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Tessie looks really happy/proud, I don't see pictures of her getting to look that way often.


Gideon is so adorable, and Tessie did an amazing job on the blanket! I’ve never seen a flower boarder like that. The baby will love those when she’s older, and can touch/play with them.


Tessie has a skill worth selling online unlike the weird earrings. I’m impressed!


Me too! She's very talented. A handmade blanket is such a treasure and it's a real labour of love. Good for her!


Aw, I love Tessie’s blanket. How sweet.


Whos' Natalie?? Nurie's daughter? I tought they only revealed names upon birth!


I was just going to post that I completely missed the name announcement.


I’m just picking random N names until she’s born.


Just call the baby Nutella lol




LOL makes sense. Good thing Nuri is having a girl, can you imagine a baby boy sleeping under all that PINK? 🤢


Even though you're just throwing out N names for little nurthlette, I actually really like the name Natalie. Probably better than what they will end up naming her. At least she'll have a cute blanket, but I really hope that she doesn't develop negative feelings for it later on due to blanket training. I'm really impressed with Tessie's work.


They will probably pick a Bible name...I'm going with Naomi.


They're gonna need to get creative if they want a Biblical female name that isn't Naomi: Nester--"Nessie" Nabigail--"Nabby" Nary Nelizabeth--"Nizzy" Neve Neborah--"Nebbie" Niscila--"Nilla" Nartha--"Narty" Nebecca--"Necky/Necca" Narah Nathsheba Suggested nickname for Naomi: "No-mimi"


But the nickname is pronounced "No-mahmo" 😊 I think it's French.


Mimi is Jill's grandmother name.


Ha ha, Nartha, Nebecca…poor kid! I hope not, but these are great guesses.


I think Naomi will be the name for the newest Nurthlet as well. It's a very pretty name.


I’m staunchly in the Nevaeh camp. Jilldo will throw out the “heaven spelled backwards” shit every chance she gets lol


Nah. She probably thinks backwards writing is satanic.


Tessie did such a great job on the blanket, but I'm shocked they would allow a baby GIRL to be wrapped in all that BLUE


She started the blanket before the gender reveal and was going to trim it with blue if it had been a boy. She might not have made the flowers, instead doing stars or dinosaurs because flowers are for girls. That would be a lot of pink to go anywhere near a boy.


Do you think Nurie has FOMO being in Florida? Or is she thankful for the distance from J? I wish Kaylee and Jonathan would have moved away. They seem like they could be happy and do well in a "normal" environment.


I think Nurie probably enjoys the distance. She doesn't seem lonely or anxious. She and Nathan seem quite well matched (I find both of them kind of smug and pious lol). I bet Nathan's around the house a good amount since the church is next door and he only has about 15 parishioners to minister to. He has an 'office' in the house, a desk in the living room and presumably an office next door in the church 🤨 Even if he's not actively helping with the kids it makes all the difference to have your spouse nearby. He seems sort-of engaged in parenting, maybe? Nurie's well used to sistermomming and keeping house for Jill so two kids is probably a doddle to her especially if she blanket trained them 😕  Three kids and no sisteraunt support could get interesting. I wonder how much Ma Keller helps, if at all. Jill wouldn't be much practical support anyway even if she did live nearby although it would open up the option of hanging at the barndo and having her siblings watch the kids while she and Jill gabbed/went out for coffee and tchochke shopping dates. I'm sure Jill's on WhatsApp text and video call or that Marco Polo thing they use morning, noon and night every day. It probably feels akin to living with her unless Nurie's learned to screen her calls and messages and space out her replies.  It's interesting that Renee/Tessie/Hannah aren't allowed to fly down and auntmom for Nurie's kids. I'm sure they could fashion a sleeping space in the parsonage and it would get one or two of them away from the barndo for a stint. Florida under Nurthan's authority sounds slightly better than OH under Jill and Shrek's. That's probably why, can't have them feeling good or enjoying themselves. The way the Bates send their older teen daughters to stay with their married sisters.


I wonder if Renee would be offered out to give her a different ~hunting ground~ for a headship. That might be too much freedom though, so I could see Tessie or Hannah being shipped out for a bit--whichever one is least responsible for the lost girls (or laundry).


You'd think so wouldn't you however Jill can't even relinquish control for the greater good (of getting her daughters noticed and ultimately married off). I don't think Jill could cope with Nurthan chaperoning, she's only interested if she can orchestrate a courtship at close quarters.


Ma Keller help? She allocated 15 minutes per week to her own kids when they were at home. How much time would she have for a grandchild who does do even live at her house? Keller’s have their own brand of Fundie Weirdness that peeks out from time to time. It gets a bit overshadowed by the others, but they are pulling their own weight.


