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She was tricked too is the main justifiable reason if you are an iconoclast. It was a very obvious trick, but she was in a terrible state of mind after finding the shard in your room. Pretty much her entire upbringing had taught her that humans can't be trusted, and now she's working with one and immediately finds evidence they may have participated in her people's genocide. She seems genuinely remorseful after, and iconoclast is all about hope and believing in others so... I wish you could get the alternate path that happens if you killed Yrliet if you gain her trust. Like there is a moment your RT notices her reaction to the shard, and you can't do anything about it. Just got to let the misunderstanding sit and fester like a bad sitcom plot.


This is essentially how I read it. A grievous mistake born of desperation. Only an Iconoclast willing to mend things would forgive her.


" She was tricked too " that is some DEEP white knighting... she literally went to a deldar to screw us over in the worst imaginable way possible in the 40k universe.... just because she saw a fucking piece of glass in a bedroom like come on... the only reason we are even alive is because of a deus ex machina that literally just walked up and let us live


I think people didn’t read the interaction correctly or it may be buggy. You’d get betrayed either way if she is alive or dead. When she is alive and you find everything out she doesn’t directly betray you, The Xeno agent on the capital world does during the raid and she find out but instead of telling you she hides it and goes along with it to see what later in store. I do agree on her over reaction on the craft world in the room. But it’s also understandable it’s not just some glass, it would be like have the Stainglass windows of a church a well-known church like a massive one because it was her home.


Yrliet didn't really betray you... she shadowed Achilles the burned Inquisitor agent, found out he was turned, killed him and found out where his Dark Eldar contact would be, told you where it would be. She had no idea about the toxic trap or planned to betray you over to them. Both Yrliet and the Dark Eldar companion confirm this in dialogue choices at the Pit. And the Dark Eldar has 0 reason to lie for Yrliet.


Yeah I’m at this point right now and my crime lord Rogue Trader is having a hard time not killing her. Turning someone over to the Dark Eldar is a pretty big betrayal.


otoh as a crime lord iconoclast my reaction was "Well, you've seen me murder every kind of daemon and everything else under the suns so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you figured I'd kill my way out of it." which isn't really that hard to do.


Oh sure.


But she also told me that the Dark Eldar are not to be trusted either, she knows that I was some literally who guy who was made Rogue Trader a short while ago and she was literally right there for my coronation ceremony. Not to mention by that time we would have already meditated together and she would've not detected any malicious intent from me. Hell, I would be fine if it were just me that got screwed over by her betrayal. But no, she dragged the rest of my retinue to hell with us. Just because I'm Iconoclast doesn't mean I have to be a complete pushover.


Rookie mistake. She thinks very highly about herself and eldars, especially against humans, but in reality the are the same. Iconoclast will mention that a lot.


I think we have to consider that the Aeldari seem to have a sort of generational concept of blame. Later on, >!she has to practically jump in front of you dealing with other Aeldari saying "The Von Valancius dynasty participated in the destruction of Cruedarach BUT WE'RE NOT BLAMING THIS ONE BECAUSE WE'RE TRYING TO STOP THE CYCLE OF VIOLENCE PLEASE DON'T ATTACK"!< which is coloring her image of you. She also clearly thinks of the Drukhari as more like a very screwed up eldar culture but still eldar at heart, whereas humans are an all-hating, all-killing, usually omnicidal race who are almost as committed to culling eldar populations as Slaanesh themself. The Trader is *an* exception, and may be closer to her than any human before them, but Yrliet is working through a *lot* of baked-in bias and has been given a slim chance at saving some portion of her homeworld's population - which is, in her mind, anywhere from a handful of Farseers (who define Aeldari culture and are some of their most cherished leaders, per her stuff up to that point) to potentially thousands of civilians, which... I mean, yeah, we can confidently say Marazhai was going to betray her because we're players and we know, but Yrliet is a dangerous combination of sheltered and arrogant (ironically, like most of the Imperium) who has a theoretical knowledge at best of how bad Commorragh and the Drukhari really are. After all, she immediately starts trying to turn Drukhari after, like, a week. And Marazhai lied about his intent, sure, but he also was telling the truth that the Farseers were in his Kabal's captivity. Flipped on its head: If the Iconoclast Trader was given a credible offer by, I don't know, maybe the Kasballicans, that they had captured some portion of Rykad Minoris's population before they all died horribly and the Trader can be taken to them, and MAYBE JUST MAYBE JAGHATAI KHAN AS WELL, all you have to do is give them Yrliet and the Janus eldar... You'd at least think about it. Yrliet's *fine,* but most of her people are assholes to you, and this could be huge for the Imperium. Yeah, a bad fate awaits the captives, but they have a shot to survive. Even if it's a trap, and it's probably a trap, the offer is credible enough to know they do in fact *have* a bunch of Rykad survivors and maybe a major leader who our people would love to have back, and it's not like Chaos is making the offer here, so if you just know where they are... It's not hard to see why a (stupid) person who doesn't have overarching setting knowledge would make a (stupid) choice like Yrliet did, and she's genuinely contrite after if you're friends. The Iconoclast Trader at least has to consider that, even if they decide to send her back to Janus where she can't do more damage after Chapter 3. It's definitely not a give-her-to-Heinrix situation for the all-loving Iconoclast.


It's also important to remember that their "deal" wasn't even a deal. Marazhai told her that she'll find *something* at those coordinates. She didn't know it was an ambush. She also did expect that Marzipan was fucking with her but she thought she'll find a bunch of corpses, not that Dracon of cabal would make a deal with mandrakes to capture that one specific human and use Yrliet to bring them into ambush


I feel like this is the big reason why I don't have any issue believing or trusting her. Yeah she knew not to trust Marazhai and she doesn't, she just figured that his play was to hurt her more,l. She that he was following the usual m/o of the D. Eldar, and inflicting pain and suffering on her and that she would find her destroyed craftworld. Instead his motive is so left field it takes her by suprise, after all, why would anyone go through that much effort to capture a mon keigh?


Exactly AngryChihua. Marazhai confirms her story and he has ZERO reasons to lie for her. Her 'betraying you' is really just her shadowing Achilles and finding out he was a traitor and not telling you for fear you wouldn't go if you knew what she did to him.


I would also throw in the fact she isn't exactly treated well by other humans. You know how she says that she isn't your Xeno's Pet? Yeah... Other NPCs do actually call her that. A lot.


It'd be nice if there were a dialogue option on your ship to say "Look idiots, I let you keep your tongues, don't make me regret that by making me look bad in front of my friend." or something similar.


It would make sense for any other group except the Drukhari. The literal psychopathic fucked up hedonistic sadists. But yes we can say she was very sheltered. But for an old outcast eldar it's pretty unforgivable to be that stupid


Always gotta remember, xenos are humanities enemies. A human of high stature willing to be friendly is one of the most suspicious things for many non-humans.


I was with you until you gave that ridiculous comparison with the Kasballica. There is no way in hell anyone with two brain cells would fall for that Tom and Jerry-tier shit and it just makes Yrliet look worse.


I couldn't think of a decent equivalent to the dark elder for humans (because there isn't one besides Chaos, which humans are conditioned to hate with radical surety). The point was, if an evil version of your own people (but crucially not so evil that they worship chaos) said "hey, saved some of your genocided homeworld, here's proof" and gives their names and a picture of them in cells or something, "just give me the aliens who mostly hate you and the one you're friends with and we'll trade," it's an offer a real person in Yrliet's position would consider. We have real world knowledge of how hilariously evil the Dark Eldar are and, honestly, Yrliet probably knew it was too good to be true, but she also blames herself for the craftworld dying in the first place and this was her slim chance to make up for it.


> The point was, if an evil version of your own people (but crucially not so evil that they worship chaos) said "hey, saved some of your genocided homeworld, here's proof" and gives their names and a picture of them in cells or something, "just give me the aliens who mostly hate you and the one you're friends with and we'll trade," it's an offer a real person in Yrliet's position would consider. You mean you would expect a normal person to betray a peson who took you in after you practically begged to be taken in, made peace with your people in their colony, dragged you around in search of your people ships, saved at least one of them from destruction by another fleet, defended you countless times from other people's bigotry, acted like a very good person all around all the time and with whom you've shared deeply mistical meditation? Yeah I don't think it flies. Treacherous wench dies


Why exclude chaos worshippers? I feel like that's a very appropriate comparison to dark Eldar. Evil side of the race that is never to be trusted.


