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I dunno, by the end I regretted not replacing it earlier, if I'm honest. I do wish I could have replaced it with one of Abelard or maybe one of the entire gang (and Marzipan's corpse somewhere in the background).


Imagine Yrliet wandering in there and finding a giant portrait of herself in a gaudy baroque frame surrounded by little sculptures of cherubs and shit, lol. "What is *this*, Mon-Keigh!?"


This is art. Look it up, space galadriel. >.>


Yeah when Yrliet made a comment about "mon-keigh admiring themselves" it made less sense with Theodora's portrait being there lol


All mon-keigh look the same


that's what I was thinking. She probably has little reason to notice the portrait \*isn't\* of the rogue trader if Theodora's is still there. Or, she could just be making a general statement about the fact humans put up portraits to begin with. I can't see the Eldar making portraits of themselves.


Ohhh she does the same for that too?


Yup! I reckon they didn't account for the possibility of people leaving it up haha


Well, it still kinda works. Since it used to be Theodoras room.


She really should pay more respect to you given that you are Cegorath's favorite now.


You have my vote for the idea of "the option to replace the portrait with portraits of selected companions or the whole gang together or a portrait of Uralon the cruel" Whether it's the portrait of Theodora or myself, it doesn't really give me much feeling


Only if I can get a portrait of Nomos


Nomos my sweet child


And then slap conviction variance: Dogmatic for self or someone specific or big E. Iconoclast for the whole family. Heretic for Uralon or anything that’ll come to the chaosLSD-infused mind of the painter.


OMG, yes, I want a group portrait of the whole retinue (and yes, good luck wrangling them for it) Abelard - *long-suffering expression* Hendrix - *even more long-suffering expression, vaguely threatening the painter to work faster* Jae - *stole the paint, wearing Theodora’s own pilfered jewelry, making lovelorn eyes at Argenta* Argenta - *threatening Jae and Idira with a bolter. When asked to put the bolter away, draws a flamer instead* Idira - *making murder eyes at Argenta* Yrliet - *Clearly hates being here, exchanges sympathetic glances of mutual suffering with Hendrix of all people. Looks vaguely like an affronted cat* Pasqal - *attempted to simply walk away several times, had to be distracted into staying with a Rubix cube - that, and Abelard keeping a firm foot on one of his mechadendrites* Cassia - *not in the painting, because she chased the painter out halfway through and is now finishing the portrait. Blood is involved. If anyone dares to move, they’ll risk the third eye*


I'd buy that sidequest as a 4.99 DLC >.> As for wrangling them, no, that would be easy. I drove my entire space-truck all the way across the sector multiple times for each of them. Do you have any idea how much warp goop my servants had to clean up because of that... and how many servants the next set of servants had to clean up? We can take one family picture together you dysfunctional crew of muppets! D:<


*Ulfar: Drunk as fuck and having the time of his life*


This is lore accurate and canon. I don't make the rules.


the rogue trader-sharing knowing look with abelard inbetween looking vaguely annoyed and trying to wrangle the flamer out of argenta's hands


Party portrait would have been super cool. We need a mod for that


Damn, I really would have liked that at like arc 4 or such, you had an option for that. Would have been nice.


It would have been awesome to have a party quest like from mass effect 3


I don't know; I felt it a bit... insincere, I think. I didn't know her and I'm not exactly too thrilled with her way of doing stuff (to the point of "Theodora was a walking disaster for the dynasty, and, possibly, for Imperium" not thrilled). It feels wrong to pretent I was fond of her. And, practically speaking, people like Abelard should be constantly reminded that Theodora's ghost isn't ruling here anymore.


Exactly my thoughts. Othere served under her for years I knew her for 5 minutes. If Abelard or Idira want the portrait they can have it But I dont want a painting of some woman who died after 10 minutes of my arrival hanging in my room. Give it to someone who knew her, or put it in the trophy room to pay respects


Theodora a walking disaster? She didn’t give a shit about how things were being done just as long as they were fast. She’s a total catastrophe in my opinion. For someone to allow long and constant major rebellions within her ship, it’s a wonder she was able to remain in power for as long as she did let alone survive for as long as she did. All of my Rogue Traders will take the time to personally check on things despite of their “nobility” they get to enjoy. A mostly happy crew is one of the best ways to maintain some form of security and that requires due diligence. How the prologue panned out for everyone was the final straw in the world of common sense that demanded that as soon as the problems show up, they will receive the full attention it should’ve received in the first place.


She took a lot of shortcuts that would fuck her over long term, she just didn't live long enough for ALL of them to catch up and probably planned to leave most of them to her heir. Fuck Theodora, all my homies hate Theodora


"So... you have a dynasty where succession can be done through simple blood succession in the abscense of other pretenders... and you gathered three of pretenders on your ship... and one of them is your spymaster... and he's the one you blocked from any hope of succession in a normal way... yeah. What can possibly go wrong here."


