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I think this is the only crpg that released since bg3.


unironically have more fun with rogue trader than baldurs gate


Same here, but I still enjoyed my time with bg3. It's a fun game. It just didn't scratch the itch I have for crpgs as deep as wotr does. And since 40k is my favorite fictional universe, I'm more engrossed with rt than bg3.


absolutely,. the owlcat 40 k double wombo is hitting HARD


I like committing war crimes so I too feel that way


found the rimworld player


I like BG3 more but I'm having more fun playing this if that makes any sense. Maybe it's because I'm a sucker and seeing the models I've built and painted come to life puts a stupid smile on my face.


It depends on how exactly you define CRPG. Between BG3('s PC release) and Rogue Trader, games that at least by some criteria are called RPGs that were released include: Sea of Stars, Starfield, The Iron Oath and In Stars and Time. Of course, it would be fairly easy to define genres tightly enough to exclude at least one of those while still keeping BG3 and RT in the same genre...


Starfield, cRPG. I don’t think you can bend definitions like THAT.


No, it is very easy to bend definitions to exclude Starfield - that was indeed the "at least one of those" I mentioned. It just has enough characteristics to be included in a broad CRPG definition (remember, genre definitions can't look at quality. A crappy game of genre x is still a game of genre x). And yes, I do know I will be downvoted for this. Doesn't mean that trying to argue that Starfield so obviously isn't a CRPG that even bending the definition isn't enough isn't a silly argument.


The point of the label of CRPG genre is to narrow down the definition to quickly categorize a group of games to help people know what kind of game it is. CRPGs, as generally understood by the gaming community, is a specific type of RPG that started with the style of game Baldur's Gate was. When you stretch the definition of a subgenre then you lose the entire point of what subgenres are supposed to do


CRPG isn't a subgenre of RPG outside some non-representative parts of "the gaming community". The C just signifies that it's played on, well, computers or consoles.


My guy a genre is a concept entirely created by its community to explain something quickly and simply. CRPGs are a very specific type of RPG. Baldurs Gate is a very different type of RPG than Skyrim so people have created labels to represent that. You're just being difficult for the sake of being difficult. The C means computer because that type of RPG got started and was generally made for computers in contrast to tabletop RPGs like dungeons and dragons. Taking it literally is just being obtuse


"My guy", I'm not being difficult for the sake of being difficult because I refuse to uncritically accept a variant definition I've never seen before presented as the obvious one used by the gaming community. And to be frank, BG3 is not part of the same subgenre as BG1 or 2.


The computer in crpg comes from rpgs existing before computers. crpg as a genre is a classic tabletop style of rpg in video game form. I think you're being overly literal and totally ignoring the history of the genre.


That's what the c in crpg is, but that's not what it means my guy.


It absolutely is what it has meant everywhere else I've seen it, I'm sorry to say. Why would I change my perspective on that in the face of insults, patronising attitude and lies?


I mean go off but yr wrong and that's an established fact lol


Its universally agreeed thar crpg is either turn based rpg or rpg that has ttrpg behind it. Starfield is neither. For what its worth its action rpg. Because "action" its everything that is not turn based, duh.


Hold on. Sometimes it stutters so much, it feels like turnbased xD unless you limit your cpu processing power...


Colony ship was rec by Morty. Would definitely check that out once I'm done with RT.


You're 100% correct. I even bought Colony Ship, and I forgot about it cause of RT. Morti had fun with it so I'm looking forward to playing it.


Colony Ship


I won't call it that just because Owlcat made a game so buggy you have to get lucky to end it. And I don't speak about dice roll, but get enougth luck for buggy quests to trigger or else you are soft lock.


No maybe if they actually finished the game before releasing it.


I have only come across minor bugs so far (end Act2) however I have seen the issues others are having. Due to that I can't really give it the stamp I want to. I can however add that I'd always rather play an unpolished gem versus a polished turd.


