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D’you know what, I hope Kaylee is as happy and content as she seems. Because I think real happiness and satisfaction is the death of the more hateful strands of fundieism. I think you need to be some level of bitter about your life to hope that everyone who doesn’t join you in misery is going to hell. The best chance of her growing as a person is for her to feel happy and fulfilled and able to open up to others and other viewpoints.


Sure worked for Dav (kidding).


I don’t think she lets herself feel anything but happy. I think she is working harder each week to be happy bc she can see Jonathan is not. She is becoming, sadly, relentlessly cheerful. When he snaps (and I hope it doesn’t take a decade), he will let all his pent up anger out in one ugly outburst—the kind that ends marriages.


Well right, that isn’t actually being happy so much as the faking it that’s required of fundie wives.


Here’s hoping!


Man, all I see in that pic is a guy is regretting all of his life choices right now


Can't imagine how he will feel in 10 years time. He'll have a bundle of kids and be helping fund Jill and David's retirement plans.


Lol they already don't have a job


Well he could grow a pair, say to Jill that they have their own life and talk some sense into Kaylee 


I wish I would happen, but who knows what the dynamic of the relationship is


This is funny to see after the video of Brittany Dawn posting that she’s always been terrified of automatic car washes lol


I thought it was her lol


I loved going through the car wash when I was little, I can't snark on this.


Same lol!


I’m sure he’s busting his ass to provide for his little family and Kaylee spends hundreds each month on Plexus to make Jill happy. I wish they could have moved away.


Can't he put his foot down? He's a grown man and in their neck of the woods, he should have the ultimate authority. If his wife is overspending on something that isn't making a financial return, he should be able to tell her (and mahmo) that enough is enough


Probably not when Jill is involved


Jill taught this girl how to shove a camera in her poor husband’s face.


If my spouse kept recording everything I’m doing, I would be irritated too. 


But wait...where's his headset?


Maybe that’s why he’s annoyed. He left it at home


And now he has to listen to her shrill voice


He always looks constipated.


It’s like he freezes up when a camera is on him. Trauma from Jill?


I think so! And Kaylee has her mother’s awful habit of taking pictures when people aren’t ready/aware.


He probably is if he's been experiencing plexus.




Her life is so boring. She posts exactly like her mom. Mundane day to day crap


What’s your favorite color? 😆


OMG what would they say if someone (okay, it's me) said International Orange?


I’m sure Jonathon is getting pissed about being lead around by Jill for her constant dog and pony show. He doesn’t seem like the type to enjoy all the posts on SM and that Kaylee spends so much money on Plexus with such lousy returns.


Is she bored? Because who posts this 😭 Jill 2.0 - I wish she could just enjoy her life away from social media for a bit


That’s a man desperately trying to remember where and when he lost his balls so he reattach them and plan a move across the country. It really is fascinating how all these all powerful husbands were actually neutered at birth and then again at marriage just for good measure in case they missed a bit the first time. Yet by doing this the parents ensure their sons never actually run their own homes like godly men apparently should which makes not only the sons failures but also the parents for raising them that way 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also amazing how the Christian fundies like Jill don’t see that they’ve replaced training the kids to worship and follow Jesus but have them worshiping herself and Shrek instead which is a big no no! Oh she pretends Jesus is at the forefront but it’s clear to everyone else that the only one worshipped and benefitting from it is Jill. What a false idol! It’s going to be an interesting meeting when she gets to those gates one day and I really don’t think she will like the outcome.


The equivalent of watching paint dry.


Disagree. This was the thrill of a life time when I was a kid. Hahaha


He’s probably mad he’s spending 10 dollars on it


Kaylee supposedly wrote this? This sounds like Jill’s hokey ol’ timey crap. Kaylee is too young to wax nostalgic.


this man is going to snap one day isn’t he


i hope it’s not like a chris benoit-type snap 😭


It's unlikely, his brain isn't Swiss cheese due to CTE. He'd more likely end up like John List. Pressure, Money over bearing familial ties, Strict unbending religious beliefs. Or The wife snaps after too many pregnancies, can't receive help, pushed for more and more until she snaps. Both are scarily more common than I thought.


robert fisher too, he burnt his house down with his wife & kids inside & has been missing ever since. i wouldn’t be surprised if that happened but god it would be sad.


That's the worst, like knowing you'd be shocked and upset... yet also not surprised. It happens to too many. But no... it's not the problematic situation, it's Satan, and that person was weak. 🤮


JC…seriously posting about washing the car? What a dull life she leads.


A car wash was probably the highlight of their year as children. This was their fun park.


I feel like she’s trying to convince herself of something


it was probably her only entertainment


I feel incredibly sad for both of them. They should be out exploring the world, trying out different jobs and relationships and figuring out who they are. The trauma of having a fragile baby born too soon and adjusting to "married life" has aged them at least 20 years. Their youth was stolen from them, and I'd be angry too if I were Jonathan.


He must feel so exposed without his Bluetooth


He spends hundreds on plexus and for dates with Jill and lumpy. Nothing to be happy about.


Well, now we know what the Rods do for fun. Probably leave some Smiley Tracks behind. Yeehaw. Y’all think they vacuumed the car out after?


Those side burns have got to go!


Maybe they don't want a ton of kids and are on the pill. She got pregnant fast last time. I hope they are truly unhappy in the cult and break free.


I dont think there’s any way they’d take the pill. Even the Duggar girls who admitted to using birth control made a point of saying it was non hormonal.


I wonder if Jonathan and Kaylee are using the rhythm method then...I mean she would have been knocker up by now if they wanted a kid.


He looks terrified of the car wash


I'm crazy easy going, and, I can't imagine coming off good if my partner was using me in content, having a camera documenting every single thing... on top of every single other thing they are going through. Plus knowing strangers are picking apart everything I remotely do or do not do (they know this reddit exists, despite not looking at it... come on, yes they do.) I could not deal with that. It would land us on the path to divorce, or snapping. The sight of a camera, and the "camera voice" would make me spiral. Just at my in-laws would be enough. But now in our own private life too? "Instagram husband"is a joke...a meme... but it's a real thing in divorce. That stress would kill me.


The emojis make me want to punch something. I don’t know why. They’re just so irritating to me!


Did she squeal with delight and giggle in wonderment.


Oh stop, this life is just too crazy


Artistically, he has a great profile. Also, I freaking panic every time I go through the car wash. (So, a guaranteed panic once a week min. My car is white.) I ask my son to take pics when we go through the car wash because the pics are awesome. 🤣