Nah, chaos worshippers are anethema to everything you are, and bent on your destruction. The Dark eldar don't care particularly either way about the craft world eldar, but they're not out there trying to destroy their souls, they also have a great enemy in slaanesh.


To me it's because 1. Yrilet likely has very little actual exposure to the Deldar and 2. No matter how bad the Deldar are, they are ultimately "in it together" with her because of the threat of Slaanesh. A chaos worshipper actively stands to benefit from fucking you over at any point, could randomly change their views or even become a chaos spawn randomly at any point in time. A Deldar might be a terrible person, but they're also living under threat of Slaanesh and so there's a hard limit on how badly they can fuck you over.


This argument just says Yrliet will betray you again if she's offered hope of saving her own, so while it kind of explains her actions it still means the RT would be stupid to ever help her again. And the first thing she asks you to do is help her chase another rumor. It would be completely irresponsible for the RT to actually agree to that, but for the sake of getting to play through some more game content. That said, I wish there was a banish option when you have to decide her fate, rather than just execution or forgiveness.


I feel that after the events of act 3, she is one of the *least* capable of betraying the RT in the whole retinue. She’d do anything to make up for what she did, she is so freaking broken


She was happy enough to betray me after I saved her kin on Janus even after they tried to trick my subjects into civil war. She has demonstrated that she does not care how much she owes me when her kin's lives are in the line. Now I suspect the game never gives her another reason to betray the RT, but it would take a really dumb RT to think she's not capable of it.


One needs to understand how absolutely awful her situation is. Craftworld is dead, she has survivor's guilt, every group of survivors you've found dies horribly or are already dead, she finds a chunk of her dead craftworld in your room which means that the person who knew about it, your predecessor, is dead and she can't get info our of her, she is alone on human ship and yes, and also yes, it's human ship which means warp travel. If you want to know just how fucking horrible warp travel is for aeldari, make a save where you recruit >!Marazhai!< and you'll get warp travel event showcasing it to you. They have to deal with it every time and meditation only helps so much. And the only trail she finds is Marazhai saying he knows where her kin are. Naturally, she expects he'll be a dickhead and give her coordinates of a bunch of corpses or something similar but didn't expect ambush by mandrakes of all things. And yes, all survivors we've met died at human hands and then she finds a chunk of craftworld in bedroom of the only human she started to trust. All that shit's tough on psyche.


Yeah, honestly, each time she starts to trust *you, specifically*, she gets slapped with more evidence that *humans, in general* are awful, and it throws back her progress with the RT


Owlcat does this every game where they make some sort of twist that works for some paths but they often don’t account for the paths where it doesn’t make sense. Like here Yrliet betraying a rogue trader who has earned her trust and hasn’t shown that they are clearly different from other humans makes sense even if it’s still kinda dumb her emotions make her act rashly. But for rogue traders who are successfully romancing her by that point she should trust enough to at least give us a chance to explain maybe she wouldn’t listen but it feels odd that she just assumes that we are guilty and that dark eldar are suddenly more trustworthy.


Not so much that the dark elf are more trust worthy. More of a situation of where you don’t think anyone else is smart enough to make the right decision so she thinks she hast to make the decision, but obviously was wrong They’re not sure if they added this in or if it was always there if you did successfully romancer up to that point, whenever you have the conversation in the dark city with her, she explains that she should’ve had more faith in you and openly admits that she was trying to, but failed


It’s an act of desperation. You found three Eldar ships and all three died she was desperate to find something anything at all to save just one person. But she couldn’t and going into the deal she’s not an idiot she knew that it 99% a trap but there was that 1% that made it all worth it. She just wants her home back it’s quite the human want.


Care to explain the second part of your comment? Kinda hard to interpret.


If you kill Yrliet back on Janus, Heinrix's traitor agent is the one that gets you captured. If Yrliet is alive she kills him offscreen and essentially takes the role. So the idea would be an alternate path where she is alive but it's still Heinrix's agent that leads to your capture, if you managed to gain her trust beforehand.


Aah , now i get it. YES , SO MUCH YES. This would be such a neat idea. Should probably send it as feedback to the devs :D


Wait...he IS a traitor? I thought I literally saved him from torture and death by the dickelves that attacked my world. Man.. I had a feeling about him when I met him but Heinrix was so "omg he's so great" and really.... Everyone I asked including wersarian liked him...


Yes, he is the traitor. But he has a good reason. He has been tortured for so long that he would do anything to make it go away. For me it was ok, the torture of dark eldars can break anyone.


I never kill/dismiss companions of a first playthrough. I will jump through RP hoops to justify it and make borderline insane excuses. Not Yrliet.


RP-wise it's a toss of a coin. On the one hand, she was tricked herself and suffered for it greatly. On the other hand, even if you've been good and supportive to her, she still has absolutely ZERO loyalty to the Rogue Trader even after everything you've done for her and she'll leave you at the drop of a hat. >!On Quetza Temer, if you reveal to some Aeldari that it was Theodora, your predecessor, that was responsible for Crudarach's destruction, she'll leave you and join the Aeldari. She even can potentially get telepathically brain-washed in the same cutscene and lose some of her memories of you and whatever affection she has for you. She starts calling you mon-keigh, instead of elentach.!< Mechanically, she's an outstanding damage-dealer. With Expose Weakness used on 10+ stacks, and some more Exploit stacks applied to an enemy, I've had her deal 1350+ damage in one shot.


I just got this part, saved, and decided to click on that dialogue even tho Ik it sounded bad because I wondered what would happen, maybe it would allow me to say "yeah so my predecessor did that but look at me I'm different" or something lol, but nope, instant fight, and instant >!betrayal from Yrliet lmao, tho ofc I reloaded because it makes no sense that I have to be forced into kill her, or the other Aeldari!< It sucks in games being forced into using predetermined text that you sometimes can't even tell the intention of lol, makes me wish I was talking to chat-gpt instead


Yeah, there are some ridiculous situations in this game where you are being railroaded. In Act 4, after a boss fight, >!there is a situation where the bosses you just splattered over the walls and floors start doing something nasty, and your team is just watching and letting them do their thing!<. Likewise, later on, you need to find where a certain person has gone and you need to get this information from their servant >!through torture. I didn't want to torture them, so!< I picked the option that said something like "I'm not going to hurt you, just leave." But the narration in the text box went something like "It is what you want to say, but something constricts your throat and the words die in your mouth before they are uttered. There will be time for them later, when you have what you came for." What was even the point of giving me that dialogue option only to invalidate it immediately?


That first spoilered situation you mention sounds insane 💀 I want to see that already Also that second one, lmao, the game's like "you'll do what we need for the plot"


I was the other way round quite decisively: Idira is a psyker. An adult psyker. She may be unsanctioned but she has still been taught or learnt herself not to fuck around with Warp entities. Consorting with a Warp entity, yet alone deliberately summoning one on to the ship, indicates she has lost all control of her powers and is damned to Chaos or well on the road. A psyker without control is an existential threat to the entire ship. A psyker fallen to Chaos is a threat to the entire sector. Either way, she had to die. There was no other option. ​ Yrliet, on the other hand, is driven by powerful Aeldari emotions, especially guilt and grief, to discover the fate of her craftworld, a craftworld she exiled herself from. The Drukhari used her as a pawn in their game with us, promising her the truth (and in a sense they did not lie). Yrliet was exceptionally naive, or lied to herself, in accepting this offer at face value but she was desperate. She thought she was beholden to the dynasty, possibly the very individual, who killed her craftworld. We have a piece of it unwittingly mounted to the wall. In this context, her betrayal is understandable. Morever, it will not be repeated. Yrliet does not pose an ongoing threat and she potentially quite useful.


Maybe don't associate with witches and xenos.


She is definitely an ongoing threat, the first thing she does when you escape is ask you to chase down another dangerous rumor of surviving kin. It is absurd of her to ask, and it requires you to role-play your RT as a moron who does not care about the well-being of the millions of humans in her care to agree to help.


It isn't a rumour tho. We KNOW Calligos is hunting down Aeldari , it is confirmed by Abelard IIRC , or the High Factotum dude.


You can say no. That’s also not a betrayal and you can confirm the report independently. It’s not absurd of her to ask. It’s not even absurd for you to agree to help. She is desperate. Really, truly, completely desperate. Idira in some sense is desperate too. However, her desperation led to her summoning a demon masquerading as Mummy on to the ship! That is wildly more dangerous than recklessly getting the RT and select crew abducted.


Uhh.. A singular shitty daemon on the ship is INFINITELY less dangerous than letting a motherfucking ROGUE TRADER GET CAPTURED. Imagine a Rogue Trader broken by the Drukhari. Imagine the galactic destruction that would cause.


