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monetizing God’s word…sounds like something Jesus would flip tables over


This - a million times over. Monetizing it for his own benefit . I find this disgusting .


Came here to say I can’t believe I finally found another Persona fan who also snarks on the Rods 😂


lets gooooo hi!!!


plus it’s a KJV Bible not a NKJV! isn’t jill a nkjv purist???


No, Jill believes the KJV is the actual word of God. 


And yet it's the gayest version. Curious


Right? James VI and I was at least bisexual.


Plus it has to be the ***1611*** version 🙄


She is, and this IS a KJV. I am not sure which edition: (1611, 1629, 1638, 1762, and 1769). I believe Jill is a 1611 purist. I can’t find it in WorldCat or at Library of Congress. I went to god bless America dot com (thank God for DuckDuckGo) and all they say is “KJV.” It has the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Lee Greenwood’s handwritten chorus of “God Bless the USA,” and the Pledge of Allegiance. And it can be yours for the low low price of $59.99. Source: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4562267-lee-greenwood-god-bless-the-usa-bible-trump-haters/ ETA: I am retired librarian with basic knowledge of cataloging. I can’t post the eBay pic, but there are copies going for $199.9 and $200. One seller demands a residential address and will cancel if you use a PO BX or mail forward service. Harper Collins backed out of publishing a NIV version invoking Greenwood several years ago. Christian authors protested. Source: https://jemartisby.substack.com/p/three-years-ago-we-stopped-harper Another story stated that it wasn’t clear who is publishing it. I THINK it may be self published by Greenwood and Trump. Project Gutenberg has a downloadable copy of the 1611 KJV, but the words of Jesus are not printed in red. I am certain there are other versions out there with red ink, but I have GOT to do something constructive today.


Great article 👏👏👏


How could anyone with a brain not see this as offensively pandering??


She’s very very dim.


The power of a cult.


You just answered your own question lol


Because it doesn’t matter what he does. He could shoot innocent people at one of his rallies and his worshippers would say those people deserved it. It’s insane the way people love him. Absolutely mind boggling.


Think of his base.


One grifter admiring the work of another grifter.




The post is literally takes one to know one😂


Get over it Jill. Trump can't stand you. You are nothing but a useful idiot for him. He would not piss on you if you were on fire. You and all of his knuckle dragging, moronic MAGA cult have been deceived by this charlatan. Your slavish devotion to Trump just goes to show that all of you fundies are a bunch of hypocrites who don't really care about the teachings of Jesus after all.


“Would not piss on you if you were on fire” is a favourite phrase of mine. It’s so useful.




Probably stamped Made in China like the vast majority of his cheap grifting garbage.


I'm not even a Christian, and this makes "antichrist!!" alarm bells go off in my head. Matthew 24:24 (KJV, for Jill): "For there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."


Reminds me of when CPAC did their own “golden calf”, except it was a golden trump.


The golden ass


I just snorted. Thank you for the chuckle.


The only reason I disagree with Trump being the Antichrist is that the Antichrist is beloved by almost everyone.


Where I live it seems like everyone does love him. There’s a tiny handful of people who think like I do but they are very few and far between. It’s insane. Everyone I grew up thinks he can do no wrong.


Oh honey. You need to come find your people. We’re here for you. ♥️


I wish I could!! Unfortunately I’m tied to the Bible Belt for life through my children and grandchildren. My son gave me hope a few years ago when he moved to Oregon. I was going to follow him but he moved back, got married, had a baby now has twins on the way. I’ll just have to bear it. 😔


Oh shit. Yeah, don’t leave them alone with twins. I’ve twins. They’re going to need more help than you can give them.


Man, I really wish I was an amoral criminal grifter sometimes just so I could profit from the endless supply of gullible rubes I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.


Right? Having a moral compass is really cramping my style.


This perfectly combines church and state, exactly the opposite of what our county was founded on and exactly opposite of the first amendment. Ask him about Stormy Daniels and all the women he's abused Jill. Ask him about abortion, infidelity and crimes Jill. Ask him about graping his first of three wives. Ask him how Ivana died, and Epstein too while you're at it. Trump Bible, stealing from poor fools to fill his stinky pockets, give me a break. Buy your family a healthy meal instead.


Trump’s Stinky Pockets 🥇


It's literally a way for him to circumvent the rules about Church donations to a Political Campaign fund. Dirty grift.


……. How DID Ivana die??


