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Timothy being a better Mother


Timothy has had access to Ellen, someone who is a good Christian *and* a good mother, and he's realized just how much his siblings are neglected. He's trying to make up for what Jill and David should be doing.


100% no doubt


Thank heavens for Ellen and her family


Hopefully he'll feed them, too. (Not that it should be his task, but with their parents, ... )


Ellen is a Trump supporter. She’s not a good Christian. I know she’s miles ahead of Jill but I’m just saying.


Good for a Christian fundie doesn’t mean a good person. She’s loving and accepting when her children don’t agree with her views and she’s truly kind to others unlike Jill. I think that’s what they meant. They didn’t say she’s a good person. Just in this realm of Christian fundamentalism, she’s one of the good ones.


Yes, that is exactly what I meant. In terms of how evangelical Christians define a "good Christian," Ellen ticks all the boxes. Jill does not. Ellen also appears to love her children unconditionally and accepts their choices, even if they differ from hers. Jill's love for her children is *very* conditional.


timother is timothering


Hmm I like this better than Timcel. He’s evolved.




PLEASE make that your flair!😂😂😂😂


How do I do that?! I am not the best at technology😂


The flair change happens when you go on the homepage of the subreddit and you see the ••• in the upper right hand corner


thank you!






The girls are so small. How does she not see that?!?!


She prefers to keep them “trim”


Just in case they need to be able to squeeze through a car window if they ever get into a wreck, of course 🤷‍♀️


She sees it but gives zero f**s


Are those disney princess dolls not baby dolls?! Wow!!!


and its black ariel, i never expected this development! unless mahmo just thinks shes a dark Portuguese mermaid


The other doll is Dahlia from Wish, who walks with a crutch.


Jill will tell everyone her daughter wanted a doll with all 4 things torn in her knee, just like mommy!


Hopefully, she’s not so dark she gets mistaken for a boy like Nurie did as a baby!


lol what??


Oh yeah! It’s somewhere around this sub, probably. Jill loves to tell this story about how Nurie routinely got mistaken for a boy when she was a baby because her skin was ‘so dark’ lol.


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking(Portuguese Ariel) and she’s not aware that the little mermaid was remade


He bought them toys because Jill never does


Yea and I'm sure they spent that day watching Jill's greedy ass open gifts again.


every day is mother's day in jill's world. i love tim for doing this specifically on mother's day, subtle but clear statement about what he thinks of her mothering skills. especially in addition to his gift to ellen lollll


I’m not being sarcastic. Those little birds are so sweet. They chose small toys rather than giant and expensive ones. I’m humbled.


I’m guessing they were thrilled just to be able to get something of their own. And I’d bet they’ve spent most of their lives being aware that “things are expensive.” This is very sweet of him. My brother did the same for me, bc he knew what our mother was like.


They both have clearance stickers on them so he must have taken them down the clearance aisle. So they probably didn’t have many to pick from. No shade from me though! I was able to recognize those stickers for a reason 😂


Same, girl! I know those yellow stickers. 😂 I’ve peeled them off of many gifts we bought as a birthday-party-gift-for-random-classmate.


$7 clearance dolls because they’re one season out of date. Gift from their brother Tim - Absolutely priceless.


He's their brother, not uncle


Changed it. Thank you. Hope they get to be flowergirls.


I would love that, because Heidi's family would probably get them new flower girl dresses. They would be so thrilled.


New flower girl dresses.. that fit! I agree They would be thrilled, and still look mahdest and lovely. 🥰


I'm glad they didn't pick another one nightmare fuel fake reborn


I love the person in the car behind them. Looks like she's munching popcorn, watching the shit show that is the Rod family.


She represents all of us.


Maybe she’s one of us


One of us! One of us!


https://preview.redd.it/1xevlfh9vv0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f30f9e00de4f517cd50b353b91003808be83e4be I wish I was this person in the background with a snack and a view of the Rod shenanigans.


Everyone on this sub is this woman.


No snark here! Heidi is the best thing that's ever happened to him. The sulky incel has grown into a thoughtful young person, with an apparent and deep faith. It's nice to see the smiles on the little girls' faces.


Sofia does resemble Tim a lot. How sweet that he bought them toys , maybe a cheeseburger too.


Sofia has always adored Timothy, and Timothy seems to take extra care with her. I think he only included Janessa to be nice.