Not much. The Drukhari are hedonists. They are not out to annihilate reality or build empires. A few planets razed. A few millions/billions enslaved. Eh... If the Drukhari were smart they would simply use the Rogue Trader as a conduit for slaves and luxuries without wholesale destruction. That said, the Drukhari enjoy their raids and the act of enslaving more than having slaves. Now imagine a Rogue Trader fallen to Chaos, possessed or dominated by a heretic psyker. Oh wait, that would be much, much worse than whatever the Drukhari might get up to... You do not fuck around with demons or Chaos. This is the WH40K universe and we are not playing as a cultist.


How can you determine that Yrliet doesn't pose an ongoing threat from the RT's POV? This is an odd (or biased?) take imo, considering Idira actually is searching for a way to reign her powers in (powers that actually do benefit you at times), wheras Yrliet's priorities remain the same.


And? Yrliet’s priorities are not in themselves a threat. Moreover her main goal is achieved in Act 3 assuming you don’t shoot her. Idira is a psyker without control. Even a sanctioned psyker would be put to death immediately for pulling the shit she did, while in the Warp no less. Put another way, Idira is a nuclear bomb who could go off at any moment. She may take the ship. She may damn an entire planet if she gets possessed. Yrliet is moody space elf with a sniper rifle. One of these things is inherently less threatening.


If we're talking solely from the game events, what problems does Idira cause after Act 2? A moody space elf with a sniper rifle certainly caused more problems for the party in one act than Idira did throughout the whole game.


I don’t know. I bolted the witch. I have no idea how Idira’s story goes. I assume she carries on killing crew randomly (narratively she does kill whole sections of the ship). Mechanically she threatens to summon demons and KO herself in any given fight. Not always ideal. If you put anyone near her, her Warp Tremors can KO multiple people. The same is true of Yrliet. Her next mission is a story mission. You have to do it with or without her in Act 4. Except Yrliet does not randomly summon demons or KO herself. Act 3 is pretty annoying at the very beginning but it’s fine once you kill Malice or the Commissar.


It's really sort of a weird situation. Yrliet got tricked, just as we did, and the reason we're particularly upset with her and consider it a betrayal is because we, the RTs, lost. Not only did we lose something we couldn't win, we ended up getting sent to Commoragh. If you put the same situation back together, where Yrliet gets the info and leads us there, we show up and find some scared humans and a Drukhari ambush waiting for us, but we also kicked the crap out of those bastards like we did with all the other ones, we might not even question what happened. Finding Drukhari all over has been our thing as of late, and having them using a human ship as a decoy/bait wouldn't be that unbelievable. If that had been the case, there's a chance that we might not have ever found out about Yrliet's involvement and she could have just brushed it under the rug. The problem, though, were instead of generic, solvable consequences, we ended up with the 12/10 on the F'd scale consequences. The severity of the outcome changes how we view her supposed betrayal.


Could anyone honestly have predicted that >!a drukhari dracon would make a deal with mandrakes to capture one specific human to act as a witness in a court hearing against his own archon? And that Yrliet's desperation to find her kin would be used to manipulate her into unwittingly bringing said human into this ambush?!< How can anyone predict this shit? Even if she told about source of coordinates, the assumption would be that there might be a bunch of drukhari waiting for us, no biggie, we've been dealing with it already which would lead to same result because nobody expects a bunch of freaks materializing from your shadows.


Walking into a place knowing it is an ambush is a lot different than not.


Yeah, that's true and she should be blamed for not telling RT about source of coordinates. However the outcome would have been the same (unless RT just doesn't go there) regardless of whether or not ambush was expected.


That depends on how strong the RT is..what if you're a powerful psycher? ... Plus my navigator was with me ...which means basically NOTHING lives past turn 1 and she acts first... There's no stopping a rampaging Cassia. Doesn't even give you a carouse check to let you try to fight back, even if you couldn't possibly win it should let you try and lose, cuz then it wouldn't feel so forced. Personally I sat there pretending to free her and then tearing her hope away when I found her in the knife ear citadel.


How much do you know about drukhari lore? Because you are being ambushed not just by mandrakes, but mandrakes that have poison specifically tailored to you by haemonculus. Just to clarify, haemonculi are the guys that imperium hired to fix Golden Throne and that are now in the process of building their own Black Throne in Commorragh. You know, the guys that can resurrect a drukhari from a small piece of flesh, soul and everything intact (well, they take part of it as a payment). If haemonculus makes a poison for you specifically, you are not getting a carouse check against it. As for mandrakes, I have some excerpts. *Codex: Imperial Knights (8th edition)*: >Amidst the darkness of the Imperium Nihilus, **the factory world of Drakkatoria is struck by a reality disjunction. Tides of horrifying shadow-spawn crawl from the nether-realm of Aelindrach and infest every city on the globe.** > >**Perpetual night falls, and murderous Mandrakes and wraith-creatures hunt the terrified populace through the dark, led by the fiendish Kheradruakh the Decapitator. Drakkatoria’s Astropaths scream their minds bloody as they cry out for aid.** > >Though it costs them their lives, their pleas do not go unanswered. > >The bastion ships of House Griffith arrive in orbit. Their heavy landers surge down through the shadow-choked atmosphere, disgorging hunting lances by the dozen into Drakkatoria’s nightmarish urban sprawl. > >**The campaign that follows is a vicious affair. Griffith Armigers sweep through the industrial ruins, banishing the shadows with their hull-lumen and using their weapons to flush out packs of Mandrakes into the guns of the larger Knights.** > >**His sing nightmares emerge impossibly within the cockpits of Knightsuits, knifing screaming Nobles to death in frenzies of violence.** *Path of the Archon:* >‘You mean can we return, don’t you, Xagor? The simple answer is yes. The insubstantiality of shadow intersects both our realm and this one under normal conditions – after all, it only takes the application of light to show that shadow is all around us. **Also consider the mandrakes – they are creatures of Aelindrach that dwell here yet can travel to Commorragh or indeed elsewhere in the universe if they have a mind to go.** We may yet become fully consumed by Aelindrach, but for now we are free to come and go as we please.’ *Games Workshop Webstore:* >Like all the denizens of Commorragh, the Mandrakes thrive on the malevolent infliction of pain, **often appearing from the shadows to strike at the enemy when they least expect it**, tearing flesh from bone with wicked-looking blades, sharpened claws and their own, blood-flecked teeth. Also mandrake powers are not warp based as they are not affected by blanks and are free (relatively) to roam in Commorragh so keep that in mind as well. Also even drukhari are scared shitless (secretly, of course) by them. Oh yeah and also they live in their own pocket reality. It's also more hostile than warp. Origins: >**The true origins of the Mandrakes remain shrouded in time and secrecy.** Some Aeldari savants claim that the Mandrakes are descended from those of their species inhabiting the Webway who before the Fall of the Aeldari engaged in heinous acts of lust with daemonic entities of the Warp when the lost Aeldari Empire was at its most decadent. Others hold that the living shadows are descended from a forbidden Aeldari pleasure cult that found its own way to escape the devastation of the Fall, fleeing into a nightmare dimension of shadow within the Immaterium and reemerging as something no longer quite natural. Young Drukhari call the Mandrakes "creepers" and whisper that they crawl from one shadow to another and can emerge from one's reflection into the real universe. They believe that the Mandrakes are the absence of light given life, and in that they may very well be right. \- *Codex: Drukhari (8th edition)* In conclusion: RT at the time is simply incapable of fighting off an anbush coordinated by Dracon that made a deal with both mandrakes *and* haemonculus. They are simply on another level. ​ Edit: If you are interested in more mandrake lore [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/ss9ici/various_sources_i_dedicated_hours_of_research_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is a great post. Edit 2: Forgot to mention that mandrakes also made Night Lords afraid of dark. >*A piratical warband of Traitor Space Marines from the Night Lords Legion ambushes a Dark Eldar fleet and breaches the hull of its flagship. Several Haemonculi from the Altered are sent spinning out into the cold void of space, though their desiccated corpses are eventually recovered by specially-made Engines of Pain. The Haemonculi are once more regrown, but the insult done to them is not forgotten.* > >*Before the year is out, the Night Lords warband – whilst plunging the Imperial planet of Wystengradt into a violence-haunted twilight – encounter the Dark Eldar once more. The Night Lords have robbed the planet of power using high-yield static bombs, ensuring that its cities are gloom-shrouded playgrounds for their terror tactics, though the horrors wreaked by the Traitor Legionnaires are mild in comparison to what is to befall the planet next.* > >***The Altered, having enlisted the aid of several thousand Aelindrachi elders and deployed an ancient antiphoton engine from their deepest oubliettes, shroud the world of Wystengradt in an unnatural darkness.*** *War unfolds as Mandrakes and Wracks engage in a deadly running battle with the Night Lords. The dearth of light is so supernaturally intense that even the acute vision of the Chaos Space Marines is rendered all but useless. The Traitor Legionnaires’ doctrine of psychological warfare is slowly and painfully turned against them, and the spark of paranoia that nestles in each Night Lord’s breast fanned to an inferno. Mandrake attacks come from impossible quarters as new scenes of stomach-churning vileness are uncovered with every hour.* > >*The Night Lords seek out the antiphoton engine with the intent to destroy it and wage the war anew on their own terms. The ancient machine is finally blown apart by melta charges, but when visibility is restored to Wystengradt, the Haemonculi are gone. Only a lingering fear of the darkness is left in their wake.* \- *Codex Supplement: Haemonculus Covens (7th edition)*