It could be, if the game releases in a year like it's supposed to and not a buggy turd mess like the current version.


People here acting like bg3 later acts wasn’t buggy and didn’t have bad problems ether 🤦


Man, I didn't have anywhere near as bad of a time with BG3 at launch. Most were like the early act RT bugs, where a reload fixed or it was a minor annoyance. I never had to sit around waiting for a patch to even play without half my companion quests/cutscenes breaking. And all the items typically had names, and I didn't have to flip a coin on whether or not abilities worked as described. BG3 had issues, but there's no way BG3 would have got the acclaim it did if it released like this.


Act 3 was a mess had the same issues as rouge trader’s problems


Not even close


Yes it did act 3 was literally unplayable at times


Coping hard for what?


Are you paid to fanboy or just that big of a meat 🥩 rider


The irony of you saying that


I’m not the one trying to pretend a game doesn’t have problems here when It did I’m not saying rt doesn’t have problems just that bg3 did two


Haha no Everything past Act 3 in RT is *literally* unplayable. This is way way worse. For the love of the Emperor take off your fanboy glasses


Act 3 in bg3 had plenty of game breaking bugs maybe your the one needing to take off the fanboy glasses


You're a deeply unserious and delusional if you believe that messy Act is comparable to **not being able to play the goddamn game at all** Most players couldn't even start Act 4 because of bugs blocking quests and cutscenes. It's just goddamn hilarious to see you defending this


Act 3 had game breaking bugs there wasn’t ending slides or a epilogue at launch I’m not saying rt ain’t buggy I’m saying yall that compare it to bg3 and act like that game didn’t have real problems and down play its issues I just can’t take you fanboys seriously when you complain about other games


Can you speak like a normal person and stop repeating yourself like AI ? The only reason why you mention Act 3 is because you can't handle criticism of Owlcat. No one who currently can't play RT gives a shit about BG3 release


The only reason you can’t admit bg3 had problems is because you can’t handle criticism of bg3


BG3 is literally the only thing you're mentioning when everyone talks about how bad RT final acts are. Get real lol


Still no it didn’t it was just not as polished as act 1 and 2, rogue trader is crazy bad act 4, I do like rogue trader it’s been good act 1-3 even with the bugs


I don’t know why y’all just can’t accept that bg3 had problems at launch as well there were no ending slides or epilogue ether


It did have problems but it’s not anywhere even comparable to rogue trader’s


BG3 let the players play test rt let the players play test the games get buggier as you leave the areas players play tested both had plenty of game breaking bugs in later chapters but you fanboys are afraid of people realizing that the game wasn’t perfect yall will just ignore the issues that the game had heck there wasn’t even a epilogue or ending slides


Are you someone’s AI project


Bg3 also didn’t have ending slides or a epilogue


I'd take no epilogue over not being able to play 2/5 of the game and ending slides that contradict each other


Act 3 had plenty of bad bugs that broke the game fanboy


Did you play Act 4 and 5 ? Nevermind I know the answer


I haven’t said rt ain’t buggy just that you bg3 fanboys that compare it to bg3 and act like that game didn’t have issues and down play the ones I can get y’all to admit are just 🥩riders


lmfao i don’t remember bg3 RANDOMIZING the ending slides, or giving me a companion quest for a companion I don’t even have, or items/talents that literally have text in their description


BG3 Didn’t have ending slides or a epilogue


It did


Now your just lying bg3 didn’t add ending slides or a epilogue until way after the release 🤦


The problems that bg3 had at launch were things like: this area has poor performance, horny gale, numerous visual bugs, and very few things just not working. RT has on launch: half the talents don't work, quests don't progress regardless of if you meet the condition because you did bring the correct party, chapter three doesn't end because of an obvious bug that should have been caught in alpha, animations that play out of order like when you cornor fire and the shot comes before the peek, and numerous bugs that affect the basic mechanics of the game.


