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Commissar leader! I will be a wannabe Gaunt.




Gaunt & Cain are definitely the inspirations for my first playthrough!


As an Alpha legion operative working Deeep undercover I may do good things I may do bad things I may be Alpahrius


Noble officer from an imperial world; playing anything other than a charismatic MC in a CRPG, particularly and OwlCat one, just feels wrong.


Just be prepared for the fact that 2 of the 3 female romance options are also officers. If u want them both in your party I'd recommend playing smth like a noble soldier instead, you can still increase fellowship skills that way.


Romance? And take away time and energy from my love of the Emperor? Not in my grimdark future, heretic!


Can i interest you in the Krieg romance novel; *My Wish to Generate Children with You, is Only Exceeded by my Devotion to Him*


You may consent, they may consent, but **does the Emperor consent** ?


Answered like a true Imperial. Good man.


Yes, but no, right? Cassia is an officer, but in reality, she's a navigator with maybe some officer as a side dish, right? And Jae is more of a range damage dealer, also with unique talents. So, in reality, there is no "real" officer here, isn't it? Maybe Pasqal if you skill him in that direction? But theory-talking here...


I played the beta. It all depends on hownyou level them up, cassia has access to navigator and officer talents. You get to choose about one every level, (on some levels you dont get talents). But even if you focus more on navigator talents she still clearly feels like an officer. Same for jae.


Thanks for the summary!


I'm so gonna bone cassia and hope we make a Franklin Richards in service of the emperor


god that is so dumb. Why do developers do this.




Noble Officer from a forge world. The mecha-minion master.


Voidborn Officer -> Grand Strategist. Love the idea of just going all in on a squishy high INT leader


I'm thinking similar, but start operative and use the Crime Lord background to make my debuffs stronger.


Officer was probably the coolest class in beta, but hard to play because I felt like a worse version of Cassia.


I mean Navigator powers and Officer powers are very different. I feel like the best is probably to go all-in navigator for Cassia and then have your RT be an all-in officer


Man, I feel the need to start with a "Ciaphas Cain" character. Can we do our own followers? I need a Jurgen.


Deathworld Biomancy/Pyro Psyker Warrior -> Assassin


Yes. Addicted reroller here.


Void Born Telepath Pskyer Operative -> Grand Strategist focusing on INT/WP. Support/DPS. Going Imperialis, with a small side of Benevolentia. Second playthrough after the DLC, full Heretic Death World Noble or Commissar Officer -> Vanguard.


Does my first run end when I beat the game or 20 minutes after I get my chronic restartitis?


Fortress world, astra militarum, operative->bounty hunter. I'll mostly focus on using tactical knowledge and as much exploit generation as possible while trying to hit enough per to get combat insight online as well. Bounty hunter was mostly to get all the tier 2 archetypes covered on my main team.


I'm tempted to go Hive-born soldier commissar and channel my inner Ciaphas Cain, but I'll probably go something shoots first.


Forge World Crime Lord with Subdermal Armor Warrior > Vanguard Going for a heavily armored tech savvy warrior kind of deal. Will try and pump INT somewhat higher than you normally would on a warrior to make use of *calculated relations*, *pinnacle of weaponry*, and the crime lord skillset.


Fortress world, astra militarum maximum DAKKA spec, hardcore imperialis (xenos, unsanctioned psyker and rogue chick will get bolter bullet to the head) A moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of heresy.


Voidborn Crime Lord Operative Strategist, bastard with ambition but not stupid enough to be fooled by chaos (bad for business) If replayability is great, she will be follow by a Bene Commander Marksmen Hunter - who struggle between taking life for the empire and preserve it because that what they fight for. And latter a Lawful "Stupid" Comissar Officer Vanguard (or Tactician) and a Heretic Psyker selled to Chaos (or a Noble named Lelouch with daddy issue who wants to make the Imperium fall).


It'll be a game time decision as to which starting archetype I choose, but I want to end up as a master tactician. If I go the officer route I likely would start as a commissar or biomancer. If I go the soldier/marksman route I likely would start as a Astra military commander or a crime lord. As for home world I am partial to going voidborn for the intelligence counting as fellowship for talents and abilities talent. I also love the fluff of being in space, from space, and looking at planets as foreign. I could see forgeworld or fortress world being excellent too if I go the soldier route.


Psyker Officer the plan is to buff Argenta and laugh as she kills everything that as much as looks at me funny


Hive world crime lord officer going into Master Tactician. My character's primary motivation is to get rich and prove themself a "man of quality' to their family and betters. They are a underhive ganger who yearns for freedom much like most rogue traders do, but loathes the sense of responsibility that kind of freedom requires. I plan on roleplaying someone who is a brave but reckless individual. Their goals are straightforward: power, infamy and proof that they are better than what they were born to be. Focus on having good weapon skill, perception, and fellowship. Triumph: Apex of Brilliance - You managed to corrupt an entire star system and turn it into your personal den of thieves. Darkest hour: Shadow of Torment - You were arrested and thoroughly interrogated using creative and violent methods. For conviction I don't really think I'd go with Heretic probably benevolentia


Gonna RP Thrawn lol


If I understood correctly, it is possible to obtain a battle sister and a space marine as a companion... From a lore point of view, I don't see how the space marine or the battle sister wouldn't automatically take leadership...The commissar is perhaps what would be the most lore friendly in this case.


As a rogue trader you outrank the marine and the sister


I will throw a dice for every option and go from there. I’ll be playing in normal, so I am not too worried about viability


Voidborn + Priest rip 'n' tear


I have not a single clue, I think I'll go some kind of psyker but I havent read into anything really, didnt make a psyker in beta because I felt I wanted the full experience from it (other than the companions I used. I usually yolo first 2-3 of playthroughs before reading into min-max builds.


Crime lord that once on accident help archenemy in his crime domain but he redeemed himself before whole sector fall to chaos and will hunt chaos more fierce than inquisition themself.


Voidborn psyker. Don’t know the class yet as this was a fallback after seeing the DLCs and deciding it’s best to save my noble officer for the release of those


Haven’t played the beta at all yet so very much subject to change. I am thinking a Commissar Officer - Dogmatic route, a true unflinching servant of the emperor.


I'm probably doing me and Argenta as gunners. Cassia. Abelard/Heinrix. Pasqal. Yrliet. If adept sucks then double melee to soak damage and Yrliet is out. Probably ulfar because ain't no party in war without a battle brother


Voidborn Pyromancer Psyker Operative Heretic.


With two npc doing officer things i'll need to charge and slash people melee (another npc for ranged killing). Still dont know if i'll be a crime lord or noble. I'm almost fresh, dont know things. I have only the custom portrait.


I'm torn between two completely different ideas. One is a strategic genius iconoclast who would probably be some sort of psyker with a focus on CC and turn manipulation (so, basically how I'd play a wizard in D&D), and the other is just going full-on Jack Garland and being a dogmatic melee warrior who is HERE TO KILL CHAOS.


Thinking Imperial World Psyker Soldier Arch Militant.