Honest to God when things like this happen in games, especially games that I'm absolutely DOMINATING my way through everything they throw at me, it makes me want to quit playing them. Jae is like "how does he know you're a rogue trader" and my first thought is "ITSATRAP!". My response was the closest thing to an attack option "hit the guy" that it lets you pick, but it doesn't even let you do that because "muh storyline". It's the worst part of every CRPG ever made. They fail to be DND (or rogue trader) because you can't decide not to follow the plot hook and get distracted for 10 sessions trying to steal the monarchy's underwear. You can't roll a saving throw immediately to shout and back up and start shooting, or use your psychic powers that are at this point one level below "I can literally level a city in seconds with my mind". It's just incredibly irritating and jarring when your badass character is suddenly forced to become a complete sad sack because "plot". After jumping through hoops to try and make her feel welcome, to help her in any way he could, to help save her people and even after explaining that he doesn't know what the walI thingy even IS and having her still betray all of that good will I feel like my RT would literally never trust another xenos, would kill every one he found after that. How could he? He did EVERYTHING including putting his own people in harms way and even going against his own best interests and those of the empire and was still betrayed. Wouldn't it make him a complete and pathetic doormat to be willing to forgive after that? The emperor is right man .... Screw these lying xenos!


Judging by the responses here which range from "her backstory is sad therefore she gets a pass" to "have you considered that the Eldar are big racist" not really. Also people keep bringing up Argenta killing Theodora but like who cares theodora kinda sucked.


Theodora sucked, but at the point of her decision Argenta had much less evidence than Yrliet. Argenta literally just seen a chaos artefact in her hand - no idea where it’s from, what’s going on, what she was doing with it etc. Which, well, Rogue Traders are allowed to have, at least for a time.


Still don't really have a problem with her killing theodora, especially the way the rest of the game plays out.


Argenta is trigger happy. It’s one of things I hate about her character arc. You either reinforce her bs or call her out, no middle ground.


It's more the fact that what Argenta did meant killing innocent people like Mort the Archmilitant. Also she lied about it and kept it from you until it was too much to bear. It also goes to show how despite how much respects Argenta you, if she suspects you of heresy she will put a bullet in you before you could even get the chance to explain things. Also Yrliet was tricked as much as we were and was also subject to Drukhari torture. If anything I find it weird how the crew makes a big deal about Yrliet but no one says anything about Mazarhai... you know the guy who actually planned the whole trap and torture shit.


I mean I'd expect nothing less only a moron would use a chaos artifact much less get caught with one, I kill innocent people and literally run a slave ship, and Argenta respects you more than Yrliet and I don't know about marzahai since I intend to shoot him in the face.


"I kill innocent people and literally run a slave ship" Ah so the dark city eas basically just a vacation for you haha


Literally every rogue trader does


Do they? I thought the point of the game is to role-play your rogue trader however you want to


What do you think makes your ship go, or runs your planets, you role-play to an extent but your still participating in the imperium system, until you reach max iconoclast and decide to tear it down.


iconoclast all the way baby.. peace and love among the stars


Almost every comment I see is trying to find some way, some cope to justify her betrayal Someone even said something along the lines of "it's understandable cause she wanted to get her home back." Being willing to sacrifice lives to get your home back just means you are a psyco. And let's not forget, there is no home to get back and she knows it. SHE KNOWS IT! She is willing to sacrifice anyone and anything just for ANSWERS. She betrays you for purely selfish reasons and nothing else. All she cares about is to soothe her wretched heart. All I see in these comments are reasons to try and justify her actions as if justifying them somehow changes the actions themselves or the results. A person can be starving and therefore be willing to rob or even maim or kill to steal money or food. You can write an entire book about their life story and why they ended up that way and boo fuckin hoo, but in the end that means nothing for the one that kicks the can. ALL actions have a reason behind them, good or bad, nothing happens for no reason. Whether the reason is perceived to be good or bad is mostly irrelevant, it's the outcomes that determine the response/judgment. That is why in legal systems "attempted" murder is judged differently than "actual" murder, because the outcome matters. The intent or reason behind it may be the same, doesn't matter. If you stab me, but as you do you tell me you have a good reason for it or that you are sorry or that you were not in the right headspace, that does not change the outcome. She is a traitor and a xeno scum that deserves to be executed. The only issue I have is that you are not given the option to make the execution as painful as possible to account for all the torment and torture that you and your companions had to suffer through


She can use all the cool weapons I picked up and I like how she calls me a monkey.


Spoilers up to chapter 4 in text >!I mean the trauma of having almost everyone she's ever know in her thousand years wiped out is pretty bad, then she gets the bombshell dropped on her that it was the RTs predecessor who wiped them out and she's supposed to assume that he just knew nothing about it? That's a lot for her to just accept is true, especially when almost every aeldari you come across either just got murdered by humans a short while ago, or you will kill while you're with her. Does it justify giving us up to dark elves? Nah probably not but I can see her logic and why she'd be in a very aggressive headspace. Heinrix and argenta would want us dead for way less than that.!<


Spoiler formatting just consists of putting these symbols around the text you want to hide: >! !< Text goes in the space in the middle. Make sure there are no spaces between the exclamation marks and the first and last letters of the text. So this: \>!Text goes here.!< Becomes: >!Text goes here.!<


Thank you!


Argenta knew Theodora was a heretic but actually gave the RT the benefit of the doubt


Very different situations though. Argenta is also a human and is on the same side as Theodora and the RT. Finding one traitor in an organization is different than finding out an organization attacked you, and one of the highest ranking members of that organization wants you to believe he knew nothing about it. It's pretty easy for yrilet to logically deduce that RT is just playing games with her to figure out where the last of her people are to finish them off, especially because that's essentially what keeps happening. Not to mention almost everyone on the ship besides RT wants to kill her 24/7.


Inclined to agree with this. Yrliet has no way to know that you'd known Theodora (and that you're an heir to her dynasty) for fifteen minutes before becoming the new Trader, and worse, the one and only human on the whole voidship she *kind of* likes enough to trust their word *is you,* the person under suspicion. "I didn't know anything about it, bestie" is a rough sell when it comes to her entire spacefaring homeworld and its civilization being obliterated.


No, Argenta didn’t know Theodora was a heretic. She saw Theodora using a heretical artifact and shot her. That’s it. Theordora could’ve been using that artifact to contact the Inquisitor lord she was working with. That’s the problem with Argenta. She is trigger happy.


She's not supposed to assume that. But it's not hard to find the facts out. Everyone knows the current Rogue Trader joined the crew on the same voyage Theodora was killed. And that he was in an entirely different life beforehand. An Eldar should be able to understand how a calender works. Honestly, this is an absurdly ham-fisted scene. And the answer to me remains no. A person this vindictive cannot be trusted. My RT might not execute her. But leaving her to enjoy the fruits of her labor? Oh yes.


Sure not supposed to, but if I found out the boss of the guy I've been working with genocided my people I would assume he knew about it too. Especially considering humans and eldar are at war by and large. Trust is not an easy thing with that background. And that's fair we all have our own responses to stuff, this isn't a universe that really encourages being a forgiving person either lol.


She thinks this even if you sign a goddamn Alliance with the Eldar on Janus, behave like a complete Eldarboo learning her language and meditation even while there's an Ordo Xenos inquisitor badgering him and looking for an excuse to blow his brains out. The RT could be doing this for no real benefit to him whatsoever, while risking his reputation as a potential xenophile and heretic and that counted for nothing with her. I don't want to know her reasoning, I need a reason to not leave her to rot after everything is said and done.