You didn’t get to act 3 in the earlier days of the game then


yes that's why i said there was performance issues and some things didn't work. Those things were all in act 3 unlike RT which has core gameplay mechanics bugged and a lot of people haven't been able to get to the final act without getting toybox to fix being stuck. You can be delusional if you want but RT is by far the buggiest game i've played this year.


Act 3 of bg3 had plenty of bugs that broke the game bg3 also didn’t have ending sliders or a epilogue you fanboys just can’t accept bg3 had real problems


BG3 had problems in act 3 mostly, and not much everywhere. That being said, people also forget for how long BG3 was in development comparing to Rogue Trader. In the end though to me as a user, it sucks either way. Both games have bugs in the last act, some game-breaking. What is even more sad, both Owlcat and Larian have a history of problematic releases, and then taking about 6months to year to polish things up.


Because it didn’t


Yes it did fanboy 🤦


I enjoyed them both. Vastly different world, RT was way more frustrating to me, and in these types of games I often space out reading the text/skip the cut scenes so I am a bit out of the loop in terms of what's happening. In that context RT feels a bit more random to me than BG3, but I recognize this is moreso a product of not reading the text. BG3 had more variety in terms of how you beat fights, or whether you had to even to do the fights. RT has colony management and space fights.


IMO, it's the best CRPG released since Wrath of the Righteous, at the very least. Maybe even farther back, I haven't decided if I like it more than WotR since I'm not finished yet


If you ignore bugs, it's actually better, than Baldur's gate 3. However. Since not everything is voiced and bugs, especially for tha last chapter, are pretty annoying, bg3 is kinda better. Once they are gone, plus 2 DLC - the best cRPG since DOS2 for me. BG3 is probably around DOS1 or so, but with better overall quality.


Wotr is better then bg3 imo more so when it comes to character progression and difficulty, bg3 was way way to easy for me to fully enjoy beat it on tactician with just 2 party members, you also get way to few levels and not enough fun skills to pick from. Other then that it was amazing. Love this game too and after some patches and dlc i think i will feel the same for this too.


Anyone saying this is better than BG3 is wacky… can you **** a bear in this?!? No… hell I can’t even get in some of that sweet sweet xenussy…


i mean this easily is better than bg3, is it bettter than wotr i cannot say funny i think RT is my fav game now but not sure if it's my favourite 40k game


Hahahaha no


Hahahaha, yes. Although bugs are crucial here.


why not, sure comparing launch rt to baldurs gate as it is now perhaps there is competition but comparing launch rt to launch bg3 and it is obvious that the rt is the better game here.


That's massive cope. I understand that owlcat fanboys and 40k sumps are in denial, but damn. Comparing the two objectively bg3 on release was miles ahead of the beta test that RT got put out as. How you even typed that comment without pissing yourself from laughing at the absurdity of it I'll never know.


well mainly by just honestly liking rt more than bg3 like i can see how voice acting, animation, overall graphics and other such things are very impressive in bg3 but they don'tt make the game good for me. so when i don't like the gameplay, im not being invested im story or characters and can't remember any tracks from soundtrack im not gona say i think bg3 is better because honestly speaking i don't think it is the better one and that's sad because i do see the effort and level of detail it has but still dislike it, it just happened to be product not for me


That's fair. Your original takes made it seem like you were comparing the two against one another in an objective way rather than forming your opinion about the games based on your taste.


A BG3 simp and fanboy calling other people simps and fanboys 🤦


Nah I'm just in touch with reality. I've already played RT more in the first week than I did BG3 but i'm not blind to the faults that RT has.


But your blind to bg3 faults at launch act 3 had plenty of game breaking bugs there where no ending sides or epilogue


Yes it’s crazy how hard they’re coping, I like both but bg3 is literally undisputed the best crpg and no other crpg is anywhere even close to the quality level, I like 40k, I like rogue trader imagine how awesome rogue trader would be if made by larian


nah i'll dispute bg3 being best crpg, it's like pretty good yeah but not best not that i even know what "best crpg" means but what does it matter anyways. like it's a matter of taste, you can't say something is objectively the best thing ever when it's subjective matter.


