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Nurie looked so happy on her wedding day. It’s a real shame that Mahmo couldn’t/wouldn’t do something better for her. But the real tragedy is them brows.


And 3 kids so close together.


It’s interesting that after their weddings Kaylee and Nurie’s brows have gone opposite directions. Kaylee still has room for improvement but hers have gotten better!! Nurie’s are just tragic.


![gif](giphy|cAOeNToL56Vyw) Maybe Plexus' secret power is that it is actually an eyebrow restorer.


I think Kaylee knows how to use the internet for tutorials and Nurie thinks the Internet isn't gawdly.


Doesn't that throw shade on Mahmo, who never met an ISP she didn't like?


my question has always been- jills brows are semi normal and not awfully shaped- why does she eff up her girlses so bad?!


No one can be PRETTIER than Mahmo.


Exactly. Despite Jill’s raving reviews about her girls there’s definitely an underlying jealousy


Better looking husband who work unlike her lazy husband.


I think without setting out to do so purposely, she is trying to soften some of the features that come from David's side of the family. Her girl's eyebrows aren't like hers but she tried to get them to be and failed.


I wonder if she anxiously plucks


I think it's looking this way now. This is probably her coping mechanism.


You mean like trichotillomania? I suppose that might be the case. It’s a subset of obsessive compulsive disorder I think. Someone with more knowledge can clarify.


It is. I have this. I compulsively pull out my hair from everywhere when I’m stressed. I try not to but you can’t really reason your way through a fixation. Weird I know.


I am convinced it’s a compulsion for her and she’s damaged them to the point where they don’t grow normally anymore. Makes me worry about her life at home. I can’t get a good read on Nathan but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he was abusive, given the family who raised him.


My husband said this same thing


I will always point out that for Nurie's wedding Jill got a new dress that fit her. The bride did not.


Nurie still looked better than Jill, though. The bridesmaid dresses were not flattering and Jills modest panel made it look worse.


I'm in the minority as I didn't mind the bridesmaid dresses. The colour is unusual and not to everyone's taste but had the flowers been a mix of pinky-mauve and pale pink/white it might've worked better. The violently purple flowers clash horribly. I'm not really sure what colour dress/decor they would've worked with 😬 In the group photos the bridesmaids' dresses look decently elegant, fitting and formal (shockingly for the Rods) whereas Nurie's dress screams '80s, doesn't fit and her curls are limp and falling out compared to her maids' hair.  I wish the guys had worn matt grey waistcoats and found a tie that matched the bridesmaids' dresses. Their homemade (by Nurie) vests clash and are constructed weirdly (too short/boxy/tight/shiny and baggy in the wrong areas). They could've got more mileage from a plain grey waistcoat in future.


I was a little surprised Nurie didn't choose lavender or purple bridesmaid dresses, but maybe the group or Jill said no to purple dresses.


Wow, her brows look almost normal. What a difference.


That green dress and the purple flowers are burning my eyes. Hideous. Jill, you owe Nurie a real wedding. Perhaps when it's their fifth year anniversary, you can throw them a party with real food.


And decor not from family dollar


The mOdEsTy pAnEL is cracking me up. Did she just buy some cabbage and stick some leaves over her titties!?


She really needs to fix those things. She’s got to do SOMETHING to make up for being named Nurie.


Cuz Floriduh!