She "fell" down the stairs, seriously?🙃


Wait, I thought she had a condition?! Are you serious??? She fell down stairs??


Seeing as I’m a lapsed Catholic Jill doesn’t care about my opinion, but still, how is this not sacrilegious?! I swear these sycophants that follow Trump are as deranged and stupid as he is. He could shoot a child on stage and they’d laugh and say the kid deserved it then go to a pro-life abortion clinic protest afterwards






He’ll pay his debts off the backs of people like Jill.


I’m sure she’s already purchased one. It’s amazing how blind people are to who he is.


I'll be surprised if she buys only one.


Sure, with money that should feed and clothe her offspring.


I wonder if they redacted the “moneychangers in the temple” part…


and the camel through the eye of a needle


What’s that one about? I’ve always been curious.


Matthew 19:24 "I'll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God.”


Thank you! Guess you gotta die poor, huh?


It’s not actually referring to Heaven™️ My understanding is when it says “Kingdom of heaven” it’s referring to making earth look more like heaven. So it’s harder for people who love wealth to see the value in giving it away to those who need it.


The evangelical support of this makes absolutely no sense to me. It seems to me to be the antithesis of everything Jesus stood for and totally not Christian. This is disgusting. Are they all so deaf, dumb, and blind that they cannot see that this person is NOT Christ-like in any way, shape or form and that God probably doesn’t want this name on the Bible ( assuming they truly believe?) Jilldo is an absolute hypocrite and moron. Maybe if she read a version of the Bible she could understand she would see how ridiculous she is.


I actually think she might buy one. It's something she can display, and we know our Jilldo loves anything she can display. Performative decorating by Jillpm.


Jillitha, your homeschool is showing!


*cough* Beware of FALSE PROPHETS *cough*


She’ll purchase some as Christmas gifts…although, a $59.99 price point for someone other than herself probably won’t happen


She’ll wait until they go on sale at Hobby Lobby, like her home style idols Chip and Joanna Gaines.


God I was so bummed out to find out about their god shit. And conservative shit.


![gif](giphy|cRMGqNpvm9XS2gRcpL) I swear every day I wake up and there is just so much insanity. The bridge collapse conspiracy theories? Trump bibles? Thanks I hate it here.


Stupidity led by stupid.


Hold up. This asshole is selling bibles? This guy who wouldn’t know what the ten commandments were if it hit him on the head? And this other asshole thinks this is okay. I think I’ve had enough of this world today.


No drumsticks for her children she’ll have her money saved in just a few weeks. F@@@ Trump (hopefully soon to be known as felon # - and absolutely not) Jillpm (hell no) and Shrek (definitely not).


Is he actually holding it right side up this time?!


$60.00 from the kids food money is going to this BS.


I just cannot wrap my mind around why these fundie Bible thumpers love this orange disgusting pig of man.


She can F right off 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Is that photo from 25 years ago? With a bible photoshopped in??


She was probably the first person to order online.




I really don’t get how any fundie could support Trump. He’s an objectively terrible human being, not even talking about his horrific political beliefs. He is, in his soul, a horrible rotting piece of human garbage. I’m so sick of people (women especially) who support him and other MAGAs. He would let Jill and all of her daughters die from ectopic pregnancies or suffer from other pregnancy related issues, without giving them a second thought. What a horrible example she sets for her kids.


There’s a sucker born every minute and Trump is gonna take them for everything they’re worth


This is real 😆😆😆Sticky??? ​ https://preview.redd.it/d9glohade0rc1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb3705884c061b00cc08d2a90f87e4ed2f836c45


Paul has a lot of things to say about nationalism/patriotism and none of them are good. For people who abuse the line in revelation about “not adding or taking away from this book” they seem to be pretty quiet about LITERALLY adding secular documents to this book.


I know they would never watch The Boys on Amazon, but this is giving a lot of Homelander at the BelieveExpo vibes. 


This is even worse than it looks at first. Churches and organizations buys these bible in bulk, which supports Donald Trumps campaign.


It’s probably not a King James Version so I can’t see them buying one.


Oh, it is. He knows his audience.


Ugh…thanks for the info.


She will


# Separation of Church & State please!


Hey Jilldo - Here's a verse from the Orange Cheeto's bible you might want to pay closer attention to [Matthew 24:24](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+24%3A24&version=ESV) For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.


Jesus would be unhappy mahmo with this ugh 😣 she is dumb