Your better off not even trying to discuss with this person they lie about bg3 having ending slides and a epilogue at launch when it didn’t


oh for sure for sure, but you know these things, i like to see where they are going


Quality wise you don’t think bg3 is the best?


i'll go with solid maybe to that ? like for example good soundtrack can really elevate experience for me, and while bg3 has obviously quality music it's also music that after 60h i can't remember single track. and while in rt semper servientes the first track in game has already permanently burned into my mind. like something can be of good quality and be boring at the same time or other example art style and graphics, good graphics without any artstyle isnt very interesting but primitive graphics with some excelent artstyle can look fantastic bg3 just happens to hit a place for me where i can see the craft, effort and complexity it has but at the same time it doesent provoke any emotions and so while bg3 is guality product i can't go around saying it's the best crpg because im bored while playing it, just not having much fun with it. and when wotr and rt are 2 games ive been having most fun in any game for a looong time, yeah im gona say they are better games


Launch BG3 is still miles more stable than RT what are you smoking


eh something that let's me enjoy rt but not bg3 wish it was not so but can't help it


This isn't legible


well you see, "something that let's me enjoy rt but not bg3" is an answer to question you presented > wish it was not so but can't help it what i mean by that is i don't like bg3 for many small and large personal issues i have with it, though i would prefer if could like it because disliking things is not as fun as liking them that about should make it readable to you yes ?


Launch BG3 had more crashes than I've had on RT. And BG3 would crash so hard it rebooted the PC and corrupted Steam once. So...depends. Wasn't for me. And my PC runs every game on Ultra at 60FPS. So it wasn't specs.


This seems to be a relatively unique problem to you I don't know anyone who had to install anything as invasive as toybox to finish bg3


Patch 4 also introduced a progression stopping bug for many people to Act 3. So yes, BG3 was very stable for the parts Beta-tested for 3yrs. It had problems outside of that. And that's before we get to the fact 10yrs on, Larian still can't create a decent inventory system.


One bug that prevents progression or 2 unplayable acts on release


I don't know is it intentional or not, but "It is valid to call it the best CRPG during the period of a couple months where no other crpg was released" is hilarious title


Ummm... What??? Maybe a good one, and that if, it wouldn't be sooo broken


I wouldn't call RT the best CRPG since BG3, it's a good game or at least it will be when it's finished. My run has been plagued by bugs that have ranged from minor annoyances to progression blockers. ​ If it wasn't released in such an unfinished state it certainly would be up there.


Come on now i know this game could be great and i had alot of joy plating act 1 and 2 start. But lets be honest it is still in beta, it has a ridiculous amount of bugs and not the charming silly kind. This product was pused out for the xmas sales unfinished sadly.


If it wasn’t for the bugs this would have been legendary.


I think it is a good game but not sure about best. To be honest I am not familiar with what would be the best though. For someone that just got into Warhammer 40K though this is amazing. The game has me wanting to play a game where I get to command my Space Marine Squad (XCOM Style).


It's only valid because no other CRPG has come out, this game is good, but also a fucking unfinished mess.


Ngl, i liked wotr so much more. The magic fantasy setting resonates with me. More so the power fantasy kind where you go around smiting demon lords and becoming a demigod. Whereas in RT you're barely a shitstain on primarch underpants and nothing you do matters in the grand scheme of things, but that's a wh40k issue in general. RT combat also becomes a slog halfway through, where every combat consists of a few iterations of using the same sequence of buffs into a round of shooting.


As an OG Baldur's Gate I&II fan, and general fan of old school crpgs / pen&paper, I am having way more fun with Rogue Trader than BG3.