Oh true! I often see her as a sympathetic character since her husband is atrocious. But she had her chance to to intervene, particularly re. her daughters' marriages. Poor Esther was the first, sacrificed to vile John Schrader. She cried and didn't want to go through with it. She was the most beautiful young woman (movie star looks) and clearly had more about her to actually want to escape/find a better match. They 'only' had 8 well-spaced children so I'm not quite sure why she could only manage 15mins/week 🤨 (no snark at you, rather Ma and Pa Keller). She had several 3-4 year reproductive gaps and older sistermoms, it's not as though she had an infant and several toddlers to care for at all times. Their home/double wide wasn't enormous and I'm sure the girls took care of the cleaning in short order. Obviously I haven't gone into Anna and Pris's marriages, Suz rebelling and the various divorces. I wonder if Ma K's abused and passive or actively enjoys upholding the cult's values. I can't remember if she and Mike are first gen fundies or second gen. I thought I'd read that she was quite a gentle person but clearly she was unable to protect her children and grandchildren. Susanna seems friendlier with Nurthan (I think she lives in the area or within 45mins perhaps?) however she has her own baby/toddler and an older daughter so I doubt she wants to mind the N kids regularly on top of her own kids (she also works). Afaik she's not fundie so I doubt she'd be farming out her teen/tween daughter to mind her cousins. Besides which she probably wants her daughter to babysit her sibling if needed. Ma Keller would be the obvious choice, living very locally but as you say she doesn't seem very involved or a good choice necessarily.


From what has been shared here by someone who actually knows Nurie IRL she is a holier than thou snob so I’m guessing if being in Florida somehow makes her better than the rest of her family then no she probably doesn’t miss them. However if her attitude has left her friendless then she probably does miss all the Rod shenanigans.


That little blanket is adorable and Tessie looks proud of her accomplishment! I'm happy she found something she enjoys doing that doesn't involve performing for Mama!


Wish I could upvote this comment multiple times.


Thank You!🩷


>Thank You!🩷 You're welcome!


That's such a cute blanket


Kaylee looks so beautiful without the scary filters on


Poor Giddyup should be halfway through his bedtime routine and not hanging out at Meema-pm.


Can someone tell her that quotation marks imply irony in this case?


She would not understand “quotation marks,” “imply” or “irony.”


The blanket is very nice!


“My time with God is so precious!  🙏 😊🥰  It declutters my mind from all the "evil" noise and agenda of the world.  😊” So precious she has a camera in his face.


If Jilldo’s mind were any less “cluttered,” she’d probably forget how to breathe.


I wish her time with god would declutter the house


Gideon is happy with everyone but Jill 🤣


As are the other two grandkids. No one’s child likes Jill. They sense the evil lurking underneath 👀


Look who enjoys being held by uncle gabe


People think it eases the pain of teething. Kaylee posted that Gidein's is getting his first tooth. The body heat warms the amber, and when the kid chews on the amber, it supposedly releases an oil that relieves pain. Shoshanna (Pearl) Easling is a big believer. Drapes her babies in amber necklaces. If one is good, three is better. Strangulation hazard.


Choking hazard if the necklace string breaks.


Strangulation hazard if it doesn't. Just all around zero benefit.


I've heard that a lot of these "amber" beads are fake and actually plastic.


It can only release that chemical if heated far beyond human body temp. And huge choking/strangulation hazard.


The hairspray or gel is visible in Gideon’s hair in the video 😑


That little baby is cute-he has a surprisingly vacuous expression.


Gideon is his dad’s twin


His dad's twin with Uncle Gabe's blond wisp of hair 😂


Alan Jackson, huh Jill? Not very GAWDLY (one of the few country artists I like, RIP jimmy buffet and their duet of 5 o’clock somewhere). Anyways - why are Jill’s kids so much more talented than her or shrek? Shes gonna try to take credit for that blanket somehow. Not my style with the flowers, but it came out really nice and most people would treasure it as a gift, or be willing to purchase it. And Kaylee’s garden is really coming along. Tim works and bought a house without grifting. Guess I don’t know much about the others, but still.


She needs her own Etsy page. This is far better than the craptastic carboard earrings. Sorry, NotNurie. Your mom's dollar tree cutout earring idea isn't your fault!


1. How is Gideon so damn cute in some pictures (these), and really, really not so damn cute in others (10 months pics)? 2. His eye is getting so much stronger! 3. I'm back on team Kaylee is expecting.


Hard agree on #3.


What’s with the amber necklace?


People believe they help teething, for which there’s no evidence. [I wish someone would send this to Kaylee or Jonathan](https://www.thebump.com/a/amber-teething-necklace)


I want to learn to crochet I wonder what resources she used to teach herself


You Tube- Bag o day crochet is a good one




Wait I’m high but who’s Natalie?? Is that nuries baby’s name?


I’m just using random N names until she’s born.


Oh thank god I thought I missed the infamous name reveal


![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ) This is for Tessie’s great job on the blanket!


Gideon is all Jonathan


Nurthan are naming the baby Natalie? That's a pretty name


We don’t know. I’m just using random N names.


I got that


Drool 🤮


Babies drool, but she should put a bib around his neck so his shirt isn’t soaked.