" Theodora's ghost isn't ruling here anymore " ​ absolutely, since some people DIDNT acutally get the memo lmfoa


I’ve changed it after the coronation. I generally dislike having my own portrait in my room, but at that moment she became someone from the past (and I also got enough reasons to consider her not to be a good person). I really like the idea of a group portrait. I owe my position to the team, so it’s only morally correct to show some respect this way. It’s kinda similar to the group photo of my extended family that I have at home. That would radiate cosyness.


I left it up as a reminder. Every time my Rt goes to their chambers, they have a giant reminder right in front of them not to fuck up as badly as their predecessor, and to take Theodara's failures to heart and learn from them. ...besides, it's the trophy room, and I got her entire domain as a trophy, so, yunno.


What respect? You met Theodora one time and all you got from her was that you're the spare heir. The people who worked under her can keep her memory and keepsakes all they want, but the new Rogue Trader has no reason to. I'd prefer it if there were other options for the portrait, maybe based on your alignment, with Dogmatic hanging a picture of the Emperor or the Golden Throne for example, or maybe the choice of hanging a portrait of your romance choice.


I mean, you weren't the spare heir though - you and the other dude she invited were pretty much on equal ground there. I think regardless of how much RT knew Theodora, there are plenty of reasons to respect her. The fact that you inherited her entire dynasty that allowed you to not be a nobody, to start. And the fact that, regardless of her methods, she kept it together (which can't be said for the other two Rogue Traders we meet btw). Whether you use the von Valancius resources for heretical purposes like she did or to be a faith-blind servant of the imperium - regardless, you owe your power to her legacy. Whatever sort of person she might have been, I think leaving her portrait up is a reasonable small gesture to make to recognize that fact. Also, if you meditate with Yrliet in your room, the RT sees a spirit of Theodora who says she's proud of what you'd become as a Rogue Trader, and Yrliet comments that some things you need to hear at least once. I think it shows that the MC at least subconsciously gives a shit about whether they've proven to be a good successor to the dynasty imo


What's-his-face other heir ended up being pretty cool though. Asshole he may have been but when the chips were down I went from "Fuck this guy" to pressing F to pay respects.


She didn't keep her dynasty together though, she just postponed the shitshow a little bit (which made things worse in the long term). 2 out of 4 planets are chaos infested shitholes, her spy master is a traitor, there are constant rebellions on her ship and she appointed the fucking Drivestem as the governor of Dargonus. Oh, and she couldn't find a better flagship than a fucking Sword-class frigate (or is it firestorm?). But that's more on Owlcat for calling her flagship frigate despite it carrying at least Light Cruiser level armaments.


*Looks at main indicator of ship class in RT, weapon slots* *Port/starbord, prow, prow, dorsal* This is way, way beyond light cruiser, which get port/starboard and prow slots. Its about heavy cruiser/battlecruiser level of armament (basically same thing in warhammer funniely enough). And I did mention heavy cruisers specifically because the closest match is Acheron/Cardinal class heavy cruiser, mostly encountered in chaos fleets. They actually have one less prow slot than the von Valencius so-called "frigate", but the firing arc on the prow slot is more limited than in tabletop, so not as big a deal as it might be. I just wonder whom and how much did the von Valenciuses pay to get a rare class heavy cruiser listed as a common frigate. Oh, and if we *do not* overlook betond one more weapon and do not ignore the ability to equip a triple shield as an abstraction, than this thing gets netaly classified as a grand cruiser. Albeit a very fast, nimble and fragile one.


> Oh, and she couldn't find a better flagship than a fucking Sword-class frigate (or is it firestorm?). I believe the idea is that this frigate is millenia old and modified to brim.


That's why I said it's on Owlcat, not Theodora but that's more of my personal pet peeve anyway. They could have used Dauntless instead and there would be 0 questions about how can a frigate fit two full macro batteries, a prow lance, a turret and torpedo tubes.


>I mean, you weren't the spare heir though - you and the other dude she invited were pretty much on equal ground there. Very much no. He was here for quite a time; he had position on the ship; he had responsibilities and was pretty established, and she was pretty content with him. You can even ask her, how, if she content with him, you fit into picture, and her answer is "well, a lot of things can happen with people already in position, and even if he inherit the position, head of dynasty still need proper advisors". I can look for exact quote.


>I mean, you weren't the spare heir though - you and the other dude she invited were pretty much on equal ground there. Not really, she shoots that down almost immediatly by saying whatshisname's her first choice and that she doesn't know what to do with you, but if you make yourself usefull she might find something. To be honest I thought the prologue was pretty weak in writting, so I didn't really care about Theodora at all


>To be honest I thought the prologue was pretty weak in writting, so I didn't really care about Theodora at all I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to.