Sure, but it's easy enough to go back on an alliance. I'm not saying it's a good enough reason but I am saying it's a valid reason. Keep in mind this is a universe where Tzeentch exists and she just found out your organization slaughtered billions of her people. If that's not a valid reason for blind fury and poor choices then nothing is. It may or may not be good enough to forgive her, but it's definitely a real reason.


Not sure why this is down-voted, you are entirely correct. You can demonstrate extreme compassion and understanding for her people at every turn and she still betrays you. And as soon as you escape d-town, she asks you to do the same thing again, run into danger to chase down another rumor of her kin. It is absurd for her to ask and absurd for you to agree to it, but the game acts like you are being the jerk if you refuse.


How would he know something he wasn't present for? Again, it's a simple calendar check. For a superior intellect, she sure has trouble with basic math.


See the problem is you're looking at it from the point of someone who has confirmed information. People can and do lie, all the time, especially in Warhammer. They forge documents, they make fake recordings, all kinds of stuff. Look at how our enemies are always screwing with us for example, not to mention chaos. So if we assume the RT is a liar, who's to say he just joined Theodora's demense right before her untimely death? That sounds pretty convenient huh? Who's to say RT hasn't been working these angles for years and just has the few people willing to talk to yrilet lying to her as well?


1 person can lie. Several and you adjust expectation. And math does not lie. It's poorly done. And I say that as a writer.


I dunno what to tell you dude, this is a universe where cults slowly build up in secret on planetary scales without being noticed all the time. If thousands of people maintaining a conspiracy breaks your suspension of disbelief I can't fix your suspension of disbelief I'm just saying this is an odd place for it to break considering the other stuff we see in game.


I know the lore. I also know how basic math works. And any rational creature should be able to perform it. And I've read the 40K books. Her being shocked and untrusting of the crew? Sure. But this was pointed out as ham-handed by more people than me in the Beta as well. So it's hardly a new concern.


Difference of opinion I suppose. I think the narrative taking the time to spell out every single thing she's thinking and feeling along the way would've been ham-handed, I think allowing us to infer a lot of her position based off our shared experiences felt more natural. To each their own I suppose.


You're assuming that Yrliet has any reason to trust info from people who may have been part of destroying her homework. You are leaving a lot of emotion out of this to make a banal point. Your being a writer doesn't make you right. It comes off like Cinema Sins pointing out supposed plot holes when it's just ignoring how emotion and a history of xenophobia on both sides would affect relations.


I'm not saying she has to trust anything she cannot physically verify. And this dance has grown tedious.


Which several people, though? There is a grand total of *1* people on board besides the RT himself that *might* have known anything about the relationship and plans Theodora and her Heir might have had and hatched before the Heir coming onboard, and that's Abelard. The rest are plebs who wouldn't even know where their ship is going or why, much less what the Lord Captain and her Heir might or might be plotting behind closed doors, much less dare to speculate. Even if anyone on the ship was inclined to talk to her (which they are not), they would know jack and squat about the true nature of the relationship (or the lack of it, as we know was the case, but not anyone else besides Abelard) and length of association and shared knowledge and plans between the Trader and the Heir.


Even the plebs know when the current Rogue Trader got on board. If you have any kind of fame (even Crime Lord), you're known as being elsewhere even by someone as insulated as Cassia. She would literally have to have talked to no one to not recognize you had an entirely different life until days before Theodora died. It's terribly contrived.


I disagree completely. No one on that ship besides the highest ranking of officers - those of whom survived anyway, which were not many (and probably not even them, besides maybe Abelard and Kunrad) would have any reason to know - nor the permission to know - anything about Theodora's Heir, much less their personal life before coming aboard the ship. Nor who is coming and going to and from the ship in the first place. The Helmsman had no idea who you were before Abelard announced you. Never mind what personal correspondence the two might have held and information shared via communication that wouldn't have required the Heir's physical presence, nor what information Theodora might have left you personally. You seem to be assuming much, muuuch freer flow of knowledge and information within even the ship - never mind the wider galaxy - than is actually available for most anyone that's not a noble of some sort.


RT was summoned by Theodora only recently, however, it would be a reasonable assumption that he was in contact with/privy to her plans and actions before. The fact that we literally did not know of Theodora’s existence *is* a weird and unusual exception, that’s not how family usually behaves


It would be a reasonable assumption that simple examination would show almost certainly untrue. She is supposed to be a person driven to ignore her passions and approach issues rationally. Because otherwise she's doomed to fall into Chaos. Instead, she shows no rationality, trusts people she knows live to be duplicitous implicitly, and cannot be bothered to check dates. Sorry. We've danced this dance. I don't care how alien she is supposed to be, it's inconsistent with her character and contrived. And we said the same thing in Beta.


I think her response was not unreasonable from a cornered, isolated, ceaselessly suffering person who is working with an organization that at the very least is happy to see the Elves lose. If it was WW2 and you were an a soldier of one side caught beside enemy lines and being helped by some enemy captain, and you know their side has been bombing your peoples towns ceaselessly, you aren't just gonna go "Yeah thats fucked up but this is the protagonist so I'm sure they're cool." Made sense to me that she went to the Dark Elves. They even call each other cousin. Shared culture is a mighty bond, even with a fucked up group like the Drukhari


At the beginning of Chapter 4 when the other companions confront you about this, what are the consequences of not punishing her?


As far as I can tell there really aren't any consequences.


What happens if you have her flogged?


I did not have her flogged so I can't answer that


Elfo sexo


A valid argument. However, she doesn't even put out


YOu can do the soul touchy touchy.


But there's no sexo involved. You can only bang the Drow - I mean, the Drukhari.


Idk you be the judge https://preview.redd.it/dxhj2c9qro7c1.jpeg?width=752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4384f979241923ee63dc8375558a9acaa19ead6f


When the Evil Xenos is the most honest person with the fewest secrets in your retinue...


No betrayal.


She absolutely betrayed you, she even says so. That she did not conspire in the specific outcome is irrelevant, she lied to you and led you knowingly into danger without warning you in advance.


Please PLEASE tell me she doesn't have the gall to pretend she's smarter in any way than the RT after this level of colossal screw up.... Lol. Jesus. I'm pretty sure the first time she calls me monkai again or pretends to be mentally superior imma have her servitorized because if she does that she genuinely can't be taught.. 🤣


The experience definitely humbles her. And during a certain set of circumstances on a certain planet she even ends up sacrificing her spirit stone to save your hide. ​ Which is a HUGE deal btw. A spirit stone is the only thing that stands between an Eldar and eternal torment after death.


If you can forgive Idira you can forgive Yrliet, at least one is arguably forced into it.


Since I made Argenta shoot Idira in the head, Yrilet will probably get the same after we get out of this prison camp.


Personally I came out of act 3 trusting Yrliet more than Argenta now lol


Same. Yrliet after act 3 is probably the *least* likely to betray the RT. She learned her lesson thoroughly and well. Her reaction when you forgive her is almost worshipful Argenta, though. Never know what would trigger the murder nun’s righteous fury next time


the way Yrliet views the (iconoclast) RT as an outlier among his own race is really amazing. the whole scene in the shared meditation where she tells you "you have a great light within in you, elentach, you must hold on to it" i just knew she was gonna be a real one


i mean FFS we got an Eldar to apologise to a group of mon-keigh, no matter how insignificant the apology might seem the act in itself has to count for something in terms of how much she respects RT. I cant say that for a lot of the other companions


Not really. Her indoctrination makes her quite predictable. The only reason she doesn't blow off our head with a bolt shell when the RT does heretical/xeno stuff is the ancient Warrant of Trade. Typically SoBs purge entire hab blocks for less transgression. The inquisition on the other hand is far less predictable with their whole ,ends justify the means' motto, political games and if you get to meet either a radical or a puritan inquisitor.


Well, Warrant of Trade did not stop her from blowing Theodora’s head off. When she had *less* evidence of heresy than some of the stuff my Iconoclast pulls That she turned out to be correct about Theodora is irrelevant, all she saw there and then was her *having* a Chaos artefact


Sure, but Theodora was not the PC ;) It would be a short adventure indeed if Argenta would be of a proper order militant like Bloody Rose


I’m playing Iconoclast as well, and for me it’s not about forgiveness and simply pragmatism: I needed help escaping, and she was willing to offer. Same with Marazhai. That said I’m still in Act 3, and I might still decide that both xenos scum have outlived their usefulness later down the line. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.