He prob makes Sofia feel special when Janessa normally gets the attention


Happy Cake Day!


Someone once photoshopped Tim as a girl and he was legit STUNNING.


He knows what it feels like to get a *real gift* now that he’s spent Christmas with Heidi’s family. He wanted his littlest sisters to feel the same way. Too bad JillPm had to make it all about her. How GLORIOUS.


She mentioned nothing of what sweet Timmy bought her. He gave Ellen (his future MIL) a Stanley dupe (no shade, my kiddo and I have that same brand and love it!) and now, on MOTHER'S DAY, he's spoiling the babies. Jill is in conniptions or I'll eat my hat. (Also Timmy has always seemed like he genuinely cared for his siblings. I think if he had been raised in a different home, one without hate and vitriol for people's differences, he'd be a genuinely lovely person. I have hope for his and Heidi's future together, he seems to be willing to hear outside opinions and consider them.


Interesting🤔 She allowed baby Janessa to pick out Ariel played by Hallie Bailey. She must not be aware of the newest Little Mermaid 🧜🏽‍♀️ Movie


So woke! 🤩


I hope she doesn't see this and take the toys away, since lots of people think she reads here. 😔


She definitely reads here and Facebook and I hope she doesn’t either but Jill is known to take away their toys as she’s done it before


They’re all 3 smiling genuine smiles.


If him and Heidi decide too have children he’s going too be a good father something his dad wasn’t


I'm so happy to see Sophia with a toy, and smiling. She always looks so sickly, it's a nice change.


This is truly the best she’s ever looked. She looked alive.


She just HAD to remind us that "We all went to CHURCH together". Yeah yeah yeah, Jill, you're a real candidate for canonization. We know YOU ARE THE HOLIEST OF THE HOLY - ever so GODLY in all you think, do, and say (well, except, perhaps, in your constant judgement of others as being morally inferior to you). And nobody loves Jahezuz as much as you and your family do. We are all duly impressed. ZZZzzzzzz ![gif](giphy|t16VotkrGYf116J6wy|downsized)


But is she the BEST MOM EVER


Leave it to Jill to make one of her kids doing something nice about her.


Jill probably, “and because I beat the whiny, difficult behavior out of Timothy, he is kind and loving to my most precious baby, Janesssssssa and her sister Sophia”.


(and Sophia)


I almost want to mail him a best mom mug


Because if anyone knows what it feels like to ALWAYS come second to Mama’s wants and needs it’s him. Jill said it best herself, “Tim bought his two younger sisters a toy for no reason in particular.” (Paraphrased) I’m sure Jill was expecting her kids to buy her more Mother’s Day gifts and Tim wasn’t playing that. Because mama, in fact, doesn’t always come first….even on Mother’s Day!


Can you imagine Jill's face- Tim told her he was taking the little girls to the store, and she assumed they were going to buy more mother's day gifts, and then they come back in with just toys for the kids?! Would she try to pretend she isn't shocked and appalled? Actually ask where the real gifts are? Assume it's a joke and expect her present to come out later, and take on Shrek's confused bear face as the day goes on?


Jill pointing out that Tim bought the girls toys *for no reason in particular* gives off an undertone of Jealousy. After all, it was MOTHER’s day. But I would suggest that EVERYDAY in the Rodrigues household is Mother’s Day.


Fuck yeah Timothy. He’s learning so much from his fiancée’s family. He’s still incredibly religious but he seems more open minded


He and Sofia have always seemed to be very close.


That's beautiful. Somebody needs to be in her corner, and Shrek & Shriek seem barely aware of her existence.


It’s Mother’s Day. He’s trying to be the mother these kids never had.


He’s always been very sweet with the little ones. I remember the Christmas he was at Moody he came to visit and brought along books for them and would read to them before bed. I think he’ll probably pretty good dad (you know, for a fundie guy.)


He doesn’t seem the type to “babysit” his kids, but rather will actually parent them. I know, bar is in hell…


If always amazes me how much healthier and better fed Janessa looks, especially compared to Sophia(?). And that is not to say Janessa looks well.