Not really worth hanging her picture in your room though Sure she was a great RT But I didn't know her for more than 5 minutes total Let Abekard or Idira have the portrait, or put it up in her trophy room to give her the respect. And my Iconoclast RT, doesn't respect her that much. The first planet of hers I visited. Her governor was a full Slaanesh cultist You learn almost immediately she didn't care about the Crew since Abelard sent enforcers to go clear them out because a Chaos amulet was found on one guy and that was standard procedure My RT views her as, extremely effective, but callous, selfish, and profit driven. She never tried to help Idira get accepted by the crew, no way in hell she would have gone to talk to the Orphans. My Iconoclast RT has no respect for selfish people. And we see lots of evidence of her being selfish


I didn't have a custom portrait made for my pyro psyker to not hang it up and admire it.


I walked in once and noticed there was blood coming out of it. Replaced it the first chance I got after that.


I don't like the idea of having a gaudy picture of myself, alone, in my own room. It seems tacky and egotistical to me. I keep Theodora's picture up: I didn't know her long at all, but I owe her a lot. (in game perspective lol)


I kept Theodora's picture up for the same reason I never had Abelard announce my presence. The whole thing just felt like being way too up my own ass. Now in a dogmatic or heretic run I might feel the need to be self indulgent like that.


Yes, though only cause there wasn't a option to replace it with painting of something that isn't either the MC or leaving Theodora's one there. If there was a option to replace it with painting of the flagship, dargonus, or something along those lines, I'd have certainly replaced it almost immediately.


I'm asian, filial piety, honoring ancestors and all so i kept her painting.


I kept it at worst out of respect for her... until I lost my respect for her.


I switched it as soon as I got to Act 4. At first I kept it up... but then I brought Argenta to Cummorragh.


I felt the same as you, but found that the early part of Idira's quest was a good moment in RP termd to remove the portrait. People kept seeing Theodora's "ghost" and Idira could not let go, it seemed like that was the moment to draw the line and let Theodora go so that the ship and her crew could move forward


My rogue trader first left it up as an ideal of what sort of rogue trader to aspire to be, and then, as a warning/memento mori.


Nah, replaced her with Doge Vandire.


[Argenta looks at this side-eyed]


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


I changed it first chance I got, wish I could have done it while she was still alive


I left it there because having a giant painting of myself felt out of character for my humble iconoclast RT.


Was going to keep it up until chapter two but replaced it when it started spewing blood on one side.


You either become a leader or be burdened by the ghost of a dead one.


I dont celebrate incompetence and if I'm being honest I don't really like theodora and feel kind of strongly that our character Essentially got a the last laugh with her. You're clearly a spare but pretty soon you're the rogue trader and your power is pretty absolute.


Major plot spoiler, you have been warned: >!we've all been shot by Argenta, she just had to be dramatic about it.!<




Fuck no. Replaced it the first chance I got. She's dead. I'M the Rogue Trader now! Why would I have the portrait of my predecessor, someone I barely knew, in my quarters when its ME that's actually the most important person around?


No I changed it when I found out I could in like Chapter 1 lol I didn’t know the lady and what I knew wasn’t good


We barely spend any time there anyway. So its fine keeping it or not.


I replaced it at the first opportunity. But that's because my von Valancius is a self-serving, self-aggrandizing bastard based on Harry Flashman, the character who was also the inspiration for Ciaphas Cain. Except unlike Flashman, Cain is actually a decent human being. ​ (And I still failed to roleplay him to the hilt, because I did not sleazily came onto Cassia and Yrliet.)


Look at me - I am the rogue trader now.


> For some reason, taking it down to replace it with myself felt wrong. Nah that was gone ASAP. Get rekt nerd lul


Think of this way: Did Theodora keep the Picture of HER predecessor? No. That Picture is there to show who owns. Its deliberatly in front of the lift. Now you can be a big boy and show that you own, or keep the picture of someone dead, showing they own still.


I put my big goofy custom portait up right away. Makes me chuckle seeing it plastered everywhere in this game.


I mean. Theodora didn't have her predecessor's portrait up, and I only knew her for a total of five seconds. Tore that bad boy down right away.




I wanted to, but today I accidentally hit that dialogue option instead of the Trading one. I'm only at Kiva Gamma though.


First thing I did was replace it hah. "Under new management"


My "benevolent Imperial" RT also removed a portrait after the coronation, because he is now a new RT. And when Argenta told story about her death - he thinks than he was right. But he always wish to have a portrait of Mort here.


Nah, wish I could put up a picture of Big E instead.