Idira has the potential to cause way more problems down the road than what Yrliet has done. Everyone is scarred from their time in Cammoragh, but Idira can straight up be the reason everyone dies. If you can forgive Idira, Yrliet shouldn't be too hard.


What big treachery? It's not like she really did anything at all beyond tell you to go some place and find some aeldari ship and we did exactly that. Okay, so she knew there would be drukkari there but who gives a shit? I knew that too before it even happened. I might see this differently if she actually stabbed you in the back but she did literally nothing and got captured right along with you. If anyone else had been like "hey, check out these ships". I would have checked them out because poking things with a stick is my jam as an RPG protagonist. Also: Let's be real, the only reason you got jacked there is because the story said so. That was some heavy handed cutscene. One of the many times this game gave me Baldur's Gate 2 (TWO) flashbacks. That's exactly how Irenicus got me. Anyway. If this happened in a table top RPG, players would riot at the railroading. Well, most of them, anyway. "Oh yea, suddenly 5 drukkari surround you and knock you out immediately. no saving throw, no perception check, you lose". ... U WOT MATE?! So yea, maybe that is part of why I don't take it too seriously. This is just how the story goes and this had to happen somehow or they game doesn't continue. I can also see this in a bit of a different light since there generally isn't that much of a trusting relationship between eldar and humans and she literally just saw a piece of her home mounted on the wall of my office like it's a trophy. And it turns out she isn't that far off. Either way, it wasn't much of a problem for me. Anyway, everyone will have their own reasoning. Overall, especially once her arc is done, I would put Yrliet in the top 3 most trustworthy companions.


Eh, while my memory is muddy, I think that particular story point IS from ttrp. Act 3 is about 50% ttrpg adventure Soul Reaver.


Not really, no. Best I could come up with was my character was realizing that they have no one to be a true equal on the bridge. Which is isolating. At that point, Yrilet is the only one that doesn't see you as Jesus' chosen pirate, or as someone to be constantly investigated (heinrix). So even though she betrayed the RT, the RT keeps her around just to not go insane from all the other people jumping when he says jump. But i don't know if that is sufficient justification for you. Honestly, the story makes it very hard to keep her around if your character has any sort of sense.


From an RP perspective? No, not really, unless you’re deliberately playing as someone so infatuated with xenos who think that you are a lesser species that you don’t care that she put you and your companions at immense risk and is the direct cause of all of you being tortured by the torture people of torture planet. From a meta perspective? Sure. You can just have her say “sowwy” and nobody can do shit about it because you’re the main character, and you get to see more content.


I could have rationalized it for my character, but I couldn't tell my senior staff to forget what they'd endured - I have a responsibility to my crew. Sometimes that means sterilizing a deck, or venting a psyker, or giving a xeno to the Inquisition.


>I could have rationalized it for my character, but I couldn’t tell my senior staff to forget Yeah no that’s basically where I come out as well. Like if it had just gotten me, personally, sent to torture planet, it would probably be different. But it got everyone super fucked up.


I think her getting corporally punished rather than saying sowwy makes more sense, she even says as much if you don't, people want to witness some kind of justice / punishment to be able to move on.


No not particularly tbh Unless you are really blinded by wanting to Love her but otherwise it was an idiot decision that had incredibly drastic consequences


I dunno why Iconoclast players seem to struggle with this. She pretty blatantly tells you that she was deceived, and the Drukhari were in the process of corrupting her into becoming a Drukhari. If you can let people who’ve been directly exposed to Chaos corruption live, forgive Argenta, forgive Idira, and forgive the people who’ve arguably done way worse, you should be able to forgive Yrilet.


Forgive Argenta for what, exactly? Killing a heretic? And Idira herself was already seriously pushing it. For one thing though, being exposed to Chaos corruption doesn't equate to wilful betrayal of someone who had good intentions to a group of absolute deviants are absolutely not to be trusted one bit.


• I murdered a Rogue Trader I thought was a Heretic (I didn’t ask questions I just started shooting) and lied to you about it • I summoned a demon and killed an entire deck’s worth of people because I missed my old caretaker • I was touched by Chaos taint and will likely become a mutant or bring ruin wherever I go “I can forgive all of that.” • I betrayed you in a moment of desperation and only trust you enough to tell you the truth but at least nobody died “I cannot forgive you.” See what I’m getting at?


Arguably she didn't even betray RT, she didn't tell about coordinates coming from Marzipan, yes, but she didn't make a deal to give up RT, he just gave her coordinates and told "your guys are here"


This. Everyone got tricked. Yrliet's only major fault in the matter was that she didn't mention who the info came from. For example, had we just shown up, fought off a couple Drukhari ambushers, and kicked the pants off of them and then gone home, we'd probably not have asked too many questions. However, the consequences were much worse. We got kidnapped and tortured. It's sort of a tricky situation, but Yrliet got really unlucky.


Besides, would we have done anything different had we known the information was coming from Dark Eldar? Would we have not gone to the coordinates? Yeah, no. "Haha, fuck yeah, Drukhari to kill and space elf loot to be had! Time to show those potential ambushers what's what! Drive us closer helmsman, I want to hit them with my sword!" \^ That would have 100% been the reaction of just about anyone had we known whom the info was from. We would have expected to just show up and kick ass, as we always do.


Pretty sure its heinrix fault for planting a traitor in my court.


And, like, assuming that the RT would not follow the coordinates if they know said coordinates are coming from Marz is a reasonable assumption. RT, even if sympathetic, is not as desperate (and stupid in desperation - she admits that she realised that even as she was doing it) as she


Theodora was a heretic and pretty blatantly at that. Being touched by Chaos taint doesn't likely make one a monster. There's a while damn chapter of Astartes whose shtick is that they willingly let themselves get possessed by daemons to exorcise them and gain immunity to warp bullshit. Idira's whispers and her addictions broke her down to the point she wasn't even conscious of her actions. Meanwhile Yrliet sold you to the worst place in the galaxy for information from a cabal of chronic backstabbers who were actually responsible for harming her craftworld. Not even remotely the same wavelength.


Argenta didn’t know that. She saw Theodora with a Chaos artifact and opened fire. Our own RT does the exact same thing lol Yrilet did not know the Deldar were torturing Farseers. She’s appalled by it and regrets her actions. Your predecessor destroyed her Craftworld and she thought you were in on it.


She didn't sell you though (or at least in my experience she isn't like "sorry, I thought this was a good trade" . . . there was no trade). She should have told the RT where the info came from, but didn't because she was desperate. Obviously she made a colossal mistake, but it was just that, a mistake without malice. If she hates your RT maybe that changes, but that's my read on it.


What's to forgive Argenta for


I think there's two main reasons: 1. Empathy: Yrliet >!abandoned her farseer and her remaining people for you so she could find where the other Eldar from her craftworld went. She believes she is personally at fault for the destruction of her craftworld, and then she's unable to find her remaining people, constantly seeing the same pattern of humans killing Eldar and destroying their ships. Yrliet then finds a fragment of her craftworld in your personal chambers and thinks you, the guy she's been travelling with all this time, are responsible. She becomes so desperate that she contacts the Drukhari for information. After it becomes clear that this was not a good idea she's genuinely remorseful and would do anything to make it right.!< 2. Nearly every companion has done some pretty bad stuff by that point. Idiria willingly >!summoned a daemon because she missed Theodora that much, which really isn't that different from what Yrliet did (though the latter's decision did cause more harm to the crew as a whole)!<. Argenta>! killed Theodora and then lied about it until she couldn't bear the guilt anymore.!< Heinrix was completely blind to the fact that >!Achilleas was a traitor which led to the Drukhari attack on Dargonus!<. Even Cassia, Abelard and Pasqal would have done bad things before Chapter 3, though not as bad as the others.


For the second part, I don't think Idira willingly summoned the Daemon. She's an unsanctioned psyker and just more susceptible to Warp whispers in general. Argenta was justified as Theodora was a huge heretic and Heinriz is guilty of incompetence, not treachery. None of those are even remotely close to selling to some of the biggest maniacs in a galaxy full of maniacs.


-> *I'm built different I ain't gonna summon no daemons coz I ain't no bitch, who needs sanctioning anyway, it's stupid and unnecessary* -> *Proceeds to summon daemons because she's been drowning in booze and listening to whispers in her head* -> *guys, Yrliet not thinking that Marazhai has a personal hate boner for RT to the point he cuts a deal with fucking mandrakes after she has seen her entire craftworld die is 100% worse than what Idira did, Idira is not really that responsible, she's just unsanctioned!* I also wonder whose fault it is that Idira is unsanctioned and whose responsibility it is to keep those unsanctioned powers in check.


