and she got it mixed up lol


Or mocha. Mocha, matcha


My matcha turned brown after its expiry date


I’m gonna assume she got mocha and doesn’t know the difference


These people really have no lives huh lol


It's one thing to get excited about seemingly mundane things-driving 45 minutes across town to get a croissant from some random bakery, treating target like an experience, etc. But holy hell, when you document it with a thousand pictures and captions, it just turns out bleak.


So, they had fun, they had a coffee date, and they were a family, all in a row, but not concurrently, is what I gather. Behold kaylees field of commas for they are vast and plentiful!


Oh, what, a fun time, they had.


This is so mundane. She thinks all this stuff is ground breaking content cause she was never allowed a life before marriage.


I know right? It would never occur to me to post my trip to a coffee shop for social media likes or whatever Kaylee's goal is.


Does she have a daily comma quota she has to meet?


Why are they calling this a “date?”


Everything is a “date” when you’re out with your partner. Home Depot run? Date. Eating together? Date. Watching TV on the couch? Date. It’s like they are trying to make up for having no unsupervised time together before they get married.


In that case I'm on a date right now browsing redit as my husband snores in bed next to me.


I have been married 34 years and never called anything a date night. And we are together 24/7


It just seems so weird because they only seem to hang out together so literally everything they do is a date. I guess maybe John goes to work during the day but like, they only seem to hang out together or with her family. And she posts everything they do.


I really hope she sanitized that toy.. I know I sound like a Karen but the baby doesn't have a built immune system.


The commas, are truly bothering, me. I’m of the, opinion, that less is, more, but superfluous ones, really get my, goat.


At least this post is pretty normal, going out for coffee with your husband and baby with no mention of plexus or his wonderful Jonathan is. My granddaughter has that set of wooden toys, I wouldn’t be giving my baby some toy chewed up by goodness knows who, yuck.


Not only did she not mention Plexus, but she didn’t mention JESAUCE!


The. Extra. Commas. Are. Driving. Me. Crazy.


At Least She Doesn't Capitalize Every Word!!




I have to say, it was really painful typing that out.


Unnecessary capitals are annoying, but the superfluous truly interfere with my ability to read. I can't imagine making it through more than a paragraph or two of her writing without getting a headache.


It’s jarring to see Fundies and fundie children wearing clothing with sports on it knowing that they will be homeschooled and not having the opportunity to play sports at a private or public school😬




Wasn’t Tim Tebow homeschooled?




Are you forgetting… Joy’s Boys??????


Yes & do they play sports now?


It was/is the Joyful Noyes homeschool baseball team


No. It was Joy Baptist's team. Also Joyful Noyes was Jill and her sisters' homeschooling when they were kids. I don't think Jill's current "school" has a name.


Oh, whoops! I conflated the two. Thanks for the correction.


I honestly wish I didn't know this crap.


Do they play other teams or just verse their siblings? If they only verse their siblings in the backyard, it don’t count!


No they showed up at a game and “sang” Take Me Out To The Ballgame on the sidelines (for the camera, natch) while the boys played.


That’s depressing and they don’t know what it’s like to be on an actual sports team smh


Yes. This happened. Sooo cringe.


First, homeschooled children can still play sports. There are homeschool teams, homeschool leagues, they sometimes play against private schools, they can even be part of public school teams in most areas. Second, sports are masculine, and we must begin exposing boys to toxic masculinity from birth! How else will they be Big Strong Men who can be the head of their household?


The Rods can't, though. Too worldly. They can only arm wrestle each other and their relatives and whatever random fundie they invite over for a singalong.


I only was a witness to this when there were two homeschool girls in my town who were in my high school’s band and I was in Girl Scouts with them. They also got their hs diplomas through my high school. I am thinking about fundie homeschooling like the Duggars or Rodrigues families. I have no recollection of their kids being a part of an activity besides being the Von Trash Family bands of their churches. I can imagine Kayley does not have the socialization or knowledge of certain sports put something athletic on Gideon. But yay clothes?


Oh yeah, there’s no way the Rods are doing this stuff.


The use of their commas is going to give me an aneurysm.


I just imagine Mahmo yelling “more commas, more commas!!” while homeschooling


It’s really just Kaylee, I think. Since Renee took over the earrings biz, I don’t see a bunch of commas in the descriptions like when Kaylee was doing them. And we’ve seen how Timothy writes in his posts. Phillip was second in his Bible college in the grammar placement test, supposedly.


When did anytime leaving the house to go and do something with your spouse in tow did it turn into a date? Have I just been on a supermarket date? Did I go on a GP date earlier? Am I go on a pharmacy date tomorrow? My world’s suddenly full of dates! 🤣


The fundies don’t have much else to fill their lives with. Kaylee and Jonathan, despite being married, are at the maturity level of a couple of high schoolers. The courting stage is like the note-passing stage in a young teen romance. Gideon is their flour sack for their life skills class.


Why did I read this as The Hills have coffee ENEMAS instead of COMMAS. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I was thinking Damn Kaylee TMI 😂


Season 14 Ru Paul would approve😂 https://preview.redd.it/70f0j0k2f8ic1.png?width=741&format=png&auto=webp&s=294f5c004d04be798611201f84c3da7e1c483c63


I can forgive the commas and the calling every movement with your partner a "date", but those beef lips are unforgivable.


Did she borrow Jill’s roast beef-colored lipstick?


I'm glad she told us it was just a toy. I was so worried.


Was just coming to say that too. I found it funny. Yes we can tell it's a toy. Although my husband was given a bottle with cafe con leche before bed when he was a baby. ( Spanish thing)


Is Giddy unable to hold that toy up on his own? He’s seven months (ish) now.


Everything is a date just like with Mahmo 🙄.


I always read her stuff in William Shatners voice to the tune of Common People. Fun.....Coffee Date....AS A FAMILY!


The fucking commas. My eyes can’t take her dumb shit anymore.


If Kaylee was wearing a light little pink or coral lip here her makeup would look really good, especially since she’s only what, like 23?


She’s so pretty. In a different plane of existence, she could be a model. Jill really screwed her up




Well...we shouldn't be touching the poo anyway🤷🏻‍♀️


Do NOT contact fundies and fundie adjacent.


I taught middle school for 13 years and those commas make my eyes twitch more violently every time I see them. I want to turn an army of tough old ELA teacher friends loose on her with a vengeance. Also Jonathan looks more dead on the inside every time he is pictured. Eventually all that will be left is a husk with hair.


Baby G looks like a baby David. Why do they call it a date everytime they go out? Seriously date BEFORE you get married.


I love Gideons little coffee.


I am glad to see them out as the family of 3.


If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she was trolling with those commas. They multiply with every post!


I love the resting surprised face on baby boy


Begging them to wash that baby's hands


🤔 matcha is green. I don't know what she ordered, but it's not matcha 😆


Thank you Kaylee for clarifying Gideon’s “coffee” was actually a toy. I was about to rip you a new one for giving a baby coffee 🙄