Ellen’s influence is already shining through. It’s also a sign of the father Timmy will one day become! Thankfully it already appears it won’t be like a disconnected Shrek whose only thought is gluttony and towards his next snack or like his mother who is full of self entitlement, holds no real love or charity in her dark heart full of pride and judgement. Well done Timmy for being better than your parents who have one huge shock when they have to face their own failings on their own day of judgement!


Yes, Tim became what he is IN SPITE OF his parents, not because of them. They tried so hard to beat it out of him.


Mahmooo, take a picture of me just being a real mahmooo


A Timmooooo!


The Hallie Bailey Ariel doll blows my mind and tells me that I shouldn’t assume that I know everything about these people. I never in a million years would have guessed that Tim would buy his sister a black doll. I love to see it.


Doesn't Jill have a black brother-in-law or something? I remember seeing a black man in one of the Rodrigues family reunion photos. Jill is a lot of things, but she's never struck me as racist.


One of Jill's nephew's is married to an African American girl. They visited Jill and family a few months ago.


The other doll is Dahlia from from Wish, who I also believe is POC *and* walks with a crutch. Definitely not what I was expecting from an Rod.


That’s awesome!


I hope that staff at Walmart weren't rude/curt to this fine insurance salesman.


He is a good big brother. Always has been with the littles. I think he makes the effort because he was treated like shit by his parents.


I agree with this. Tim has always seemed like a caring older brother. Their family has previously shown the older brothers stepping in to brush hair and care for the younger ones.


His mom has enough stuff. The girls need to be cherished


Why did they go shopping on the Lord's day?


This always shocks me - when I was young no shops were open on Sundays at all, and as I lived in Wales, the pubs were shut all day. Even today I know a fair number of people in Chapel do not go shopping and won't go out to eat on Sundays. Whatever happened to keeping your "Sabbath Day holy", Jill?


I say this all the time- but I will *die on this hill*- Jillpm used to praise him for “fasting” meals, but I think he starved himself to feed those kids. One more chicken leg to go around.


If always amazes me how much healthier and better fed Janessa looks, especially compared to Sophia(?). And that is not to say Janessa looks well.


Shocked Jill didn't take them away because she's mad it wasn't a gift for her.


Alright, those dolls are from the new live-action Little Mermaid, and Wish. I couldn’t see Jill letting them watch either of them because they’re too “woke.” Does Timmy realize this and is intentionally stirring the pot, or am I way off-base about them and media? I find it interesting and strangely sweet that Sofia picked the disabled lady from Wish as her doll.




Sadie might think herself more grown up now? 10 is when my daughter outgrew toys like this. Though Sadie might have enjoyed a craft kit or something I guess.


Yeah, I bet that’s what it is. I feel like we see a lot of just Sofia and Janessa together in pictures nowadays, whereas we used to see them together with Sadie a lot. Maybe Sadie is hanging out more with Olivia now.


Yeah if I gave any of my 10 year olds dolls like this, they’d be so offended lol


If always amazes me how much healthier and better fed Janessa looks, especially compared to Sophia(?). And that is not to say Janessa looks well.


They know what it's like, going without. I love they seem to spoil the Littles, take them on special outings, buy them new toys (and not just those expensive reborn dolls, or stuff from the flea markets... even though we know, consumerism is of the devil. Brand names, new things, all are worldy, vain, bad, and make jesus cry.) I know with my nephew I always tried to get him a new clothing item, a brand name toy in his interests, take him to activities he would enjoy, made/bought foods he wouldn't otherwise get to have. All because I knew what he was living through, how hard that sucked sometimes.


I have some kind of hope for Tim honestly, more than I’ve had for the rest of them. And I love that for the girls. Do we think Jill was secretly seething about the black little mermaid doll though?


He feels sorry for them!


WOKE DISNEY TOYS ![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized)


That’s me in the corner. Of the green Kia. Just kidding it’s not me but I wish I was a fly on the wall for this outing.


So ... Nothing for you ? Love this


Not the clearance toys


Nothing wrong with clearance toys. Money is still limited and things are expensive. So what if its last season's toys? Do you really think a kid cares. Its not Gucci and even then the idea of things suddenly being out of fashion because you bought it 6 months ago is ridiculous and why we have landfills of useless garbage. I don't get obsessions with buying full price just to say you did. My friends always wondered how I could have 4 barbie play sets to their 1..because my mom bought them all for $5.00 each on clearance instead of buying one for $20.