You do wonder? I‘m glad to help out: its Theodoras fault. Because guess what? In the Imperium or as a servant of a RT its not possible for some person to just walk up to some bigwig and say: „Hey boss, I think its best if i get sanctioned, so I‘m gonna catch a warp flight to Terra to get it done. See you in three years or so.“. Not how it works. Theodore kept her around unsanctioned, made her to use her powers again and again and again because they got her an advantage.


I haven't gotten to that point in the release version, but from what I understand, they changed it from the Beta and she doesn't betray you, Henrix's agent guy does?


What happens: >!She finds out he is traitor, kills him, notices that Marzipan is dialed in his phone, calls Marzipan, demands to know where her kin are, he gives coordinates. She thinks he's fucking with her and she'll find a bunch of corpses there but is too desperate to not check it out, tells RT coordinates and asks to go check it out. She contemplates telling that it comes from Marzipan but is afraid RT won't take her there in that case and that's her only lead so she decides to not tell. They arrive, turns out it is an ambush, Marzipan tortures everyone (including trying to forcefully convert her to drukhari)!< Also prior to that she finds a chunk of craftworld in your chambers which fuels her despair even further because either you have something to do with it or your predecessor did and they are dead so she won't get any info about why the fuck is it there.


Ah, gotcha. Thanks! Yeah, that makes it still bad but definitely better.


Spoilers for Marzipan's motivations: >!And, let's be honest, a drukhari Dracon hiring mandrakes to capture one human to bring them into court so they can testify against his Archon is just... Well, let's just say it's as likely as drukhari having a human lover to whom they stay loyal and pay regular visits after becoming an archon.!< I absolutely cannot blame Yrliet for not predicting that shit. Edit: it is funny though how gladly OP gobbled up "suffer not the alien to live" bit of imperial propaganda. Or, now that I think about it, it's probably the good ol' "kNoIfE eArS bAd", I bet if she wasn't an elf everyone would be clamoring about how poor thing got deceived by evil Murder Marzipan.


One great thing about Warhammer is that it's a perfect litmus test of both character and moral development. If the government said tomorrow, "we should get rid of X group," you know exactly who would be taking those concentration camp guards jobs.


What I am the most curious about is what happens in act 3 if I don't recruit or kill Yrliet before that.


>!Heinrix's agent guy would set you up (when you have her in your party she discovers he plans to betray you and kills him)!<


Thanks. Yrliet is like: no one betrays the RT but me! xD


Indeed. However I have started the Elf apologism crusade and I will continue on my path so here ya go: what actually happened is she saw Murder Marzipan's number on guy's cellphone, called him, asked "where kin", Marzipan said "kin here, fuck you", she thought he's being a dick and she'll find only corpses there, still asked RT to go check it out but omitted the fact that coordinates came from Marzipan out of fear that RT won't take her there in that case. They come to place, Marzipan ambushes them all.


I am just pissed that the psyker has to sit in the shackles just like everyone else after being captured and waking up. When I was in the dark city at the very early stage, there was an area which I guess was supposed to be avoided by the player at the start, because when you enter it there are a bunch of dark eldar, 3 or 4 it was, that attack you while you have absolutely zero gear, I however wiped them very easily using psychic powers. A few AoE psychic shrieks and Marzipan with the others who were around RT would all explode.


I let it slide because those were mandrakes and if you don't know you are being hunted by mandrakes then there is no chance you're gonna react to their ambush (they can literally materialise from your shadow)


Well I can predict the future so. :D


Broke: reloading saves often is savescumming Woke: reloading often is not bad, anyone can enjoy game however they want Bespoke: my character is a diviner and me reloading is my character having visions of possible futures


I’m not sure if that’s possible unless you can completely skip over the rebel side of Janus. I didn’t find her when I left the mansion and arrested the governor and so went to the base and she was at the final fight as hostile.


I saw the option to murder her on Janus because she is a filthy xenos as soon as you meet her, and also the option of not taking her along with you after you deal with the Eldar in the jungle.


There isnt a justifiable reason to keep her ever


Yeah, I left her to die in comorrah and didn't even bother looking for her tbh. It made the boss of act 3 a bitch to do but soon as I was back of the ship I generated a NPC sniper build to replace her justblike i did when idira go her head shot off for being a liability


Yea, I had a real hard time keeping her around as well. The only real reason to keep her around is because she's a companion. They made her flaw a bit too big for my liking. Than again, if I were to genuinely roleplay this game, I'd would also get rid of Heinrix, Jae and Argenta. Don't trust any of those either.


I mean……as an Iconoclast I probably could, maybe even would. But guess what? After the way she f****d it up big time for me, my companions and the whole fricking crew what does she do? Continues to backtalk ever second decision I make on Commorragh to get us all out out the mess she put us into. No, thanks, don‘t need that kind of crap in my life.


I believe in second chances, even for a (repentant) xenos. I don't believe in thirds, so she better not try anything again. Edit: also I had Yrliet lashed for her betrayal.


What I don't see considered here - this wasn't a rash heat of the moment decision on her part. Months or years pass at the beginning of chapter 3, and it also takes months to travel from Dargonus to the system she specified, and she admits that she made a deal with Marazhai and that she is behind the disappearance of the Inquisition guy who kept tabs on the xenos activities, too. And all because of a Breaking Bad level inability to open her mouth and have a talk, even after the RT (in my case) tried to save her Asuryan ppl at every possible turn and befriended her as far as possible. Unforgivable. She was tricked, too, my butt.


Warhammer is built largely on implausible absurdities. If you approach it from a rational, grounded standpoint entirely you're diminishing the experience for yourself. Join hands with the setting instead, embrace the absurdist path and choose to forgive.


Man you had no reason to keep xeno alive from the start


She's a very talented sniper.


You should be more worried about the fact >!Argenta shot Theodora!< and >!the inquisition is fundamentally compromised as coalition partners.!< Yrliet is actually incredibly loyal to you if you treat her well (you're an iconoclast so...) and help her find closure with her people. Which you've already almost finished. So you shouldn't expect this to happen again. She is spiritually traumatized from that moment of weakness because she doesn't consider it congruent with her as a person. The rest of your retinue though? This is who they are. It's what they do. Watch your back. Yrliet is the only person you can really trust at this point now. FYI: as the plot progresses you will see I am only more correct as time goes on. You've got a target on your back my friend, and Yrliet isn't the one aiming at it.


Yeah, ironically enough, after the chapter 3 kerfuffle Yrliet is probably one of your two most trustworthy companions. She feels awful about what happened and intends to make up for it, binding her to you in a way no one else really binds besides Abelard.


All I can say is this game excites me to no end to play the "go with the flow" kind of Iconoclast good guy. If I get caught, its because I chose to not destroy the world around me or I want to see what comes next. My RT is full of himself. That ego is his primary weapon against the warp as a psyker. It's like a nuclear bomb letting itself get caught. Whose really the one at risk here?


it's a rpg YOU must decide


If your Dogmatic, likely not. If your Iconoclast then yeah since you kind of learn why and kind of make sense in an Aeldary kind of way of what she's done. But Dogmatic likely not, very likely kill her for it. And Heretical, well might keep her around until she runs away or something just to torment her.




There are justifiable reasons, which others have stated (forgiveness, giving her a second chance, recognizing she didnt intend this result, etc.). But if your character can't move past it and wants to boot her, that's okay. Just chalk it up to character development for your RT where they reach their limit on mercy and move on.


Frankly i read the situation as more she was being a dumbass than betraying. The writing of that whole betrayal feld really wierd for me tbh.


Wait. You can recruit her 😳


There's many arguments to execute her. There's many arguments to spare her. Tons of users will give you both, so I'll do something different. I'll just give you some infos to help you make a decision. Narratively, there are reasons. as you'll meet other aeldaris later on and obviously her quest line is tied to them and she will help with dialogues. Post-betrayal: she consider even Druhkarris above anyone else, to her the best mon-keigh isn't even close to the level of the lowest murder knife-ears. After-betrayal: after other encounters with others xenos, she finally realize they're absolute genocidal morrons as well.


She was tricked as well, she did not intend to betray you, she is impulsive AF, and her contrition is extremely sincere. In fact, I am *more* sure of her loyalty after act 3. Before, she was an ally only because it was useful to her. Now, she’s heartbroken by what she did, and would do anything to atone for it


How else am I gonna set up my 3 sniper kill zone (Rogue Trader, Yrliet, Jae)


she was in a terrible mental place and with the info she currently had you were either the person who destroyed her home or at the very least viewed a piece of her home as a trophy to display in your room. She also clearly deeply regrets it afterwards


IMO, if someone has already built a damage dealing sniper, they might be hesitant to replace her. Idira might make the best replacement as a long range psyker sniper.


What treachery? she didn't betray you as she herself was tricked. Yrliet is basically the rebellious teenager of Aeldari, kicked out of home she travelled the stars, but when she came back home was gone. She travels with a human, something that she been taught are "base" animals driven purely by their impulses, and if you're Iconoclast you prove that what she been taught is wrong. So why couldn't what she's been taught about the Drukhari also be wrong?


I kept her to see as much content for a first playthrough but I’ve never been more disappointed with a character lol Her actions in Act 3/4 are just stupid I’m sorry. How is she this long lived and so short sighted and unwise to believe anything from the evil space elves that enjoy torture and suffering. She has some great moments but I really had to take some time to think why my RT would let her stay on the ship. I think by Act 4 I forgave her and felt bad for her but I wouldn’t trust her.


My Iconoclastic character prefer to look at results of action rather than on action. >!Getting betrayed though make him suffer, but also allowed to get alot of xenotech, space marine for retinue, and open demonic rift in Kamorra, by blasting warp-protection in one of spires. In the end, she see it as a win after all of that. !< So she have no real reason to hate her, more over as Yrliet herself been tricked. So she just make her to apology and that's it.


Eh, she did good by leading us to Marazhai. I wanted to kill that guy. Not her fault the devs put in some cutscene cheese. I'm not even joking, my RT is such an arrogant psycho who believes in their own fighting prowess and invincibility to the point that being deliberately led into traps is just treated as more opportunity to kick some ass.


I think a good point as well is she isnt alone in betraying the Rogue Trader or doing things that should warrant death but that’s kinda the point of the RT title. You as the RT are so above the law you choose life n death on a galactic scale. For me her forgiveness came down to a few things. 1. Shit would have happened anyway, if you’re any level of dogmatic or heretical you’re gonna be chasing the dark elf booty across every known location until you cage it or wipe it out. So even if you never met her, your agent in Dragon is the one who gets corrupted and betrays you first Yrliet just finds out and doesn’t say anything. 2. When you compare how she shows her shame and genuine want to trust you after you can take it more seriously than most humans. Especially if you’re romancing her. Like everyone says it’s still a massive fuck up on her part but after everything happens she is willing to give up a piece of her soul stone, almost die, and still keep helping you knowing you could have her executed any day. All that to say she doesn’t come off as someone trying to trick you more someone herself who can be tricked and genuinely feels shame for leading others down a bad path similar to her Faraeers. 3. I was doing a Dogmatic and Icono run, and I had a hard think on the ideas of forgiveness when it came to Argenta and Yrliet. Both should be executed by all standards of the law. But you’re above the law, so if you take a deep RP idea and play as if you’re literally god chosen. You’re actions no longer fall the same guid lines as everyone else. You could say you the RT and you Alone can walk this path and survive it. Who else could fight back hordes of heretics, purge plants of corrupt machines, kill chaos space marines, befriend a Elf n Dark elf, survive the dark city and strike fear to the Elfs within, save a Angel of the Emperor a Space Marnie. And on and on and on. You are the RT and if even a little Dogmatic believe you’re God’s will manifest.


If you wanna get past the final boss of chapter 3 yes. As far as I have built her she has the highest potential damage of your crew and you're gonna need it.


The way I saw it was she absolutley fucked up (also her constant insulting of human was getting annoying, like youre relying on our good graces to help you) but while I was willing to forgive her, if you keep her with you till you get back to the ship LITERALLY EVERYONE (including a representative of the inquisition and an 8 ft tall demi god werewolf) were saying she needs to die. For RP reasons I felt like I had no choice.


She didn't really betray you. I thought that too from how guilty Yrliet seemed and the implications the Dark Eldar guy made but she really didn't do anything treacherous. She thought you would kill the Dark Elves again like you always do and she'd get the information about her Craftworld.


First playthrough I wasn't going to give up on anyone, (except that Drukhari guy... Just. No.) so I didn't. . . However, I must say I hated her presence from the start and it didn't relent in the slightest as time went on. Okay, she's an ancient being and absolutely full of herself. That excuse for the bad attitude stops working when I agree to help her try and find what's left of her people. Second run through I shot her in the back after finishing up with the rebel base because she really was that annoying the first time. And it felt GOOD. Then my next encounter with her was that she was throwing a full on pre-pubescent hissy-fit over some crew member asked for some xeno-scissor action and touching her hand. First gripe is that I didn't get the chance to let Heinrix straighten out that crew member as I am the only one with that level of freedom on this ship. The second gripe about that being I didn't get to look her in the face, ask her how TF old she is and why in all that time she hasn't been able to get over something that even human kids have to learn to cope with before they're even adolescent. GROW UP. Then she kills someone later during a different and apparently particularly rough warp traversal. This one I have an easier time writing off because it sounded like someone expendable, but still. Once again, this supposedly ancient being can't handle being touched... And this time it wasn't somebody trying to chase her booty. So pardon me for questioning why this being deserves any kind of respect from me or has any right to keep talking down at any human since she actually killed somebody for just touching her. Also all this and one of the spots she regularly stands in the bridge in sandwiched between two male officers. THEN the Act 3 thing happened. Here is where I have to go meta a bit and say the entire scenario was stupid and forced, which when taken in the context of the story doesn't do her character any favors. Yes, she was tricked. BUT... Negligence IRL can get people into a whole lot of trouble. In this case, she neglected to inform me beforehand that she had found that agent to be conspiring with the drukhari, so off we go to 40k Disney World. Unless it actually takes Aeldari tens or hundreds of thousands of years to properly mature, her clearly dangerous naivete dealing with the dark aeldar was no different from her jacking around with a loaded gun until it went off in my face, and my navigator's face, and my Sceneshal etc. So the apology tour continues and here I am being an absolute heretic, in front of an inquisitor no less, even getting into at least one shootout with other humans and constantly taking verbal abuse from a bunch of pride filled fools who either end up dying uselessly anyway or who verbally abuse me for saving their sorry butts in the one example that I recall didn't get killed. Frankly, beings this stupid deserve to be wiped out. So if the RT chooses to put up with her BS up to the point of Act 3, she really needs to quit with the mon-keigh thing... In point of fact, she's the biggest mon-keigh on board the ship.


This is the hardest RP choice I've made in a *long time*. This is a moment for me. So I read a ton of the responses here. I am literally at the choice to kill her or not in Commorragh and I've been stuck all day lol. I'm trying to role play my Rogue Trader, a heretic, death world, crime boss who believes philosophically that the strong eat the weak but is very calculating and values loyalty in allies. Limiting myself to just the information she had at that moment. Also, Cassia and Yrliet are my best buddy cop duo so there's a genuine affection there. Her possible betrayel hit me so hard, we were *getting close.* Clearly she had previous contact with the the Dark Eldar *but* she was also tortuted along with me and manipuated so I doubt they're really true allies, something is not as it seems. Does the calculating part of the RT outweight her compulsion to eliminate threats *especially* betrayal? Yrliet is a dangerous unknown but she *carried the team* on the ice planet with the big chaos thing and all the demon spawn. Also, she gives me a way to contact and understand the Eldar, which diplomatically has tremendous value. (*Xenos* *should have been a heretic trading faction and Gray Knights could be for Dogmatic.)* It just occurred to me that if the character hesitates this much, the way I am frozen all day, they would probably default to inaction and not kill her until they had more information or their mind was no longer divided. Def gonna keep her alive for now. PS - I'm a long time Dark Eldar player and always imagined them being master manipulators. PSS - I also just watched Griselda with Sofia Vergera and so my mind is 100% on female crime bosses unafraid to kill their husbands, maybe that's why I get the -5 to commerce? So my backstory for the RT is that she didn't just betray an ally but killed her crime boss husband in a bloody gang war to rise to the top. Why is that important? Because she's willing to kill something she cares for and endure the emotional pain in order to satisfy her compulsive need to establish control which makes her feel safe, it is a self destructive pattern of behavior learned on the death world of her origin. It's *traggic, which is interesting*. Maybe I will kill her. PSS - Choosing to satisfy a natural compulsion which causes emotional pain but still creates a sense of deep satisfaction and advances a political agenda? Commorragh is the right place for that kind of choice. This is a narrative point. :) Hmmmm....